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Luke 5:4, Ezek. 36:25-27, John 4:23-24, Rom. 8:8.
In order to provide a more profound spiritual service, the leader must not only be
in the deep but also develop in the deep.
Which leaders, specifically, are considered to be in the deep?
Verse (25, 26, and 27) of Ezekiel 36 describes leaders who are in the deep.
In order to give spiritual service to God, one must be saved, sanctified, and filled
with the Spirit; otherwise, they will not be able to fulfill their calling to serve God spiritually, wh
ich is completesurrender of oneself or one's life to the glory of God, as demonstrated by Epaphro
ditus, who gave his life in order to serve God. (Phil. 2:17, 30).
As Epaphroditus, it is appropriate to carry out Christ's mission, but it is useless if we have not ex
-perienced redemption, sanctification, or the infusion of the Holy Spirit. How can you fervently
adhere to the needs of wretched sinners, urging them to repent of their transgressions and live a
virtuous life, while you have never repented. Since God is spirit and they that serve Him must
serve in spirit, the carnal man cannot please God in such service. Brethren in the vineyard of God
it is more needful and expedient for us to consider our walk with God before thinking of working
for God. For thus says the scriptures; “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the
LORD… (Prov. 15:8). Let us categories our message into three sub-headings:

I. Divine Prerequisites for Rendering Spiritual Service.

II. Diligent Pursuit of Rendering Spiritual Service.
III. Delightful Promises for Rendering Spiritual Service.


Exodus 32:26, Luke 14:28-30
Before we can render deeper spiritual service, we need these divine prerequisites, so that our
service will be accepted and appreciated by God Almighty. If we don’t count these indispensable
costs, our work will be in vain and we will lose our reward. These prerequisites include:

i. SALVATION. (Ezek. 36:25, John 3:5-7, Jer. 2:8, Mark 1:14-15, 1 Tim. 1:11-14, 2 Cor.
It is impossible to ignore this holy need since it is the criterion for joining God's family.
If you are not part of God's kingdom, how can you serve the kingdom spiritually?
Given that the divine will of God appears absurd to the natural man, how
can he understand and submit to it?
Obtaining membership in the kingdom is a prerequisite for becoming a minister in the kingdom.
Apostle Paul said; “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has enabled me, for
that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry who was
before” …. (1 Tim. 1:12-13). Apostle Paul is saying that before he was counted
faithful into the ministry he was a sinner, which simply means he is no more a
sinner, he has repented from his sins. We can only render acceptable spiritual
service if we are saved.

ii. SANCTIFICATION. (Ezek. 36:26, Acts 8:13, 18-23, 2 Chron. 25:2, Num. 22:18-19, 2
Peter 2:15-16, Psalm 51:6,10).
In addition, to trying to serve, we also need to be sanctified.
Through the gracious work of the Holy Spirit, a believer can be raised from
sin to holiness in both heart and life, a process known as sanctification.
While salvation comes before sanctification, there isn't much of a distinction between the
two. Consequently, one can have the new birth without undergoing sanctification.
When you examine Balaam's story, you can see that he was saved but not sanctified.
He said; “If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond
the word of the LORD my God, to do less or more” (Num.22:18).
However, in Second Peter, the Holy Spirit reveals via the apostle Peter's pen the true state
of his heart (2 Peter 2:15); rather than exhibiting the signs of
sanctification, which are a deeper love for God above worldly gain, he
preferred the wages of unrighteousness.
If we really want to serve God more deeply spiritually, then let's work hard
to become sanctified.
iii. SPIRIT FILLED: (Ezek. 36:27, Acts 6:1-3, 7:55, Acts 13:4-12).
Being filled with the Holy Spirit is one of the divine prerequisites that is essential to the
service of God. Therefore, in the days of the Apostles, it was a basic test for electing
deacons to serve tables. We cannot do without the Holy Spirit. Today some ministers of
the gospel claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit by the evidence of speaking in tongues
and yet, they preach without clarity and understanding and therefore their message does
not prick the heart like that of Apostle Peter. It is biblically clear to us that those who
were filled with the Holy Ghost render effective and qualitative service to the kingdom of
Proverbs 22:29, Luke 2:46-49.

After genuine experience of the divine prerequisites, we must render a diligent service to God.
Like Jesus in His early age, He said unto His earthly parents; “How is it that ye sought me?
Know ye not that I must be about my Father’s business? (Luke 2:49).
Jesus did not take time for leisure or enjoyment as He went about His Father's job with diligence.
We must actively seek the will of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, without sloth or apathy, eve
n as we strive to provide deeper spiritual service.
The lackadaisical approach taken by the laborers in the vineyard today had caused
more harm than good to the work of God.
Thus, in order for us to provide God with deeper spiritual service, we must have
four pillars that will enable us to work efficiently.
Many laborers in God's vineyard have become distracted due to their lack of
knowledge in these four areas. Among these pillars are:
a. BE PURPOSEFUL: (1 Cor. 9:19-27, Luke 19 :10, John 4:34).
To be purposeful means the act of intending to do something or having a target, aim, or goal to
be reach. There are a lot of leaders who have no goal or aim in rendering God’s service hence
they are “beating the air” without knowing. They go from year to year without achieving any
desired result. Apostle Paul said “I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more”
(1Cor.9:19). He had a goal of winning souls and moreover he said; “I keep under my body and
bring it into subjection; lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself
should be a castaway” (1Cor. 9:27). Though by every possible means he try to win souls but he
is also careful not to lose his own soul. Without purpose a lot of leaders have lost their soul while
working on others for God. Jesus, our Lord knew exactly what goal, He came to accomplish and
therefore He pursue it with all seriousness to the point of dying for His purpose. Why do you
want to render a service to God? Have you counted the cost? Those who have genuine purpose
pursue it diligently.
b. BE PASSIONATE: (Acts 9:20-22, Acts 21:10-14).
To be passionate means having a strong feeling of enthusiasm for something or belief in
something. The burning desire for doing something effectively. Apostle Paul was not
afraid of going to Jerusalem knowing he may be arrested. He said; “I am ready not to be
bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 21:13).
This is a passionate worker in the vineyard of God. If we desire to render a diligent
spiritual service, we must be passionate about our Father’s business.
c. BE PERSISTENT: (Phil. 3:13-14, Luke 18:1-8).
Many leaders began serving the church with diligence in the beginning, but they
eventually stopped.
Their persistence in seeking out lost people, praying, and carrying out God's plan has significantl
y decreased. They are now comfortably residing in Zion.
According to the apostle Paul, "I press toward the mark by doing this one thing: for-getting what
is behind me and reaching out for what is ahead" (Phil. 3:13–14).
Paul the Apostle is tenacious because he keeps moving closer to the goal every day.
Effective rendering of any service is possible if we remain tenacious and never
give up or slow down. It will be difficult to pray and discover God's will if you are not persistent.
May God grant us perseverance.
d. FOLLOW PATTERN: (John 6:38, Rom. 10:1-3, Exodus 39:1,5,7,21,26… 1 Tim. 4:13-
16, Acts 20:26-27).
God gave Moses pattern to follow in building the tabernacle. With the pattern he rendered an
acceptable service to the glory of God. God in His wisdom has given us anything pertaining to
godliness, even His word. But there are specified doctrines in the bible that needed to be believed
and practice. Apostle Paul told Timothy to take heed unto himself and unto the doctrines. This
means the laid down biblical doctrines are the divine pattern Timothy will have to use in
rendering spiritual service. Paul the Apostle again said “I have not shunned to declare unto you
all the counsel of God”. (Acts 20:27). As a leader desiring to render an acceptable spiritual
service, do you know all the counsel of God? Or do you know all the necessary bible doctrines?
What do you know about: Total Depravity of all men, Justification, Sanctification, Repentance,
Restitution, Marriage, Rapture and many more? Sound biblical doctrine is the pattern to render
spiritual service to God. Note that any other foundation can no man lay, except the one already
laid even Jesus Christ. Are you trying to render spiritual service with human wisdom and
craftiness? No don’t try it because your service will not abide.


Daniel 12:3, 1 Cor. 15:58, Hebrews 6:10-12.
The only spiritual anchor that can keep us going and diligent in the service of God is His
promises, knowing that our work of labor will never be in vain. We are not slothful because His
promises are yes and Amen. Brethren in the kingdom business, we can only render spiritual
service acceptable to God on the bases of these points mention above. I hope that with these
irresistible biblical facts our labor will never be in vain.

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