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Approved by the methodological council of the university Studies plan Lviv Polytechnic National University

Option 1 Term of study 4 years

protocol № Basic higher education by direction 97 0901 Engineering materials science Form of education full-time education
19.07.1997 Education level Bachelor
Pro-rector Year of entry 1997
1. Schedule of the educational process 2. Aggregated data in weeks

Educational practice

State attestation
Degree project



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
1 * * * * * * * * K * * * * * * * K * # CK CK CK * * * * * * * * K * * * * * * * K * CK CK CK # # # # # # # # # 32 6 10 52 1
2 * * * * * * * * K * * * * * * * K * # CK CK CK * * * * * * * K * * * * * * * * K * CK CK CK # 32 6 2 44 2
3 # # # # # # # # * * * * * * * HK HK * * * * * * HK HK @ # CK CK CK # * * * * * * HK HK * * * * * HK HK O O CK CK CK # 32 6 2 11 51 3
4 # # # # # # # # * * * * * * * HK HK * * * * * * HK HK @ # CK CK CK # * * * * * * * HK HK * * * * HK HK CK CK CK ДE // 32 6 1 1 10 50 4
Legend The first accounting week for academic years up to 1999 starts from September, since 1999 starts from July
*- studying К-exam (modular control) CK-semester control ( С) О- educational practice ( НП) || Degree project( ДП) // state attestation ( ДА)
НК- studying, control Х- industrial practice or on the subject of a master's thesis ( ПР) СП- designing ДЕ state exam # vacation ( КН)
@ consultations and individual work with students ( KI)
3. Educational plan
Distribution by types of Distribution by courses and semesters Notes
Semester control Amount of work ( hours) occupations 1 course 2 course 3 course 4 course
№ Subjects PГР 1997/1998 1998/1999 1999/2000 2000/2001 Departm signatur
Classroo Type of dent Lectures laborato practical 1 semester 16 2 semester 16 3 semester 16 4 semester 16 5 semester 17 6 semester 15 7 semester ent e
Test Exam Total m work MK MK ry 17 8 semester 15
work weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1. Joint disciplines of the direction 30 6237 3336 0 2901 1581 532 1102
1.1. Normative disciplines 30 6237 3336 0 2901 1581 532 1102
1.1.1. Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines 11 1566 868 0 698 249 8 586
1 History of Ukraine 1 0 108 52 4 58 16 0 32 3 ІУНТ
2 Fundamentals of constitutional law of Ukraine 1 1 54 32 0 22 32 0 0 ІПП
3 3 3 3
3 Foreign Language 1-3 4 0 324 196 4 128 0 0 192 ІМ
3 3 3 3
3 3 2 2
4 Physical Education 1-4 0 270 160 0 110 0 0 160 ФВ
3 3 2 2
5 Ukrainian and foreign culture 1 0 108 52 4 56 16 0 32 3 ІУНТ
6 Business Ukrainian language 2 4 54 32 0 22 0 0 32 УМ
7 Philosophy 3 0 108 52 4 56 16 0 32 3 ФК
8 Religious studies 4 1 54 32 0 22 16 0 16 2 ФК
9 Sociology 4 1 54 32 0 22 16 0 16 2 ПС
10 Fundamentals of Ecology 4 1 54 32 0 22 32 0 0 ХІПЕ
11 Politology 5 0 108 51 4 Lect 57 13 0 34 3 ПС
12 Basics of Psychology and Pedagogy 6 1 54 30 0 24 15 0 15 2 ІПП
13 Fundamentals of Economics Theory 7 0 108 51 4 Lect 57 30 0 17 3 ТЕЕУ
1 0.5
14 Life Safety 7 1 54 34 0 20 17 8 8 2 ТЕБ
15 Fundamentals of Law 8 1 54 30 0 24 30 0 0 ІПП
1.1.2. Fundamental disciplines 11 2997 1690 0 1307 871 335 416
16 Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 1 0 108 68 4 40 32 0 32 4 ВМ
4 2
17 Mathematical Analysis 2 1 2 297 168 8 129 96 0 64 7 3 ВМ
3 1
2 3 2 1
18 Chemistry 1 2 2 243 132 4 111 64 64 0 5 3 ЗХ

19 Descritive Geometry and Engineering Graphics 2-3 1 2 189 116 4 73 32 0 80 3 2 2 НГГ
1 2 2
20 Differential Equations 2 0 108 64 0 44 32 0 32 4 ВМ
2 2 2 2
21 Computer Engineering and Programming (Informatics) 3 2 2 243 132 4 111 64 64 0 4 4 ОМП

5 2 3 2
22 Physics 2,3 0 432 248 8 184 128 64 48 9 6 КЗФ
2 1
23 Special Sections of Mathematics 3 0 135 68 4 67 32 0 32 4 ВМ
2 2
24 Theoretical and Practical (applied) Mechanics 3,4 0 243 136 8 107 64 0 64 4 4 ТМ,
2 2
2 1
25 Physical chemistry 3 0 135 68 4 67 32 0 32 4 ФКХ
3 2
26 Technology of production and processing of materials 4 0 162 84 4 78 48 32 0 ФММ
3 1
27 Electrical engineering and electronics 4 0 162 84 4 78 48 16 16 5 ТЗЕ
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
4 2
28 Metallurgy 4 0 162 100 4 62 64 32 0 ФММ
28 Metallurgy 4 0 162 100 4 62 64 32 0 ### ФММ
Metrology, standardization, certification and accreditation
29 (Standardization and Certification of Materials and 5 1 81 51 0 30 34 0 17 3 ТМБ
Accreditation of Testing Laboratories)
2 1
30 Mechanics of deformation and strength of materials 5 0 81 51 4 Lect 30 30 17 0 ОМ
31 Theory of Heat- and Mass-transfer 6 1 54 30 0 24 15 0 15 2 ТТЕС
2 1
32 Automation
of Production Processes and Microprocessor
8 0 81 45 4 Lect 36 28 15 0 АТХП
2 1
33 Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Technological
Processes and Materials 8 1 81 45 0 36 30 15 0 АТХП
1.1.3. Professionally oriented disciplines 8 1350 778 0 572 461 189 100
2 1
34 Crystallography, crystal chemistry and mineralogy 4 1 81 48 0 33 32 16 0 ФММ
3 1
35 Structural analysis of materials 6 0 108 60 4 Lect 48 41 15 0 ФММ
36 Basics of scientific research and organization of the experiment 6 1 54 30 0 24 30 0 0 ФММ
2 1
37 Corrosion and Corrosion Protection 6 1 81 45 0 36 30 15 0 ФММ
2 1
38 Metallography 6 0 81 45 4 Lect 36 26 15 0 ФММ
4 1
39 Physicochemical Basis of Metals Production 6 0 162 90 4 Lect 72 56 15 15 6 ФММ
4 2
40 Mechanical Properties and Structural Strength of Materials 7 0 162 102 4 Lect 60 64 34 0 ФММ
2 1
41 Tool Materials 7 2 108 51 0 57 34 17 0 ФММ
42 Work on metalworking machines 7 2 108 68 0 40 0 0 68 ФММ
1 1
43 Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health 7 0 54 34 4 Lect 20 13 17 0 ОП
44 Physics of Condensed State of Materials 7 0 135 85 4 Lect 50 64 0 17 5 ФММ
3 2
45 Physical properties and methods of investigation of materials 8 0 135 75 4 Lect 60 41 30 0 ФММ
2 1
46 Diagnostics and Defectoscopy of Materials and Products 8 1 81 45 0 36 30 15 0 ФММ
1.1.4. Practical training 0 324 0 0 324 0 0 0 Practice 0 324 0 0 324 0 0 0
47 Technological Practice 2 0 216 0 0 216 0 0 0 ФММ
48 Educational practice in technology and materials science 6 0 108 0 0 108 0 0 0 ФММ
1.2. Physical Education 0 216 128 0 88 0 0 128
1.2.1. Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines
2 2 2 2
49 Physical Education 5-8 0 216 128 0 88 0 0 128 ФВ
2 2 2 2
2. 7.090101 - Applied materials science 3 1485 772 0 713 461 224 51
2.1. Normative disciplines 0 54 0 0 54 0 0 0
2.1.1. State attestation 0 54 0 0 54 0 0 0
50 State exam 8 0 54 0 0 54 0 0 0 ФММ
2.2. Elective disciplines ВЗО 3 1431 772 0 659 461 224 51
2.2.1. Professionally oriented disciplines of the specialty 3 1377 755 0 622 461 224 34
2 1
51 Nonmetal Materials 5 1 81 51 0 30 34 17 0 ФММ
4 1
52 Heat Treatment 5 0 189 102 4 Lect 87 84 17 17 6 ФММ
2 1
53 Structural steel 5 1 81 51 0 30 34 17 0 ФММ
3 2
54 Theory of Alloys Structure 5 0 189 102 4 Lect 87 47 34 17 6 ФММ
2 1
55 Deformation
Behavior of Alloys Under Conditions of Pressure
5 0 108 51 4 Lect 57 30 17 0 ФММ
3 1
56 Surface Treatment and Reconditioning of Products 6 0 108 60 4 Lect 48 41 15 0 ФММ
3 1
57 Foundry Engineering (production) 6 0 108 60 4 Lect 48 41 15 0 ФММ
3 1
58 Powder and Composite Materials 7 0 135 68 4 Lect 67 47 17 0 ФММ
2 1
59 Alloys with Special Properties 8 0 81 45 4 Lect 36 26 15 0 ФММ
3 1
60 Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys 8 0 108 60 4 Lect 48 41 15 0 ФММ
1 1
61 Expert research on the causes of defects and destruction of
products 8 1 54 30 0 24 15 15 0 ФММ
3 2
62 Tribology and wear resistance of materials 8 0 135 75 4 Lect 60 41 30 0 ФММ
2.2.2. Practical training 0 54 17 0 37 0 0 17 Coursework 0 54 17 0 37 0 0 17
63 Foundry Engineering (production) (Course work) 7 0 54 17 0 37 0 0 17 ФММ
14 3 13 5 12 5 18 6 18 7 21 6 17 5.5 20 10
Total for direction 33 7722 4108 156 3236 2042 756 1153 33 33 32 34 30 30 30 30
16 15 15 10 5 3 7.5 0

Distribution by semesters 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Sem 5 Sem 6 Sem 7 Sem 8 Sem
7.090101 - Applied materials science
Exams 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
Tests 4 5 4 5 3 4 3 4
Course works 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Course projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note: All tests are differentiated, except for physical education

Deputy head of the NMR of the university Dean Option 1 97 09 01 19 97 year of admission

Head of the student department of Lviv Polytechnic National University

Yuriі Kostiv
Approved by the methodological council of the university Studies plan Lviv Polytechnic National University
Option 1 Reduction1
protocol № Specialty 8.090101 Applied materials science Form of education full-time education
27.06.2002 Education level Master's degree
Pro-rector Year of entry 2002
1. Schedule of the educational process 2. Aggregated data in weeks

Educational practice




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
1 # # # # # # # # * * * * * * * К * * * * * * * * К @ # CК CК # * * * * * * * К * * * * * * * * К @ CК CК # # 30 4 12 52 1
2 # # # # # # Х Х Х Х || || || || || || || || || || || || // // // 4 12 3 6 25 2
Legend The first accounting week for academic years up to 1999 starts from September, since 1999 starts from July
*- studying К-exam (modular control) CK-semester control ( С) О- educational practice ( НП) || Degree project( ДП) // state attestation ( ДА)
НК- studying, control Х- industrial practice or on the subject of a master's thesis ( ПР) СП- designing ДЕ state exam # vacation ( КН)
@ consultations and individual work with students ( KI)
3. Educational plan
Distribution by types of Distribution by courses and semesters Notes
Semester control Amount of work ( hours)
occupations 1 course 2 course
№ Subjects PГР КР 2002/2003 2003/2004
indepen Department Signature
Classroo Type of laborato practical
Test Exam Total MK dent Lectures 1 semester 2 semester 3 semester 4 semester
m work MK ry
work 15 weeks 15 weeks weeks weeks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1. Joint disciplines of the direction 2808 886 0 1922 510 150 179
1.1. Normative disciplines 1863 464 0 1399 315 30 90
1.1.1. Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines 216 96 0 120 60 0 30
1 Civil defense 1 1 0 54 30 0 24 15 0 15 2 ТЕБ
2 Manufacturing enterprise 2 0 0 162 66 6 96 45 0 15 4 ЕПМ
1.1.2. Professionally oriented disciplines 783 368 0 415 255 30 60
3 Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health 1 1 0 54 30 0 24 15 0 15 2 ОП
4 Equipment and automation of heat treatment processes of
materials and products 1 0 0 162 81 6 81 60 0 15 5 ФММ
5 Principles of using materials 1 0 0 162 66 6 96 45 0 15 4 ФММ
Metrology, standardization, certification and accreditation
6 (Standardization and Certification of Materials and 1 0 0 162 81 6 81 60 0 15 5 ФММ
Accreditation of Testing Laboratories)
2 1
7 Experiment planning technique (Basics of scientific research
and organization of the experiment) 1 1 2 108 44 0 64 30 14 0 3 ФММ
3 1
8 Principles of creating alloys 2 0 0 135 66 8 69 45 16 0 4 ФММ
1.1.3. Practical training 864 0 0 864 0 0 0 Practice 864 0 0 864 0 0 0

9 Practice on the subject of the master's qualification thesis 3 0 0 216 0 216 0 0 0 ФММ

10 Completion of master's qualification work 3 0 0 648 0 648 0 0 0 ФММ

1.2. Elective disciplines ВЗО 945 422 0 523 195 120 89

1.2.1. Professionally oriented disciplines of the specialty 702 302 0 400 195 0 89
11 Physical materials science 1 0 0 162 66 6 96 45 0 15 4 ФММ
12 Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Technological
Processes and Materials 1 1 2 108 44 0 64 30 0 14 3 ФММ
13 Surface physics and chemistry 2 0 0 162 81 6 81 45 0 30 5 ФММ
14 Structure of melts and crystallization 2 0 0 135 66 6 69 45 0 15 4 ФММ
15 Laser heat treatment 2 0 1 135 45 0 90 30 0 15 3 ФММ
1.2.2. Practical training 243 120 0 123 0 120 0 in weeks together with other classroom
classes 243 120 0 123 0 120 0

16 Scientific and research practicum of students 2 1 0 243 120 0 123 0 120 0 8 ФММ
20 1 14 9
Total for direction 2808 886 0 1922 510 150 179 28 28
7 5

Distribution by semesters 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Sem

7.090101 - Applied materials science
Exams 5 4 0 0
Tests 3 2 0 0
Course works 0 0 0 0
Course projects 0 0 0 0
28 28 0 0
Note: All tests are differentiated

Head of the NMR of the university Head of the NMR of the institute

Head of the planning and modeling department of the educational process Heads of departments

Head of the student department of Lviv Polytechnic National University

Yuriі Kostiv

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