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Road Safety Essay 5 (300 words)


Road accidents have become very common due to the vehicle collisions and ignorance
of proper road safety measures. The number of deaths is increasing due to the motor
vehicle collisions by the people ignoring road safety rules. All the roads are busier for
full day where vehicles are running in their high-speed. People in the modern world are
used to their personal transportation which increases traffic on the roads. Under these
conditions it is very important for everyone to be safe on roads and to follow all the
traffic rules and regulations.

How to avoid road accidents

Everyone should undergo a complete driving course under the guidance of an

authorized instructor before starting to drive on the roads. Road safety measures should
be added in the school curriculum so that students can get complete knowledge on
traffic regulation. Most of the road accidents occur because of incomplete knowledge
about operating vehicles and lack of road safety measures.

Use of old vehicles on road is also a cause of accidents, so it is very important to get
the vehicles checked for fitness on a regular basis. Proper and timely service of vehicles
also helps to reduce road accidents. All the drivers should thoroughly check their
vehicles daily before start of any trip and if any issue is found it has to be rectified


Traffic accidents are a major cause of deaths in India and it has affected a huge number
of families. Hence it becomes very important that everyone should strictly follow the
traffic rules and should always drive safely with respecting the other people and
vehicles on the road. We should avoid rash driving, drunken driving and jumping red
lights. Wearing helmets and seat belts could highly reduce the number of causalities
during an accident. A unison effort from each and everyone could definitely reduce the
number of accidents and make our roads safer.

Importance of Tree Plantation

i. Trees inhale Carbon dioxide and various other harmful gases and exhale
Oxygen which is needed for human beings to survive.

ii. Trees act as the source of food and shelter for birds, animals and also human

iii. Trees help in preventing soil erosion, thereby improving the fertility of soil.
Ways to Emphasize the Importance of Tree Plantation:
Today many schools, colleges and even business organizations are allocating
few days of the year exclusively for planting trees. This is a good initiative and
must be encouraged in order to make people aware about the importance of tree
plantation. Even politicians and celebrities plant saplings and act as a role model
for the future generation.

It is high time that we the residents of this planet, appreciate the importance of
tree plantation and start contributing for a greener planet.

Phonics and Spelling

Words without using normal spelling rules:
Common Mistakes
1. Accommodate accommodate

2. Acknowledgment acknowledgement

3. Acquire aquire

4. Apparent apparent

5. Calendar calendar

6. colleague collegue

7. Conscientious consciencious

8. Consensus concensus

9. Experience experience

10. Guidance guidance

11. Fulfill fulfil

12. License licence

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