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International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)


An artificial intelligence educational strategy for the digital

Francisco J. Cantú-Ortiz1 · Nathalíe Galeano Sánchez1 · Leonardo Garrido1 · Hugo Terashima-Marin1 ·
Ramón F. Brena1

Received: 8 November 2019 / Accepted: 28 August 2020

© Springer-Verlag France SAS, part of Springer Nature 2020

This paper presents a strategy of state-of-the-art review of artificial intelligence (AI) in education and a case study about
preparing students to have the competencies and skills necessary for the current and future digital transformation to Industry
4.0. The goal is to support institutions of higher education to build curricula that help companies by providing them with
qualified human capital to face the challenges of the twenty first century that have brought about the work environment now
referred to as Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The strategy consists of a business intelligence summary of AI
trends and challenges of interest to academic institutions with an emphasis in intelligent human–computer communication
and interactive design and manufacturing for educating engineers for the future enterprise. We also present a case study that
builds upon 35 years of experience in offering AI academic programs in the institution, Tecnologico de Monterrey (Tec) to
educate future engineers and knowledge workers. The components of our case study comprise graduate and undergraduate
courses, research, internships, innovation, internationalization initiatives, and entrepreneurship. In this period, more than 5200
students have been trained at the Ph.D., MSc, and undergraduate levels with intense use of technology in the AI field. Now,
the curricula of the university have been overhauled and renewed according to a new educative model known as the Tec21
Educative Model. The course offerings under this model are structured with challenge-based-learning, physical and virtual
practice labs, and mixed teaching methodologies to accommodate the digital transformation and demands of Industry 4.0 to
educate and prepare the new generation of students. The strategy and case study presented may be useful guides for other
higher education institutions implementing AI academic programs to educate students demanded by the companies of the
XXI century.

Keywords Artificial intelligence · Digital transformation · Industry 4.0 · Tec21 educational model · Interactive engineering
in education

1 Introduction

XXI-Century institutions demand professionals with new

B Francisco J. Cantú-Ortiz competencies and skills to tackle the challenges that digital
transformation is bringing to modern society. Artificial Intel-
Nathalíe Galeano Sánchez ligence (AI) technologies have permeated nearly every aspect
of our daily lives, including education, health, economy,
Leonardo Garrido government, transportation, communication, and many other
sectors. The exponential growth of data generated by transac-
Hugo Terashima-Marin tional systems, ubiquitous sensors, and the Internet of Things
demands novel approaches to extract information and knowl-
Ramón F. Brena edge from data for meaningful decision-making. The need
to develop software capable of learning from data to han-
1 School of Engineering and Sciences, Tecnologico de dle moving devices such as autonomous vehicles and robots,
Monterrey, Ave. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501, performing surgeries, planning city traffic, or company pro-
64849 Monterrey, NL, Mexico

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)

duction through interactive design and manufacturing of new people in a globalized society [5]. Education, a discipline
products, demands professionals with new capacities. These of the social sciences, has had an important role to play in
problems are ubiquitous in society and demand solutions for the formation of students over the past 50 years, packaging
training specialists, something contemplated by the interdis- the scientific breakthroughs and innovative technologies into
ciplinary fields of AI and society in general [1]. academic programs of higher education institutions [6, 7].
Several efforts are underway to determine the impact that This literature review reveals two approaches to AI and
AI technologies have in society, currently and for the years Education. The first one is “AI in Education,” which refers
to come. One of these efforts is led by the Association for to using AI technologies to train students in broad areas of
the Advance of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) that published knowledge, including natural sciences, social sciences, arts
in 2016 the “One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intel- and humanities, and health sciences. This is an active field of
ligence” (100YSIA), which is a long-term investigation of research led by the special groups of the (AAAI), Association
the field of AI and its influences on people, their commu- for Computing Machinery (ACM), and other initiatives [8].
nities, and society. The global purpose of the 100YSIA is The second approach is “Education (Teaching) of AI,” which
to provide relevant reflections about AI and its influence is about educating students with AI competencies and skills
as the field advances. The Standing Committee that over- [9]. In this study, the former approach will be described in
sees the 100YSIA forms a Study Panel every 5 years to Sect. 2. We pursue the latter approach in Sect. 3 and present
assess the current state of AI. The Study Panel “reviews an overview of the main areas of AI and its teaching including
AI’s progress in the years following the immediately prior human–computer interface and engineering interaction, and
report, envisions the potential advances that lie ahead, and a case study.
describes the technical and societal challenges and oppor- An outline of main trends in AI achievements and the
tunities these advances raise, including such areas as ethics, challenges faced in particular in education and industry
economics, and the design of systems compatible with human by the digital transformation to Industry 4.0 is presented
cognition.” The panel issued a report that overviews the in this work. The research questions are as follows: (1)
principal real-world domains and the AI technologies that How can organizations and academic institutions know and
are being applied in those domains; it also does a forecast take advantage of AI trends to renew their curricula to
about the impact these technologies will have in society by train engineers and qualified human resources for the dig-
the year 2030. It considers the science, engineering, and ital transformation and the challenges of the twenty first
deployment of AI-enabled computing systems. “The studies century? (2) What are the main lessons learned at Tecno-
are expected to develop syntheses and assessments that pro- logico de Monterrey during the past 35 years conducting AI
vide expert-informed guidance for directions in AI research, teaching/learning academics, and how best could the out-
development, and systems design, as well as programs and comes of this experience be leveraged to provide students
policies to help ensure that these systems broadly benefit indi- state-of-the-art knowledge in AI under the constructs of the
viduals and society” [2]. The 100YSIA report has proved new educational model? (3) What lessons learned in our
useful in designing and deploying academic programs in experience could help other institutions of higher education
countries, companies, and academic and research institu- implement AI academic programs and interactive engineer-
tions. ing education in their curricula?
A study elaborated by the publisher Elsevier in 2018 The methodology to answer the research questions con-
reports how knowledge is created, transferred, and used; and sists of presenting an AI background in Sect. 2. The trends
the prevailing trends in China, Europe, and the United States and challenges of AI and the digital transformation appear in
[3]. An investigation conducted by the company CBInsights Sect. 3. Section 4 describes in detail a case study in design-
shows how China is racing ahead in AI with important gov- ing and deploying an AI academic program for engineering
ernmental investments. It also describes how technologies education. Section 5 presents a discussion based on findings
like Deep Learning are getting a make-over in technologi- of the two previous sections and how institutions can take
cal progress, and it reports about the 13 AI trends reshaping advantage of opportunities brought about by technological
industries and economies. CBInsights claims, “From Cisco advances in AI. Section 6 shows the conclusions.
to Citi to Castrol to IBM and hundreds of others, we give
companies the power to make better decisions, take control
of their future and capitalize on change” [4]. 2 Artificial intelligence: background
All of the AI developments, along with advances in Com-
puter Science, Electronics, and Communication networks There have been a few notable scientists working for research
(including the internet and related technologies), have made centers and universities who have conceptualized the main
possible the rise of the so-called Digital Transformation, ideas that have led to technological innovations in both the
which represents new ways of living and interaction among UK and the USA. Among these standouts is Alan Turing,

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)

the inventor of the Turing Machine, which set down the early 1980s, created the Mexican Society for Artificial Intel-
mathematical foundations for the design of modern digital ligence. This organization had the first AI meetings in Mexico
computers [10, 11]. The cryptography work of Turing in from 1984 to 1997 [17]. Later came the launch of the Mexican
the Enigma project at Bletchley Park near London was fun- International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI)
damental for shortening the duration of the Second World from 2000 until the present [18].
War [12]. The publication of his work in 1950 at Cambridge Tecnologico de Monterrey was one of the early adopters
University about the possibility of having machines become of AI technologies during the 1980s. Tecnologico de Mon-
intelligent by manipulating symbols through simple comput- terrey is a private university in Mexico whose goal was and
ing operations such as move right, move left, read, write, and is to teach and train students in emerging AI technologies
others, became the basis for a research program that was for- to conduct applied research and set up industry linkages to
malized in 1956 at the Dartmouth Conference in the USA transfer and apply those technologies. Based on its experi-
[13]. ence, AI programs are now being transformed to respond to
The Dartmouth Conference was convened by John the challenges of Industry 4.0.
McCarthy, then a young professor at Dartmouth College, AI has evolved with ups and downs since its inception in
New Hampshire, USA. The conference was the largest gath- the 1950s. Initially, optimistic promises about having intelli-
ering of its time of active researchers in this new field that gent machines in a decade attracted interest and funding from
gave birth to ambitious research and development programs the public and private sectors. The first attempts included
in engineering, mathematics, computer science, psychology, chess playing, theorem proving, planning, robot navigation,
and many other fields. The conference was attended by the natural language understanding, brain modeling and simu-
leading researchers of the time, including Marvin Minsky lation, and some others. But soon, scientists realized that it
from Harvard University, N. Rochester from IBM Corpo- would take much longer to fulfill some of the predictions
ration, Claude Shannon from Bell Laboratories, Herbert made about machine performance. The ‘60s’ and ‘70s’ wit-
Simon and Allen Newell from Carnegie Mellon University, nessed the emergence of AI programming languages like
among others. “A wide range of advanced research top- Lisp, invented by John McCarthy [19], and Prolog, first
ics such as complexity theory, language simulation, neuron defined by Alain Colmerauer [20] and Robert Kowalski [21].
nets, abstraction of content from sensory inputs, relationship During this time, the importance that heuristic knowledge had
of randomness to creative thinking, and learning machines in solving real problems created the fields of Knowledge-
gave birth to the new field of AI, and gave succeeding gen- based Systems and Expert Systems, thanks to the work of
erations of scientists their first sense of the potential for Eduard Feigenbaum, Bruce Buchanan, and colleagues at
information technology to be of benefit to human beings in a Stanford University [22]. The ‘80s’ saw the rise of Japanese
profound way.” The term Artificial Intelligence was coined Fifth-Generation Computing with a program to develop intel-
by McCarthy at this conference [14]. Later on, McCarthy ligent machines based on Logic and the Prolog programming
moved to Stanford; Minsky, to MIT; which along with Newell language, which at the end, did not fulfill its goals but did
and Simon at Carnegie Mellon University, became the main allow for a renaissance of AI after the so-called “wintertime
center of research in the USA. The work of Alan Turing at of the ‘70s,” when AI had severe funding cuts [23].
Cambridge University and Donald Michie at the University During the ‘90s’, the connectionist approach to AI had
of Edinburgh established the main research centers in the a rebirth after the invention of the backpropagation method
United Kingdom [15]. Michie, who was also a scientist dur- widely used by Artificial Neural Networks [24], which over-
ing World War II and worked for the Government Code and came the limitations of the Perceptron model invented by
Cypher School at Bletchley Park, contributed to the effort to Frank Rosenblatt [25], after sour criticism raised by the
solve “Tunny,” a German teleprinter cipher. adherents of the symbolic approach to AI [26]. The Con-
The ideas proposed at Dartmouth spread, leading to nectionist approach, along with other AI fields like fuzzy
the establishment of research programs at many institu- reasoning, evolutionary computing, bio-inspired systems,
tions, including universities and research centers during the uncertainty management, and intelligent robotics, collec-
decades of the 60 s and 70 s in North America, Europe, and tively known as AI Soft Computing, were able to surpass
East Asia. In North America, Mexico was one of the coun- the challenges posed by perception and sensory interactions
tries that started work in Cybernetics, a field related to AI, with the real world, for which the Symbolic AI approach had
thanks to the work of Norbert Wiener, Julian Bigelow, and been unable to find solution methods [27]. Perception and
Mexican researcher Arturo Rosenblueth [16]. The National sensory interactions included speech recognition, computer
University of Mexico, National Polytechnic Institute, and vision and image processing, and other sensory interactions
Tecnologico de Monterrey were among the Mexican insti- like taste, smell, and touch. Together, Soft Computing AI
tutions that embraced research in Computer Science and and Symbolic AI gave place to the advent of Deep Learn-
Artificial Intelligence during the 60 s and 70 s, and in the ing, which is a set of machine-learning methods widely used

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)

in mother computers and digital devices to get machines to edge and experience acquired in these helped the design and
interact with the real world in meaningful ways [28]. implementation of autonomous vehicles like cars, trucks,
The new millennium saw the explosive use of AI tech- buses, trailers, and other means of transportation. The current
nologies in nearly every aspect of modern society due to the idea is to populate cities with autonomous vehicles that will
adoption of digital devices in business, government, mili- replace human drivers, increasing passenger security through
tary, educational institutions, and in daily use by all kinds reduced car accidents, and making driving safer and faster.
of human communities [29]. Digital devices include laptops, Several cities in the USA have adopted pilot projects that
smartphones, automobiles, smartwatches, supercomputers, allow driving of autonomous test cars in certain parts of the
intelligent robots, and home appliances, just to name a few cities. By 2030, it is expected that driverless cars will be
of them [30]. common in many cities of developed economies [35].
An important research topic of the AI agenda has been Service robots include home, office, building, hospital,
the human–computer interaction since the inception of the and city robots that provide various types of services, includ-
fundamental AI goals. Issues such as making computers ing cleaning, washing, delivery, surveillance, alarms, and
understand human language both written or spoken, or other types of services in daily life. As with autonomous
making machines recognize objects, persons, situations or vehicles, progress is required in AI techniques dealing with
context have been in the research agenda since the beginning. autonomous navigation systems, planning, control, computer
One important area of study has been the field of Interac- vision, speech recognition, and natural language understand-
tive Engineering applied to the design and manufacturing of ing in the design and implementation of various types of
new products and its connection with Robotics, Autonomous service robots. One early example of such robots is the
Vehicles, Lean Manufacturing, Knowledge-based systems, vacuum cleaners that have been used in homes and offices
and in general, the goals of Industry 4.0 [31]. Xavier Fisher for the last 20 years and have improved in capacity over
explains that Interactive Engineering was invented with the time. However, cost reductions of electrical and mechanical
goal of centering the design process in humans as experts components and improved cloud computing, navigation, and
and users. And he adds that new methods were developed to interaction with people will be required in the next years to
support knowledge modelling in initial design and to inter- make service robots cost-effective for mass use by the year
actively explore design spaces [32, 33]. 2030 [36].
Figure 1 displays a timeline of the milestones in the devel- Healthcare has improved over the past years in captur-
opment of modern AI since its inception in the early 50s. ing patient data for digital medical records files. This allows
patients and doctors to keep historical records that may assist
current and on-going diagnosis and treatment and personal-
3 Artificial intelligence: trends ized healthcare. Also, medical websites that give patients
and challenges advice on disease diagnosis and treatment are increasingly
popular and trusted by a growing population. Nonetheless,
We present an overview of the main trends and challenges in modification of current laws in data privacy will be required
AI by summarizing the relevant findings obtained recently in the future to overcome rigid and protective legislation that
by various organizations that include scientific societies, prevents automated healthcare systems from being widely
companies, and universities that have conducted business used by people who are not medical professionals [37].
intelligence studies on the impact of AI in business and Education is a promising field for the adoption of AI tech-
society. We also describe the main areas of opportunity for nologies if the interactions between humans and machines
academic and industrial institutions. are improved to be more natural and reliable in the near
future. Education always requires active engagement by
3.1 Artificial intelligence in the new millennium human teachers, but AI should be able to enhance the quality
of education by providing personalization at scale. Inter-
We outline the foremost application domains of AI and the active tutoring is used by students for teaching science,
leading AI technologies in place and the incidence they have mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, humanities and
had in the first two decades of the new millennium, as well as social sciences, and many other disciplines. AI technologies
the trends toward 2030 and beyond [34]. The studies reported like natural language understanding, machine learning, and
in [1–4 describe the principal domains of application of AI speech and face recognition, video interactions, and holo-
technologies, which are summarized in Fig. 2. grams, have boosted online learning and enabled teachers
The transportation domain benefited from the success of to multiply the size of the classes while giving personal-
developments and innovations of AI in autonomous navi- ized interactions with students to improve their learning
gation systems, planning, control, computer vision, speech outcomes. Over the next 15 years in a typical North Ameri-
recognition, and natural language understanding; the knowl- can city, the use of these technologies in the classroom and in

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)

Fig. 1 Timeline of Milestones of AI Development

Fig. 2 Application Domains and

AI technologies Autonomous Smart
Transportation Public Safety
vehicles patrolling

Service Robot Knowledge

Robots navigation Employment

On-line Game
Health Care Entertainment
prescriptions machines

Tutoring Internet of
Education Smart Cities
systems Things

the home is likely to expand significantly, provided they can The impact of AI on employment is twofold and double-
be meaningfully integrated with face-to-face learning [6–9]. edged. On the one hand, AI is taking away routine and
Interactive and active learning at all levels of education will labor-intensive jobs from people by replacing them with
play a key role in student development of skills and capabil- smart robots and machines in factories, streets, offices, and
ities [38]. homes, resulting in the unemployment of people who per-
Public safety is benefited by the deployment of drones form these tasks. On the other hand, new knowledge-based
that monitor cities, forests, lands, and borders; these devices jobs are being created by organizations that commit them-
complement the information obtained by satellite monitor- selves to the use and application of AI technologies. These
ing. Together with robotic and driverless vehicle patrols, they new jobs require fresh and renewed skills of people hired for
provide services currently given by human policemen. The them and present an opportunity for educational institutions
interaction of drones and robot patrols must be improved as to develop the curricula and training for teachers and learn-
well as information systems that process data obtained from ers of the new generations. The growing adoption of AI by
the earth, air, and space to enable the most efficient protective organizations is expected to bring a wave of wealth to society
actions of people, homes, cities, and countries [39]. through benefits that should be shared for the wellbeing of
communities [40].

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)

Entertainment has been leveraged by social networks by virtual reality and wireless connectivity, and a plant envi-
and broadcast sites that share blogs, videos, and photos. ronment where sensors connected to computers visualize the
These advances are possible thanks to AI techniques like entire production line and make automated decisions [50]. It
machine learning, speech recognition, image processing, includes the trend towards automation and data exchange in
cloud computing, virtual reality, and other tools. AI is also manufacturing technologies and processes taking advantage
used to compose music, theatre performances, and gener- of cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), the
ate 3D scenes. People have responded very positively to Industrial IoT, cloud computing, and AI [51, 52].
AI-driven entertainment, and new businesses and jobs are There is a need for cultural changes, so there can be the
being created as a result of this response. Concerns have assimilation of new business models, especially for the gen-
been raised about the extent to which the technology dimin- erations of “digital migrants,” those born before the era of the
ishes or enhances sociability; that is a matter for discussion. internet. But business is not the only realm of digital transfor-
AI enables entertainment like videogames to become more mation; it is infusing nearly every aspect of human existence,
interactive, personalized, and engaging, especially for the including the field of Education [53–55].
young generations. More research should be directed toward
understanding how to leverage these AI capabilities for per-
sonal and community benefits [41, 42]. 4 A case study
The field of smart cities is an active area of research,
development, and innovation. It is related to intelligent trans- This section of our work presents a case study of the teaching
portation and autonomous vehicles, but it addresses other of AI to educate graduate and undergraduate students through
problems as well as municipal services, building access, the design and deployment of intentional academic programs.
security, healthcare, and all of the themes mentioned in this First, we present an overview of the AI teaching-and-learning
subsection. These services will be the standard of modern strategy and an analysis of the main outcomes of its five
cities by the year 2030 and beyond [43, 44]. components from data gathered over the past 35 years of AI
All of the aforementioned applications assume a way of program operations in our institution of higher education.
communication between humans and computers and comput- The use of technology in training students in AI applications
ers among themselves as well. Interactive Engineering for is emphasized. Second, this section discusses the tailoring of
the design and manufacturing of production environments AI programs in the context of the new Tec21 educative model
and new products has been an important application of AI and presents a prospective look at AI technology towards the
to the industrial world and the education of engineers and year 2030 [56].
knowledge workers [45–47].
These are a few of the trending AI technologies being used 4.1 An overview of the AI teaching-and-learning
to solve real-world problems that confront society in the new education strategy
Here, we describe this institution’s mature program for
3.2 Digital transformation and industry 4.0 educating students to have the competencies demanded by
industry. The desired skills span from critical thinking,
An overview of the digital transformation and how AI problem analysis, and big-data analysis to understanding
technologies led to the knowledge, information, and data rev- human–computer interaction (speech and image recognition,
olution starting in the second half of the twentieth century natural language processing, gesture analysis), development
is presented [5]. Digital transformation is affecting several of wearable technologies (smartwatches, glasses, helmets,
areas; one of them is business, where there has been the inte- etc.), solutions for smart cities, the design of autonomous
gration of digital technology into all operational areas with vehicles, and the construction of decision support systems,
a view toward how you operate and deliver value to cus- among others.
tomers. Re-thinking old business models is behind digital The education strategy implemented to teach and learn AI
transformation; the focus is on how digital technologies can dates back to 1985 and comprises five initiatives to develop
leverage smarter ways of operation using digital devices such competencies and skills in undergraduate and graduate stu-
as smartphones, tablets, laptops, videoconferencing, home dents for the jobs of the knowledge economy. These five
office, and the use of software platforms enabled by cloud strategic initiatives are as follows: (1) Academic: an under-
computing, web services, and cloud-based solutions. Also graduate minor in Intelligent Systems launched in 1987 with
having an impact is the adoption of paper-less working modes an increasing number of graduates to date; a set of AI graduate
in most business operations. All of this leads us to what is courses offered since 1985; a master’s program in Intelligent
called the 4th Industrial Revolution [48] or Industry 4.0 [49], Systems started in 1989, and a Ph.D. program in AI initiated
which refers to the idea of factories with machines improved in 1991. All of these programs included active and interac-

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)

tive learning techniques in different courses. (2) Research: respond to challenges posed by companies adopting the
A Center for AI launched in 1989 with 25 professors hold- Industry 4.0 paradigm.
ing a Ph.D. in various AI specialties; three laboratories AI programs combined with CBL pedagogical methods
in knowledge-based systems, nature-inspired systems, and also aim to educate and develop the necessary compe-
intelligent-robotics. (3) Dissemination: an AI conference- tencies and skills in students. The main AI technologies
series started in 1988 and held annually since then through acquired by students through problem and project-based
ISAI (1988–1999) and MICAI (2000–2019) along with train- learning approaches include knowledge-based systems,
ing seminars in KBSs. Several pioneer founders of AI, speech recognition, natural language understanding, image
namely, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Eduard Feigen- processing, computer vision, machine learning, neural net-
baum, and Lotfi Zadeh, have visited our campus to give works, genetic algorithms, intelligent optimization, intelli-
invited lectures. (4) Outreach: an industry-university liaison gent robotics, intelligent control, data science, ontologies,
to solve real-world problems using AI-technologies in the multiagent systems, and other technologies, which are con-
steel, chemical, banking, and health sectors with the active tinuously updated to train students. The laboratories in
involvement of students, since 1987. (5) Internationaliza- Intelligent Systems, Nature-inspired Systems, and Intelligent
tion: a program for stays and internships of students and Robotics have provided the environment and infrastructure
professors with AI-leading universities, active since 1988. needed for professors and students to make use of tech-
Over the years, 5282 students have been educated in AI nologies in solving course and case-study problems. The
technologies, of which over one hundred are faculty mem- laboratories are equipped with the software packages, com-
bers and partner universities, and around 590 Ph.D. students, puters, robots, workstations, and communication networks
2250 master’s students, and 2500 undergraduate students, needed for problem-solving. These technologies are also
most of them in the School of Engineering and Science. The applied with active student participation in internships and
research and pedagogy implemented in academic AI pro- industry-based projects funded by companies.
grams have positively influenced students and faculty at all In addition to the different learning techniques that are
the 26 campuses of Tecnologico de Monterrey throughout implemented in AI courses, such as research-based, project-
Mexico. The reach is not only in the academic field but also based, problem-based, case-based learning, the AI courses
in companies where our alumni are now employed and in are student-centered, based on industry challenges, and have
companies created by our entrepreneurial alumni. Tec has the objective to maintain academic quality, develop compe-
more than 20 academic and research agreements of AI pro- tencies, and learn through experience and interaction with
grams with different universities around the world. Figure 3 experts in the field [38]. The academic quality of the AI
shows a timeline of the main events in the development of program is supported by collegiate evaluation, collabora-
AI at Tec. tion and teamwork, and external accreditation. This includes
Mexico’s National Council for Science and Technology
(CONACyT) accreditation of AI graduate programs. The
4.2 The use of technology in AI programs competency-based feature refers to the proficiency in the
AI competencies, effective oral and written communication,
A key element for achieving the results presented in this sec- and ethics in professional work. Learning by experience is
tion has been an intensive and extensive use of technology one of the key elements that is included in all AI academic
in the AI programs that span from homework assignments in programs. It occurs through a strong industry-university
classes to research article co-authorships, industrial intern- relationship that promotes the application of AI technolo-
ships, and international competitions. Technology use in AI gies through internships; industry provides the real-world AI
programs will increase in both scope and depth in the context problem to be solved, and the challenge is resolved through
of an educational model. This goal will be achieved through teaching/learning with the active participation of faculty and
AI challenges, international collaboration, competitions, and students in collaborative work to arrive at a solution. One
research, innovation, and entrepreneurship endeavors. The example of this dynamic is the university’s “i-Week” (or
use of technology in the revised AI program will continue “Semana-i” in Spanish), which stands for the Week of Inno-
to be a distinctive trait of student interactive training in vation [57].
the digital transformation era. AI technologies that will be Examples of projects and initiatives in these one-week
commonly used in society by 2030 will be systematically courses include the design of chatbots for education linked
reviewed and incorporated into the AI syllabuses along with to associations for autistic children. Another is an educational
pedagogical methods and student-centered didactic tech- innovation based on AI and digital technologies, namely,
niques. Research programs will allow both professors and virtual reality and holograms to deliver teaching/learning
students to improve existing technologies and generate new processes to a network of campuses and students abroad.
ones through innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives that

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)

Fig. 3 Timeline of Milestones of AI Development at Tec

4.3 Traits of AI programs of Google [60, 61] in our courses on Mathematics and Physics
at the undergraduate level. The total citations by AI papers
The main traits and features of the AI programs are described in Scopus in the last 10 years are over 5144 [62].
in the following subsections.
4.3.3 Employability
4.3.1 Internationalization and internships
The employability rate after the first year of graduation is
Students have participated in one or more research intern- 94% defined as the percentage of students who get a job
ships or stays in universities abroad. Examples of the in the 3 months after graduating; For the AI programs, this
universities that have received our students and faculty are: rate is nearly 100%. Fortunately, our alumni have plenty
University of Edinburgh, Carnegie-Mellon University, Uni- of hiring opportunities in national and international com-
versity of Tokyo, University of Texas-Austin, University panies, usually for highly remunerated positions. Tec alumni
of Waterloo, University of Toronto, University of British are currently employed in important companies, universities,
Columbia, University of Nottingham, University of Stirling, research centers, and organizations in Mexico and around the
European Center for Soft Computing, University of Stanford, world. Academia has also taken advantage of our academic
Harvard University, King’s College, Grenoble, Toulouse, programs. More than 20 universities now have on their staff
and the Institute of Research in Artificial Intelligence in professors who have received AI education at Tecnologico
Barcelona, among others. Internships also include industrial de Monterrey. Graduates from AI academic programs have
stays to participate in the solution of enterprise problems shown their ability acquired through their studies to impact
through collaboration agreements. the institutions where they have been employed throughout
the years. The reach is not only in the academic field but also
4.3.2 Research profile in many companies where our alumni are now employed in
Mexico and the USA. Most of our AI graduates are involved
AI professors and students have published more than 920 in technology-based jobs and activities, where they develop
articles in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, software and applications for solving a variety of challenging
and books in AI subdisciplines indexed by Scopus in the AI problems in high-tech companies like Google, Microsoft
last 10 years [58, 59]. Our next target would be to attain an Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter, companies that frequently
increment in the number of publications in AI in education come to our campuses to recruit undergraduate students in
journals and conferences. Students and professors have had the AI minor. Furthermore, many Mexican companies like
an active role in the Mexican International Conference on Neoris, Cemex, Inflection Point, SoftTek, Arca Continen-
Artificial Intelligence (MICAI) over the years. One line of tal, Oracle, and others, are recruiting undergraduate students
research is about Intelligent Chatbots in Education using AI with the AI minor to work as Data Scientists and knowledge
technologies on platforms of IBM Watson and Dialog Flow workers.

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)

4.3.4 Entrepreneurship and intelligent-robotics; (3) the MICAI conference-series

started in 2000 and held annually; (4) the well-established
The entrepreneurship of high-tech spin-off companies is industry-university liaison to solve real-world problems
also an important result of AI programs. The impact in the using AI-technologies, and (5) the consolidated internation-
economic sector is also present, evidenced by the creation alization program for visits and exchange of students and
of technology-based companies established in Mexico and professors with AI-leading universities; this program gives
worldwide by some Tec graduates. The Incubation Cells students training in scientific writing. A result has been
program for tech-based spin-offs launched by Tec in 2010 increasing by 20% the number of publications per year and
hatched several AI-based companies in areas of Intelligent growing the number of company partnerships by about 20%.
Robotics, Optimization, Knowledge-based systems, and oth- There are plans to increase the number of graduates from
ers. The reach of the AI entrepreneurship program is not only the AI academic programs to about five thousand undergradu-
in the academic field but also in technology-based companies ates, 100 masters, and 50 Ph.D. students to supply companies
created by AI graduates, where our alumni are now employed with experts for the digital economy. We want to increase by
as CEOs and administrative staff of those companies in Mex- 30% the number of articles accepted for publications per
ico and the USA [63]. year and grow the number of company partnerships by about
30%. Factors that make the AI initiative scalable and appli-
4.3.5 Academic competitions cable to the twenty first Century digital economy include
the institutional commitment to lead the local and global
More than 150 students in the three different levels (under- digital transformation of economy and society through edu-
graduate, MSc and Ph.D.) have participated in more than 20 cational innovation, the plan to strengthen industry liaisons
international and national competitions on AI and Robotics, and connections with global industry, and the strengthen-
winning several awards. Examples of international competi- ing of venture capital for entrepreneurial programs for Asia,
tions where AI students participated and obtained awards are: Europe, and North America.
RoboCup, Simulation RoboCup in the Microsoft Robotics
Studio Category, winning the 4th place; RobotStadium, 4.3.7 Funding
RoboBoat 2017 and 2018, winning the Special Awards for
Drone-Boat Interoperability and Engineering Integrity. Fur- Over the past 35 years, the AI initiative has been able to attract
thermore, this year, our AI students won the RoboBoat 2020 about 20 million dollars (U.S.) from industry and public sec-
overall first prize, besides several special first prices for: tors by participating in calls for projects and accreditations
Technical Design first prize, Video first prize, Website first to fund scholarships, salaries, and research infrastructure.
prize and a special award for Testing on the Horizon. Exam- The AI initiative will attract at least 5 million US dollars
ples of national competitions where our AI students have in the next few years. Direct revenue has taken the form of
participated and achieved awards include Torneo Mexicano AI student scholarships, equipment research infrastructure,
de Robótica and Concurso de Robótica e IA NAO. Lorena Vil- research supplies, faculty stipends, and travel grants to attend
larreal is also an example of the impact of a researcher and international conferences. Indirect revenue is measured by
the research results of AI students; she earned a nomination the prestige reflected in international university rankings,
on MIT’s Innovators under 35 Mexico (TR35) Technology academic reputation, and branding in the global employa-
Review for her work on the development of an artificial olfac- bility market.
tory system for odor-source tracking and localization using
rescue robots. She is currently a faculty member of DigiPen 4.3.8 Artificial intelligence conferences
Institute of Technology in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Tecnologico de Monterrey was an early promoter and adopter
4.3.6 Growth of AI technology into curricula, but it also promoted the
dissemination of AI, both, nationally and internationally,
The AI Program projects steady growth in each of its through the organization of the International Symposium
main components; therefore, the program faculty revises and of Artificial Intelligence (ISAI) held annually since 1988
updates the course contents to align with the new Tec21 edu- [64–66]. ISAI was also held in Cancun, Mexico with
cational model. Some updates include: (1) the new major in the attendance of AI founders John McCarthy and Mar-
Data Science and Mathematics, the undergraduate minor in vin Minsky as distinguished speakers [67, 68]. Subsequent
AI, and both the master’s and Ph.D. programs with special- convocations of ISAI were held from 1993 to 1996 with
ization in AI; (2) AI research groups staffed by 30 professors the support of leading AI societies in Mexico and abroad
holding Ph.Ds. in various AI specialties, and three laborato- [69–72]. ISAI was held jointly with the IV World Congress
ries in knowledge-based systems, nature-inspired systems, on Expert Systems in Mexico City in 1998, which was the

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)

largest computer-related conference held in Mexico up to discipline in their implementation. They proposed a 5-step
that year [73]. Afterward, ISAI permanently merged with the methodological approach to project implementation that goes
Mexican AI conference to become the Mexican International from goal definition to full implementation, describing for
Conference on AI (MICAI), which has been held annually each stage the main causes of failure and types of discipline
until the present [18, 74]. In 2003, the International Joint to follow in order to face potential risks [78]. Westerman
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2003) was held et al. [79] present an approach in which they start by assess-
in Acapulco, Mexico, with the support of AAAI and SMIA. ing and building the digital and leadership capabilities within
an organization and then following a step-by-step checklist
4.3.9 Industry Liason approach in guiding the implementation of digital transfor-
mation projects. Jace An presents a digital transformation
The AI program developed close connections with indus- planning methodology in which she discusses the ideas and
try from the late 80s until the present through research concepts of digital transformation in a practical rather than
agreements with different companies to identify industrial theoretical book that describes the proven digital capabilities
problems for which AI solutions could be defined and imple- as the building blocks of digital transformation; it includes an
mented in business operations, producing benefits and cost approach to assessment and improvement to achieve success-
reductions for the client companies. Some of the technolo- ful digital transformation. It spans from customer experience
gies applied in the 1980s and ‘90s’ included Expert Systems to digital alignment, digital intelligence, and digital transfor-
for the solution of manufacturing problems in the areas of mation of operations and culture [80].
diagnosis, troubleshooting, monitoring, control, and schedul- Lindsay Herbert considers the importance of looking at
ing. The main business clients were companies like CYDSA, the costs and risks involved in a major innovation program
HYLSA, and PYOSA; companies from the financial sector, and how leadership and management will directly determine
such as the national bank, Bancomer; and the broadcasting its long-term success and sustainability. The secrets of suc-
sector, like the projects developed and implemented for the cessful digital transformation are usually tightly held by the
Mexican television company, TV Azteca [75–77]. Figure 4 organizations that achieved them, looking at the steps of
shows the main traits of the AI program at Tec. transformation through digital innovation. Herbert’s method-
ology is built from first-hand experiences in leading major
innovation programs, supplemented by in-depth interviews
5 Discussion with key industry players, and insights from the leaders
and teams responsible for digital transformations around the
AI has had “summers” and “winters,” which means that world [81]. Finally, Gerald Kane et al. [82] emphasize the
sometimes credibility and funding from government and pri- importance and key role that the people and human fac-
vate sectors have gone up, but sometimes they have gone tors play in the implementation of digital transformation
down over the past 70 years. Nonetheless, from the dawn of projects within organizations. From these experiences, we
the new millennium, there has been digital transformation infer that the digital transformations of organizations should
to a generalized and growing utilization of AI technologies be undertaken in a disciplined way, supported by specialists,
in nearly every aspect of society, including business, gov- managers, and leaders committed to successful implementa-
ernment, education, entertainment, and other realms. People tion [83].
interact with the challenges and threats of digital trans- How is AI enabling digital transformation? Amit Asawa´s
formation, while, at the same time, using AI and digital book asserts that the phenomenal growth of digital tech-
technologies with the intent to achieve a more successful nologies is creating a tectonic shift in business. He explains
society. that the explosion of information and growing mastery of
How can organizations and academic institutions know available data sets are opening up endless economic oppor-
and take advantage of AI trends in order to renew their tunities, as the digitally led economy is expected to double
curricula to train qualified human resources for the digital every 18–24 months. He goes on, affirming that this shift
transformation and the challenges of the twenty first cen- might not be possible without AI, as it is becoming what
tury? he calls the star of the digital galaxy, according to his own
Tony Saldanha gives an example of why digital transfor- words. He concludes that “little by little and at its own
mation fails when implemented by companies, presenting the pace, AI is becoming an integral part of human life, and its
experience at Procter & Gamble and more than one hundred understanding should not be limited only to corporations or
entities they analyzed. First, there are levels of transfor- academicians as large-scale companies already have robust
mation when introducing a cultural change at institutions. training frameworks in place that expose their employees to
Surprisingly, they had observed that nearly 70% of their this emerging digital technology” [84]. In Sherhan and Lich-
transformation projects had failed, due mainly to a lack of tenthaler’s book, they affirm that many companies that were

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)

Fig. 4 Treats of AI Program at


once successful have been marginalized by competitors, and capability needed to gain digital momentum and facilitate a
such an evolution may potentially affect the majority of large game change with disruptive business models [85].
established companies in many sectors. Then they argue that It is clear that AI technologies play a key role in the devel-
the underlying reasons for this threat are the trends towards opment of technologies that lead digital transformation, and
digitalization, the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, and AI, an understanding and knowledge of its strategic impact is a
so, most firms simply do not have a choice. They continue must for most managers and decision-makers responsible for
advocating for the need to respond by means of digital trans- business success. The next question is, do we have trained
formation since, in their opinion, most firms are aware of the human resources required to lead and execute the generation
challenges, but they struggle with developing the appropriate and adoption of AI technologies within organizations?
strategies and managerial responses. Sherhan’s and Lichten- In their work at Harvard, Daugherty and Wilson argue that
thaler’s approach provides actionable recommendations by AI is no longer just a futuristic notion because it is here right
answering the most critical and fundamental questions about now, packed into software that senses what we need, in rea-
successfully implementing digital transformation and AI. soning frameworks that “think” in real-time, and in robots
They conjecture that their method illustrates how large and that respond to changes in their environment with intelligent
medium-sized firms may capture opportunities while avoid- and adaptive decisions. They go on saying that 21st-century
ing the threats of digital transformation. They conclude by pioneer companies are already using AI to innovate and grow
stating that their proposal not only yields potential efficiency quickly and that the bottom line is this: Businesses that under-
gains but also addresses the opportunities for innovation and stand how to harness AI can surge ahead. Those that neglect
growth in detail and to fully profit from digitalization, firms it will fall behind. They continue by saying that the essence
need to develop digital intelligence to learn from themselves of the AI paradigm shift is the transformation of all business
and to monitor their competitors, and the new devices that processes within an organization-whether related to break-
digital technologies continuously bring. This is the central through innovation, everyday customer service, or personal
productivity habits. Regarding human–computer interaction,

International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)

they state that humans and smart machines collaborate ever communication with Interactive Engineering and its applica-
more closely, work processes become more fluid and adap- tion to design and manufacturing in the age of smart devices,
tive, enabling companies to change them on the fly or to autonomous systems, automated factories, and in general,
reimagine them completely. They state that AI is changing Industry 4.0 [32, 46]. Given this connection, we can also
all the rules of how companies operate. Based on the authors’ observe that there exists a big challenge, and at the same
experience and research with 1500 organizations, they reveal time a great opportunity, for the education of engineers and
how companies use the new rules of AI to leap ahead in inno- professionals for the enterprise of the future as a result of the
vation and profitability, as well as give guidance on what you progress made in AI and Interactive Engineering [45, 47, 55,
can do to achieve similar results [86]. 56].
Ryan M. Cameron asks the question, “What role will The case study described in this paper illustrates the vari-
AI play in education?” in his book AI 101—A Primer on ous strategies that an institution of higher education could
using AI in Education. He gives a practical guide designed to follow in implementing AI in its curricula. We can sum-
demystify AI for teachers and administrators. He asserts that marize that the teaching strategy for AI followed at Tec
technology has always influenced how students and educa- had the following elements: (1) Trained professors in the
tors interact and that AI continues to become a part of our main technologies of AI and the principal approaches to
daily lives and is no longer a fantastical possibility portrayed AI: Symbolic AI, comprised of logic reasoning and knowl-
only in science fiction. He affirms that AI development is edge representation, machine learning with trees and graphs,
impacting education in many ways, ranging from interactive natural language understanding, ontologies, uncertainty rea-
tutors to adaptive learning platforms. He adds that there is a soning with Bayesian networks, symbolic programming with
significant gap between the promise of what benefits AI can Lisp and Prolog, intelligent agents and multiagent systems;
provide for students and the reality of technology, saying that and the nature-inspired systems approach embracing neural
educators should be aware of this gap and be ready to face nets and deep learning, speech recognition, computer vision,
the pros and cons of the promise of AI in education, so as not fuzzy logic, robot navigation, intelligent control, simulated
to create expectations that could not be met. [87]. annealing, evolutionary computing, and genetic algorithms,
Regarding the two approaches to AI and education men- among the main ones. The hiring of professors with the afore-
tioned above: The first one known as AI in Education studies mentioned specializations is highly desirable to start a solid
how AI technologies can be applied to train students in broad AI curriculum for the undergraduate and graduate levels.
areas of knowledge, including natural sciences, social sci- (2) The second element of the teaching strategy for AI is
ences, arts and humanities, and health sciences. This is the the design of an AI curriculum with an emphasis on the
approach followed by Cameron, and Daugherty and Wilson. AI capabilities that the higher education institution desires
The second approach is the Teaching of AI or education in to develop; these depend upon the institution’s priorities
AI technologies, which is about how students can acquire and the local needs of the region in which the institution
the knowledge, competencies, and skills needed to apply AI is located. This comes along with the external and inter-
and how leadership can be exerted in organizations to guide nal promotion of the AI program for which competition
the digital transformation through the design and implemen- with outside institutions may arise or even within various
tation of meaningful curricula. The case study described in schools and departments of the institution. (3) Finally, the
Sect. 4 is an example of the latter approach. third element consists of the institutional support the pro-
Michael Zimmerman examines in his book what AI is, gram is to receive from the institution, which encompasses
how it works, and how educators can use it to better prepare the leadership, infrastructure, and financial resources to run
students in a world with increasing human–computer inter- and maintain the program. This strategy has proved quite
action. He focuses on exploring the various aspects of AI useful in the running of the AI program for the last 35 years
technology with the potential to solve real problems in soci- at Tecnologico de Monterrey.
ety and its interdisciplinary applicability of different aspects
of our lives [88]. Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig wrote one of
the more comprehensive and popular books to teach the fun- 6 Conclusions
damentals of AI [31]. There are other early-stage AI books
[89–91], which must be part of the basic bibliography to teach An overview of achievements and trends in AI worldwide
AI, including updated editions of other early AI books [92, and the role AI has played over the past seven decades in the
93]. growth of digital transformation in the society of the third
Finally, we can see the close relationship and tight con- millennium has been presented in this review. AI has had ups
nection that exists between the AI fields of Natural Language and downs since its invention in the 1950s. AI has tremendous
Understanding, Speech Recognition, Computer Vision, Ges- impact and relevance in modern society. The spectrum of
ture Recognition, Ergometry, and other human–computer opportunities AI presents for the survival, competitiveness,

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