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Bem Explicado

Centro de Explicações Lda.

Inglês 8º Ano – Modal Verbs

Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

1. Complete with SHOULD or MUST.

a. She _______________ (neg.) park the car here. It’s forbidden.

b. They _______________ eat more healthy food.
c. You _______________ respect older people.
d. We _______________ hurry if you don’t want to miss the train.

2. Complete using CAN, COULD, MAY and MIGHT.

a. _______________ I phone the restaurant and book a table?

b. She _______________ get better marks if she wasn’t so lazy.
c. I _______________ speak Chinese fluently.
d. He _______________ come to the party but I seriously doubt it.
e. You _______________ (neg.) find that shop without the street plan.

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