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EVS Report on India Shell Museum (EVS Tour 23 for 1st

By Vinaya Vinod(23CMA66)

We visited India Seashell Museum on our trip to Mahabalipuram

on September 12th. We reached the venue at 10:15 A.M.

After paying the entry fees, we were told by the guide that were 7
places to visit. And so, without any further delay, we visited the 1st
place which was the mineral gallery where we were shown different
minerals like serpentinite, chalcedony, shungite, stichite, chrysocolla,
citrine and so on. We were also shown the Singapore Merlion which is
a mythical creature with a lion’s head and the body of a fish that is
used as a national personification of Singapore.
The second place that we visited was the sea shell gallery where
we saw different collection of seashell stamps, pictures of sea shell
collectors and some seashells which were the rarest to be found. We
were asked to look at all the four galleries of the museum. We were
also told the history about the sea shell museum by the guide. The
names of some rarest sea shells are Giantt Frog Shell, Steger’s
Spindle, Erosa Cowrie, Breath Maria and so on.
The third place that we were taken to was the fish museum
where we had explored the facts about different deep sea fishes like
Patagonian toothfish, megamouth shark, Goblin Shark, Gara Rufa,
Blue Damsels and the like.
The fourth place that we had gone too was the dinosaur island. We
were shown different facts about the different types of dinosaurs like
dimetrodon, styracosaurus, apatosaurus, Spinosaurus, brachiosaurus,
irritator etc.., which lived years back.
The fifth, sixth and seventh place were the places of leisure. They
were the canteen, photo spot and the shopping center. The trip in
toto was a good experience. In fact, we were also made aware that it
is our duty to protect this earth. We had also gained knowledge
about the coral. It was in short an informative experience.


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