Minimally Invasive Treatment of Hepatic Hydatid Cysts: Rezumat

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Minimally invasive treatment of hepatic hydatid cysts

Minimally Invasive Treatment of Hepatic Hydatid Cysts

ªtefan Octavian Georgescu1, Liviu Dubei1, Eugen Tarcoveanu1, Costel Bradea1, Daniel Lazescu1,
Felicia Crumpei2, Iulian Stratan3

1) 1st Surgical Clinic. 2) Department of Radiology. 3) Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital “St. Spiridon”,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Gr. T. Popa”, Iaºi

Abstract Rezumat
Background. Hydatid cyst is a parasitosis caused by Premize. Chistul hidatic este o parazitozã provocatã de
Taenia Echinococcus. In the last 10 years, new methods of Taenia echinococcus. În ultimii 10 ani, noi metode de
treatment of the hydatid cyst have been proposed (percuta- tratament al chistului hidatic au fost propuse (percutane ºi
neous or laparoscopic). Method. This retrospective study videoscopice), care ne-au incitat sã le aplicãm. Metodã.
includes 24 patients with hepatic hydatid cyst (HHC) who Studiul nostru retrospectiv include 24 de bolnavi cu chist
were treated by a minimally invasive approach, 18 women hidatic hepatic care au fost trataþi prin metode minim
and 6 men (average age 49.3 years), representing 10% of all invazive, 18 femei ºi 6 bãrbaþi, reprezentând 10 % din numãrul
patients with HHC. Results. The average operative time total al pacienþilor cu chist hidatic hepatic (vârsta medie a
was shortened to about 70 minutes. The conversion rate fost de 49,3 ani). Rezultate. Durata medie a unei intervenþii
was 25%. In all cases managed laparoscopically, the chirurgicale a fost scurtatã la 70 de minute, iar rata de
prophylactic flooding of the peritoneal cavity was realized conversie a fost de 25%. In toate cazurile tratate laparoscopic
with peroxide solution 10‰ or with hypertonic saline 30%. s-a efectuat inundarea profilacticã a cavitãþii peritoneale cu
The inactivation of the cyst was performed with hypertonic soluþie de peroxid 10‰ sau soluþie cloruratã hipertonã 30%.
saline in most of the cases. Most cysts were univesicular Inactivarea chistului a fost realizatã în majoritatea cazurilor
(62.5%), but there were also multivesicular cysts (37.5%). In cu soluþie salinã hipertonã. Marea majoritate a cazurilor au
two cases patients presented hepatic and pulmonary fost chisturi univeziculare (62,5%), dar s-a intervenit minim
hydatid disease which were also approached in a minimally invaziv ºi în chisturi multiveziculare (37,5%). Doi pacienþi au
invasive manner. The average postoperative period of the prezentat localizãri duble, hepatice ºi pulmonare, cele
cases treated laparoscopically was 6 days and for the pulmonare fiind abordate de asemenea minim invaziv, dar
converted cases it was 13.3 days. Conclusion. The open înaintea celor hepatice în cursul aceleiaºi intervenþii. Durata
surgical approach of HHC is highly expensive due to the medie de spitalizare a tuturor cazurilor tratate laparoscopic a
postoperative period, therefore a laparoscopic approach may fost de 6 zile, iar în cazul conversiilor a fost de 13 zile.
be advocated. The minimally invasive method shortens the Concluzie. Abordul chirurgical clasic determinã cheltuieli
postoperative hospitalization period, reduces the number de spitalizare foarte mari, iar tratamentul laparoscopic poate
of complications as well as the overall costs and facilitates fi soluþia. Tratamentul minim invaziv scurteazã durata de
a rapid social reintegration. All these arguments recommend spitalizare, reduce numãrul complicaþiilor parietale
the laparoscopic approach as a standard procedure for postoperatorii ºi permite reintegrarea socioprofesionalã
hepatic hydatid disease. rapidã. Toate acestea ne-au determinat sã recomandãm acest
abord ca procedurã standard de tratament al chistului hidatic
Key words hepatic.
Minimally invasive treatment - hepatic hydatid cyst -
laparoscopy - albendazole - peroxide solution
Romanian Journal of Gastroenterology Hydatid cyst disease is a parasitosis caused by Taenia
September 2005 Vol.14 No.3, 249-252
Address for correspondence: St. O. Georgescu, MD
Echinococcus. Human disease is a „dead end” which inter-
1st Clinic Surgery rupts the biological cycle of the parasite. Hepatic localization
“St. Spiridon” Hospital is the most frequent (60%), because the infestation occurs
Bd. Independenþei, no.1
700111 Iaºi, Romania
by digestive way, and liver is the first filter on this way. The
E-mail: disease is endemic in the Balkan Area and in Eastern Europe.
250 Georgescu et al

Man is an accidental host for the parasite; the dog is the 6 men, representing 10% of all the patients with HHC. The
final host and the cow, the sheep and the pig are intermediary mean age of the study group was 49.3 years (ranges 14 and
hosts. 75).
In Romania, the prevalence of the disease is of 5-6 cases
to 100,000 inhabitants. Statistic data show an increasing
incidence of this disease in our country, so urgent measures Results
are required for its eradication by a national program (1-3).
Hydatid disease may have any localization. Except for the The minimally invasive approach of HHC proved very
most frequent localizations (hepatic – HHC - 60% and efficient, the intraoperative visibility being excellent and the
pulmonary – 30%), brain, spleen, bones, kidney, mesocolon, mean duration of intervention being shortened to about 70
ovary and pelvic are known as potential sites. min (limits 90 and 150 min). The laparoscopic approach used
The diagnosis is established, with few exceptions, by three trocars in 20% of the cases and four trocars in 80% of
paraclinical investigations, especially by imaging techniques the cases. The localization of HHC is shown in Table I. In
(ultrasonography, conventional radiology, computed two cases, the patients presented hepatic and pulmonary
tomography) as well as by immunological studies (ELISA). hydatid cyst, which were both approached in a minimally
Unlike the thoracic hydatid cyst, where diagnosis is rarely invasive manner. First, we performed the thoracoscopic
established by clinical examination, in the case of HHC treatment of the cyst, in a separate session or in the same
symptoms are suggestive, but the certain diagnosis has to surgical session.
be established by imaging and immunological techniques The conversion rate was 25% (6 cases). The most
(2,4,5). frequent causes of conversion were the absence of
Although drug treatment has been followed by many externalization, and the impossibility to identify the hydatid
failed attempts, today we can witness its revival due to the cyst (2 cases). Other causes were the occurrence of a
new drugs (mebendazol, albendazole) which completely hemorrhage uncontrolled by laparoscopic means (1 case),
destroy the univesicular hydatid cyst in 50-80% of the cases uncertain anatomy (1 case), the suspicion of hepatoma (1
after 3 months of treatment. Some authors reported a case), the breaking of the cyst after a sport trauma (1 case),
sterilization rate of 95% (6,7). when the intervention was performed in emergency, in order
Nevertheless, the treatment of choice remains surgical. to establish diagnosis.
Many surgical techniques have been described, some of In all the cases that were successfully managed
them conservative and some of them radical. Among the laparoscopically, the prophylactic flooding of the peritoneal
conservative surgical methods, the most frequently used cavity was performed with peroxide solution - 10‰ or with
are reduction with or without drainage of the cyst, partial hypertonic saline 30%. Inactivation of the cyst was
pericystectomy with drainage. Among the radical ones, there performed with hypertonic saline in most of the cases, but
is the ideal cystectomy or visceral resection. The aim of the also with peroxide solution. After inactivation, the contents
surgical treatment is to cure the parasitosis with a minimal were aspirated with an adjustable pressure vacuum machine
visceral sacrifice. In the last 10 years, new therapeutical and then a small operculectomy was performed, through
methods have been proposed, such as the minimally invasive which the proligera were extracted. In all cases the
ones: percutaneous or laparoscopic approach, which was laparoscopic intracystic drainage was set up. Most of the
also applied by us. hydatid cysts were univesicular (15 cases – 62.5%), but we
also operated multivesicular hydatid cysts. In three cases,
we closed a biliary fistula using a titanium clip.
Patients and methods Early complications were billiary fistulas (4 cases) which
were treated conservatively or with endoscopic
The study is a retrospective one and was performed for sphincterotomy, infections of the residual cavity and wound
the period 1st Jan. 1999 to 1st Feb. 2003. During this period, infections (which were converted). We encountered one
281 patients were admitted and treated for hydatid cyst: 240 hepatic abscess in a patient who was hospitalized again8
of them had hepatic localization, 30 had thoracic localization weeks after surgery, and it was drained by a classical
and 11 patients had other localizations (spleen - 5, kidney - approach (Table II).
1, multiple: hepatic, spleen, mesocolon, ovary and pelvic - The average postoperative hospitalization was 6 days
5). Among the patients with hepatic localization, 24 were (range 4–17) for the cases managed by the laparoscopic
treated using a minimally invasive approach, 18 women and method, 13.3 days (range 8 - 20) for the cases converted and

Table I Hepatic localization of the hydatid cysts in our series of patients

Location Left hepatic Right hepatic lobe Multiple Multiple

lobe anterolateral posterolateral hepatic visceral
segment segment locations locations

% 19.23 38.46 42.31 8.33 8.33

Minimally invasive treatment of hepatic hydatid cysts 251

Table II The postoperative complications in our series of patients Table IV Recent studies regarding laparoscopic treatment of hepatic
hydatid cysts
Complication No.of cases %
Year Author No. cases
Billiary fistula 4 16.66
Infection of residual cavity 2 8.33 1996 Saglam (9) 6
Wound infection 5 20.80 1996 Khoury (11) 11
Hepatic abscess 1 4.16 1996 Alper (13) 16
1998 Marks (4) 3
7.9 days for all cases (Table III). In two cases, the patients 1998 Verma (5) 1
1998 Ertem (16) 12
presented also a pulmonary hydatid cyst which were also 2002 Kayaalp (15) 19
approached in a minimally invasive manner. First, we per- Present study 24
formed the thoracoscopic treatment of the cyst, in a separate
session (1 case) or in the same surgical session (1 case). (13,14) (Table IV). Initially, Alper’s trial included 33 patients
Table III Duration of the postoperative for whom a laparoscopic intervention was decided; 11 cases
hospitalization were not indicated for laparoscopy (multiple localizations
or relapse after classical treatment) and 22 cases remained
No. of days No. of cases to be solved by laparoscopy. Among these, 6 cases were
4 2
converted because of adhesions or difficult localization.
5 4 The laparoscopic method implies the reduction of the
6 3 cyst with the extraction of proligera, intracystic and
7 4
8 2
subhepatic drainage. This procedure has many advantages
9 1 among which are the limitation of the dissection to the cystic
12 1 dome, avoiding the risk of hemorrhage and of biliary tract or
17 1
hepatic veins injuries. It is very important to protect the
surgical area with scolicidal substances in order to avoid
Discussion the dissemination in case of leakage of hydatid contents.
There are many scolicidal agents that have been used, but
Minimally invasive techniques (percutaneous or two of them remain to dispute the place as first choice:
laparoscopic) have well known advantages that have hypertonic saline 30% and peroxide solution10‰. Other
increased their practice. Their use in the treatment of HHC scolicidal agents, such as alcohol or formalin can produce
started about 12 years ago, when Khoury et al (1991) and sclerosing cholangitis if they reach the biliary tract.
Acunas (1992) performed percutaneous drainage, and Peroxide solution 10‰ is by far the most effective
Saglam (1992) performed laparoscopic drainage of HHC (8, scolicidal agent but because of the effervescent properties,
9). These minimally invasive methods were and still are of it increases intracystic pressure with possible conse-
little use in the treatment of HHC and they do not rate quences: the break of the cyst into the peritoneal cavity
important in the literature (Table IV). We found some studies followed by anaphylactic shock. In the case of biliary fistula,
similar to our series, which presented the laparoscopic the penetration of hydatid contents and peroxide solution
treatment of HHC and recommended the use of minimally into the biliary ducts can produce their dilatation with
invasive techniques under the cover of modern scolicidal possible breaks or occurrence of sclerosing inflammation of
drugs. the papilla of Vater, as well as embolic accidents with gas or
An experimental percutaneous technique was first hydatid vesicles. Peroxide solution is extremely useful in
described in 1985 and was performed on the human body protecting the surgical area in spite of its effervescent nature.
for the first time after 6 years (8). Bastid et al reported 14 We used hypertonic saline as intracystic scolicidal agent in
cases of HHC with diameters between 42 and 180 mm that 17 cases (70.8%) and peroxide solution in 7 cases (29.2%).
were treated by this method (10). This treatment is good for The surgical area was protected with peroxide solution in 16
the young HHC with thin walls (hydatid cyst type I, II or III cases (66.66%) but we used also hypertonic saline. We did
after Gharbi classification). The inactivation was done with not observe an increased plasma natrium level following
hypertonic saline 30%. In the absence of billiary fistula, this procedure. Some surgeons use as a scolicidal agent
the residual cavity was treated with alcohol mixed with cetrimide 0.5% and chlorhexidine 0.05% in combination.
lipiodol. There was no anaphylactic shock, no complication The evacuation of the hydatid content requires a
or relapse during the first 18 months. The hospitalization powerful aspirator and a trocar with a large diameter (at
period in this group was 24-72 hours (practically no least 10 mm) in order to extract all vesicles. After the
hospitalization). evacuation, a small operculectomy is performed, through
Saglam proposed the laparoscopic technique as a method which the proligera is extracted and the tube is inserted for
for treating HHC (9). In 1996, Bickel et al reported 10 cases intracystic drainage (4,15,16).
of HHC treated laparoscopically without mortality or relapse This technique has two major disadvantages: first, it
(9,11,12). In 1996, Alper reported 16 cases of HHC solved by leaves a large residual cavity with the risk of residual abscess
laparoscopy with 4 postoperative abscesses and no relapse (13); secondly, it presents the risk of relapse by incomplete
252 Georgescu et al

sterilization in case of calcified walls. Using laser or surgery may be a solution. Its place in the treatment of
electrocauterization, the risk of relapse decreases very much, hydatid disease must be reconsidered for the benefit of
and the calcified walls can be destroyed. Laparo-scopy, in patients and of the society. The conversion rate (25%)
comparison with the percutaneous technique, has many should not discourage surgeons, as the procedure is at the
advantages, mainly the possibility of controlling the location beginning in our clinic and in Romania. This is why only
of the cyst, and of protecting the surgical area from hydatid 10% of our patients with HHC were operated laparo-
leaks. It also allows the sterilization of the remaining walls, scopically. The shorter postoperative hospitalization, the
the detection of possible biliary fistulas, the treatment of limited postoperative complications, the decreased
biliary complications, and also the treatment of the cystic hospitalization costs, and the quick social and professional
cavity using the omentum. reinsertion are arguments that have determined us to
Usually, postoperative care is easy, with an average recommend this surgical procedure.
hospitalization of 8-10 days in the published trials. Drainage
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