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Assignment: 01

Submission: Nov 07, 2023

Creating a presentation on Egyptian art, motifs, and pottery is a great way to investigate into the rich
and ancient culture of Egypt. (2 Min and Max 5 slides,)
Title: Exploring Egyptian Art, Motifs, and Pottery
 Provide a brief overview of ancient Egyptian art and its significance.
Section 1: Egyptian Art
Art Forms
 Describe the different forms of Egyptian art, including sculptures, paintings, and relief carvings.
 Explain the materials and techniques used in these art forms.
Characteristics of Egyptian Art
 Discuss the key characteristics of Egyptian art
 How did these characteristics serve a cultural or religious purpose?
Section 2: Motifs in Egyptian Art
 Explain the importance of motifs in Egyptian art and how they reflect their culture.
Hieroglyphs and Symbolism
 Explain the use of hieroglyphs and symbols in Egyptian art.
 How did hieroglyphs contribute to the preservation of Egyptian culture and history?
Common Motifs
 Identify and describe common motifs in Egyptian art, such as the Ankh, the Eye of Horus, and
the lotus flower. What do these motifs represent,
Religious Motifs
 Explore the role of religious motifs in Egyptian art.
 Discuss how gods, goddesses, and religious symbols were incorporated into art to convey
spiritual beliefs.
Section 3: Egyptian Pottery
 Introduce the role of pottery in ancient Egypt.
Types of Egyptian Pottery
 Explain the different types of pottery made in ancient Egypt, such as red ware, black-topped
ware, and faience.
 Discuss the functions of these pottery types.
Pottery Decorations
 Describe the decorative techniques and motifs used on Egyptian pottery.
Utilitarian and Ritual Use
 Discuss the practical and ritual purposes of Egyptian pottery.
Summarize the key findings of your presentation. Keep it brief but knowledgeable.

Subject supervisor
Shabnam Majeed

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