FINAL SOEL Summer Prog Inserts 17B Web

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co N co r d i a u N i v er s i t Y s i N t er N at i o N a l

S u mmer School
Yo u r Po rtal to No rth aMer ic aN hig her ed u c atioN
U p dat e d d e c e m b e r 2 010


h u m a n r e S o u rc e S D i g i ta l D e S i g n


S o c i o - c u lt u r a l o r i e n tat i o n l a n g uag e S

Film StuDieS

W h y C h oos e Con Cordia u n iV er s it y?

concordia university is a large, englishlanguage urban university, located in Montreal, Quebec, canada. the university has two campuses: one situated in the downtown core of Montreal, and the other, in the residential west-end of the city. a free shuttle-bus allows students, faculty and staff to travel conveniently between both campuses. concordia offers more than 180 undergraduate programs within four Faculties: arts and science, engineering and computer science, Fine arts, and the John Molson school of Business. the school of extended learning offers creditand non-credit courses to students of the international summer school. With a population of over three million, Montreal is one of the oldest cities in North america, and the second largest primarily French-speaking city in the world after Paris. students at concordia university have the advantage of being able to study english within a modern French-speaking environment. the many different cultural communities living in Montreal contribute to this citys cosmopolitan atmosphere. Numerous festivals, concerts, art shows and cultural events take place each summer in Montreal, making cultural diversity an integral part of living here. Montreal is consistently rated as one of the safest and most livable cities and is considered canadas cultural capital, with a vibrant and exciting night-life. concordia university considers the urban setting of Montreal to be one of its most interesting aspects. the university values accessibility and concern for the individual student and promotes an inter-disciplinary approach to learning. concordia is proud to be hosting more than 4,400 international students in its present courses and programs and hopes to welcome you as well to its international summer school.

A p p l i c At i o n A n d t r Av e l to c A n A dA

Wo r ds o f W elco m e
Concordia University is proud to present its International Summer School, offering a variety of undergraduate and personal interest courses as well as socio-cultural events aimed at making your stay in Montreal next summer an enriching and enjoyable experience. Whether you are looking to obtain elective credit courses for a degree in your home university or to complete a non-credit course for your own personal development, the Concordia International Summer School is an opportunity worth considering. Our program offers a flexible summer package that combines quality classroom instruction with the pleasure of discovering an exciting multi-cultural metropolitan city. The School of Extended Learning has a deeply rooted mission to develop and maintain accessibility and community engagement. Its primary purpose is to enhance Concordia Universitys role and presence in the communities it serves and to provide individuals and organizations from Canada and abroad access to the universitys programs and services. We strongly believe that the International Summer School serves as a catalyst for Concordias evolving leadership in the development of sustainable communities locally, nationally, and globally. In addition, we can provide tailor-made summer programs through agreements with institutions whose visiting international students require specific services. Why not take this opportunity then, next summer, to further your academic achievements and credentials while experiencing first-hand Montreals legendary charm and culture?

noel Burke, dean The School of Extended Learning Concordia University

liselyn Adams Associate Vice-President, International Concordia University

A p plic Ati o n A n d tr Av el to c A n A dA
AcAdemic requirements Qualification for Complementary Credit Courses is subject to academic assessment by the university registrar. Qualification for non-credit and language courses is determined by the Centre for Continuing Education in the School of Extended Learning. immigr Ation requirements Since the duration of the International Summer School is under 6 months, you may study in the province of Quebec and in Canada without having to apply for a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) or Study Permit provided you complete your studies within the authorized period of your stay in Canada. For further information, please consult Concordia Universitys International Students Office Website at: However, if you plan to stay for a longer period of time and register in a program that is longer than 6 months, you need to conform to the immigration regulations stated in the website above. Concordia Universitys International Students Office Guide offers helpful information for International Students which you can download from the following website:

e s t i m At i n g t h e totA l co s t s

fAc i liti es , s erv ic es A n d cos t s

Concordia University is well known for its welcoming attitude and concern for the well-being of its students. The University prides itself in offering a wide-variety of services to students in order to make their stay at Concordia a pleasant and successful one. AccommodAtions Single and double residency packages are available on either of our two campuses for the duration of the International Summer School. Currently these rates are approximately $300 CAD per week. Information on cost of living guidelines for your stay in Montreal is available at: international sports And fitness Concordia University also has a state-ofthe-art fitness centre, offering the latest in exercise facilities to full-time students in a friendly environment. For more detailed information, please visit the centres website at: tr Ansport Traveling in and around Montreal can be quite convenient with the purchase of public transport passes that allow visitors access to the bus, metro or train network in the city. Depending on the length of your stay, you can choose a convenient arrangement of your choice at any of the many distribution centres. These passes are included in our Sociocultural package.

Es ti m ati n g th E tota l Cos t s

Estimating thE total Costs Following is a list of total costs for the different course options for the International Summer School, including course tuition fees, residence accommodation at Concordia, course materials, the socio-cultural package, local public transport while in Montreal and administrative fees. Transportation to and from Canada as well as meals (other than the three dinners included in the socio-cultural package) are the responsibility of each student. The cost of meals in Montreal is approximately $35 (Canadian) per day.
One Intensive English-Language Program for Academic Purposes (1) June 13 July 15 (5 weeks) OR One Intensive English-Language Program for Academic Purposes (2) July 18 August 19 (5 weeks) One French Conversation Program for Professional and Social Environment July 25 August 19 (4 weeks) One Non-Credit Certificate in: Photoshop June 27 July 22 (4 weeks) OR Page Layout July 25 August 19 (4 weeks) One Filmmaking Program for Emerging Artists in Digital Cinema June 27 July 29 (5 weeks) Course Tuition Fees Accommodations ($300/week): Other Summer Program Fees1: $ 1,555 $ 1,500 $ 2,645 CoursE options / DatEs One Complementary Credit Course in Business Practices, Human Resources or Marketing June 27 August 5 (6 weeks) Costs ($CDn) Course Tuition Fees ( *Course Tuition Fees for Citizens of France Accommodations ($300/week): Other Summer Program Fees1: $ 2,528 $ 528) $ 1,800 $ 2,372 $6,700 (* Total for Citizens of France $4,700) total Cost

$5,700 Course Tuition Fees Accommodations ($300/week): Other Summer Program Fees1: Course Tuition Fees Accommodations ($300/week): Other Summer Program Fees1: $ 345 $ 1,200 $ 2,405 $3,950 $ 1,300 $ 1,200 $ 2,450 $4,950 Course Tuition Fees Accommodations ($300/week): Other Summer Program Fees :

$ 1,000 $ 1,500 $ 1,800 $4,300

Other Program Fees include course materials, the socio-cultural package (including three dinners), local public transport passes and administrative fees.

n o n - c r e d i t co u r s e s

complementAry credits courses

The School of Extended Learning will provide visiting summer students access to the following courses. credit tr Ansfer Courses offered in the International Summer School are either creditbearing, non-credit, or for personal development. Complementary Credit Courses grant students Concordia University credits upon successful completion. The transfer or recognition of credits for any of the Concordia University courses to degree programs in other universities is left to the discretion of each home institution. if you wish to have courses credited at your home institution, you must make these arrangements prior to registration for the international summer school. humAn resources pr Actices: the fundAmentAls (sel 154) (6 weeks) This course examines the theory and practical application of personnel management. Topics to be discussed include recruitment, staff selection, orientation and training, wage and salary administration, and benefits management. (3 credits) humAn resources prActices: group dynAmics (sel 155) (6 weeks) This course explores and analyzes behavioural characteristics within organizations. Competencies are developed in identifying work group and intergroup behaviour, and in developing strategies designed to maximize organizational effectiveness. (3 credits) Business pr Actices: the fundAmentAls (sel 151) (6 weeks) This course provides an introductory overview of the business organization, focusing on both internal issues such as the structure of business, its principal functions and activities, and social and ethical concerns, as well as external issues, such as the economic, technological, and competitive landscapes and how these influence decision-making. (3 credits) mArketing pr Actices: the fundAmentAls (sel 157) (6 weeks) This course introduces the basic concepts of marketing by focusing on the components of the marketing mix, market segmentation, and positioning. Competencies are built by examining the changing business environments, both external and internal, and developing an understanding of relevant target markets employing rapidly evolving distribution and promotional techniques. (3 credits) schedule June 27 to August 10

n o n - c r ed it co u r s es
credits may be granted by the students home institution by prior arrangement. l AnguAge courses intensive english-l AnguAge progr Am (24 hours / week x 5 = total 120 hours) This program is designed to prepare students to function successfully at English-language universities or colleges. However, professionals or business people who require a high level of competency equally benefit from it. Students are trained to read academic as well as non-academic materials; listen to formal and informal talks, conversations, and lectures; participate in discussions, debates, and seminars; and write letters, papers, and exams, as well as acquire good study skills. Homework and group work are integral to this program. The Intensive English-Language Program consists of eight levels, and students are required to complete an English placement test upon their arrival to determine their level of study. schedule June 13 to July 15 OR July 18 to August 19 certificAte progr Am in photoshop (20 hours / week x 4 = total 80 hours) Adobe Photoshop is the worlds leading software in 2-D imaging manipulation. Photographers, graphic designers, illustrators, advertising agencies, architects, engineers, fashion designers, interior designers, commercial printers, magazines, and newspapers have all adopted Photoshop as the standard in the photographic imaging industry. Students will be taught clear, concise, inspiring and professional methods to create stunningly enhanced photographic montages and magnificent graphical/ illustrative designs. Students will be able to express their visions and push the limits of digital art to new heights using the highest quality industry standards. schedule June 27 to July 22 french conversAtion progr Am (cefr) (10 hours / week x 4 = total 40 hours) The French Conversation Program is designed to give students the tools and practice they need in French to encourage and develop their linguistic abilities in their professional and social environment. Through a wide variety of communicative activities, students are encouraged to speak and develop their listening skills in work and social situations. schedule July 25 to August 19 certificAte progr Am in pAge lAyout (20 hours / week x 4 = total 80 hours) This certificate introduces students to both theory and practice of the required skills in Page Layout. The focus will be on professional level, project-based courses using state-of-the-art equipment. Students will develop learning skills and working methods with powerful tools to create vector based graphic elements and page layout techniques that meet the requirements of industry professionals. schedule July 25 to August 19

s pec i A l prog r A m s: f i lm m A k i n g o r i entAti o n

filmmAking progr Am digitAl cinemA: the studio for future cinemA The objective of this intensive five-week course is to increase the awareness of cinema as a visual art medium and to increase various alternatives of cinema poetics. Diverse techniques and aesthetical variations will be discussed via curated film and video screenings, invited guest speakers, and hands-on experience in studio image-making. The Studio for Future Cinema is designed to educate and instruct emerging artists and future teachers on the strategies of our new media environment so they can adapt to different forms of making and seeing, but also become more technically intuitive and self-reliant. Students should have their own digital video camera, portable computer and standard video editing software. Classroom discussions and studio workshops will identify parameters and methods using new tools, image supports, do-it-yourself forms of dissemination and ways of working. The Studio for Future Cinema provides learners with a collaborative forum for the presentation of work and for critical discussion. Studio projects will allow students to discover a formal visual language while working with hybrid formats. Each student will update his/her progress via a blog with daily postings to generate a wider dialogue with a global community. All projects will result in a public outcome, such as a screening, lecture, website or publication. Electronic publishing will also be explored to advance and develop students critical writing skills about the film and video work screened and completed in this course. schedule June 27 to July 29 socio-cultur Al orientAtion A series of evening activities is offered to help students become aware of the socio-cultural features of the city of Montreal and of Quebec society in general. Students will be exposed to the historical, cultural and gastronomical highlights of this busy city as complement to their daily experience at Concordia University. Examples of these activities include visits to seasonal world-class festivals (Jazz and Comedy), a cruise on the Saint-Lawrence River and an evening in a Montreal Jazz Club. Includes three dinners, as well as public transportation to these events. schedule June 27 July 15 OR July 25 August 12

p o u rq u o i c h o i s i r l u n i v e r s i t co n co r d i A ?

m ot d e B i en v en u e
LUniversit Concordia est fire de vous prsenter son cole internationale dt. Grce toute une varit de cours de 1 cycle et dintrt personnel ainsi

communauts quelle sert, mais aussi de faciliter son accs aux particuliers et aux organisations qui ncessitent son aide pour profiter de ses services. Ainsi croyons-nous fermement que lcole internationale dt sert de catalyseur au leadership en pleine volution quexerce lUniversit Concordia en matire de dveloppement de communauts durables, que ce soit lchelle locale, nationale ou internationale. Nous pouvons galement offrir des programmes dt sur mesure en concluant des ententes avec des tablissements trangers, dont les tudiants visiteurs requirent des services spcifiques. Alors, pourquoi ne pas en profiter lt prochain pour acqurir des connaissances et des crdits tout en dcouvrant la culture et le charme lgendaires de Montral.

que dactivits socioculturelles, lcole vous propose de faire de votre sjour Montral lt prochain une exprience enrichissante et agrable! Que vous souhaitiez suivre des cours optionnels crdits pour obtenir un diplme de votre universit dattache ou un cours non crdit pour votre culture personnelle, lcole internationale dt de Concordia a ce quil vous faut. Son programme comprend en effet une formule de cours dt flexible qui allie lexcellence de lenseignement au plaisir de dcouvrir une mtropole multiculturelle des plus passionnantes. Favoriser et maintenir laccessibilit des tudes tout comme lengagement communautaire: telle est la mission fondamentale de lcole de formation continue. Dailleurs, son objectif premier est non seulement daccrotre le rle et la prsence de lUniversit dans les

noel Burke, doyen cole de formation continue Universit Concordia

liselyn Adams Vice-rectrice associe Universit Concordia

p o u rq u o i c h o i s i r l u n i v er s it co n co r d i A?
Grande universit anglophone situe en plein cur de Montral, Concordia possde deux campus: lun au centreville; lautre, dans un quartier rsidentiel de louest de la ville. Une navette gratuite permet aux tudiants, au corps professoral et au personnel de se dplacer aisment dun campus lautre. LUniversit propose plus de 180programmes de premier cycle dans quatre facults: Arts et sciences, Gnie et informatique, Beaux-arts et cole de gestion John-Molson. Lcole de formation continue offre des cours crdits et non-crdits aux tudiants de lcole internationale dt. Montral compte plus de trois millions dhabitants. Cest lune des plus anciennes villes dAmrique du Nord et, lchelle internationale, la deuxime mtropole francophone aprs Paris. Les tudiants de Concordia ont donc la chance de pouvoir tudier en anglais dans un environnement francophone des plus modernes. Qui plus est, les nombreuses communauts culturelles de Montral contribuent en faire une ville cosmopolite. Chaque t, elle est ainsi lhte dune myriade de festivals, de concerts, dexpositions dart et dvnements culturels; la diversit faisant partie intgrante de la vie et de la culture Montralaises. Constamment classe parmi les villes les plus scuritaires et agrables vivre du monde, Montral est galement considre comme la capitale culturelle du Canada. Sans oublier la vie nocturne, tout simplement trpidante! Pour Concordia, le milieu urbain dans lequel elle volue constitue lun de ses attraits indniables. Par ailleurs, lUniversit valorise laccessibilit de et lintrt port chaque tudiant en plus de promouvoir une approche interdisciplinaire de lapprentissage. Fire de compter plus de 4400 tudiants internationaux inscrits ses cours et ses programmes, LUniversit Concordia espre vous accueillir son cole internationale dt.

d em A n d e dA d m i s s i o n e t voyAg e Au c A n A dA
instAll Ations et services LUniversit Concordia est rpute pour tre accueillante et soucieuse du bien-tre de ses tudiants. Elle est fire de leur proposer une vaste gamme de services afin que leur sjour soit agrable et couronn de succs. progr Amme intensif de exigences universitAires Ladmission aux cours complmentaires crdits est sujette une valuation du registrariat de luniversit. Ladmission aux cours non crdits ou de langues est dtermine par le Centre de lducation permanente de lcole de formation continue. exigences en mAtire dimmigr Ation tant donn que la dure des cours de lcole internationale dt est considrablement infrieure six mois, vous pouvez tudier au Qubec et au Canada sans avoir faire une demande de Certificat dacceptation du Qubec (CAQ) ou de permis dtudes, condition que vous terminiez vos tudes durant la priode de votre autorisation de sjour au Canada. Pour plus de renseignements, visitez le site Web du Bureau des tudiants internationaux de luniversit: Toutefois, les candidats qui prvoient sjourner au pays pour une priode plus longue et sinscrire un programme qui dure plus de six mois doivent se conformer aux rglements noncs sur ce site web. Le guide du Bureau des tudiants internationaux de luniversit offre de prcieux renseignements et peut tre tlcharg partir du : l Angue AnglAise Ce programme a dabord t conu pour prparer les tudiants entrer dans les collges et les universits de langue anglaise. Cependant, les gens daffaires et les professionnels qui veulent se perfectionner peuvent en bnficier galement. Les tudiants apprennent lire des textes didactiques et non didactiques. Ils sont sensibiliss au langage formel et informel, la conversation et lcoute dun cours. Ils participent des discussions, des dbats et des sminaires. Ils rdigent des lettres et des textes acadmiques, rpondent des questions dexamens et acquirent de bonnes techniques dtude. Les devoirs et le travail de groupe font parties intgrantes de ce programme. Le programme intensif danglais compte 8 niveaux de comptence, et les tudiants sont invits complter un test de classement en anglais ds leur arrive afin de dterminer leur niveau dtude. horaire du 13 juin au 15 juillet OU du 18 juillet au 19 aot hBergement Des forfaits en chambre individuelle ou double sont offerts sur les deux campus pour la dure de lcole internationale dt. Le tarif hebdomadaire est de300$. Renseignements sur le cot de la vie Montral: futurestudents/international renseignements Additionnels Pour tout complment dinformation sur lcole internationale dt, crivez-nous : fr Ais rel Atifs Au progr Amme De linformation concernant le paiement des frais relatifs au programme vous est fournie la page 6. cours de lcole dt Lcole de formation continue offrira aux tudiants visiteurs laccs aux cours dcrits aux pages 7, 8 et 9. Ces cours sont donns en anglais. Voici une description du Programme intensif de langue anglaise: orientAtion socioculturelle Une srie dactivits est propose aux tudiants visiteurs pour leur faire dcouvrir en quoi se distinguent Montral et la socit qubcoise en gnral. Ils pourront ainsi apprendre connatre lhistoire, la culture et la gastronomie de cette mtropole dynamique en plus de vivre chaque jour une exprience enrichissante Concordia. Festivals saisonniers, croisire sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent et soires dans un club de jazz montralais sont autant de sorties dont ils peuvent profiter. horaire: du 27 juin au 15 juillet OU du 25 juillet au 12 aot

i nter n Ati o n A l 2011 s u m m er sc h oo l co u r s e sc h ed u les

complementAry credit courses June 27 to August 5
Week of June 27 July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 August 1 9:00 12:00 SEL 151 SEL 151 SEL 151 SEL 151 SEL 151 SEL 151 Courses: 13:00 16:00 SEL 154 SEL 154 SEL 154 SEL 154 SEL 154 SEL 154

9:00 12:00 SEL 155 SEL 155 SEL 155 SEL 155 SEL 155 SEL 155 13:00 16:00 SEL 157 SEL 157 SEL 157 SEL 157 SEL 157 SEL 157

9:00 12:00 SEL 151 SEL 151 SEL 151 SEL 151 SEL 151 SEL 151 13:00 16:00 SEL 154 SEL 154 SEL 154 SEL 154 SEL 154 SEL 154

9:00 12:00 SEL 155 SEL 155 SEL 155 SEL 155 SEL 155 SEL 155 13:00 16:00 SEL 157 SEL 157 SEL 157 SEL 157 SEL 157 SEL 157

9:00 13:00 13:00 16:00

SEL 151 Business Practices : The Fundamentals (3-credits) M-W---- 9:00 to 12:00 SEL 154 Human Resources Practices : The Fundamentals (3-credits) M-W---- 13:00 to 16:00 SEL 155 Human Resources Practices : Group Dynamics (3-credits) -T-J--- 9:00 to 12:00 SEL 157 Marketing Practices : The Fundamentals (3-credits) -T-J--- 13:00 to 16:00

intensive english l AnguAge progr Am June 13 to July 15

Week of June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4 July 11 9:00 12:00 Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) 13:00 15:00 Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1)

9:00 12:00 Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) 13:00 15:00 Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1)

9:00 12:00 Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) 13:00 15:00 Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1)

9:00 12:00 Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) 13:00 15:00 Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1)

9:00 13:00 Intensive ESL (1) Holiday Holiday Intensive ESL (1) Intensive ESL (1)

July 18 to August 19
Week of July 18 July 25 August 1 August 8 August 15 9:00 12:00 Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) 13:00 15:00 Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2)

9:00 12:00 Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) 13:00 15:00 Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2)

9:00 12:00 Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) 13:00 15:00 Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2)

9:00 12:00 Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) 13:00 15:00 Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2)

9:00 13:00 Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2) Intensive ESL (2)

I nter n atI o n a l 2011 S u m m er Sc h oo l co u r S e Sc h ed u leS

French converSatIon Program and IntenSIve certIFIcateS In PhotoShoP and In Page layout June 27 to July 22
Week of June 27 July 4 July 11 July 18 9:30 12:00 13:00 17:30 Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop

9:30 12:00 13:00 17:30 Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop

9:30 12:00 13:00 17:30 Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop

9:30 12:00 13:00 17:30 Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop

9:30 12:00 Holiday 13:00 17:30 Holiday Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop

July 25 to August 19
Week of July 25 August 1 August 8 August 15 9:30 12:00 FSL Conversation FSL Conversation FSL Conversation FSL Conversation 13:00 17:00 Page Layout Page Layout Page Layout Page Layout

9:30 12:00 FSL Conversation FSL Conversation FSL Conversation FSL Conversation 13:00 17:00 Page Layout Page Layout Page Layout Page Layout

9:30 12:00 FSL Conversation FSL Conversation FSL Conversation FSL Conversation 13:00 17:00 Page Layout Page Layout Page Layout Page Layout

9:30 12:00 FSL Conversation FSL Conversation FSL Conversation FSL Conversation 13:00 17:00 Page Layout Page Layout Page Layout Page Layout

9:30 12:00 13:00 17:00 Holiday Page Layout Page Layout Page Layout

FIlmmakIng Progr am June 27 to July 29

Week of June 27 July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 9:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking

9:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking

9:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking

9:00 12:00 13:00 17:00 Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking

9:00 13:00 13:00 17:00 Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking

Visit the sUmmer school Website regUlarly for Updated information at: programs/intsumsc

for more information if you have additional questions about the international summer school or if you wish to sign up for a Webcast orientation session, please feel free to send an email to:

mailing address concordia university the school of extended learning 1455, de Maisonneuve Blvd. West Montreal, Quebec, canada h3g 1M8

c o n c o r d i a i n t e r n at i o n a l
w w w.concordi a .c a

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