Real UnrealCondWishPres ch15

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15 Real Conditionals, Unreal Conditionals,

and Wishes

PART I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. The process of photosynthesis in plants will not 4. You into trouble at some point if you
occur unless an adequate amount of light don’t back up your files periodically.
as an energy source. a. ran
a. there will be b. would run
b. there is c. might run
c. there would d. had run
d. there has
5. Consumers wish interest rates so that they
2. If you on country roads at night, you’ll could purchase new homes.
need to use your bright lights. a. would fall
a. will drive b. will fall
b. would drive c. fall
c. drove d. can fall
d. drive
6. If alternative sources of energy became widely
3. The candidate said very clearly that he cut available, how much more money willing
funding for education under any circumstances if to pay for them?
he were governor. a. people are
a. didn’t b. people would be
b. wouldn’t c. will people be
c. can’t d. would people be
d. won’t

PART II. Find the error in each sentence and correct it.
7. I can’t play the piano, but I wish I can.
8. If electric cars didn’t cost so much, they would became more popular.
9. What do you do if there were a fire in your kitchen?
10. I wish you’ll start taking better care of yourself.
11. Call me if you’ll get home early so we can get together.
12. He won’t be able to continue his studies if he weren’t receiving a scholarship.
13. Don’t you wish you live in a warmer climate?
14. Unless you will rest in bed, you won’t get better.

1 Grammar Sense 3 Test: Chapter 15 © Oxford University Press

PART III. Choose the best answer to complete each conversation.
15. A: 18. A: If you need me later, I’ll help you.
B: No, but I wish we did. B:
a. Are you coming soon? a. Thank you so much.
b. Does it rain often? b. That’s true.
c. Do you have any popcorn? c. I disagree.
16. A: If only I had a laptop! 19. A: Are you finished yet?
B: B: No, but
a. When did you have one? a. I wish I weren’t.
b. You should buy one. b. I wish I were.
c. Why did you buy one? c. I hope I am.
17. A: Let’s hope he wins. 20. A: Would you mind if I left early?
B: B:
a. That’d be nice. a. Yes, go right ahead.
b. When did he win? b. Why did you leave early?
c. I knew he would. c. No, not at all.

Total 20

Thinking Ahead to the TOEFL® Test

Real conditionals, unreal conditionals, and wishes are often tested in the Structure section of the
TOEFL® test. Here is a typical example:
If an automobile will travel at an average speed of 60 miles per hour, in three hours it will travel
180 miles.

2 Grammar Sense 3 Test: Chapter 15 © Oxford University Press


15 Answer Key

1. b
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. d

7. I can’t play the piano, but I wish I can.
8. If electric cars didn’t cost so much, they would became more popular.
9. What do you do if there were a fire in your kitchen?
10. I wish you’ll start taking better care of yourself.
11. Call me if you’ll get home early so we can get together.
12. He won’t be able to continue his studies if he weren’t receiving a scholarship.
13. Don’t you wish you live in a warmer climate?
14. Unless will you rest in bed, you won’t get better.

15. c
16. b
17. a
18. a
19. b
20. c

3 Grammar Sense 3 Answer Key: Chapter 15 © Oxford University Press

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