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Landscape and Urban Planning 161 (2017) 103–114

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Research Paper

Urban heat islands as agricultural opportunities: An innovative

Alexander D. Waffle a , Robert C. Corry a , Terry J. Gillespie b , Robert D. Brown c,∗
Landscape Architecture, School of Environmental Design, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada
School of Environmental Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada
Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

• The urban climate of Toronto is considerably warmer than it was a century ago.
• The warming is a result of urbanization and not global climate change.
• Growing degree days in Toronto have increased from 1000 to 1500.
• Crops can be grown in Toronto that would not survive in nearby rural areas.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many cities are experiencing an Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect and a substantial amount of research
Received 31 August 2016 has focused on ameliorating those conditions. However, few studies have proposed taking advantage of
Received in revised form 6 January 2017 them. This research investigated the potential for growing food crops in hot urban microclimates that
Accepted 25 January 2017
would not grow successfully in the surrounding rural area.
Available online 10 February 2017
Growing degree days (GDDs) and grapevine winter hardiness were used to simulate how the UHI
might affect plant growth in Toronto, Canada. Modelled leaf temperature was used to analyze urban
microclimate variability and implications for plant growth.
Landscape architecture
Urban design
GDDs in Toronto have increased from an average around 1000 in the mid-1800’s to an average around
Microclimate 1500 today, but have remained unchanged in the rural area outside the city. The urbanization of Toronto
Urban agriculture has caused longer, hotter growing seasons, and warmer winters. Given the appropriate microclimate
combined with UHI effects Toronto could likely support the growth of warmer-climate crops that would
not otherwise grow successfully in Ontario.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction due to tall buildings increasing surface area; more of the solar radi-
ation is stored as sensible heat due to higher thermal admittance
More than half of the world’s population lives in urban of hard surfaces; less terrestrial, or long-wave, radiation is lost due
areas and it is expected that the percentage will to continue to restricted sky view factor; there is less evapotranspiration from
rise (World Health Organization, 2014). Heightened temperatures soil, plants, and open water as these are replaced by hard surfaces;
within urban areas compared to the surrounding rural areas, known there is less wind at ground level meaning the heated air does not
as the urban heat island (UHI) effect, have been well-documented dissipate as quickly, and; there is anthropogenic heat exhausted
(Alcoforado & Matzarakis, 2010; Dimoudi, Kantzioura, Zoras, Pallas, from buildings, automobiles, and other sources (Oke, 1987).
& Kosmopoulos, 2013; Maloley, 2010; Voogt & Oke, 2003) and are As the variables above vary greatly from site to site so does the
experienced in cities around the world. intensity of the UHI. Although air temperatures tend to remain
The reasons that urban areas are warmer than rural areas are relatively homogenous as wind mixes and moves the air, sunny
well understood. These include: more solar radiation is absorbed sites that have large amounts of paving and very little vegetation
often have much higher levels of both solar and terrestrial radiation
(Brown, 2010; Oke, 1987).
The urban heat island can affect the growth cycle of plants
∗ Corresponding author.
when compared to their growth in rural areas (Jochner, Alves-
E-mail address: (R.D. Brown).
0169-2046/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
104 A.D. Waffle et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 161 (2017) 103–114

eigenheer, & Patr, 2013; Mimet, Pellissier, Quénol, & Aguejdad, ature range for photosynthesis (Burke & Upchurch, 1989). If there
2009). Urban agriculture, then, has different climatic opportuni- is an insufficient supply of water or temperatures exceed the cool-
ties and constraints compared to rural agriculture that need to be ing abilities of transpiration, stomata are closed to preserve water
understood. and photosynthesis is limited or stopped altogether (Flexas et al.,
Much attention has been placed on mitigating the effects of the 2012).
UHI; however, there has been very little work that attempts to take Plants adapted to different climates have different optimum leaf
advantage of it. This study proposes the UHI be explored for its temperatures for photosynthesis (Dawson, 2005). Wheat has been
advantage. The longer and warmer growing season and the milder found to have an optimum leaf temperature around 25 ◦ C (Kobza
winters that are found in major urban centres could potentially & Edwards, 1987) whereas habanero pepper was found to have
provide enough climatic difference to grow foods that would not an optimum leaf temperature of 30–35 ◦ C (Garruña-Hernández,
grow successfully in the rural areas surrounding the city. Orellana, Larque-Saavedra, & Canto, 2014).
This study analyzed the urban climate of Toronto, Ontario, and Using a leaf temperature equation (Oke, 1987) and a leaf tem-
compared the findings to that of a nearby rural control – Elora, perature model by Dawson and Tu (2005) urban leaves with good
Ontario. Grapevines were used to test the effect of the urban access to sunlight will be, on average, warmer than their rural
climate on winter survival, date of budbreak, and time to matu- counterparts due to higher air temperatures, lower wind speeds
ration/harvest. Grapevines were chosen because of the extensive (less convective cooling), more terrestrial radiation received from
amount of available information on the climatic requirements. Such surrounding buildings and paved surfaces, and reduced radiative
information is not readily available for other crops. cooling caused by a lower SVF. Reduced solar radiation, caused by
Toronto is a very culturally-diverse city, almost half of Toronto’s urban air pollution, will slightly reduce the temperature of a sunlit
population identifies themselves as having a native language other leaf; however, the models predict that the warming tendencies of
than English or French (Statistics Canada, 2011). With this cultural urban areas will outweigh the reduced solar radiation. A leaf that
diversity comes a large demand for ethno-cultural foods, most of is located in a shady location, such as to the north of a tall building,
which are currently imported resulting in lower quality produce would receive little to no direct solar radiation and this would lead
(Filson, Adekunle, & Sethuratnam, 2008). Many of the ethnic foods to significantly reduced average leaf temperatures.
that are identified as being in demand in Toronto can be grown Soil temperatures determine when agricultural seeds can be
locally. Some, however, require a warmer climate or longer growing sown in the spring with typical minimums ranging from about
season than the southern Ontario climate can provide. Filson et al. 1.5 ◦ C to 16 ◦ C and optimums typically ranging from 24 ◦ C to
(2008) identify an immediate need for information about growing 35 ◦ C (Kemble & Musgrove, 2006). Increased soil temperatures
the ethnic fruits and vegetables that are identified as being in high can accelerate seed germination and plant growth (Anderson &
demand. McNaughton, 1973; Bachmann, 2005). Urban soils are on aver-
It is possible, then, that the UHI coupled with the right age 0.5–3.0 ◦ C warmer than rural soils with the greatest difference
microclimate could allow for some of the demand for warmer- occurring at night (Klene, Nelson, & Hinkel, 2012; Tang et al.,
climate ethnic foods to be produced locally. This would reduce 2011; Ziska, Bunce, & Goins, 2004). Urban soil temperatures are
the travel-related fuel consumption, provide fresher produce to the more variable than rural soils, one study found soil temperatures
consumers, and create a niche market for current or new farmers. in some urban sites to be as high as 8 ◦ C warmer than the rural
The heightened temperatures of the UHI are not evenly dis- soil (Tang et al., 2011). Plastic ‘mulches’ are a common practice
tributed throughout urban areas. Decreased Sky View Factor (SVF), in market and organic farms to increase soil temperatures, among
which is the amount of sky that is visible from a given location, other benefits. Plastic mulches can increase soil temperature for
and increased proportion of impervious surfaces are both cited as warmer-climate crops in cooler climates, and they can maintain soil
being good indicators of UHI intensity (Chen et al., 2012; Oke, 1987; temperatures at acceptable ranges during the cooler shoulder sea-
Stewart & Oke, 2012). sons – effectively extending the growing period (Bachmann, 2005).
Urban conditions have been shown to have an effect on plant Black plastic mulch can raise soil temperature by around 3 ◦ C, a
phenology, the recurring phases of plant life-cycle events (Jochner similar increase to urbanization (Orzolek & Lamont, n.d.).
et al., 2013; Mimet et al., 2009). These studies have reported Many perennial plants in temperate climates acclimate and
that urban conditions cause earlier onset of various phenological deacclimate to below-freezing temperatures, being able to with-
phases, primarily spring phases. Mimet et al. (2009) found that the stand colder temperatures in the middle of winter than at the
phenological phases were more variable in urban areas than in rural beginning or end (Thomashow, 1999). Acclimation and deacclima-
areas, but urban trees consistently flowered before their rural coun- tion rates and initial and maximum cold hardiness temperatures
terparts. Both Jochner et al. (2013) and Mimet et al. (2009) reported are known for many grape varieties. This, paired with weather data,
that air temperature has the greatest effect on plant phenology; makes it possible to predict what temperature would cause damage
specifically that the reduced diurnal temperature range (daily max. to grapevine buds at a given time and when budbreak will occur in
– daily min. temp.) within urban areas is the main cause for the the spring (Ferguson, Tarara, Mills, Grove, & Keller, 2011; Ferguson,
advanced spring phenological phases. This is supported by the fact Moyer, Mills, Hoogenboom, & Keller, 2013).
that long warm nights have been found to induce accelerated flow- Existing literature discusses the climatic effects of the urban
ering in food crops (Papadakis, 1975). Accelerated flowering in food heat island; however, it is unclear how these changes might influ-
crops, however, can have negative impacts such as low yields or tall, ence what types of food crops could be grown in urban areas. There
weak plants. Selecting crops that tolerate, or even prefer, warmer is a need for research that quantifies the agricultural implications
nights may prove to be an important step in choosing crops that of the urban heat island and different urban microclimates.
could take advantage of the urban heat island. The purpose of this research was to explore the possibility of
During photosynthesis leaves open their stomata to allow CO2 growing, in Toronto, warmer-climate crops that would not per-
from the air to enter and O2 from the leaf to exit, and in the form well in the surrounding rural areas. To achieve this, the UHI
process transpire water vapour. Transpiration helps regulate the was separated from global climate change by comparing historic
temperature of leaves by evaporative cooling, higher transpiration weather data from Toronto to that of a rural control. GDDs, Frost
rates occurring at higher temperatures (Flexas et al., 2012). When Free Days (FFDs), predicted budbreak date, and winter hardiness
plants have adequate water supply they adjust transpiration rates
as needed in an attempt to keep leaves within the optimum temper-
A.D. Waffle et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 161 (2017) 103–114 105

Fig. 1. Locations of the weather stations used. Both Toronto stations and three of the four Elora stations have the same coordinates, hence fewer points on the map than
station names in the table.

were used to analyze climate. Leaf temperature was used to analyze in other words, separating global climate change from the urban
the added impact of different microclimates. heat island effect.

2. Methods
2.1. Growing degree days and frost-Free days
Daily temperature data from a weather station in Toronto, from
Temperature data were used to calculate Growing Degree Days
1840 to 2014, and a rural control, from 1885 to 2014 (Table 1
(GDDs) and Frost Free Days (FFDs) for both locations across the
and Fig. 1) were collected from the Government of Canada web-
entire range of available years. GDDs are the accumulation of heat
site (Environment Canada, n.d.). Toronto was chosen because it is a
throughout the growing season. They are calculated by subtracting
large urban area (about 2.8 million people) that is known to experi-
a base temperature from the daily mean temperature.
ence an urban heat island effect. The location of the Toronto station
was very rural in 1840 but is now in the middle of a large city. Elora
was chosen as a control because it is a rural area that is relatively  daily max +dailymin 
close to Toronto (approximately 80 km west) and it has weather GDD = − BaseTemperature (1)
data dating back to the late 1800‘s. Four stations near Elora were
used in the study because no single station was without missing
data; two stations in Elora, one in Fergus, and one in Guelph. All four GDDs accumulate every day that the mean temperature is above
stations were within 20 km of each other and can be expected to the base temperature; if the daily mean is less than the base temper-
have experienced similar climatic conditions, and all remain rural. ature, a value of 0 is added to the total GDDs. GDDs were calculated
Weather data from 1970, a year when the Elora, Fergus, and Guelph from April 1st to October 31st using 10 ◦ C as a base tempera-
stations all had complete data, were used to analyze the similarity ture, typical parameters for grapevines in the northern hemisphere
of the data. There were 35 less GDDs in Fergus than Elora in 1970 (Mussell, Willwerth, & Fisher, 2011; Shaw, 2001).
and 41 more GDDs in Guelph than Elora. It was decided that for FFDs, when calculated for grapevines, are the number of con-
the purpose of illustrating long-term change in rural weather that secutive days with a minimum temperature above −2 ◦ C (Mussell
these were acceptable differences. et al., 2011; Shaw, 2001).
Weather data from the rural site were used to understand how GDDs and FFDs were used to illustrate the change in growing
the climate has changed in Southern Ontario without the influ- season climate in Toronto compared to the change in the rural con-
ence of major, local development changes – changes that could be trol. Theoretically, any change in the control could be subtracted
attributed to global climate change. This allowed the extent of the from the change in Toronto to remove global climate change and
urban influence on climate change in Toronto to be approximated; isolate change caused by the UHI.
106 A.D. Waffle et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 161 (2017) 103–114

Table 1
Environment Canada weather stations used. Data from Toronto ranged from 1840 to 2014, data from the rural control stations ranged from 1885 to 2014.

Station Location Latitude Longitude Elevation Dates used

Rural Control
Elora 43◦ 41 00.000” N 80◦ 24 00.000” W 388.30 m 1885–1895
Elora 43◦ 39 00.000” N 80◦ 25 00.000” W 376.40 m 1970–1993
Fergus 43◦ 44 05.088” N 80◦ 19 49.098” W 417.60 m 1940–1969
Guelph OAC 43◦ 31 00.000” N 80◦ 14 00.000” W 333.80 m 1899–1910
Toronto 43◦ 40 00.000” N 79◦ 24 00.000” W 112.50 m 1840–2014

currently grown in Ontario that were included in the model and it

has an early predicted budbreak date making it more susceptible
to spring frost damage.
Winter hardiness and predicted budbreak date were mod-
elled for Mourvédre over all available years of data for Toronto
(1840–2014) and the Rural Control (1885–2014). Winter hardiness
was illustrated by graphing the number of years in each decade
where the model predicted at least one occurrence of a minimum
temperature below the threshold temperature for 50% bud damage.
Predicted budbreak date results were averaged for each decade and
Winter hardiness and predicted budbreak date were used to
illustrate the change in winter climate in Toronto compared to the
change in the control. Theoretically, any change in the control could
be subtracted from the change in Toronto to remove global climate
change and isolate change caused by the UHI. It is important to
note that the control is not used as an illustration of Toronto’s cli-
mate pre-development. Toronto’s proximity to Lake Ontario would
likely create a different climate than that of the rural control with-
out considering the UHI. The purpose of the rural control was simply
to illustrate how much of the change in Toronto can be attributed
to the UHI and how much should be attributed to global climate

2.3. Leaf temperature

A leaf temperature model developed by Dawson and Tu (2005)

was adjusted to better account for urban parameters and used
to calculate urban and rural leaf temperatures. Input variables
Fig. 2. Winter Hardiness Model inputs. Temperature data area added by the user required by the model include external factors such as solar
for the season of interest. Grape variety inputs are included for each of the 23 grape (short-wave) radiation, air temperature, wind speed, terrestrial
varieties included in the model, the user simply selects the variety to test. (long-wave) radiation, anthropogenic heat (added) and leaf param-
eters such as size, orientation to sun, absorption coefficients, and
2.2. Winter hardiness and budbreak date stomatal resistance.
Leaf temperate was modelled to compare urban-rural differ-
A winter hardiness model for grapevine bud survival was cre- ences in the spring (mid-May), summer (mid-July), and autumn
ated by Ferguson et al. (2011) and improved upon by Ferguson et al. (mid-September and mid-October). Originally only May, July, and
(2013). The model uses minimum, maximum, and mean daily tem- September were modelled, each separated by two months, but it
perature inputs to estimate the temperature at which 50% of the was noticed that the range in average air temperatures would be
primary buds will be damaged, severely impacting the following greater if October was included. April was not included because
year’s growth. The model also predicts the date of budbreak in the most leaves do not appear until May in Southern Ontario.
spring. Because each grape variety has different climatic require- Monthly average minimum and maximum air tempera-
ments the predicted winter hardiness and date of budbreak is tures retrieved from the Environment Canada (n.d.) website for
variety dependent. Factors such as cold acclimation and deacclima- 2005–2014 from the rural control were used for the respective leaf
tion rates and initial and maximum cold hardiness will determine temperature calculations (Table 2). Rural air temperatures were
how the grapevines respond to different winter conditions and used for both rural and urban leaf temperature calculations to iso-
when budbreak occurs. Fig. 2 lists all model inputs; Fig. 3 illustrates late the microclimatic influences of protected urban sites on leaf
an example of the model output. temperature without adding the heightened air temperatures of
The grape variety Mourvédre was chosen as to test because it the urban heat island. Leaf temperature was modelled for sunny,
is less tolerant to mid-winter lows than all of the varieties that are partly cloudy, and cloudy conditions on the 15th of each of the four
A.D. Waffle et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 161 (2017) 103–114 107

Fig. 3. The Winter Hardiness Model output includes a graph and a corresponding table. If the Minimum temperature (T min) drops below the predicted Cold Hardiness
temperature (Hc), the model predicts that 50% or more of the primary buds would be killed.

Table 2
Leaf temperature model input variables.

Variable Rural (SVF 100%) Urban (SVF 70%, 50%, 30%)

Air temperature Monthly average of maximum and minimum daily Used same air temperatures as rural control
temperatures using 10 years of data (2005–2014) from the
Elora RCS station
Wind speed Monthly averages from Pearson International 1/3 of rural wind speed = 1.2 m/s (Alcoforado &
Airport = 3.5 m/s (not available from Elora) Matzarakis, 2010; Dimoudi et al., 2013)
Solar radiation Used values from Vanos (2011) as total solar radiation 90% of total rural amount
Sunny: 90% direct, 10% diffuse (Oke, 1987)
Partly cloudy: 50% direct, 50% dif.
Overcast: 10% direct, 90% dif.
Terrestrial radiation Sky: calculated using air temperature and proportion of SVF 70
cloud cover, 0, 50, and 100%. Top of leaf: Sky 70%, Ground 30%
Ground: calculated assuming ground temperature equal to Bottom: Ground 100%
air temperature. SVF 50
Sky to ground proportion: 100% sky (top of leaf), 100% Top: Sky 50%, Ground 50%
ground (bottom of leaf). Bottom: Ground 100%
SVF 30:
Sky 30%, Ground 70%
Bottom: Ground 100%
Anthropogenic Heat No anthropogenic heat added 40 W/m−2 (Oke, 1987)

months analyzed. A weighted average leaf temperature for each Anthropogenic heat was added to the urban leaf temperature
month was calculated using 40% sunny, 40% partly cloudy, and 20% equation using an average of 40 W/m−2 of additional energy in Oke
cloudy proportions. Soil and leaf water content were assumed to be (1987).
sufficient enough to not limit transpiration because an urban farm Urban areas typically receive 2–10% less short-wave radiation
would likely have irrigated crops. due to absorption and scattering by air pollution, even less in highly
Rural wind speeds used were the monthly averages from industrial cities (Oke, 1987; Valero 2008). To account for this, solar
the Toronto Pearson International Airport station (Environment radiation values calculated by Vanos (2011) using a method devel-
Canada, n.d.). Urban wind speeds are highly variable due to the oped by Brown and Gillespie (1995) were reduced by 10% for urban
complex distribution of urban structures; however, wind speeds leaf temperature calculations. Hard surfaces absorb solar radiation
are typically 1/3 to 1/5 of nearby rural areas but cities can have areas from the sun and emit it as long-wave radiation. Plants also emit
where wind speeds are higher due to tunnelling effects (Alcoforado long-wave radiation; however, much of the short-wave radiation
& Matzarakis, 2010; Dimoudi et al., 2013). Urban wind speed was they receive is used for photosynthesis or converting water within
set at 1/3 of the rural value for the leaf temperature model. the leaves into vapour, reducing the long-wave radiation emitted.
108 A.D. Waffle et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 161 (2017) 103–114

Leaves in urban areas receive more net long-wave radiation as a

result. This is increased in areas where much of the sky is blocked
by walls. Leaves receive more energy from a warm wall than they
do from the relatively cool sky. Sky View Factor (SVF) is a measure
of the amount of the sky that is visible from 0 to 100%. A lower SVF
results in more long-wave radiation received by a plant. A sunlit
wall can be many degrees above air temperature, even double the
air temperature is not uncommon (Oke, 1987). Wall surface tem-
peratures vary greatly depending on the time of day, orientation to
the sun, material, and the colour. The sky typically radiates around
200 to 300W/m2 (Brown, 2010; Campbell & Norman, 1998), a sur-
face at 20 ◦ C would radiate around 400 W/m2 and a surface at 40 ◦ C
would radiate around 500 W/m2 . Due to this variability of urban
surface temperatures, air temperature was used as a conservative
wall and ground temperature in the model.
Total terrestrial radiation received by the leaf was calculated
Fig. 4. Difference in leaf temperature between an urban (Sky View Factor 50%) and
using weighted combinations of terrestrial radiation from the
a rural scenario (Sky View Factor 100%) compared to air temperature. Average air
ground or buildings (LGND ) (Eq. (2)) (Oke, 1987) and terrestrial radi- temperatures are from the rural control for mid-May, mid-July, mid-September,
ation from the sky (LSKY ) (Eq. (3)): and mid-October. The difference in leaf temperature was used to add the expected
microclimate effect to the total growing degree days of Toronto. Accumulated over
LGND = TAIR (2) the entire season these minor increases have a much larger affect.

LSKY = εtotal × TAIR (3)
3D virtual models were built in SketchUp to understand the rela-
Where  is Stefan-Boltzmann constant tionship between SVF and hours of sunlight. Two extensions, LSS
(5.67 × 10−8 W/m2 K−4 ), TAIR is the air temperature in Kelvin Chrololux (Bannov, 2013) and SunHours (Hall, 2015), were used to
and εtotal is the combined emissivity of clear and cloudy sky (Eq. calculate SVF and hours of sunlight, respectively. An optimum site
(4)) (Campbell & Norman, 1998). layout was developed to illustrate the characteristics of a hot urban
microclimate that would maximize expected GDDs for crops.
L100 = (LSKY × 1.0) + (LGND × 1.0) (4)

Where C is the proportion of cloud cover, from zero to one. 3. Results

Total terrestrial radiation for the rural scenario (L100 ) with a SVF
of 100%, is shown in Eq. (5): Growing degree days in Toronto have increased from an aver-
age of around 1000 in the mid 1800s to over 1500 today, while
L100 = (LSKY × 1.0) + (LGND × 1.0) (5) there has been negligible change, remaining at an average around
Sky and ground terrestrial radiation are both multiplied by 1 1000, in the rural control over a similar timeframe (Fig. 5). Simi-
because the leaf receives 100% of the sky’s radiation on top of the larly, the frost-free period has increased by over 9 weeks in Toronto
leaf and 100% of the ground’s radiation on the bottom of the leaf. but has remained unchanged in the rural control (Fig. 6). Table 3
Terrestrial radiation for the moderately built-up urban scenario compares Toronto of the mid 1800s and Toronto today to wine
with a SVF of 50% (L50 ) is shown in Eq. (6): regions of the world. Toronto’s climate in the mid 1800s was similar
to wine regions in Canada and Germany. Toronto’s climate today,
L50 = (LSKY × 0.5) + (LGND × 1.5) (6) however, is more similar to wine regions of New Zealand and South-
ern France, meeting the climatic requirements for warmer-climate
For SVF 50% the top of the leaf receives half of its terrestrial radiation
grape varieties. It is important to note that this does not mean that
from the sky and the other half from the buildings (calculated as
Toronto could produce good wine, just that the some of the major
ground), the bottom of the leaf still receives all of its radiation from
climatic requirements for growth and fruit maturation are being
the ground.
Fig. 4 shows the difference in leaf temperature between the rural
Predicted budbreak date for Mourvédre grapevines is now on
scenario (SVF 100%) and the moderately built-up urban scenario
average 18 days earlier in Toronto than in the mid 1800’s, again
(SVF 50%) at different average air temperatures (average monthly
remaining relatively unchanged in the rural control (Fig. 7). Win-
air temperatures of the months analyzed). There was a positive,
ter hardiness has been greatly improved in Toronto since the mid
linear correlation (R2 = 0.98) between average monthly air temper-
1800’s for Mourvédre grapevines, from 80% of winters being lethal
ature and the difference between urban and rural average monthly
to at least half of the primary buds down to only 25% of winters
leaf temperature. At an average air temperature of 20 ◦ C the leaf in
today (Fig. 8). Again, there has been negligible change in winter
the urban site is about 1 ◦ C warmer than the leaf in the rural site.
hardiness in the rural control. Mourvédre was chosen because it is
This correlation was used to recalculate GDDs for each of the
one of the least hardy varieties included in the winter hardiness
urban scenarios. GDDs were recalculated by combining the GDD
equation (Eq. (1)) with the equations from the corresponding trend-
Since the rural control has remained undeveloped over the
lines showing the difference between rural leaf temperature and
period of analysis any climatic changes would be due to global
the leaf temperatures of the urban scenario (Eqs. (7)–(9)):
climate change and not urbanization. Since there was negligi-
GDDF 70 = T AVG + (0.0462 (T AVG ) –0.1633) − 100 C (7) ble change to the parameters measured in the rural control the
increases in Toronto can reasonably be attributed to urbanization.
GDDSV F 50 = T AVG + (0.0465 (T AVG ) –0.0259) − 10 C (8) The small differences in leaf temperature (Fig. 4) add up over the
0 growing season to have considerable impact to the expected GDDs
GDDSV F 30 = T AVG + (0.0447 (T AVG ) + 0.1542) − 10 C (9)
(Fig. 9). A moderately built-up site can add the equivalent of more
Where TAVG is the average air temperature in ◦ C, and SVF is the Sky than 150 GDDs over the growing season to an urban plant when
View Factor with values of 70, 50 and 30 percent chosen for study. compared to an open urban site. Based on 3D modelling exper-
A.D. Waffle et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 161 (2017) 103–114 109

Fig. 5. Comparison of Growing Degree Days (GDDs) calculated from April 1st to October 31st using weather data from Toronto and the rural control. GDDs have increased
from an average of around 1000 to over 1500 in Toronto while remaining unchanged in the control. Pinot Grigio grapes need a minimum of 1200 GDDs, Merlot 1400, and
Shiraz 1700.

Fig. 6. Comparison of consecutive Frost Free Days (FFDs) (> −2 ◦ C) calculated using weather data from Toronto and the rural control. The frost free period in Toronto is
on-average 66 days earlier now than it was in the mid 1800s. Pinot Grigio needs a minimum of 150 FFDs, Merlot 180, Shiraz 200.

iments illustrating access to sunlight, it is expected that around tall buildings will have a similar pattern of sunlight hours and SVF
a SVF of 30% the GDDs would begin to decline again due to the as a smaller site surrounded by shorter buildings. The buildings to
limited access to sunlight, and therefore reduced average leaf tem- the east and west could be taller than the building to the south
peratures, even with ideal building orientation. while maintaining a similar scenario if they were farther away. The
To increase leaf temperatures, SVF needs to be minimized while angles between the area of interest and the tops of the surrounding
maintaining high hours of sunlight. This means that the layout and buildings are the important factors. The angles to the tops of sur-
orientation of surrounding buildings is critical. An optimum site rounding buildings, influencing the SVF and hours of sunlight, will
would have: a tall building to the north to reduce the SVF without all change depending on the location within a given site. The opti-
blocking the sun; a midsized building to the south when the sun mum angles, measured from the test point (Fig. 10), are roughly as
is at its highest point in the sky; and shorter buildings to the east follows: 30◦ to the south, 23◦ to the east and west, and 75◦ + to the
and west when the sun is low in the sky (Fig. 10). Fully enclosed north, resulting in a SVF of 40% and 70% of total possible hours of
sites will typically reduce wind speeds the most, having the greatest sunlight from April 1st to October 31st (Fig. 11). The range of angles
impact for leaf temperature increases. within the optimum model that allowed for a minimum of 8 h of
The optimum height of the buildings depends on how far away sunlight for most of the growing season (optimum planting area)
they are from the area to be planted; a large site surrounded by
110 A.D. Waffle et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 161 (2017) 103–114

Table 3
Toronto of the mid 1800s and present day Toronto compared to wine regions of the world. Adapted from Shaw (2001). Latitude temperature index is the average temperature
of the warmest month × (60–latitude). Toronto of the mid 1800’s had a climate similar to wine regions of Canada and Germany (Blue). Present day Toronto has a climate
more similar to wine regions of Southern France and New Zealand (Red). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this table legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

Latitude Temperature
Wine Region Index Growing Degree Days Frost Free Days

Freiburg, Germany 233 1146 195

Kentville, Nova Scotia 283 964 138

Iberville, Quebec 310 1201 154

Toronto 1840-1849 327 997 160

Vineland, Niagara 362 1361 175

Montpellier, France 376 1531 244

Toronto 2005-2014 383 1557 235

Hawks Bay, New

Zealand 387 1440 306

Siena, Italy 394 1545 347

Fig. 7. Predicted budbreak date for Mourvèdre grapevines. Predicted budbreak date was modelled using the winter hardiness model developed by Ferguson et al. (2013).
Predicted budbreak in Toronto is about 3 weeks earlier on average now than it was in the mid 1800s. Mourvèdre was chosen because it was one of the least hardy varieties
included in the winter hardiness model.

are as follows: 25–40◦ to the south, 15–40◦ to the east and west, 4. Discussion and conclusions
and 60–90◦ to the north, resulting in SVFs between 30 and 45%.
An SVF of 40% with optimum orientation seems to generally be The goal of this study was to explore the possibility of growing,
the best mix between decreasing SVF while maintaining enough in Toronto, warmer-climate crops that would not grow success-
access to sunlight. Most vegetables require a minimum of 6–8 h of fully in nearby rural Ontario. Grapes were used as an indicator
sunlight per day. The optimum scenario shown in Figs. 10 and 11 crop because of the detailed information available on grow-
receives a minimum of 8 h per day within the area outlined as ‘opti- ing conditions required for different varieties. It was found that
mum planting area’ on the 15th of each month throughout the warmer-climate grape varieties, Shiraz for example, would likely
growing season except for October 15th which still receives over be able to produce and ripen grapes in Toronto if it were grown in
6 h. an area with a SVF of 50% or less that still received adequate sun-
A real scenario shown in Fig. 12 illustrates the general layout light. A site like this would receive an average of 1700 GDDs, the
of the optimum scenario with a more realistic footprint. The grass minimum required for Shiraz grapevines. An open site (SVF 100%) in
area in the courtyard has a SVF of 40% and receives a minimum of Toronto would only receive 1550 GDDs and an open site in the mid-
6–8 h of sunlight throughout the growing season. 1800s, before major urbanization, would only receive 1000 GDDs.
The findings of this study suggest that there may be potential for
warmer-climate crops to be grown in Toronto. If so, more ethnic and
A.D. Waffle et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 161 (2017) 103–114 111

Fig. 8. Predicted number of winters per decade that would have killed at least 50% of primary buds on Mourvèdre grapevines. About 25% of winters in Toronto would be
lethal, compared to about 80% in the mid 1800s.

Fig. 9. Adjusted growing degree days accounting for the heightened leaf temperatures in protected urban microclimates. With an appropriate microclimate and the UHI the
minimum GDDs of 1700 for Shiraz grapes can be met in Toronto. It is expected that the Growing Degree Days would begin to decline around SVF30 due to the reduced access
to sunlight.

specialty foods could be produced locally, creating a niche market Wind is highly variable in urban areas; although wind speeds
for urban farmers. This would also provide consumers with higher are generally reduced as SVF becomes more limited, this will not
quality ethnic and specialty foods and a greater diversity of locally always be true. Persistent winds could quickly reduce the advan-
produced food. tages of a site with a low SVF and high access to sunlight by taking
SVF and access to sunlight are the two major attributes discussed the excess heat with it as it passes by the leaves. This is especially
with regard to microclimate in this study. SVF was focused on true if the wind passes through a large park, body of water, or other
because it is an appropriate way to estimate the general impacts of feature that would cool the air temperatures prior to entering the
different microclimates on leaf temperature. Access to sunlight was site.
focused on because agricultural crops typically require a minimum Surface materials of the ground and buildings surrounding the
of 6–8 h of sunlight per day. There are other factors, however, that site can have a large influence on the resulting microclimate.
would be important to consider when selecting a site for production Warmer surface temperatures surrounding a plant will result in
of warmer-climate crops. more terrestrial radiation being received, increasing leaf temper-
112 A.D. Waffle et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 161 (2017) 103–114

Fig. 12. Toronto courtyard with a Sky View Factor of 40% and receives a minimum
of 6–8 h of sunlight throughout the growing season. This image is of Pitman Hall
Residence at Ryerson University in Toronto. The image, courtesy of Google Maps, is
looking North-East.
Fig. 10. Optimum site layout to minimize Sky View Factor (40%) and maximize hours
of sunlight (70%) would have a tall building to the north, mid-height building to the
south, and shorter buildings to the east and west. Fully, or mostly, enclosed sites rounded by light-coloured wood-clad walls. Since air temperature
would be the most beneficial due to the reduced wind speeds. Model is geo-located
in Toronto (43◦ 40 00  North). Shadows are shown at 11:00 am on July 15th.
was used as the surface temperature of surrounding buildings and
the ground surface, leaf temperature is most likely underestimated
in the urban scenarios meaning that the resulting GDD calculations
would also be underestimations. As we have seen, small changes
in leaf temperature can have considerable effect on GDDs; a hot
urban microclimate which has surfaces that are often higher than
air temperature could be expected to provide considerably more
Glass walls or other bright or reflective materials may reflect
enough sunlight, supplementing direct sunlight, into an area that
otherwise would not get enough to grow productive crops.
Topography of, and around, a site can influence the micro-
climate. Sites that are located in low spots relative to their
surroundings may be more prone to frost damage as the cooler,
denser air sinks, undisturbed by wind on calm nights (Oke, 1987).
A ground plane that is more perpendicular to the sun will receive
more solar radiation, creating a warmer microclimate. Sites fac-
ing east, an eastern aspect, will receive more solar radiation in
the morning; southern aspects will receive more mid-day; western
aspects will receive more afternoon radiation; and northern aspects
will receive less solar radiation than a flat site (Brown, 2010).
Anthropogenic heat, or heat produced by human activities, is
not evenly produced throughout a city. A point-source of anthro-
pogenic heat within or nearby a site could have a positive or
negative impact on producing warmer-climate crops. A steady heat
source within a site with low winds may raise the air tempera-
ture, potentially increasing the growing season length and GDDs.
Anthropogenic heat sources could however be a major source of air
pollution, potentially having detrimental effects on plant growth.
Locating sites with minimal wind is beneficial for raising leaf
temperatures and therefore increasing the overall expected GDDs.
Fig. 11. Hours of sunlight as percent of total (open site) for each month of the grow- Sites with minimal wind that are near air pollution sources, how-
ing season and the season total. Hours of sunlight were calculated at 15 min intervals ever, may not be able to dissipate the pollutants properly. Sites
for a 1 m grid 1.5 m above ground level. The area within the optimum planting area
located near air pollution sources such as busy roads should have
outlined in Figure receives 8+ hours of sunlight per day on the 15th of each month
excluding October. North is to the top of the figure. enough wind to dissipate the pollutants while not being windy
enough to significantly reduce leaf temperatures. Sites that are very
protected from the wind should only be used for growing food if
ature. Darker surfaces will be much warmer than lighter surfaces there are no problematic air pollution sources nearby.
in sunny summer conditions. This is due to a lower albedo caus- There are many techniques currently used in agriculture to help
ing more of the sun’s radiation to be absorbed. Building materials increase temperatures for warmer-climate crops or to extend the
will be warmer than vegetated surfaces due to the cooling effect growing season. The two main season extension techniques used
of transpiration, assuming adequate soil and leaf moisture. Dense include plastic (or other) mulches to increase soil temperature,
materials can store more heat than light and airy materials or veg- and row covers or tunnels (simple greenhouses, varying in perma-
etation, slowing the rate of cooling at night. A site with asphalt nence) to increase air (or leaf) temperatures and block the wind.
paving surrounded by dark brick walls, for example, will result One advantage to growing in a hot urban microclimate is that a
in higher leaf temperatures than a site with grassed ground sur- farmer could realize similar advantages to these techniques with-
A.D. Waffle et al. / Landscape and Urban Planning 161 (2017) 103–114 113

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