Mobile Numerology Master Sheet

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Find Lucky Number and Enemy number from your King number
King No Lucky No Enemy No Hard Core Enemy No Neutral No
1 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 8 6, 4, 7
2 1, 3, 5 9, 4 8 6, 2, 7
3 1, 2, 3, 5, 7* 6 7*, 8, 9, 4
4 1, 6, 7, 8*, 4* 9, 2, 4*, 8* 3, 5
5 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 4
6 4, 5, 6, 7 3 3 8, 9, 2, 1
7 1, 4, 5, 6 3, 8, 9, 2, 7
8 3, 5, 6, 4*, 8* 1, 2, 4*, 8* 1, 2 9, 7
9 1, 3, 5 4, 2 9, 8, 7, 6

Number Combos Effect/Symptoms

If number repeats 3 or more time, than only its repeatable and effect will be significant
11 Emotional, Ego, Attitude, communication and speaking fast
22 Mood swing, Depression, to much Emotional, BP problem, If name starting with B,K, R than 100% Emotional issue
33 Hungary for Knowledge, Less Grounded
44 Delay, Struggle, Headache
55 Lazy, lethargic, communication and money can increase
66 Luxury lover, Travelling, At time not allowed to use at need
77 Mood swings, Internal Disturbances, Spirituality, Over Thinking, Anxiety
88 Delay, Disturbance, Obstacles
99 Debt, Anger, Blood related issues, skin colour red tone, children can have this combo
Good Combos
12 Attractive face, saving person, Helpful life partner
13 31 Good Advisor, Good Education, Respectful and Popular, Special in his circle, 31 combination makes person Professional
15 51 Father's popularity, Generally these people make their father famous (good cause)
25 52 Hath me Shaffa, Can work in occult science/Medical line, One who gives Bail to others, Success through Air-Travel, Try to avoid stuff related to Finance
29 92 Person have decent amount of Money, Live happily on the money of Someone else, Native might become egoistic, If DOB 29 Relationship issues
37 73 Complete personality, person would be able to take benefit from knowledge
38 83 Real Estate, Counsellor, Peacemaker or mediator between Two parties
47 74 Honest, Brilliant, gives importance of Integrity, Rahu-Ketu Combo
57 75 Speaker, writer, Public relation, Good Expressive person, Lot of person comes to them for Advice
69 96 Good management skill, Good Planner, Opposite Sex involvement
78 87 Healer, Idealistic, Solve any problem by own power
Neutral combos
Money related work is never stopped, There is someone in close circle who is in Govt. job, Person might be working in MNC and getting good facilities ex private- Good facilities/Work
17 71 from Home, Chances of 2 Marriage , More profit from Lying, If DOB has many 7, than don't chose this combo, If 2,5,6 missing in DOB and Mobile has 17/71 will give major relationship
19 91 You own what u want, Always on a high place, Professional person, Rasukhdar, Freedom Lover
21 Attractive face, waste of Money
24 42 Keep patience to achieve something, Makes different plans and brain actively processing those plans, negative/destructive thinking
35 53 Native gets success away from Home, Fear of Father, Hence Successful, Good Economical Condition, Liquid money problem
36 63 More of Principal oriented person, Barrier in Studies , Good knowledge but native will struggle in presentation
39 93 Loves to show-off, Person will have a lots of Duality in nature
49 94 Do risky work , Uniform work, Criminal minded
56 65 Hesitate to ask own money, Apke ghar ke pass koi big landmark he kya Mandir/Superstore, Business minded
58 85 Money stuck , Calculated mind, Person doing some work related to Money/Finance, Talks about Lakhs and Crores
59 95 Destroy relationship through Bad speech , Person opt for Science or commerce stream
79 97 Success after separation from Father
Malefic/Most Negative/Very Negative Combos
14 41 Person can get attracted to Loan liabilities, Legal Notice, Health issues, Hard work, Toughness Number
16 61 (Most Negative) Spouse health issues, married life issues, income confined (Owners have less income at the time of having this mo. No.)
18 81 (Very Negative) Spouse health issue, understanding issues in father & son, Govt. related issue, change in job frequently
23 32 Generally many enemy but none of them will be able to harm he native
26 62 Barrier in Studies or Break in education , Girl- Problem with mother in law, Attraction towards money or opposite sex, Chances of less Sperm count or Diabetes
27 72 Good intuition, Joint pain Or Urine related disease, Arthritis (Vaat Issue)
28 82 Person have decent amount of Money, Excessive Medical/Hospital Expenditure, 2 marriage s in the Family, Try to avoid Bad company it can Harm you, Vish yog
34 43 Legs shivering, Paralysis to someone in the family, Breathing related issues to person, if DOB has 3 or more times 8 than don't take this combo
45 54 Needs to visit Hospital visits for different medical reasons and Court for different issues, Life with Restrictions
46 64 Extra relationship, Inter-cast marriage, UT infection
48 84 (Very Negative) Blood related disease, Incurable problems, Deficiency in sexual pleasure
67 76 Chances of Love marriage, Issue in Spouse health, Chances of disturbed married life
68 86 Eye Problem, Issue in any one organ of Body… If multiple 1 in DOB than don’t recommend this combo
89 98 Argumentative, Works with Principle, Person might get chronic issue in later part of life

Mobile number total Total preference Need/Purpose

1 46>64>37>55 Job related issue, Govt. related issue, No respect & Fame in Life, Somewhat Health issue, Want authority, Career, Politics, Profession
3 66>39>30 Knowledge to conceive, Overall Prosperity, Teaching, To make you Lucky, Health
5 41>32>50>59 Over all Balance in life, Education, Good for profession, Business, Communication, Money Flow
6 42>24>33>60 42 for marriage , Over all Luxury, 33 Abroad, Foreign Travel , Relationship, To increase money flow,
Avoid/ Don’t select: 14,41,16,61,18,81,23,32,26,62,27,72,28,82,34,43,45,54,46,64,48,84,67,76,68,86,89,98,36,63,49,94,58,85,00,000,0000,99,999,88,8 88,77,777,666,555,444,44,333,22,222,111

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