Perceived Stress Research Paper

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1.1 Background of the study

Stress is anything that poses a challenge or a treat to the well-being of a person. It can

be experienced anywhere, either in-home or ever in school. Student are mostly affected by

academic stress, as they are mostly to different kind of stressors , such as the pressure of

academics and the obligation to succeed (Noson 2016) . According to Kocter (2017) Stress

negativity affects academic performance and could also become a vicious circle of continually

increasing stress and decreasing performance.

The relationship between student perceived stress level and academic performance is

highly relevant in the global context due to the increasing pressure and demand faced by

student in their educational journey with the globalization of education and the competitiveness

in the job market student, are consistently striving for better academic achievements to secure

future opportunities (Gomes et. Al. 2021).This had lead to a rise in not only academic stress but

also psychological and emotional stress among student, often resulting in negative effects of

their academic performance.

Numerous studies have been conducted to explore the relationship between perceived

stress levels and academic performance among different groups of students for instant a study

conducted by Raza et. At. (2020) observe that high levels these global studies provide a strong

foundation for the researchers to investigate the relationship between perceived stress and

academic performance specifically in Grade- 11 students in Maharlika National High School.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to examine the relationship between perceived stress level and

academic performance among Grade -11 students.

1.3 Research Question

Specifically it seeks to answer the following questions;

1.What is the perceived stress level of grade 11 students?

2.What is the General Weighted Average of grade 11 students in the first Quarter?

3.Is there a relationship between perceived stress level and academic performance of Grade 11


1.4 Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant relationship between students Perceived stress level and their

academic performance in grade 11 students.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between student perceived stress level and their

academic performance in grade 11 TVL student.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the relationship between perceived stress level and academic

performance of the students. The respondents of this study are the grade 11 senior high school

students. Thus, the researcher will randomly select 85nrespondents from 110 grade 11 students

.This study will be conducted in Maharlika National High School on the first semester of school

year 2023-2024.In order to gather the data the Researcher will use standardized scale to gather

the participants responses.

1.6 Significant of the study

The result of this study will be beneficial to the following;

1.Students : This study will benefit student as it will enhance their understanding of the impact
of perceived stress on their academic performance . Bye recognizing the relationship between
stress level and academic performance students can develop affective coping mechanisms and
stress management strategies to improve their overall academic achievement.

2.Teachers : Teacher will benefit from this by gaining insight into the factors that can affect
student academic performance. Understanding student perceived stress levels can help teacher
identity those who may be struggling and provide appreciate support and resources. This
knowledge will enable teacher to create a conductive learning environment that promotes
overall student well- being and academic success.

3. School administrators: School administrators will benefit from this study as it provides
valuable information about the factors that affect the academic performance of grade 11
students student. This knowledge can aid in establishing targeted intervention and support
services that address stress -related issues, ultimately improving the overall academic
performance of students in this track.

4. Future researcher: This study contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the
relationship between stress and academic performance of grade 11 students student. The
finding could serve as a foundation for further research on stress management techniques,
intervention program, and holistic approach to improve student well-being and academic

5. Parents: understanding the relationship between perceived stress and academic

performance can help parents identity potential areas of concern in their childs educational
journey. With this knowledge, parents can actively engaged in open communication with their
child, offer support, and collaborate with the school to device interventions that cater to their.
Childs specific needs.

6. Future students: The finding of this study can benefits future students as they can gain
insight into the challenge. They may face and develop strategies to overcome stress and
perform better academically . This knowledge can empower them to take proactive steps
towards their academic success.

7. Society: The study finding contributes to understanding the impact of perceived. Stress on
academic performance with this knowledge, society can raise awareness about the importance
of mental health in education and work towards creating a supportive environment that
prioritizes student well-being and academic success. This study can spark conversations and
focused on improving the overall educational experience for all students.
1.7 Definition of Terms

1.Relationship: The connection or association between two or more variables, in this case, the
level of perceived stress and academic performance among grade 11 students.

2.Perceived stress level: The subjective evaluation of stress experience by students, which
may vary based on individual perceptions and psychological responses to various academic,
personal,or environmental factors.

3.Academic Performance: The achievement and outcomes of students in terms of their

educational pursuits, including grades, test scores, participation, attendance, and completion of
academic requirements.

4.Stress: A psychological response to demanding or challenging circumstances or events that

may potentially disrupt the balance of individuals.

5.Level of stress: The degree or intensity of stress experience by an individual, which can vary
from low to high based on the perceived demands and coping capabilities.

6.Relationship between stress and academic performance: The correlation or connection

between the level of stress experienced by students and their academic performance, including
how stress may positively or negatively influence their ability to succeed academically.

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