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Name; SaaHak ishwakanma

Bnaneh eleti cal brgineeig

D RAM: Random Acceys, Memey is high speed ,volatik memey
wse tu store the
steeard pces temmpa dode . RAMIS typically cuoooty g
pesatig ysem aplicahun rgrans and dat that lampter is
RoM: Pead Dng memen i nun olattle memayHt pemanently
ingthuctuh fen comyten. RoH netaiy its meme even fter computer is

) MASK Rom: Contets ane paegpanmed by Hhe IC menfactner olii ng

fabarcatin -ts not wses-ogamna ble
Poqamralde Ron: Alampter mereny chp that Can be pogamimed
ay len ts crestee. eg: ompten BDoain carycmputes
Esdsable Bragammabe Roy: Ais phoghammed clecticaly ad can be ehosc
e yv-eP RuM hich is pragammed ota hrghvdltege crd erased by
shintg uv hbt Hooug4the indow on the ehip
Ele tnicalyEyade Progmmable Ron: Stere duta is non eotile and can
be eraed on a
byte-y-bye basis
One ime rogamable Ron: Aspectal sPe a ron wlatile memay lnvn)
that penmts dota to be wniten to memy only Une .Once He
has bem phogramed ,it netaly its vale upon ss al powe meroy
Statie RAM: Dynamre RAM:
hedeup of flip flups ade up capacitos
Small 1n sre
Losteage capacihy
Corgme moe power Caune \es poen
Fant Slow
Doka bses ith time janeed nefneshivg Gncait
Dat sheed in formavolg
Much enpensue as compered to Les experve as Compand to statre RAM

Ro ROM Ron

Dy | Ds De? Decinel

6L, 63

6) Alg) 23.5,6)Blouyy,) }losd,c(ayzls)


Ay'ztNztgz' C: nytty'zt y




|Reod spo
Spantn Dual pant RAM I9atipe af memang h otth tawned rik pts
hot ae Be ponately addesed and shose a common block -Dech pot an
be Confgned indepedenty ef a Hheoten.
Deat port RAM com be sed fan FIfos ondsoath pods .Video RAM
nou fons of dual potedyname RAHh uset faandeo
3) x lin Spatan xL chips oe fathen enhancemet el Spaotan chips
which e wsable) and og -chip disibuted seled RAM nema .The
loolup taas af He desices canjmplenent 2 feret frcou gn tnpds
He xL seri, is langeted far apelicatos fan which lw laat,bw poes,
poceging ond lou test tos are impastot factes onbalnig he
desgn span XL doves er plo to mHzsystem pofomae by
iwinoduinglangen pot
PAL (propumina bleaag lagi)
"They boace
oe ypes rogmamalde lagtedeite (PLD<)
AL ona)s o proyamae Awbaman saloed y a foned o Rqate.

PLA rs mere tomplex devie homPL but it a ers mareflenibil

Ond Camimplementaice nang lugre funeti
Cn pesie
Evample: PAL Gan be uscd e implemet Hhe lagic gtratf lght omboles
PLA Canbe yeolto Tmplemet helagre a drgi a (amoa.
l) Thoe ane 3furdoneal ypes a standand hopamabe Legic device
Dogs amable Read On ten (pRoH)
PROM has fined Ao oa ond poqamable OR asry It igsed to
stane dalta tot Canmet ke changed.Typi cally sed fen the applicati ehs hot
seaine a frned set data sych as louk up tables ncode

PAL ha mopammable ADaay and fned oRa y (an be wsed

tuimplement any conbinottonal lgic funeti om . PAL's ane gpi Cally sed
fan smallsimple applicatios such as decodes muhplenes,tantes
65) hgainade logic Aroay (PLA)
PLA hos progpammable ArD oay and
Can be wsed to mpleet any cambinationalprnoamnasle ORooos
loqie functun as well a
2eqnentral lagic functin an can be impleneted wih afp lap.
and contulle
Conplen applrcaiov Such as slate mchi hes

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