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When no one baptizes

2 Corinthians 6:9-10
As unknown, and yet well known,as dying,and,behold,we live, as
chastened, and not killed, As sorrow, yet always rejoicing, as poor,
yet making many rich,as having nothing,and yet pessesing all
These last 3 weeks we´ve been house to house in bretaña,doing
health outreach,pathfinder club, etc;however peolpe haven´t yet
given their heart to Jesus.Well that´s what i thought.....

Last week we had an evangelistic campaign,the first night we

needed more chairs,but then as we started to talk about health
and the sabbath the number of assistant decrease to 15
persons.Their was discouargement because of what was going on,
it was my first missionary experience were their was no baptism in
a campaign, looked liked all our efferts were in vain..I forgot that 2
weeks before sister Mirian and her daughter of 13 years old had
taken the decision for baptism,that Friday at the end of the campaign
she told me that she and her daughter were ready for baptism.

That night she invited her motherinlaw Asuncion who assited to an

evangelical church,that same night we agreed to study the bible, the
law and the sabbath.It was sabbath, after 2 hour of bible study we
invited her to unite to the true church were she said´´ï have made my
decision Pastor( thats how the evangelicals normaly tell me),know i
now the truth so i will not keep quiet, but speak to my daughter and
my grandson and tell them that they should study their bible,so that
they can discover the truth.

Know her daughter ( NORMA) and her grandson(VIL) are know studing with us, and know not only 2
but 3 person waiting for the pastor to come so that they can be baptized.

God is wonderful!!!!!!!!! My best Boss,never disappoints me,and will not disappoint you either.
When i was about to get discouarge i open my bible in 2 Corinthians16:9-10
Althought we might not have material stuffs,may our major riches be the experience that we have
daily with christ.....that´s posseing everything.

Josue Lima Martinez originally from Mexico,

served as Missionary Volunteer for 4 years in
Peru Projects (la selva amazonica del peru).

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