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Morning 11:00-11:50. At 11:50 get them ready for In motion.

Subject/Grade: ELA 3-4 Lesson Title: Who am I? Teacher: Miss. Matthews

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results


AR 3.1 AND AR 4.1- Reflect on and assess their viewing, listening, reading, speaking, writing, and other representing

AR3.1 AND AR 4.1- Reflect on and assess their viewing, listening, reading, speaking, writing, and other representing
experiences and the selected strategies they have used (e.g., using class-generated criteria).

CC 3.1 AND CC 4.1 -Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore:

 identity (e.g., Spreading My Wings)

 community (e.g., Helping Others)

 social responsibility (e.g., Communities Around the World) and make connections across areas of study.


(f) Apply criteria to judge the quality of their viewing, listening, reading, representing, speaking, and

(b) Communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly and, when appropriate, artistically.

(c) Create spoken, written, and other representations that include:

 a main idea(s) with supporting details, explanations, and examples

 a beginning that introduces the topic, a middle that is sequenced and connected to the
topic, and an ending.

 appropriate use of language and conventions including conventional print.

Key Understandings: (‘I Can’ statements): Essential Questions:

 I can listen while others talk.  Who am I?
 I can think deeply about the questions.  Where do I come from?
 I can understand who I am.  How do I know who I am?
 How am I different than others?
Prerequisite Learning:
 How to actively listen.
 How to properly conduct an interview.
 How to be respectful classmates.

Instructional Strategies:
 Teacher led lecture.
 Teacher led discussion.
 Student led partner work.
 Student led group work.
 Student presentation.

Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning

 Rubric for speech- marked during in-class partner interviews adding comments later. Attached to this will be a
sharing mark, about how well they express themselves during the sharing portion of class time- marked during
activity. Comments regarding this rubric can be added later, during class I will just be taking quick jot notes.
 Can acquire extra (bonus) marks for active listening and good participation skills.
Stage 3: Build Learning Plan
Set (Engagement): Length of Time: 5 Minutes Materials/Resources:
11:00-11:05  PowerPoint.
PowerPoint  YouTube video.
 Collect health Worksheets from last week.  Interview Questions.
 Students already have knowledge about what Identity is. They  Interview question sheet for
have completed a “The best part of me” assignment, are in the students x23.
process of writing a story about themselves and doing a novel  Pencils for students x23.
study on identity. You do NOT have to go into detail about this.  Partner list.
 Talk about what an Interview is, the different parts.  Small group list.
 Discuss what makes a good interview- video.  Classroom timer.
 Handout interview questions- during video. Ask students not to Possible Adaptations/
touch the handout. Differentiation:
 Bring the interview questions up on the board.  If students have difficulty writing
 Make sure students put their name on their interview question down their partners answers, they
sheets. can only get marked on the
Development: Time: 27 Minutes. speech rubric.
11:05-11:32  In the small groups students talk
 Make sure students understand that the speech part of the about their answers instead of
interview is the most important. their partners.
 Bring student partner list up on the PowerPoint.  Assign each student partner group
 Let students know they can sit anywhere IN THE CLASSROOM a place in the classroom to
with their partners. conduct the interview.
 Bring up the PowerPoint Slide with the list of which partners is  If a student is missing, take a
interviewing first. student from the group of three
 Give that partner 7 minutes to interview their partner- Timer in and assign them to the missing
slides. student’s partner.
 Wander around, see if they are writing down the answers their  If a student or students are
partners give. Make sure the students are on task. uncomfortable answering a
 This is where you can make notes about the speech part of the question, they can skip it.
 When the timer goes. Bring up the next Slide, which will show Management Strategies:
that the other partner is now interviewing.  1,2,3 eyes on me.
 Give them 7 minutes to ask the questions- Timer in slides.  Ready Positions.
 Wander around, see if they are writing down the answers their  Flat Tire.
partners give. Make sure the students are on task.  Waterfall.
 This is where you can make notes about the speech part of the  The teacher claps twice, small
assignment. pause, then claps three times.
 Bring the next slide up and this will be putting partners together Students clap back.
into groups of 4. In these groups they will share what their partner
answers are. Safety Considerations:
 Give them 10 minutes to share.  In the partners and small groups,
 Bring them back to their desks. the students could start to goof off,
they could hurt themselves or
Learning Closure: Time:5 Minutes others.
11:32-11:37  Pencils are sharp, they could hurt
 Wrap-up and wind-down somehow. themselves or others.
 Have the LAST person in each row collect the interview sheets.
 Have the students get into their ready positions.

Getting ready for “In-Motion”

 “First row that is in their ready positions, will be the first to get
ready, so everyone in their ready positions!”
 “Remember, just because you are ready to go outside, does not
mean you can go though, wait till I dismiss you.”
 Either YOU stand in the doorway of the coat closet or ask
someone else to.
 First row in their ready positions (mostly), gets to get ready for in-
 Let the first row get (mostly) out of the coat room, then let the
second row that was in their ready position get ready to go, ETC.
 Continue until all rows have gone.
 Only let students go outside once someone can go with them
(Mrs. Adams, Miss. Merk, Miss. Bzdell, or Miss. Klewchuk).
 Try and make sure ALL students are outside no later than 11:55.
Stage 4: Reflection

Backwards by Design Lesson Plan Template

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