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Internal Analysis

Internal analysis is an essential component of a marketing project that involves assessing the internal
strengths and weaknesses of Aritzia.

1. SWOT Analysis

- will Conduct a SWOT analysis for Aritzia, which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
and Threats. This will help identify internal factors.

2. Marketing Resources:

- Will Assess marketing resources and capabilities/

- Budget: Analyze marketing budget, including available funds for advertising, promotions, and
market research.

3. Product or Service Analysis:

- Product Life Cycle: Determine where each product or service is in its life cycle.

4. Customer Analysis:

- Customer Segmentation: Identify different customer segments and their characteristics.

- Customer Loyalty: Assess customer retention and loyalty.

- Customer Feedback: Review customer feedback, complaints, and suggestions.

relationships with suppliers and their impact on product availability and costs.

5. Competitive Advantage:

- Differentiation: If your company emphasizes unique features or quality.

- Niche Focus: If your company targets a specific market niche.

6. Marketing Mix (4Ps):

- Review your current marketing strategies related to Product, Price, Place (Distribution), and

Will Research and cover all 6 topics for internal analysis

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