Capstone Update 3

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Capstone Update #3

To meet the requirements, It is ESSENTIAL THAT YOU INCLUDE DETAILS in your updates along
with MULTIPLE pictures or video of your progress.

What I have accomplished so far

Throughout these past weeks I have been hard at work mowing and cleaning up many homes and
properties in my neighbourhood. This capstone update I will be sharing four or more pictures with the
inclusion of descriptions of what I am doing in the photos.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

This weekend (November 18th or 19th) I plan to go to Home Depot or another store that has various lawn
and yard equipment. While I am at the store, I plan to see how much money it costs to run my project as
a business if I buy everything brand new. I also plan to see how much gas it costs to fill up my mower
since I am currently using a gas-powered mower, in the end I will add everything up and produce a total.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I need a vehicle for transportation of all the equipment necessary to do yard and lawn work. I will also
need permission from the homeowners to do work on their lawn. I also need to use my own time
outside of school which means allocating time to do hands-on work, then doing the updates and website
work. I will also need the necessary equipment for doing lawn and yard work, this includes a trowel,
lawn mower, rake, handheld weed remover, gloves, eye, and ear protection and sleds (I use the sleds as
knee support, rather than squatting or putting my knees in dirt).

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

The weather and equipment breaking are the two main things that have come up. The gas-powered
lawn mower I am currently using has a broken choke, which makes it difficult to properly start the
mower without it immediately shutting off this is occurring because the metal wire which is connected
to the lever (when in the upward position provides the proper amount of fuel and air to start the
mower) falls out of the lever, to get around this problem I bent the wire with pliers just enough so that it
would stay in place when I pull the lever up and start the motor of the mower. In this project I have
been lucky with the weather I do lawn or yard work in, it is either sunny, cloudy or there is just a little bit
of rain.
Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

Here are some before and after pictures of my work:

Before picture of overgrown rotting pumpkin plant in a planter bed:

Me working on removing the last few weeds and decomposing plants:

In this picture I am removing weeds big and small:
Before picture of dead tomato plant and wooden support structure and various
After picture, removal of the tomato plant, weeds and wooden structure:

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