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Form 8 Semester II Writing Test V-I

Level I Complete the text with the words from the box.

Articles Issue newspaper published inform news

1)The Big 1) news is the name of a British 2) newspaper, started in 1991.

2) It is 3) published and sold on the street by homeless people, who are allowed to keep most of the
money they make from selling it.

3) It consists mainly of 4) Articles of music, films, plays, etc. that are on in the area where it is , as well
as 5) Issue about homelessness and unemployment.

4) The aim for homeless people is to earn money without begging, and to 6) inform other people about
their situation.

Level II Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous form.

1) Who you talked to when I was seeing you in the cafe yesterday?

2) You phoned while I was having a shower.

3) When I got home yesterday, my cat was sleeping on my pillow.

4) It started to rain just as we got ready to have our picnic.

5) I was seeing my Art teacher in town yesterday. She wore a blue dress and an orange hat!

6) While their children were cleaning the table, their mother washed the dishes.

Level III 1 Transform the sentences into the Passive Voice.

1) Alex learned a poem. A poem was learned.

2) Students handed in their reports at the end of the lesson. Their reports were handed at the end.

3) Maria feeds a cat. A cat is feeded.

4) Julia bought a cat. A cat was bought.

5) Steven left a book. A book was left.

6) They play handball at this sports ground. They were played at this sports ground.

Level IV Complete the sentences with - the- or — (no article).

1)Highlands in northern Scotland is a region of mountain ranges, deep valleys and beautiful lakes.

2) Ben Nevis is the highest peak in Great Britain which rises in the Highlands.

3) When we were in the London, we stayed in Plaza Hotel.

4) Americans call Mississippi river «the Father of Waters».

5) There are many cinemas, theatres and shops in the Piccadilly Circus.
6) The waters of the North Sea and English Channel separate Great Britain from the Europe.
Writing Test V-II

Level I Complete the text with the words from the box.

Weekly reports newspaper column published articles

1) A 1)____is a printed publication containing information, news and advertisements.

2) The newspaper 2)_____ are usually devoted to social issues, news of business, political events,

criminal 3)____, art and sports.

3) In a newspaper there’s usually an editor’s 4)________that expresses the personal opinions of writers.

4) Newspapers are most often 5)______ on a daily or 6)________ basis, and they usually focus on one
particular geographic area where most of their readers live.

Level II Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous form.

1) The sun (already/begin) to rise when I (go) to bed last night.

2) It was lucky we ( not sit) under that tree when it (break) and fell down.

3) How fast he (drive) when he (have) an accident?

4) She (read) in the garden when it (start) to rain.

5) The family (eat) dinner and talking.

6) They (talk) about her when she (walk) into the room.

Level III 1 Transform the sentences into the Passive Voice.

1) Frank built a house.

2) A mechanic did not repair the DVD recorder.

3) Sue puts her rucksack on the floor.

4) They lost the match last week.

5) My grandmother tells good stories

6) She checks her mail every morning

Level IV Complete the sentences with the or — (no article)

1) -----UK is made up of ------England,----- Scotland ,---- Wales and -----Northern Ireland.

2) ------Great Britain is the largest island of ------Europe and the seventh largest island in the world.

3) -----Scottish Lowlands lie in the valleys of ---Clyde, ---Forth and ---Tay rivers.

4) ----British Museum shows works from ancient ----Asia, ---Egypt, ---Rome and ----Greece
. 5)- -- Loch Ness is the largest lake in ----United Kingdom.

6) ----Cardiff is the capital city of ----Wales.

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