Capstone Update 2

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Capstone Update #2

What I have accomplished so far

So far I have had a zoom meeting with my uncle and planned out a timeline over sheets of the project
and when and how we will get everything done, I also have started a rough draft of the sturgeon that
is going to be the main design on the sign. I started by just drawing it on a line sheet of paper roughly,
but I plan on doing a few more copies and doing it digitally on the computer to make sure it is perfect.
For the drawing I got inspiration from photos of sturgeon my mom and I have caught over the years of
fishing and combining them together and creating my own spin on them with drawing.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I plan to accomplish having another successful meeting with my uncle by the end of the week to discus
furthermore. I will do this by meeting with him on Wednesday and going over our spreadsheet and
adding whatever else needs to be completed.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I need to dedicate some time towards the project this week to work on the design and show my uncle
and ask his opinion.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

A challenge I have encountered with my project was trying to get the sturgeon drawing very close to
perfect, it is a lot more difficult than I thought. I kept getting the head and the little fins not correct and
they kept looking funny. I overcame this by asking my peers what I could do to improve the drawing and
make it look more realistic. And overall, it ended up looking quite good I might change the way it is
facing but other than that I am proud of the progress.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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