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A serious effort
Cannabis growers are adopting the high standards of the
consumer-product industry to meet regulatory requirements.

BY BRIAN OWENS working with cannabis producers to support

and guide this effort. He is studying how the

or years, the popular image of cannabis amount and wavelength of light used in grow-
growers has been scruffy hippies getting ing can affect the plant’s cannabinoid composi-
high on their own supply in a disorgan- tion. Increasing the amount of ultraviolet light,
ized underground economy, rather than shiny for example, can increase levels of tetrahydro-
white industrial agriculture facilities. Even cannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive
larger-scale operations involved minimal qual- component of cannabis. “We want to create a
ity control or lacked formal record keeping. lighting recipe which will help producers get a
But as legal medical — and increasingly, consistent product,” he says.
recreational — cannabis becomes more wide- Cannabis companies are quickly adopting
spread, the cannabis industry is becoming techniques and technologies that were pio-
more professional. By adopting the methods neered by commercial agriculture and horti-
and rigour of plant science and analytical culturalists. Organigram, a cannabis producer
chemistry, it is ensuring that it can produce in Moncton, Canada, stringently controls its
safe, consistent and high-quality products for growing operations, says Jeff Purcell, vice-
a fast-growing and lucrative market. president of operations. “The growing envi-
“As the industry has gotten bigger, they ronment is standardized, and we have full
realized they must transition to use modern control over the air, light, temperature and
horticultural science,” says Youbin Zheng, a hor- fertilizer,” he says. “It’s all highly automated
ticulture researcher at the University of Guelph, and computer controlled.”
Canada, who works with cannabis companies. Organigram’s operation is in stark contrast to
Although small-scale growers of illicit the image of an illicit farm hidden in the woods.
cannabis can get away with vague descriptions It is entirely indoors, with 52 identical growing
of strains and considerable variation between rooms on three floors. Plants are propagated by of underground growers, they are hiring lots of

batches, commercial producers have to meet cloning, rather than grown from seed, so the university-educated and trained people,” says
the same standards as they would for other crop’s genetic identity remains the same from Zheng.
consumer products. They need to produce generation to generation. The growers track Many of his postgraduate students, he says,
a reliable product and follow the stringent and log all growing parameters, and then tweak receive job offers from cannabis companies
rules and regulations that apply to product them as needed to before they have even completed their studies.
labelling and safety in their country. maintain consistency. “There are Zheng will begin teaching a cannabis produc-
Many of the challenges of large-scale cannabis Purcell sees the com- quality checks tion class for undergraduates at the University
production can be solved by drawing on the pany’s operation as a like you would of Guelph in January 2020, and several col-
experience of the commercial greenhouse ‘manufacturing facility’, see in any leges in North America already offer courses
industry, says Zheng. Growing crops commer- rather than a garden or manufacturing designed to provide skilled workers to the
cially requires a homogenous soil and consistent a greenhouse. “There facility.” industry. In April, the first 24 students gradu-
irrigation. Small variations can mean that parts are quality checks like ated from an 8-month cannabis production
of the crop dry out at different rates, which leads you would see in any manufacturing facility, course at Niagara College Canada in Niagara-
to the spread of pathogenic agents and root rot, whether it was producing food or tyres,” he says. on-the-Lake. That course, intended for stu-
and to an inconsistent product. But the tomato The large-scale, controlled environment dents who already have a diploma or degree
industry, for example, has experience of grow- enables Organigram to conduct systematic, in plant science, focuses on how to grow can-
ing tens to hundreds of hectares of produce at a controlled trials and to produce huge amounts nabis and the surrounding regulations. Bill
time, and that expertise can be transferred easily of data — with 5 cycles of growth per year in MacDonald, a plant scientist and the pro-
to cannabis growers, says Zheng. each of the growing rooms, it can generate gramme’s coordinator, says that the graduates
“Cannabis is just another crop,” he says. more than 250 generations’ worth of growing were snapped up by industry.
“The commercial flower and vegetable indus- data each year, says Purcell. The company can
tries have been working on the same problems use those data to determine what works best TESTING, TESTING
for many years, and they have the technology for the plants, and then replicate those condi- Besides the challenges of growing a sufficient
already.” tions at scale. “That’s the big difference with amount of high-quality cannabis for a rapidly
But other issues are unique to cannabis the black market,” he says. “When you scale growing market, cannabis companies have to
production. And achieving the most efficient up, you have to take a data-driven approach.” deal with something that illegal growers do
production requires growers to do research To run these advanced facilities, cannabis not — government regulation.
under controlled conditions to under- companies need researchers who are experi- “For a product to be sold in most US states, it
stand how both plant genetics and growing enced in plant science, microbiology, chemis- has to be tested externally,” says Jahan Marcu,
conditions can affect the product. try and other scientific disciplines — and they director of experimental pharmacology
Zheng’s laboratory is one of many that are are turning to academia to find them. “Instead and behavioral research at the International

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A commercial old equipment in unsuitable spaces, and with

medical-cannabis minimal quality control. James says that, in the
cultivation facility past, it was not uncommon to meet people at
in Moncton, trade shows who had bought analytical kits on
Canada. the online auction site eBay and were running
testing labs from their bedrooms.
Cannabis analytical labs are becoming
more professional. “I’ve seen an evolution in
the sophistication of the industry,” Brauninger
says. “Most of the people running labs now
have PhDs and experience in the pharmaceuti-
cal industry. It’s light years more sophisticated
than five or six years ago.”
Such labs are beginning to adopt standard-
ized tests for potency and purity using gas
chromatography and high-performance liq-
uid chromatography. They are also developing
methods to identify and measure levels of THC
and other cannabinoids, as well as contami-
nants such as heavy metals and pesticide resi-
dues. “These aren’t necessarily new tests that
have been created for this industry, but the type
that had to be applied for this product,” says
A2LA is also helping labs to attain
ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, the main inter-
national standard for testing and calibration
labs. It covers all phases of lab operation,
including staff training, data protection and
dealing with conflicts of interest.
Although many small-scale cannabis
growers at first questioned the need for inten-
sive product testing, most can now appreciate
the benefits that the rules bring to the market.
“People see the need for quality control and
Research Center on Cannabis and Mental In the United Kingdom, for example, strict testing,” says James. “It brings a legitimacy to
Health in New York City. rules concerning THC levels in medical can- the industry that hasn’t always been there.”
In Canada, government regulations require nabis mean that labs can find it difficult to get And as testing becomes more widespread, its
producers to use an independent lab to meas- the sample analytical standards that they need importance is also reaching users, says Marcu.
ure the level of cannabinoid in dried cannabis for comparing products. The licences required “Consumers are starting to realize that there is
flowers and oils so that the resulting products to handle the standards are the same as those a big difference between illicit or grey-market
can be labelled appropriately. Producers must needed by a lab doing research on the drug products and those from a licensed operator,”
also test for contaminants such as the bacte- itself. “It’s ludicrous that analytical standards he says. “They can have more confidence in the
rium Escherichia coli, mould, heavy metals are so tightly controlled,” says James. “The can- products than before.”
and 96 types of pesticide. When edible canna- nabis products are treated the same as a kilo One sign of progress is that cannabis
bis products become legal in Canada later this of cocaine.” products can be recalled when they fail test-
year, they will face similarly stringent rules, And not all analytical labs are up to the ing, just like other medical or consumer
says Purcell; labels on such products will have job. Roger Brauninger, biosafety programme items. In December 2016 and January 2017,
to convey the same nutritional information manager at the American Association for Organigram had to recall some of its products
as do those on any other food product. In the Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), a non- when residues from pesticides not approved
United States, the regulations are broadly simi- profit organization in Frederick, Maryland, for use in cannabis were detected. Although
lar to those in Canada. But each US state where says that although US states introduced the company’s reputation took a short-term
medical or recreational cannabis is legal sets its requirements for external testing as medical hit, Purcell says that recalls are a sign of the
own testing regime — and those requirements or recreational cannabis became legalized, industry’s growing professionalism. Consum-
can vary widely and change quickly. “In Dela- there was rarely any infrastructure or exper- ers can be confident that cannabis goods have
ware, the regulations are now totally different tise in place to facilitate a professional testing been made “under a controlled, regulated
than two years ago,” says Marcu. regime. Even the most established labs, located environment and tested in a certified lab that
Independent testing labs have sprung up to in California, have only been around since the guarantees safety and quality”.
help growers to meet the requirements, but mid-2000s — despite the state legalizing the As the cannabis industry expands, the role
like the wider cannabis industry, they face medical use of cannabis in 1996. of good science within it will also expand, and
growing pains. “At the moment it’s a bit like “Because of the federal strictures, there there will be further opportunities for col-
the Wild West, with different rules in different weren’t any standardized methods. Labs had laboration. “More and more,” says Zheng, “the
places,” says Andrew James, marketing director to validate everything themselves,” Brauninger scientific community and industry are directly
of Ellutia in Ely, UK, which makes chemical says. “It’s difficult to bring in expertise when communicating and sharing information.” ■
analysis equipment for the cannabis industry, there isn’t a wealth of information available, and
among other markets. “It can be hard to know no trade association to help share techniques.” Brian Owens is a freelance journalist in
what to test for, how to test and where to do it.” That led to labs being set up quickly with St Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada.

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