Final Exam Rangaig

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RANGAIG, Ana Farena M.

MAY 12, 2023

HIS030 – Ww2

1. In your understanding to our discussion, why Marawi Siege happened in 2017?

- The Marawi Siege in 2017 was a protracted struggle between the Philippine government and Islamist
groups in Mindanao, including the Maute group and Abu Sayyaf. Every moro groups have their own
desires and goals for moro people and its land, different perspectives of every moro group create a chaos.
The Maute group attacked the city of Marawi in May 2017. The Philippine government fought with them
to reclaim the claim and to stop the Maute group. All of the residents were compelled to evacuate their
homes and hundreds of people died as a result of the battle. In October 2017, the maute group were
defeated by the Philippine government and most of them are killed.

2. Prior to the Spanish-Moro War, give reasons why it happened. Explain thoroughly.

- The Spanish-Moro War, also known as the Spanish-Mindanao Wars, was a series of conflicts between the
Spanish Empire and numerous Muslim communities in the southern Philippines, particularly the Moro
people. In that time the southern Philippines are rich in a variety of natural resources, and in terms of
agriculture, golds, and other goods. This is the first reason it occurred. Other nations want to capture and
dominate the land because of its wealth. Also, there are variations in the religion and culture of the local
populace. The Philippines' Muslim community followed a different faith and had a different culture than
the Spanish. In contrast to Spain, the Moros have their own beliefs and religion because of that the Spain
was triggered to control their faith and religion and that makes them invade the country.

3. What is some reason why, Christian Migrants settled in the large area of Mindanao?

- Over the years, Christians have migrated to Mindanao for a variety of reasons. The promise of land is one
of the factors that encouraged Christian migrants to settle in significant portions of Mindanao. They were
promised a land and that made called Mindanao as the "Land of Promise". It has a sizable landmass with
abundant agricultural land, forests, and other natural resources. Due to the long-running conflict in the
Philippines, Christian migrants made the decision to abandon Visayas and Luzon, which are occupied by
different conquerors while Mindanao is still unconquered. The Moro people has been minimized in their
own land because of the migrants or settlers.

4. Based on the discussion, what is the impact of the Jabidah Massacre on the Bangsamoro people?

- The Jabidah Massacre, a historical occurrence in the Philippines, had a significant influence on the
Bangsamoro people, especially on their struggle perspectives and their relationships with the Philippine
government. The incident serves to awaken the Mindanao people about what is taking place and to show
all Moro people how the Philippine government abuses its authority by continuing to mistreat Moro
people. Moro comes to understand that the Philippine government is betraying them.

5. What were the reasons why the American-Moro War happened? Explain thoroughly.

- During the American-Moro War, which lasted over 14 years of war, the United States of America and the
Muslim-majority Moro people of the southern Philippines fought. As the Spanish-American war ended,
the United States gained the Philippines. This is one of the complex causes of the American-Moro War.
The Philippines were seen as an important economic and geopolitical asset by the American
administration, which planned to establish a colonial presence in the region and take control of the land
and resources of the Philippines. It was important to put down the Moro uprising in order to keep
American control over the region.
6. Why Americans were successful in their campaign on colonization in the Philippines. Explain

- American have a stronger military than we do because they have more sophisticated weapons, that's why
it's easy for them to persuade the Filipinos to turn their back against the Philippines. The media helped
the Americans effectively occupy the Philippines. Americans take control the Filipinos and provide
education in order to influence and brainwash their knowledge and spread their learnings to many.

7. What is Jabidah Massacre, why, where, and when it happened?

- Due to the commander's betrayal, the Jabidah Massacre, which also occurred on March 18, 1968, at Island
of Corregidor, is a very worrying episode. It was the presidency of the late President Ferdinand Marcos.
A group of Muslims is receiving training for a clandestine operation against the Malaysian government.
This particular island, which is being given to the Sultan of Sulu, has been claimed by the Philippines as
their own since it is a gift to the Sultan. The trained military, however, are being slain and set a fire as the
operation is being carried out. Because of this killing, Moros are becoming frightened by the Philippine
government's betrayal. The worse day of innocent Muslims occurred as they were massacred.

8. What is Bangsomoro Armed Struggle for the Right to Self-determination? How did it start?

- The Moro's desire to retake the land that is rightly theirs sparked the beginning of the armed fight for the
right to self-determination. They aspire to independence, as this is how states should be. The constant
killings and framing by the state to portray Moros as evil was what first indicated the start of an armed
conflict. They proposed a discussion of self-autonomy despite their desire to be an independent state.

9. What is your expectation of the creation of BARMM?

- Leaders of BARMM have frequently risked their lives in order to declare this government. The
Bangsamoro people will be able to address their specific needs and challenges thanks to the BARMM. In
addition to addressing the root causes of the complications, I believed that BARMM would promote peace
in the Bangsamoro area by providing a platform for effective cause and cooperation between the
Bangsamoro people and the Philippine government. Also, I am confident that this new administration
will contribute to the region's economic growth by opening up opportunities for investment and
development in the Mindanao region. Our property is abundant with everything the BARMM might use.

10. Based on discussion, what is the general pattern of the Bangsamoro Peace Process?

- I believe that we should start at the local level if we want to create peace. by giving them access to
information about the BARMM and its plan for establishing peace and practicing moral leadership. We
should educate ourselves and the Bangsamoro People to have their rights in order to live peacefully and

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