Development Through Life A Psychosocial Approach Newman 12th Edition Test Bank

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Development Through Life A

Psychosocial Approach Newman 12th

Edition Test Bank
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The Societal System
The Psychosocial Impact of Poverty
Overview of the Psychosocial Approach
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Poverty
The Life Span
Life Expectancy
Group Differences in Life Expectancy
Gender Differences
Racial Differences
Factors That Contribute to Longevity
Social Integration
Chapter Summary
Chapter 2: Major Theories for Understanding Human Development
Case Study: Jack Manasky and His Daughter Marilyn
What is a Theory?
Requirements of a Theory
Requirements for Theories of Development
The Theory of Evolution
Evolutionary Psychology
Implications for Human Development
Links to the Psychosocial Approach
Psychosexual Theory
Five Components of Psychosexual Theory
Motivation and Behavior
Domains of Consciousness
Three Structures of Personality
Stages of Development
Defense Mechanisms
Object Relations Theory
Ego Psychology
Implications for Human Development
Links to Psychosocial Approach
Cognitive Developmental Theories
Basic Concepts in Piaget's Theory
Stages of Development
Implications for Human Development
Vygotsky's Concepts of Cognitive Development
Lower and Higher Mental Processes
Culture as a Mediator of Cognitive structuring
Movement from Intermental to Intramental
Inner Speech
The Zone of Proximal Development
Implications for Human Development
Links to the Psychosocial Approach
Theories of Learning
Social Learning Theory
Implications for Human Development
Cognitive Behaviorism
Implications for Human Development
Links to the Psychosocial Approach
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cultural Theory
Cultural Continuity and Discontinuity
Individualism and Collectivism
Implications for Human development
Links to the Psychosocial Approach
Human Development and Diversity: Implications of Individualism and
Collectivism for Parenting Practi
Social Role Theory
Implications for Human Development
Links to the Psychosocial Approach
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Role Strain and Parenthood
Systems Theory
Characteristics of Open Systems
Ecological Systems Theory
Implications for Human Development
A Systems View of Families
Links to the Psychosocial Approach
Chapter Summary
Chapter 3: Psychosocial Theory
The Rationale for Emphasizing Psychosocial Theory
Case Study: Erik H. Erikson
Basic Concepts of Psychosocial Theory
Stages of Development
Developmental Tasks
Psychosocial Crisis
Psychosocial Crises of the Life Stages
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Using Autobiographical Memories to
Explore Psychosocial Stages
The Central Process for Resolving the Psychosocial Crisis
Radius of Significant Relationships
Contexts of Development
Prime Adaptive Ego Qualities
Core Pathologies
Evaluation of Psychosocial Theory
A Recap of Psychosocial Theory
Chapter Summary
Chapter 4: The Period of Pregnancy and Prenatal Development
Genetics and Development
Chromosomes and Genes as Sources of Genetic Information
The Principles of Heredity
Genotype and Phenotype
Sex-Linked Characteristics
Genetic Sources of Individual Differences
Genetic Determinants of the Rate and Sequence of Development
Genetic Determinants of Individual Traits
Genetic Determinants of Abnormal Development
Genetic Technology and Psychosocial Evolution
Ethical Considerations
Gene X Environment Interactions and Behavior
Genetics and Intelligence
The Norm of Reaction
Normal Fetal Development
Infertility and Alternative Means of Reproduction
Ethical Considerations of ART
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Reproductive Technologies
Development in the First Trimester
The Germinal Period
The Embryonic Period
The Fetal Period
Development in the Second Trimester
Development in the Third Trimester
The Birth Process
Stages of Labor
Cesarean Delivery
Infant Mortality
The Mother, the Fetus, and the Psychosocial Environment
The Impact of the Fetus on the Pregnant Woman
Changes in Roles and social status
Being Pregnant Changes a Woman's Emotional State
Applying Theory and Research To Life: The Doula or Birth Companion
Father's Involvment During Pregnancy
Father's Involvment in Labor and Delivery
Case Study: A Father's Recollection About His Daughter's Birth
The Impact of the Pregnant Woman on the Fetus
The Impact of Poverty
Human Development and Diversity: Psychosocial Factors Linked to Preterm Births
for African American
Mother's Age
Maternal Drug Use
Environmental Toxins
Mother's Diet
Stress and Fetal Development
The Cultural Context of Pregnancy and Childbirth
Reactions to Pregnancy
Solicitude Versus Shame
Adequacy Versus Vulnerability
Human Development and Diversity: Couvade
Reactions to Childbirth
Human Development and Diversity: Taegyo (Fetal Education)
Applied Topic: Abortion
What Is Abortion?
The Legal and Political Context of Abortion in the United States
Statistics about Legal Abortions and the Women Who Have Them
The Psychosocial Impact of Abortion
Case Study: Karen and Don
Men's Reactions to Abortion Men's Reactions to Abortion
Chapter Summary
Chapter 5: Infancy (First 24 Months)
Case Study: A Close Look at Mother-Infant Interaction
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Very Small Babies
Developmental Tasks
The Development of Sensory/ Perceptual and Motor Functions
Brain Development in Infancy
Sensory/Perceptual Development
Motor Development
Sensorimotor Intelligence: Processing, Organizing, and Using Information
Applying Theory and Research To Life: The Dynamic Development of Stepping
How Infants Process Their Experiences
Causal Schemes
Understanding the Nature of Objects and Creating Categories
The Prefrontal Cortex and Infant Intelligence
Language Perception
Communication with Gestures
Early Grammar Recognition
First Words
The Development of Attachment
Stranger Anxiety
Separation Anxiety
Formation of Attachments with Mother, Father, and Others
Patterns of Attachment
Parental Sensitivity and the Quality of Attachment
Applying Life Theory and Research to Life: Is There a Sensitive Period for
The Relevance of Attachment to Subsequent Development
Critique of the Attachment Paradigm
Emotional Development
Emotional Differentiation
Emotions as a Key to Understanding Meaning
The Ability to Regulate Emotions
Case Study: The Cotton Family
How Caregivers Help Infants Manage Their Emotions
Emotions as a Channel for Adult-Infant Communication
The Psychosocial Crisis: Trust versus Mistrust
The Central Process for Resolving the Crisis: Mutuality with the Caregiver
Coordination, Mismatch, and Repair of Interactions
Establishing a Functional Rhythm in the Family
The Prime Adaptive Ego Quality and the Core Pathology
Human Development and Diversity: Sensitive Care in Two Cultures
Applied Topic: The Role of Parents
Safety and Nutrition
Fostering Socioemotional and Cognitive Development
Father's and Mother's Parental Behaviors
Parents as Advocates
The Importance of Social Support
Chapter Summary
Chapter 6: Toddlerhood (Ages 2 to 4 years)
Case Study: Alice Walker Goes to the Fair
Developmental Tasks
Elaboration of Locomotion
Language Development
Semiotic Thinking
Applying Theory and Research to Life: How the Brain Processes Language
Communicative Competence
Language Milestones in Toddlerhood
Language Development Beyond Toddlerhood
Human Development and Diversity: Bilingualism
The Language Environment
Fantasy Play
The Nature of Pretend Play
The Capacity for Pretense
How Fantasy Play Changes During Toddlerhood
Theoretical Views About the Contributions of Fantasy Play to Development
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Imaginary Companions
The Role of Play Companions
Control of Impulses
Applying Theory and Research to Life: The Expression and Control of Angry
Self-Regulated Goal Attainment
The Psychosocial Crisis: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
Shame and Doubt
Human Development and Diversity: Toilet Training
The Central Process: Imitation
The Prime Adaptive Ego Quality and the Core Pathology
The Impact of Poverty on Psychosocial Development in Toddlerhood
Applied Topic: Child Care
The Impact of Child Care on Intelligence, Cognition, and Academic Achievement
The Impact of Child Care on Social Competence
Benefits Associated with Head Start
Directions for the Future of Child Care in the United States
Chapter Summary
Chapter 7: Early School Age (4 to 6 years)
Case Study: Gloria Remembers Being 5 Years Old
Developmental Tasks
Gender Identification
Case Study: Gender Identification in Early Childhood
A Framework for Thinking about Gender Identity
Understanding Gender
Gender-Role Standards and Sex Stereotypes
Identification with Parents
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Children Raised by Gay or Lesbian Parents
Gender Preference
Early Moral Development
Four Theoretical Perspectives on Moral Development
Case Study: Early Learning about Obedience
Empathy, Caring, and Perspective Taking
Parental Discipline
The Impact of Violent Television and Video Games on Moral Development
Review of Influences on Moral Development
The Neuroscience of the Self
The Me and the I
Developmental Changes in the Self-Theory
Culture and the Self-Theory
Self-Esteem and the Early-School-Age Child
Peer Play
Group Games
Media Play
Friendship Groups
The Psychosocial Crisis: Initiative versus Guilt
The Central Process: Identification
The Prime Adaptive Ego Quality and the Core Pathology
Applied Topic: School Readiness
What Do We Mean by Readiness?
Measuring Kindergarten Readiness
Risk Factors for School Readiness
Who Is Responsible for Meeting the Goal for School Readiness?
Human Development and Diversity: Supporting School Readiness for Young
Children with Disabilities
Chapter Summary
Chapter 8: Middle Childhood (6 to 12 years)
Developmental Tasks
Family Influences on Social Competence
Three Contributions of Friendship to Social Development
Concrete Operations
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Bullying
Classification Skills
Computational Skills
Skill Learning
Applying Theory and Research to Life: What Is Intelligence?
Features of Skilled Learning
Feelings of Pride
Human Development and Diversity: Cross-National Comparisons of Mathematics
Case Study: Becca
Social Expectations
Illusions of Incompetence and Competence
Team Play
Division of Labor
In-group and Out-group Attitudes
Team Play as a Context for Development
The Psychosocial Crisis: Industry versus Inferiority
The Central Process: Education
Human Development and Diversity: Disorders of Childhood That Interfere with
School Success
The Prime Adaptive Ego Quality and the Core Pathology
Applied Topic: Violence in the Lives of Children
Consequences of Exposure to Violence
Preventing Violence
Chapter Summary
Chapter 9: Early Adolescence (12 to 18 years)
Case Study: Evelyn Cabrera: Balancing Autonomy and Closeness in Early
Developmental Tasks
Physical Maturation
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Sleep Loss in Adolescence
Case Study Jordyn Wieber: One of the U.S. Fabulous Five Gold Medal Gymnasts
Physical Changes in Girls
Physical Changes in Boys
Cultural Contexts of Puberty
The Secular Growth Trend
Individual Differences in Maturation rate
Romantic and Sexual Relationships
The Transition into Sexualized Relationships
First Intercourse
Sexual Orientation
Problems and Conflicts Associated with Sexuality
Parenthood in Early Adolescence
Formal Operations
Brain Development in Adolescence
Piaget's Theory of Formal Operational Thought
Six Characteristics of Formal Operational Thought
Factors That Promote Formal Operational Thought
Criticisms of the Concept of Formal Operational Thought
Emotional Development
The Interplay of Emotion and Cognition
The Diversity of Emotions in Adolescence
Eating Disorders
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Adolescent Suicide
Membership in the Peer Group
Cliques and Crowds
Group Boundaries and Norms
Parents and Peers
The Psychosocial Crisis: Group Identity Versus Alienation
Group Identity
Cognitive Processes That Support the Formation of Group Identity
Four Types of Experiences That Build a Group Identity
Ethnic Group Identity
The Contribution of Alienation to Group Identity and Individual Identity
The Central Process: Peer Pressure
Affiliating with a Peer Group
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Gangs
Conflicts Between Belonging and Personal Autonomy
The Prime Adaptive Ego Quality and the Core Pathology
Fidelity to Others
Applied Topic: Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Use
Physical Effects of Alcohol
Factors Associated with Alcohol Use
Cognitive Factors
Motivation and Emotion
The Social Contexts of Alcohol Use
Chapter Summary
Chapter 10: Later Adolescence (18 to 24 years)
Case Study: Growing Up Through Divorce, A College Student's Insights
Developmental Tasks
Autonomy from Parents
Autonomy and Leaving Home
Autonomy and the College Experience
Revision of Attachment to Parents
Autonomy and Self-Sufficiency
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Attachment and Identity Formation
Gender Identity
The Role of Culture
Reevaluating Gender Constancy
Reevaluating Earlier Gender-Role Standards and Learning New Ones
Human Development and Diversity: Third Genders
Revising Childhood Identifications
Adding a Sexual Dimension to Gender Identity
Integrating One's Gender Identity
Internalized Morality
New Cognitive Capacities
Stages of Moral Reasoning
Experiences That Promote Moral Reasoning
A Maturing Moral Identity
Career Choice
Work Experiences in Early Adolescence
Factors Influencing Career Choice
Career Decision Making
Phases of Career Decision Making
Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy
The Impact of the Labor Market on Career Decision Making
The Psychosocial Crisis: Individual Identity versus Identity Confusion
Individual Identity
The Private and Public Faces of Identity
The Content and Evaluation Components of Identity
Case Study: Houston A. Baker, Jr.
Identity Status
Identity Confusion
Developmental Progression
Identity Formation for Men and Women
The Central Process: Role Experimentation
Psychosocial Moratorium
Individual Differences in Role Experimentation
Case Study: Turning Points in the Identity Process
Role Experimentation and Ethnic Identity
The Prime Adaptive Ego Quality and the Core Pathology
Fidelity to Values and Ideologies
Applied Topic: Dropping out of College
Financial Factors
Human Development and Diversity
Academic Preparation
Personal Factors
Characteristics of the College Environment
The Consequences of Dropping Out of College
Chapter Summary
Chapter 11: Early Adulthood (24 to 34 years)
Case Study: Changing Work to Recapture Love and Happiness
Expanding Theoretical Views of Adult Development
Social Roles
Life Course
Fulfillment Theories
Developmental Tasks
Exploring Intimate Relationships
Readiness to Form Intimate Relationships
Close Relationships Between Partners of the Same Sex
Readiness to Marry
Phases in the Selection of a Partner
Case Study: The Best Valentine's Day
Adjustment During the Early Years of Marriage
Fertility Rate
Decisions About Childbearing
Human Development and Diversity: The Reproductive Career of the Gusii
Adjustment During Pregnancy and Childbearing
The Dual Roles of Intimate Partner and Parent
Nonmarital Childbearing
The Decision Not to Have Children
The World of Work
Poverty and Career Opportunities
Career Phases and Individual Development
Pace of Life
Social Network
Competing Role Demands
Health and Fitness
The Psychosocial Crisis: Intimacy versus Isolation
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Attachment Styles and Relationship
Intimacy in the Work Setting
Social Anxiety
Fragile Identity
Sexual Disorders
Situational Factors
Divergent Spheres of Interest
The Central Process: Mutuality among Peers
The Prime Adaptive Ego Quality and the Core Pathology
Applied Topic: Divorce
Factors Contributing to Divorce
Age at Marriage
Socioeconomic Level
Socioemotional Development of the Partners
Family History of Divorce
Coping with Divorce
Attachment to a Former Spouse
Coping Strategies
Chapter Summary
Chapter 12: Middle Adulthood (34 to 60 years)
Case Study: Reinventing Family in Middle Adulthood
Developmental Tasks
Managing a Career
Achieving New Levels of Competence in the World of Work
Midlife Career Changes
The Impact of Joblessness
Balancing Work and Family Life
Nurturing an Intimate Relationship
Characteristics of the Partners
Partners' Interpersonal Interactions
Partners' Commitment to Nurturing the Future of the Relationship
Case Study: The Struggle for Commitment to Growth in a Vital Marriage
Preserving Passion in a Long-Term Relationship
Expanding Caring Relationships
Human Development and Diversity: Menopause
Developmental Stages of Families
Caring for One's Aging Parents
Case Study: A Daughter Cares for Her Ailing Mother
Managing the Household
Human Development and Diversity: The Hindu Joint Family
Managing Resources and Meeting Needs
Building Networks and Coalitions
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Homelessness
Remarriage and Blended Families
One-Parent Families
People Who Live Alone
The Psychosocial Crisis: Generativity versus Stagnation
Measuring Generativity
Case Study: My Leadership Journey
The Central Process: Person-Environment Interaction and Creativity
Person–Environment Interaction
The Prime Adaptive Ego Quality and the Core Pathology
Applied Topic: Discrimination in the Workplace
Types of Discrimination
Sex Discrimination
Race Discrimination
Age Discrimination
Overview of Discrimination
Disparities in Income and the Occupational Structure
How Discrimination Perpetuates Itself
Psychosocial Analysis: Discrimination and Coping
Chapter Summary
Chapter 13: Later Adulthood (60 to 75 years)
Case Study: Reflections on Retirement
Developmental Tasks
Accepting One's Life
The SOC Model
Life Goals and Life Satisfaction
Case Study: Goal Adjustment in Later Adulthood
Personality and Well-Being
Illness and Health
Erikson on Accepting One's Life
The U-Shaped Curve of Well-Being
Promoting Intellectual Vigor
Problems in Defining and Studying Intelligence in Later Adulthood
Solving Loosely Defined Problems
Patterns of Change in Different Mental Abilities
The Interaction of Heredity and Environment on Mental Functioning
Redirecting Energy to New Roles and Activities
Human Development and Diversity: Intergenerational Relationships in Various
Ethnic Groups
Leisure Activities
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Patterns of Adaptation Widowhood
Developing a Point of View About Death
Changing Perspectives About Death
Case Study: Morrie Schwartz Reflects on His Views About Death
Death Anxiety
The Psychosocial Crisis: Integrity versus Despair
The Central Process: Introspection
The Prime Adaptive Ego Quality and the Core Pathology
Applied Topic: Retirement
Income Loss
Adjustment to Retirement
Benefits of Retirement
Difficulties with Retirement
Case Study: Anna Quindlen Writes About Retiring as
Retirement for Couples
The Future of Retirement
Chapter Summary
Chapter 14: Elderhood (75 until Death)
Case Study: Fred Hale, Supercentenarian
The Longevity Revolution
Secrets to Longevity
The Gender Gap Among the Very Old
A New Psychosocial Stage: Elderhood
Developmental Tasks
Coping with the Physical Changes of aging
Sleep and Rest
Behavioral Slowing
Sensory Changes
Health, Illness, and Functional Independence
Developing a Psychohistorical Perspective
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Dementia
Traveling Uncharted Territory: Life Structures in Elderhood
Living arrangements
Applying Theory and Research to Life: The Impact of Gentrification on the
Gender-Role Definitions
Romance and Sexuality
The Psychosocial Crisis: Immortality versus Extinction
Human Development and Diversity: The Responsibility of Native Hawaiians for
Their Ancestors' Remains
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Erikson Coping with Aging
The Central Process: Social Support
The Benefits of Social Support
The Dynamics of Social Support
The Social Support Network
The Prime Adaptive Ego Quality and the Core Pathology
Applied Topic: Meeting the Needs of the Frail Elderly
Defining Frailty
Supporting Optimal Functioning
The Role of the Community
The Role of Creative Action
Chapter Summary
Chapter 15: Understanding Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Case Study: Too Late to Die Young
Mortality and Psychosocial Development
Definitions of Death
Advance Directives
The Process of Dying
Confronting One's Death
The Good Death
Hospice Care
Ethical Issues at the End of Life
Death-Related Rituals
Care of the Body
Care of the Spirit
Care of the Surviving Family, Friends, and Community
Bereavement and Grief
Human Development and Diversity: The Amish Way of Death
Bereavement and Coping with Stress
Grief Work
Bereavement and Grief Among Older Widows and Widowers
Five Patterns of Bereavement Among Widows and Widowers
Factors That Affect the Distress of Survivors
Unacknowledged and Stigmatized Loss
Applying Theory and Research to Life: Ambiguous Loss
Psychosocial Growth through Bereavement
Chapter Summary
Appendix the Research Process
The Scientific Process
The Positivist Approach to Research
Scientific Observation
The Qualitative Inquiry Approach to Research
Research Design
Random Samples
Stratified Samples
Matched Groups
Volunteer Samples
The Qualitative Approach to Sampling
Research Methods
Case Study
Surveys and Tests
Designs for Studying Development
Retrospective Studies
Cross-Sectional Studies
Longitudinal Studies
Cohort Sequential Studies
Evaluating Existing Research
Name Index
Subject Index

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