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2023 Spring

Course Name: ELIT 102.02

Instructor: Burak Akkurt

Contact Information:

● It might take 1-2 business days for me to respond to your e-mails or OBS requests.

Office Hours (on appointment):

-Monday 14.15-15.15

Attendance: Attendance requirements are based on Yeditepe University Attendance Policy (please
check the university website for detailed information) that requires 80% attendance. Students are
required to track their own attendance to avoid getting an FA grade. Students who participate online
are expected to turn their webcams on, and answer questions to be counted as present.


40% Midterm

20% Classwork (announced / unannounced quizzes, papers, and participation)

40% Final


- ELIT 102: Survey of English Literature II Course Material

Additional Sources:

- English Literature: A Survey for Students – Anthony Burgess

- Norton Anthology of English Literature


Survey of English Literature II is the continuation of the introductory course Survey of English
Literature I. Course aims to provide a foundational background information about the periods of
English Literature from the Restoration to the Victorian Age, including the major writers of the
relevant periods, emerging genres and important works. Historical background of each period will be
discussed in the class to have a better understanding of the relevant literature. Selected works of
literature will be discussed in detail in relation with the key elements, popular literary devices, and
popular themes of their periods. Background information, key terms, popular themes, frequently
used devices and other recurring elements of the periods will be presented in the beginning of each
period and will be applied to the analysis of the important works of the period to provide a better
Course Requirements:

Students are expected to complete their readings in their own time and come to the class prepared.
Although the attendance policy is based on the Yeditepe University’s requirements, it is advised for
the students to attend the classes as much as possible. Quizzes, classwork, homework and other
activities will not be made up in case of absence.


Week 1
Introduction: Course Aims and Syllabus Discussion
Week 2
The Restoration: Historical Background, Dryden, and Samuel Pepys
Week 3
The Augustan Age: Historical Background, Daniel Defoe
Week 4
The Augustan Age: Jonathan Swift
Week 5
The Augustan Age: Alexander Pope
Week 6 The Transition Period: Historical Background
Selected Authors & Their Works
Week 7
Revision & Discussion of the Previous Topics
Week 8
Midterm Exam1
Week 9 Romantic Period: Historical Background
Week 10 Romantic Period: Selected Works
Prose and Verse
Week 11
1st of May: No Classes
Week 12
Romantic Period: Selected Works
Week 13
Victorian Age: Background, Verse
Week 14
Victorian Age: Prose
Week 15
General Revision, Students’ Choices

As stated by Yeditepe University in the 2023 BA Academic Calendar

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