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D-Touch 7

USB 2.0

ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................................................ Page 1

GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................................................. Page 2

CALIBRATION (INDEXING)................................................................................................................ Page 3
WORKING SCREEN............................................................................................................................ Page 4
EXPLANATION OF THE FIELDS.............................................................................................. Page 6
MAIN MENU............................................................................................................................................Page 8
PROGRAM LIST..................................................................................................................................... Page 9
MATERIAL LIST..................................................................................................................................... Page 10
SETTINGS.............................................................................................................................................. Page 11
DIAGNOSTICS...........................................................................................................................Page 12
MACHINE PARAMETERS...................................................................................................................... Page 13
GENERAL PARAMETERS.............................................................................................................Page 13
01 Display Unit...................................................................................................................
02 Display Mode...................................................................................................................
03 Continuous Cutting Enable.......................................................................................
04 Nitrogen Charge Enable..............................................................................................
ANALOG PARAMETERS............................................................................................................... Page 14
20 Blade Gap1.......................................................................................................................
21 Stop Distance.................................................................................................................
22 Position Tolerance......................................................................................................
23 Min Limit..........................................................................................................................
24 Max Limit..........................................................................................................................
25 Analog 0%,13%,25%,38%,50%,63%,75%,88%,100%.................................................. Page 15
40 Blade Gap 2..................................................................................................................... Page 16
41 Stop Distance.................................................................................................................
42 Position Tolerance......................................................................................................
43 Min Limit..........................................................................................................................
44 Max Limit..........................................................................................................................
45 Analog 0%,13%,25%,38%,50%,63%,75%,88%,100%.................................................. Page 17
60 Cutting Length............................................................................................................... Page 18
61 Control Type (0:Time/1:AI).....................................................................................
62 Use same AI With Cutting Angle............................................................................
63 Maximum Cutting Length..............................................................................................
64 Min Limit..........................................................................................................................
65 Max Limit..........................................................................................................................
66 Analog 0%,100%...............................................................................................................
70 Cutting Angle Enable.................................................................................................. Page 19
71 Starting Delay (s)......................................................................................................
72 Stop Distance SP..........................................................................................................
73 Stop Distance SN..........................................................................................................
74 Position Tolerance......................................................................................................
75 Min Limit..........................................................................................................................
76 Max Limit..........................................................................................................................
77 Analog 0%,100%............................................................................................................... Page 20
PRESSURE PARAMETERS..........................................................................................................
80 Pressure Enable.............................................................................................................
81 Blade Gap Pressure......................................................................................................
82 Cutting Angle Pressure Up.......................................................................................
83 Cutting Angle Pressure Down...................................................................................
84 Pressure Up.....................................................................................................................
85 Decompression Pressure..............................................................................................
86 Final Approach Pressure Down.................................................................................Page 21
87 Final Approach Pressure Up.....................................................................................

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 i
88 Final Approach Distance Down.................................................................................Page 22
89 Final Approach Distance Up.....................................................................................
90 Final Approach Gain Down.........................................................................................
91 Final Approach Gain Up..............................................................................................
92 Decompression Time (s)..............................................................................................
93 Pressure Deceleration Time Down(%)....................................................................Page 23
94 Pressure Deceleration Time Up(%) ......................................................................
95 Pressure Acceleration Time Down(%)....................................................................
96 Pressure Acceleration Time Up(%)........................................................................
97 Pressure Cutting Angle Off-Delay (s)...............................................................
98 Min Limit..........................................................................................................................
99 Max Limit..........................................................................................................................
100 Analog 0%,25%,50%,75%,100%................................................................................... Page 24
SHEAR PARAMETERS................................................................................................................. Page 25
120 Piece Counting Direction.......................................................................................
121 Retraction Delay Time ...........................................................................................
122 Blade Thickness Compensation..............................................................................
123 Blade Gap Compensation...........................................................................................
124 Min Cut Angle (º)......................................................................................................
125 Max Cut Angle (º)......................................................................................................
126 Fixed Point Distance................................................................................................
127 Measurement Distance................................................................................................
128 Short Cut Quantity....................................................................................................
129 Blade Return Delay (s)...........................................................................................
PNEUMATIC PARAMETERS........................................................................................................ Page 26
150 Pneumatic Enabled......................................................................................................
151 Pneumatic Type.............................................................................................................
152 Pneumatic Starting Delay.......................................................................................
153 Axis Starting Delay..................................................................................................
154 Timer 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7..............................................................................................Page 28
X1 AXIS PARAMETERS.............................................................................................................Page 29
200 Module Enabled.............................................................................................................
201 Encoder Resolution....................................................................................................
202 Resolution Inch..........................................................................................................
203 Resolution Metric......................................................................................................
204 Change Cutting Directory.......................................................................................
205 Min Limit.......................................................................................................................
206 Max Limit.......................................................................................................................
207 Calibration Position................................................................................................
208 Manual Speed Slow...................................................................................................... Page 30
209 Manual Speed Fast......................................................................................................
210 Positioning Speed (%)..............................................................................................
211 Calibration Speed (%)..............................................................................................
212 Final Positioning Speed (%).................................................................................Page 31
213 Final Positioning Gain 1.......................................................................................
214 Final Positioning Gain 2.......................................................................................
215 Acceleration Ramp Time (s)................................................................................... Page 32
216 Slow Speed Distance..................................................................................................
217 Deceleration Ramp Distance...................................................................................
218 Stop Distance...............................................................................................................
219 Position Tolerance....................................................................................................
DIMENSIONS AND INPUTS-OUTPUTS .............................................................................................. Page 34

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 ii

BDP Bottom dead point.

TDP Top dead point.
MIN Minimum.
MAX Maximum.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 1

·X1 and X2 numerical control axes.

Encoder input. Maximum counting frequency is 15KHz.
0 - 10V and forward/reverse outputs for axes movement.
Programmable INCH and METRICH display resolution separately.
Axes calibration (indexing) for each power on.
·Blade Gap control.
Potentiometer input. Minimum 1Kohm.
Forward/reverse outputs for movement.
·Cutting Angle control.
Potentiometer input. Minimum 1Kohm.
Forward/reverse outputs for movement.
·Cutting Length control.
Potentiometer input. Minimum 1Kohm.
·Pressure control.
0 10V output for pressure control.
·7" TFT ( 800x480 res. ) touch screen true color display.
·Unlimited program and step definition with 128MB internal memory.
·External data backup to USB Memory and easy restore with one button.
·Multi-language support.(English, Turkish)
·Allow to use alphanumarical characters on the program and material code fields.
·INCH/METRIC conversion.
·Cutting Counter and Working Hour.
·Functions calculated by the DT7
- Blade Gap as a function of the thickness
- Cutting Angle as a function of the thickness
- Pressure as a function of the thickness
- Top Dead Point
- Bottom Dead Point
·Functions programmed by the operator
- Material and Thickness
- Cutting Length
- Target values of the axes
- Backgauge retraction
- Number of the step repetition
- Number of the program repetition

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 2

Calibration page is displayed first when the power on.

Checking the version is done before page is displayed.

MCU (Main Control Unit) and HMI (Human Machine Interface) versions shown on the above format.

Checks version control again.

Starts calibration (indexation).

<,> Movement is carrying on at the calibration speed and toward limit switch on the defined direction.
(,) Limit is founded. Movement is carrying on for the index pulse at the 1/4 of the calibration speed and reverse
| Limit or index is founded, waiting to movement stop.
= Calibration is completed successfully.
? Axis is not moving.
! Driver error.

Calibration can be stopped by pressing key, while operation is carrying on. Can be started again by pressing key.

If the key is pressed again working screen appears.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 3

Working screen consists of three parts ;

1 2 3 4 5
Top Panel

Data Entry and

Process Observation

6 7 8 9 10
Function Buttons

Top Panel
1 Name of the current program.
Can be used for a shortcut to PROGRAM LIST.

2 Previous Step button.

3 Current step number and number of total steps.

4 Next Step button.

5 Message panel; warnings, errors and information messages are shown here.

Operating Mode Buttons

6 Manual Operating Mode.

These keys allows to movement for selected axis, blade gap,

cutting angle or cutting length.

7 Full Automatic Operation Mode.

Semi Automatic Operating Mode.

For changing mode as semi-automatic mode, first press full automatic button then press semi automatic button.

Run button.
Starts the axis and other control functions on semi or full automatic operation mode.
Calibration page is displayed after power on. Starts the axis calibration (indexation) on this page.

Stop button.
Stops the axis and other control functions on semi or full automatic operation mode.
Stops the axis calibration. If pressing the key again while led is lighting on, exit from calibration.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 4

8 Programming Mode ; allows add, copy and deleting steps.

Add new step.

Copy current step.

Delete current step.

9 Previous page button.

Next page button.

10 Main menu button.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 5

11 12 13 14

15 16 17

18 19 20

Observation pages can be change with these buttons.

11 MATERIAL TYPE : This field determines the blade gap, cutting angle and cutting pressure
calculation constant according to the material used.
This field is only dislayed if at least one of the blade gap, cutting angle or cutting length module is enabled.

12 Defines the material thickness. This field intervenes in the calculation of the blade gap, cutting angle,
cutting pressure, TDP and BDP. This field is only dislayed if at least one of the blade gap, cutting angle or
cutting length module is enabled.

13 Defines the gap between the cutting blades. Blade gap is calculated automatically according to selected
material and defined thickness. The value can also be changed by the operator.

14 Cutting pressure is calculated automatically according to selected material and defined thickness.
The value can also be changed by the operator.This field is only dislayed if the pressure module is enabled.

15 Defines the angle of the upper blade. Cutting Angle is calculated automatically according to selected material and
defined thickness.
The value can also be changed by the operator. This field is only dislayed if the cutting angle module is enabled.

16 Defines the cutting length. The value must be programmed by the operator. This field is only dislayed if
the cutting length module is enabled.

17 Displays if X1 axis is enabled. If the field leave undefined, retraction is not make and cutting is carried
on continuously

18 Defines the distance between the left edge of the machine and the sheet. The TDP and BDP are re-calculated
according to the OFFSET value. This field is only dislayed if the cutting length module is enabled as an analog.

19 Displays either the values calculated by the system or the values programmed by the operator.

20 Displays pneumatic working mode and type.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 6

21 22 23

24 25 26

27 28

29 30

butonlarý ile gözlem sayfalarý arasýnda geçiþ yapýlabilir.

21 NEXT PROGRAM Name of the next program which will be executed automatically. If this field is left empty,
when the last step of the program is executed, the program will return to the first step of the current program.

22 PROGRAM REPEAT : Number of program cycle repetitions. First field displays number of the program which is made,
second field displays number of repetition.

23 PROGRAM REPEAT ACTUAL: Actual value of program repeat

24 DELAY : At the end of upwards movement of the upper blade, time delay for the pass next step (cycle) operation.

25 STEP REPEAT : Number of current step repetitions. First field displays number of current step repetition which is made,
second field displays number of repetition. If the second field is not defined, step is made 1 time. If defined as 0 pass on the
next step.

26 STEP REPEAT ACTUAL : Actual value of step repeat.

27 TOP DEAD POINT : Defines the top dead point (TDP). Distance between right corners of the upper and lower blades for
the upper blade rising finished after disangement. It is calculated automatically with the following formula but can also be
changed by the operator.

28 BOTTOM DEAD POINT :Defines the bottom dead point (BDP). Distance between right corners of the upper and lower
blades for the upper blade falling finished after cutting. It is calculated automatically with the following formula but can also
be changed by the operator.

29 WORKING HOUR : Displays working hour of the machine. This field can not be changed or cleared.

30 CUTTING COUNTER : Displays number of the total cutting which is realized. This field can not be changed or cleared.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 7

31 32 33

34 35 36

31 This page displays all the cutting informations for the current step.
Also this page allows step management and working.

32 Lists programs and allows program management.

33 Allows data backup and restore, parameter management and other techical operations for authorized users.

34 Machine Parameters ; this page can be activeted from settings page.

35 Material List ; lists materials and allows material management.

36 Indexing ( Calibration ) Page.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 8

37 38

39 40

41 42

43 44

45 46 47 48 49

37 Add new program.

38 Manage. Load selected program into memory and goes to the working page.

39 Name update. Updates selected program's name.

40 Code update. Updates selected program's code.

41 Delete selected program from permanent memory.

42 Copy selected program with different name.

43 Load selected program into memory.(Select current program)

44 Save changes into permanent memory.

45 Previous Page.

46 Previous Program.

47 Next Program.

48 Next Page.

49 Back to the main menu.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 9

50 51

52 53

54 55

50 Add new material.

51 Manage selected material's thickness, blade gap, cutting angle and pressure values.

52 Change selected material's name.

53 Change selected material's code.

54 Delete selected material from memory.

55 Copy selected material with a different name.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 10


59 62




56 Close DT7 HMI software and exit to the Windows.

57 Activate technician actions and Machine Parameters page.

58 Deactivate technician actions and return back to the Main Page.

59 List language files in ResidentFlash\AD90_DT7\lang directory. DT7 must restart for loading selected language.

62 Backup programs, materials and machine parameters to USB memory. The backup directory is DT7_BACKUP.
! ATTENTION After backup operation, the backup data shuld move to another directory.

63 Restore programs, materials and machine parameters from USB memory. Restore directory name is DT7_BACKUP.
! ATTENTION USB restore operation overwrites to files which have the same name.

64 Displays Diagnostics page.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 11

This page allows observing input and outputs also allows to movement for X1, AIN1, AIN2 and AIN3.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 12

70 71

73 74 75


70 Parameter selection can be done with arrow keys and clicking to the left area. Selected parameter will be shown in dark color.

71 Parameter value can be change with clicking to the right area.

72 Select previous parameter.

73 Show previous page.

74 Change value of actual parameter.

75 Show next page.

76 Select next parameter.


1 Display Unit [ - ]
Function : Defines the display unit.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) – or 0 = Display unit is METRIC.
b) 1 = Display unit is INCH.

2 Display Mode [ - ]

Function : Defines the value which will display on the actual value field when the positioning is completed succesfully.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) – or 0 = Calculated actual value is displayed when the positioning is completed succesfully.
b) 1 = Target value is displayed on the actual value field when the positioning is completed succesfully

3 Nitrogen Charge Enable [ - ]

Function : Defines whether the nitrogen charge is enabled.

Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : According to defined parameter, the controller decides the shape of the manual mode working.

4 Continuous Cutting Enable [ - ]

Function : Allows to continuous cutting without passive and active again the DOWN input in order to pass the next step.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description :

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 13

20 Blade Gap 1 (AI1) [ - ]

Function : Defines whether the blade gap 1 module is enabled.

Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) – or 0 = Blade gap 1 module is disabled. Relevant parameters do not display on the screen.
b) 1 = Blade gap 1 module is enabled. Relevant parameters displays

21 Stop Distance [ -- ]

Fonksiyon : Defines the stop distance.

Unit : ADC
Range : 0 - 99
Default : -
Description : In the case of entered value is lower than the needed, system may remains unstable.
In the case of entered value is higher than the needed, positioning time gets longer.

22 Position Tolerance [ -- ]

Function : Defines the acceptable positioning error for both direction.

Unit : ADC
Range : 0 - 99
Default : -
Description : The blade gap 1 inertia determines this distance.

23 Minimum Limit [ --.-- ]

Function : Defines minimum blade gap 1 limit.

Unit : mm
Range : 0.00 - 99.99
Default : Must be programmed
Description : Do not allow to movement lower than minimum and higher than maximum limit. But, allows to movement
toward opposite direction of limit.
Programming value of the minimum limit corresponds to the analog 0%.

24 Maximum Limit [ --.-- ]

Function : Defines maximum blade gap 1 limit.

Unit : mm
Range : 0.00 - 99.99
Default : Must be programmed
Description : Do not allow to movement lower than minimum and higher than maximum limit. But, allows to movement
toward opposite direction of limit.
Programming value of the maximum limit corresponds to the analog 100%.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 14

25 Analog 0%,13%,25%,38%,50%,63%,75%,88%,100% [ ---- ]

Function : Digital values from the ADC convertor for the 9 points from %0 to %100 of the blade gap 1.
Unit : ADC
Range : 0 - 1023
Default : Must be programmed
Description : Example :
Min/Max Limits 0.05 / 0.60mm
Analog 0% = 69
13% = 214 25% = 334
38% = 414 50% = 479
63% = 540 75% = 599
88% = 643 100% = 704









69 214 334 414 479 540 599 643 704

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 15

40 Blade Gap 2 (AI2)

Function : Defines whether the blade gap 2 module is enabled.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) – or 0 = Blade gap 2 module is disabled. Relevant parameters do not display on the screen.
b) 1 = Blade gap 2 module is enabled. Relevant parameters displays on the screen.

41 Stop Distance [ -- ]
Function : Defines the stop distance.
Unit : ADC
Range : 0 - 99
Default : -
Description : In the case of entered value is lower than the needed, system may remains unstable.
In the case of entered value is higher than the needed, positioning time gets longer.

42 Position Tolerance [ -- ]
Function : Defines the acceptable positioning error for both direction
Unit : ADC
Range : 0 - 99
Default : -
Description : The blade gap 2 inertia determines this distance.

43 Min Limit [ --.--]

Function : Defines minimum blade gap 2 limit.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.00 - 99.99
Default : Must be programmed
Description : Do not allow to movement lower than minimum and higher than maximum limit.
But, allows to movement toward opposite direction of limit.
Programming value of the minimum limit corresponds to the analog 0%.

44 Max Limit [ --.--]

Function : Defines maximum blade gap 2 limit.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.00 - 99.99
Default : Must be programmed
Description : Do not allow to movement lower than minimum and higher than maximum limit.
But, allows to movement toward opposite direction of limit.
Programming value of the maximum limit corresponds to the analog 100%.

45 Analog 0%,13%,25%,38%,50%,63%,75%,88%,100% [ ---- ]

Function : Digital values from the ADC convertor for the 9 points from %0 to %100 of the blade gap 2.
Unit : ADC
Range : 0 - 1023
Default : Must be programmed
Description :

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 16

60 Cutting Length Enable (AI4) [ - ]

Function : Defines whether the cutting length module is enabled.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) – or 0 = Cutting length module is disabled. Relevant parameters do not display on the screen.
b) 1 = Cutting length module is enabled. Relevant parameters displays on the screen.

61 Control Type (0:Time/1:AI) [ - ]

Function : Defines the control type of the cutting length.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) – or 0 = Cutting length is used as a function of the time. In this case,
P66[%0] is defined as the cutting length offset time,
P67[%100] is defined as the descent time for the maximum
cutting length in 1/10 second resolution. Descent (BDP) time is
used to manage the upper blade descent.
b) 1 = Cutting length is used as a function of the potentiometer. In this
case, ascent (TDP) and descent (BDP) distance are used to
manage the upper blade ascent and descent.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 17

62 Use same AI With Cutting Angle [ - ]

Function : Defines the cutting length potentiometer input source.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) – or 0 = Cutting length is used the own potentiometer.
b) 1 = Cutting length is used the same potentiometer with the cutting angle.

63 Maximum Cutting Length [ ----- ]

Function : Defines the maximum cutting length of the machine.
Unit : mm
Range : 0 - 25000
Default : Must be programmed
Description : When the value is programmed, if the P61 is programmed as 0:Time, than
P64 is set to 0.0 and P65 is calculated automatically by following formula :
P65max = P63 * tan(P125max)
If the P61 is programmed as 1:AI, than P64 and P65 values are defined by the user.

64 Min Limit [ ----.- ]

Function : Defines minimum and maximum distance between the upper and the lower blade at the right
extremity of the machine.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.0 - 9999.9
Default : Must be programmed
Description : Calibration of the Cutting Length :
Move the blade up to the TDP by manually.
Move the blade to its maximum cutting angle (P125max) by manually.
Read the cutting length potentiometer value from the status page and enter this value in P67max[%100].
Measure the distance between the upper and the lower blade at the right extremity of the machine
and enter this value in P65max.
Bring down the upper blade until the right edges of the blades cross by manully and stop the blade.
Read the cutting length potentiometer value from the status page and enter this value in P66min[%0].
Enter 0.0 in P64min.

65 Max Limit [ ----.- ]

Function : Defines minimum and maximum distance between the upper and the lower
blade at the right extremity of the machine.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.0 - 9999.9
Default : Must be programmed

66 Analog 0%,100% [ ---- ]

Function : Digital values from the ADC convertor for the 2 points from %0 to %100 of the cutting length.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.0 - 9999.9
Default : Must be programmed
Description : If the P61 is programmed as 0:Time, this parameter unit is changed to the second in 1/10 resolution.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 18

70 Cutting Angle Enable (AI3) [ - ]

Function : Defines whether the cutting angle module is enabled.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) – or 0 = Cutting angle module is disabled. Relevant parameters do not display on the screen.
b) 1 = Cutting angle module is enabled. Relevant parameters displays on the screen.

71 Starting Delay (s) [ -.- ]

Function : Defines the starting delay if only one potentiometer is used for cutting angle and cutting length
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 9.9
Default : -
Description : This time is used to delay the adjustment of the cutting angle after reception of the TDP signal in order to
wait for the stabilization of the blade.

72 Stop Distance [ --/-- ]

Function : Defines the stop distance according to approach from back and front.
Unit : ADC
Range : 0.0 - 9.9
Default : 0 - 99
Description : In the case of entered value is lower than the needed, system may remains unstable.
In the case of entered value is higher than the needed, positioning time gets longer.

74 Position Tolerance [ -- ]
Function : Defines the acceptable positioning error for both direction.
Unit : ADC
Range : 0 - 99
Default : -
Description : The cutting angle inertia determines this distance.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 19

75 Min/Max Limits [ ----.-/----.- ]

Function : Defines minimum and maximum cutting angle limit.

Unit : mm
Range : 0.0 - 9999.9
Default : Must be programmed
Description : Do not allow to movement lower than minimum and higher than maximum limit.
But, allows to movement toward opposite direction of limit.
Programming value of the minimum limit corresponds to the analog 0%,
maximum limit corresponds to the analog 100%.
Calibration of the Cutting Angle : P63, P124, P125,126 and P127 must be programmed.
Move the blade up to the TDP by manually.
Move the blade to its minimum cutting angle (P124) by manually.
Read the cutting angle potentiometer value from the status page and enter
this value in P77[%0].
When the value is entered, P75 is calculated automatically.
Move the blade to its maximum cutting angle (P125) by manually.
Read the cutting angle potentiometer value from the status page and enter this value in P78[%100].
When the value is entered, P76 is calculated automatically.

77 Analog 0%,100% [ ---- ]

Function : Digital values from the ADC convertor for the 2 points from %0 to %100 of the cutting angle.
Unit : ADC
Range : 0 - 1023
Default : Must be programmed
Description :

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 20

80 Pressure Enable [ - ]
Function : Defines whether the pressure module is enabled.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) – or 0 = Pressure module is disabled. Relevant parameters do not display on the screen.
b) 1 = Pressure module is enabled. Relevant parameters displays on the screen.

81 Blade Gap Pressure [ --- ]

Function : Defines the current applied to the pressure valve during the blade gap movement.
Unit : DAC (255 = 10V = Imax)
Range : 0 - 255
Default : -
Description :

82 Cutting Angle Pressure Up [ --- ]

Function : Defines the current applied to the pressure valve during the cutting angle movement according to direction
upward and downward.
Unit : DAC (255 = 10V = Imax)
Range : 0 - 255
Default : -
Description :

83 Cutting Angle Pressure Down [ --- ]

Function : Defines the current applied to the pressure valve during the cutting angle movement according to direction
upward and downward.
Unit : DAC (255 = 10V = Imax)
Range : 0 - 255
Default : -
Description :

84 Pressure Up [ --- ]
Function : Defines the current applied to the pressure valve during the upward movement.
Unit : DAC (255 = 10V = Imax)
Range : 0 - 255
Default : -
Description :

85 Decompression Pressure [ --- ]

Function : Defines the current applied to the pressure valve during decompression.
Unit : DAC (255 = 10V = Imax)
Range : 0 - 255
Default : -
Description :

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 21

86 Final Approach Pressure Down [ --- ]

Function : Defines the current applied to the pressure valve during final approach.
Range : 0 - 255
Default : -
Description :

87 Final Approach Pressure Up [ --- ]

Function : Defines the current applied to the pressure valve during final approach.
Unit : DAC (255 = 10V = Imax)
Range : 0 - 255
Default : -
Description :

88 Final Approach Distance Down[ --- ]

Function : Defines the final approach distance.
Unit : mm
Range : 0 - 99
Default : -
Description :

89 Final Approach Distance Up[ --- ]

Function : Defines the final approach distance.
Unit : mm
Range : 0 - 99
Default : -
Description :

90 Final Approach Gain Down[ --- ]

Function : Defines the final approach gain.
Unit : -
Range : 0 - 99
Default : -
Description :

91 Final Approach Gain Up[ --- ]

Function : Defines the final approach gain.
Unit : -
Range : 0 - 99
Default : -
Description :

92 Decompression Time (s) [ -.- ]

Function : Defines the decompression time.
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 9.9
Default : -
Description :

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 22

93 Pressure Deceleration Time Down

Function : Defines the ramp time applied to the pressure valve during value decelerate.
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 2.5
Default : -
Description :

94 Pressure Deceleration Time Up

Function : Defines the ramp time applied to the pressure valve during value decelerate.
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 2.5
Default : -
Description :

95 Pressure Acceleration Time Up

Function : Defines the ramp time applied to the pressure valve during value accelerate.
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 2.5
Default : -
Description :

96 Pressure Acceleration Time Down

Function : Defines the ramp time applied to the pressure valve during value accelerate.
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 2.5
Default : -
Description :

97 Cutting Angle Off-Delay (s) [ -.- ]

Function : Defines the cutting angle SP & SN outputs off delay.
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 2.5
Default : -
Description :

98 Min/Max Limits [ ---/--- ]

Function : Defines minimum and maximum pressure limit.
Unit : -
Range : 0 - 999
Default : Must be programmed
Description :

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 23

100 Analog 0%,25%,50%,75%,100% [ --- ]

Function : Digital values to the DAC convertor for the 5 points from %0 to %100 of the pressure.
Unit : DAC
Range : 0 - 255
Default : Must be programmed
Description : -

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 24

120 Piece Counting Direction [ - ]

Function : Defines the piece counting direction.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) – or 0 = Piece counting process is realised from 0 to SET value.
b) 1 = Piece counting process is realised from SET value to 0.

121 Retraction Delay Time (s) [ -.-- ]

Function : Defines the retraction delay time.
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 9.99
Default : -
Description : Allow to RETRACTION at the end of the defined time after the RETRACT input is avtivated.

122 Blade Thickness Compensation [ --.-- ]

Function : Defines the blade thickness compensation.
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 9.99
Default : -
Description : It is used for compensation of the blade thickness. Entered value is added to the SET value
and positioning is realised according to this value.
Target = SET + P122

123 Blade Gap Compensation [ --.-- ]

Function : Defines the blade gap compensation.
Unit : coefficient
Range : -9.99 - 9.99
Default : -
Description : This parameter allows to compensate the axis positioning value as a function of of the blade gap defined
in the program.
Target = SET + (Blade Gap * P123)

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124 Min/Max Cut Angle (º) [ --.-- ]

Function : Defines minimum and maximum cutting angle authorized.
Unit : degree
Range : 0.0 - 90.0
Default : Must be programmed
Description : This parameter must be programmed if the cutting angle module is enabled.
If the cutting angle is used as a fix, maximum cutting angle must be programmed as a nominal.

126 Fixed Point Distance [ ---.-- ]

Function : Defines the fixed point distance.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.0 - 999.99
Default : Must be programmed
Description : This parameter must be programmed if the cutting angle module is enabled.
Horizontal distance between the left corner of the lower blade and the rotation
point of the upper blade. This point being fixed regardless of the cutting angle.
If this point does not exist, the least variation point is choosen.

127 Measurement Distance [ ----- ]

Function : Defines the potentiometer distance.
Unit : mm
Range : 0 - 25000
Default : Must be programmed
Description : This parameter must be programmed if the cutting angle module is enabled.
Horizontal distance between the left corner of the lower blade and the potentiometer.
This parameter must be defined greather than P127 and less than or equal to P63.
This parameter must be equal to P63, if the P61 is programmed as 0:Time.

128 Short Cut Quantity [ -- ]

Function : Defines the number of short cut.
Unit : -
Range : 2 - 99
Default : -
Description : The controller checks the positioning of the blade gap and cutting angle for the POSITION OKAY signal,
if the blade is on the TDP switch.
If this parameter and OFFSET values are not defined, each time blade is rised up to the TDP switch.
Otherwise, blade is rised up to the TDP (mm) value about number of defined value. After quantity reached, blade is
rised up to the TDP switch and checks the positioning again.

129 Blade Return Delay (s) [ -.- ]

Function : Defines the blade return delay.
Unit : second
Range : 0 - 2.5
Default : -
Description : When the blade reached to the BDP (mm) value or switch, the blade is rised up after programmed delay time.
If the pressure module is enabled, P92 Decompression Time is used intead of this parameter.

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150 Pneumatic Enable [ - ]

Function : Defines whether the pneumatic selection is enabled.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) - or 0 = Pneumatic selection is disabled.
b) 1 = Pneumatic selection is enabled.

151 Pneumatic Type[ - ]

Function : Defines pneumatic type.
Unit : -
Range : 0-2
Default : -
Description :

152 Pneumatic Starting Delay [ _._ ]

Function : Defines pneumatic working starting delay.
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 9.9
Default : -
Description :

153 Axis Starting Delay [ _._ ]

Function : Defines pneumatic working axis starting delay.
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 9.9
Default : -
Description :

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154 Timer 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Function : Defines pneumatic working timers.
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 9.9
Default : –
Description :

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 28

200 Module Enable [ - ]

Function : Defines whether the axis module is enabled.
Unit : -
Range : 0-1
Default : -
Description : a) – or 0 = Axis module is disabled. Relevant parameters do not display on the screen.
b) 1 = Axis module is enabled. Relevant parameters displays on the screen.

201 Encoder Resolution [ ---.--- ]

Function : Defines the number of impulses needed to travel 1 mm.
Unit : impulse/mm
Range : 0.001 - 999.999
Default : Must be programmed
Description : The unit uses the four edges of the one period generated by the encoder. The number of nominal encoder increments
must therefore be multiplied by 4.Example : Number of the pulse one revolution of the encoder is 500, and
amount of the linear course for one revolution of the encoder is 10mm.
Resolution of the encoder is calculated as; 4 x 500impulse / 10mm = 200.000 impulse/mm.
202 Resolution Inch/Metric [ -/- ]
Function : Defines the inch/metric display resolution.
Unit : -
Range : 0-3
Default : -
Description : Inch and metric display resolution values enter separately.
a) - or 0 = Axis is displayed at 1/1 resolution/
b) 1 = Axis is displayed at 1/10 resolution.
c) 2 = Axis is displayed at 1/100 resolution.
d) 3 = Axis is displayed at 1/1000 resolution.

205 Minimum/Maximum Limits [ ----.---/----.--- ]

Function : Defines minimum and maximum axis limit.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.000 - 9999.000
Default : Must be programmed
Description : Do not allow to movement lower than minimum and higher than maximum limit. But, allows to movement toward
opposite direction of limit.

207 Calibration Position [ ----.--- ]

Function : Defines the calibration (indexation) position.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.000 - 9999.000
Default : Must be programmed
Description : After the calibration is completed successfully, the entered value is loaded to the actual value.

! ATTENTION If device is worked without calibration is made, the positioning will be wrong.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 29

208 Manual Speed Slow/Fast [ ---/--- ]

Function : Defines slow and fast speed in manual mode.
Unit : %
Range : 0 - 100
Default : -
Description : Speed is calculated depend on the frequency which is set on the driver.
Example :
The Voltage/Frequency curve is defined like the following.



0.0Hz Voltage
0V 10V
Lets calculate DAC; V; Fq values equvalent to manual slow speed 30%.
Voltage[V] = 10V and Frequency[Fq] = 50.0Hz for DAC[8bit] = 255.
X = (P208 / 100) * (DAC; V; Fq)
According to above formula result is ;
X = (30 / 100) * (255; 10; 50.0) calculated for manual slow speed as DAC = 76, V = 3.0V, Fq = 15.0Hz.
! ATTENTION Speed knowledges are calculated as % of 255 for DAC, 10V for Voltage and fmax which is set on the driver
for frequency.

210 Positioning Speed [ --- ]

Function : Defines the speed which the axis will use during positioning.
Unit : %
Range : 0 - 100
Default : -
Description : Please see description of the P209 for calculate the speed as [Hz]

211 Calibration Speed [ --- ]

Function : Defines the speed which the axis will use during calibration.
Unit : %
Range : -99 - 100
Default : -
Description : The sign of the entered value is defines direction of the calibration.
Firstly, moved at the defined speed and toward limit switch on the direction that shown with the sign.
After the limit is founded, moved for the first index pulse at the speed/4 and reverse direction.

Please see description of the P208 for calculate the speed as [Hz]

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 30

212 Final Positioning Speed [ --- ]

Function : Defines the axis speed for final positioning.
Unit : %
Range : 0 - 100
Default : -
Description : In the case of entered value is higher than the needed, system may remains unstable.

213 Final Positioning Gain 1 - 2 [ --/-- ]

Function : Defines the ramp and speed gains using for final positioning speed calculation.
Unit : -
Range : 0 - 99
Default : -
Description :

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 31

215 Acceleration Ramp Time (s) [ --.- ]

Function : Defines the linear acceleration time of the axis from (0Hz, 0V) to (fmax, 10V).
Unit : second
Range : 0.0 - 30.0
Default : -
Description :



t1 P215
t1 = (f1 / fmax) * P215
! ATTENTION Defining of the ramp time as very short may cause motor driver error.
The fmax is frequency value which is set on the driver and equivalent to DAC=255 & Voltage = 10V.

216 Slow Speed Distance [ --.--- ]

Function : Defines the distance of the final positioning.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.0 - 99.999
Default : -
Description : In the case of entered value is lower than the needed, system may remains unstable.
In the case of entered value is higher than the needed, positioning time gets longer.

P108 P111
217 Deceleration Ramp Distance [ --.--- ]
Function : Defines the deceleration distance of the axis from the positioning speed to 0.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.0 - 99.999
Default : -
Description : In the case of entered value is lower than the needed, system may damaged to the machine or remains unstable.
In the case of entered value is higher than the needed, positioning time gets longer.

DT7_UserGuide_GB_V280910 32

218 Stop Distance [ -.--- ]

Function : Defines the distance of the positioning stop.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.0 - 9.999
Default : -
Description : In the case of entered value is lower than the needed, system may remains unstable.
In the case of entered value is higher than the needed, positioning time gets longer.

219 Position Tolerance [ -.--- ]

Function : Defines the acceptable positioning error for both direction.
Unit : mm
Range : 0.0 - 9.999
Default : -
Description : In order to execute a positioning, the axis must be outside the tolerance zone
of the chosen value.


± tolerance


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