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Acting Out Adjectives

To use adjectives after be
afraid hungry scary
Players angry itchy shy
Any number, divided into 2 teams cold lazy sick
forgetful noisy sneaky
friendly old strong
Materials gentle quick thirsty
A set of 20–25 index cards with a grumpy quiet weak
different adjective printed on each helpful rude
card (like the ones shown), paper hot sad
and pencil for keeping score

Before playing
• Choose one person to be the grumpy
scorekeeper and timekeeper.
• The scorekeeper makes a set of
adjective cards by writing one rude
adjective on each index card.

How to play
1. The scorekeeper shuffles the cards 4. Guesses take the form You are .
and puts them facedown in a pile.
5. The player who makes the correct
2. Player 1 draws an adjective card guess then takes a turn drawing a
without showing it to anyone else. card and acting out the adjective. If
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three minutes pass without a correct

3. Player 1 acts out the adjective while
guess, another player takes a turn
other players try to guess what it is.
acting out the same adjective.
For example, if the adjective is noisy,
the player makes noise. The player 6. Play continues until all the cards are
can makes sounds but cannot say used or time is called.

Players earn one point for each correct guess. If a player says the word he or she is
acting out, that player loses one point. The player with the most points wins the game.

Grade 4 Unit 4: Adjectives Blackline Master

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