Protect and Survive

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Read this booklet with care Your life and the lives of your family may depend upon it Doasit advises Keep it safely at hand Challange te Suriva Your action eneek tst I Britain is attacked by nuclear bombs or by missles, > ‘we do not know what targets will be chosen or how E severe the assault will be. Itnuclear weapons are used on large seal, those ‘of us living in the country aceas might be exposed t0as great ask as those inthe towns, The radioactive dust, falling where the wind blows it, will bring the most ‘widespread dangers ofall, No part ofthe United Kingdom can be considered safes than another. ‘The dangers which you and your family will face in thissituation can be reduced if you dos this booklet describes. Challenge to survival Evecyhing within a cern distance of a nucle explosion wil be touly destroyed. Even peonle living ouside this avea will Beindanger from HEAT AND BLAST FALL-OUT Heat and Blast ‘The heat and blast are so severe that they can kl, and destroy ‘ulin, for up to fe mes ftom tae explosion, Beyond that, Aherecan be severe damge Fall-out Falls dust tht i asked wp from the god by the explo son, can be del dangecous [trac igh im the ae and ean ‘evant bythe winds for hundreds of ms before ling tthe ‘Theralston from hisdus is dangerous Itcannot be seen orf Teh on smal and ean ecetcted oly by speci asrumeats Exposes to sun cine sckss snd death the das fll on oF Around your home, the action frm it wold bea danger to {you and your fa For many days ater an explsion. Radiation fan penetrate any mitenal, but ie sntenay i reduced 48 1 pss tnrough so the thicker and denser the mater by the bres 7 Planning for survival Stay at Home ‘Your own local authority wl bet be able o hsp you in war, Ifyou move away — unless you have a place of our own Logo to foc intend to ve with relives ~ the authority ia your new area fmt bap you wih assommodaion ox food or other eset, Tsou leave, your local authority may need te take your empty house forathersto me So say at hore Plan a Fall-out Room and Inner Refuge “The first privity i 0 provide shelter within your home agaist radioactive fall-out, Your best protection i to make a fl-eut Foor and build an inner refuge within First, the Fall-out room Because of the treat of radiation you and you family may ned to livin his room for fourteen days after an ack, almost with- ‘ou Jen at all So ou must make it sll as ou ea ad ‘equip it for your survival Choose the place frist from the futside wall and from the roof, or when has the smallest Flot rom amount of outside wall The further you can get, within your fhe, fom the radiogcive dust that n or around it the afer you wil be, Use the ela o basement i there sone. Otherwise {sea room, hall of pasage onthe ground Bor. [Even the safest room in your home's not safe enough, however ‘You wil med to block up windows in the oom, and any eter ‘openings and to make the ouside walls thicker, and alo 10 thicker the for above you, to provide the sirongest possible Protection agninat the peneiation of radiston. Thick dense Itai are the bert, ard brick, concrete o- building beck timber, boxes of earth, sand, books, and furniture Flats IE you tive in a Bock of Ate tote ate otbue facto (0 on Sider. Ihe block Is fv stceys high or more. do not sles The top bo Noore Make a Faingemonts row with ule Toed. for alternative shelter accommodation if you ci, oF ‘with your neighbours on the Tower Moors, oF with eaves cortrenis Tyee fa sm bek of four stones fle, the semen of round floor vill pre you the fest pustaston. Cental cor Fidos on lower Moots ‘il provide good pretection, Bungalows Bungaloas and sinilar sil storey ome wil ct give much proecion. Arrange to shelet With someone cose by i you andoso | not, sleet a place in jour home that is furs ftom the roof andthe ouside walls and Seong its has been osc ; Caravans youve in carasn or ote stu aecommodation which provides very THe protection eaioa Gllout your teal Authority wil be able to adse youonwhat td, © Now the Inner Refuge Sill greater protection fs necessary i the Stout room, par tially forthe fa bao days and nights aller an attack, whee ‘hevadiaton dangers could be cia, To provide this youshould fer tlie, This foo should be tick-ined with nse mitra. res te radon, sad should be but avay fom th outige walk Here are some ideas: 41, Mike kato" wih oping doors taken from rooms above or Strong boands rested agaist ine wall. Preven them fom Sliping by fnng lent of wood log te Foor. ak ures ‘or subd — or books, oF even sgsinst sipping. Paty lose the tvo open ends wah Bones of ath rs oe oaty furor, 2. Use tables if they ace sage enough to provide you all with stele. Surround them ane cover them with heavy forniire filed with sand, eat, hooks or clothing 8, Use the cupboard under the stairs iit itn your fall-out coom, Pt bags of earth or sand onthe sass and slong the wall of the cupboard. IT the stars are'on an outside wall tongihen the ‘al outside the sameway to a Reght of ef PLAN YOUR SURVIVAL KIT Five essentials for survival in your Fall-out Room Drinking Water ‘You will need enough for the family for fourteen days, Each petton should dink two pints day ~ so forth you will ne {vee and a bal gallons each ‘You shuld try to stck fice aS much wate a8 you ae likely t> teed for drinking so that you will have eaough for waeing ‘You are univelyt be able ux the sie water sppiy afer an stack ~ so provide you drinking water beforehand y fing tts for use in the fallout room Store exta Wate? in the bath, in Basins end in other comiaines Sealx cover ll you car. Anything tat hes Rad fall-out dust on {willbe contaminated and dangetous to dik of 19 eat ‘You cannot remove radii fom water by baling i Food Stock enoveh food for fourteen days ‘Choose Food whick can be eaten Cold which Keep fresh end ‘which ae ined oF well wrapped. Keep ou socks in 9 cose cabinet er cupboard Provide varity, Stock ugar, jams or other sweet fonds, cereals, Dscults, meats, vegetables, (Fu and frit june. Chidcen il eed toed oF postdred milky and babies their normal fd as Far ae is posable. Est perishable tems fst Use your supplies sarin. Portable Radio and Spare Batteries ‘Your radio will be your aly ink with the outside world, So ake a spare one ith you Ifyou ean ‘You will need to ister for isteucions abo attack and while you remain in your alo 13 in Opener, Bottle Opener, Cutlery ind Crockery Anddon'tforgetto take this booklet with you 14 ‘These further items will also be useful in the Fall-out Room: yaaa a Eg =a PR n o" = 15 12, Fistaid Kit with household wedicines and prescribed medicines. bandages, dsinfoaant, 18. Bowl dey sand, ons or tue ar wping plats and tess “4 Notebook and penis for messages 6 en ga il bd shoves and en ga il bd materials cubher ‘rpastiogov dduspan ad bra 7 Clek machancal ang aka 16 Sanitation ‘You wil ned special saniuionsrrangements because these wil ‘bea wate fo waste in atone. ‘Keep these items in the Fall-outRoom: Containers sachs polythene Ickets ted with covers and ifponble improvised seas Polyene bog linings Forempry ing the conaines. Strong disinfeetant and wiles, paper. Keep these items just outsia A dustbin forthe temporary Storage of seals bagel waste A second dustin for foo ‘als empy tins aa other rate We sou have only one dustbin, use that for tie waste oly. Put a cher euboh nasi Bags oF pape al you can ae Limit the Fire Hazards {Ns you plan the fall-out room and the inner refuge you aed ko mit as Faras you ean the dangers fom eat and bse fo therestofthe house Though the heat could ot nite te ks snd sion of your Roms it ould st algh he contents string ‘rough unprotected minds “There re thnes you condo now oles thee risks Remove anything inlammable from attic and upper soos where fires mos his Remove net curtains thin materials fom windows ~ but leave 18 heavy curtins and blinds as these canbe drawn before an ack appotecion guint Byng ss {Gser out ok’ newspapers and magacnes. Coat windows inside wth dluedesulsion pain of aight colour otha they wl refer avay much ofthe heat Mash, ever if he Pest whic wil low st shatter them It you bave a home i extinguisher ~ hep it hay ‘Keep buckets of wale ready on each Ror and sae if availabe, Remove botes, firewood and similar flammable materials ‘which ae clve tothe casi of the howe. Inantiack, damage top, oad eecrity systems could 28d sericus fre snd ether haraes, All response members of Your fay shoul shsrfore know where ana how 1 tun off es rd desc at the mains al gost igh an oi supplies 19

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