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Antonella Sánchez 4to “A”

1 Australopithecus
The first primates to walk upright, they
were a varied and successful group of
species, which faced intense climate
change in the savanna of their time,
being forced to abandon the
vegetarian diet and start hunting, thus
giving rise to the genus Homo.

Homo Habilis 2

The homo genus is characterized by its

ability to develop stone tools, and the
first of them existed in Africa 2.2 million
years ago. Its cranial capacity did not
exceed 800 cm3 and it would have shared
an era with Homo rudolfensis, with which it
is often considered the same species.

3 Homo Erectus
It lived in Asia 1.8 million years ago, until
its extinction 300,000 years ago. He
covered himself with animal skins and
made various stone tools, in addition to
cooking his food, as they would have
domesticated fire.

Homo Naledi 4

Dating techniques have allowed us to

estimate that the species lived
between 226,000 and 335,000 years
ago, much earlier than previously
thought, so it could even coincide with
modern humans.

5 Homo Sapiens
Modern Homo sapiens, for their part,
have an appearance similar to
modern humans. These individuals
would have lived in a period between
260,000 and 100,000 years before
the present.

Men Today 6
Technology is extremely useful and necessary
in our times. Thanks to it, human beings have
thousands of comforts and experiences that
were unimaginable in the past, such as
exploring space, studying the depths of the
ocean and quickly accessing more information
than our brain can contain. Without going any
further, thanks to technology, human beings
have the lifestyle on which we depend. It
provides us with a better life.

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