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W 2 - Create your own Pokémon

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The following activity will allow you to apply the SCAMPER technique to generate a character from a living
being or object / base profession which was previously investigated.

The teacher must review your research and this completed document during class for you to receive the
corresponding grade.

1. Answer the following questions based on what you have learned in class and your research.

• Roughly speaking, what does the SCAMPER technique consist of?

• Write an example of a product (eg, character, object, service) in which you think this technique was applied.
Describe how it was applied

• Ser vivo y objeto / profesión que investigaste:

• Write the characteristics of the living being and the object or profession that most caught your attention:

• The physical characteristics of an animal or an object are directly linked to its behavior or use.
Write an example that you find in the animal or object you investigated:

Ex. Anteaters have a long thin tongue to eat termites

1. Let’s use the SCAMPER principles SUBSTITUTE
• Fill in with each SCAMPER principle.

• Write down how it would help to your Pokémon


• Intregrate elements from the profession that

you chose into your design.



2. Materialize your Pokémon from the previous exercise, select at least two of the changes.

• Draw sketches showing your Pokémon. use color

• You can make a lot of sketches, at this moment it doesn't matter if they are “clean” the important thing is
that you explore your ideas.

• Briefly describe your Pokémon's abilities.



Based on what you did today, you will develop the entry of the Pokédex of your Pokémon, it must
include the final drawing, its name and description (habitat, behavior, physical characteristics).

You must deliver it in the canvas task, as well as the photo of the stamps that validate your research
and class work.

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