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Monopolies Cheat Sheet

by Natalie Moore (NatalieMoore) via

Monopoly definition Monopo​listic compet​ition (cont) Price and output decision

The only seller of a good or service which Will sell fewer products at every price Max profit is where marginal MR =
does not have a close substi​tute. Demand curve will become more elastic revenue = marginal cost MC
Narrow A firm is a monopoly if it can Like every other firm
definition ignore the actions of all other Four main reasons monopolies arise Demand curve = product demand curve
Four reasons for high barriers to entry Price Maker
Broad Other firms in the market are
Government By granting a patent or With a natural monopoly, the average total
definition not close enough substi​tutes
blocks the copyright or By granting a cost curve is still falling when it crosses the
entry of firm a public franchise, demand curve
Monopo​listic compet​ition
more than which makes it the exclusive
A market structure in which barriers to entry one firm into legal provider of a good or Monopoly affect on economic effici​ency?
are low, and many firms compete by selling a market. service.
Will produce less and charge a higher price
similar, but not identical, products. Control of a key raw material than a perfectly compet​itive industry
Difference may be real or artifi​cial.
Network Product usefulness Causes a reduction in consumer surplus
Has downwa​rd-​sloping demand and extern​alities increases with number users
Causes an increase in producer surplus
marginal revenue curves. Small amount of
Natural Economies of scale are so
control over price. Dauses a deadweight loss (alloc​ative ineffi​‐
monopoly large one firm has a natural
Oligopoly: A market structure in which a monopoly
small number of interd​epe​ndent firms Increases market power (ability to charge
compete. higher than marginal cost)
Maximise profit in monopo​listic compet​ition
Every firm that has the ability to affect the Firms with market power are more likely to
price of the good or service it sells will have earn economic profits, so because R & D
a marginal revenue curve that is below its requires $$$ they are also more likely to
demand curve. introduce new products

Easy entry and exit to the market Equili​brium in a perfectly compet​itive

Highly but not perfectly elastic. market results in the greatest amount of
economic surplus, or total benefit to society
How monopo​loi​‐ 1. Calculate Profit
sticaly comp firm = (P - ATC) x Q
maximises profit in
the short run

2. Profit is
maximised or loss
is minimised when
May make money, lose money, or break
Long run
Entry of new firms Demand will go
down (left)

By Natalie Moore Published 16th June, 2014. Sponsored by

(NatalieMoore) Last updated 11th May, 2016. Measure your website readability!
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