The Baiken Handbook

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Guilty Gear XRD Rev2 Version 2.10


Welcome to the Baiken Handbook. This work was created to provide players with a single place
to reference all things related to Baiken in Guilty Gear XRD Rev2 (Version 2.10).

The following is mostly a collection of collated information discovered, optimized, and recorded
by a great deal of individuals. My task has largely been collecting the relevant information,
testing it, and putting it together for easy referencing. I take no credit for the work done here.

Most of this document’s structure is taken from the original Combo Document put together by
Rurouni, and made editable by anyone. With the release of Rev2’s Version 2.10, Baiken’s options
have been made more consistent, and this document hopes to aid people in learning Baiken.

The BAIKEN COMBOS section is sure to be controversial. Please keep in mind that the top
priority for this document is to ensure consistency and ease of use. If a combo only works on
one character, it may not be included here.

If you are the owner of any of the written or linked materials in this document, and would prefer
such linked material to be removed, just let me know! If you find there to be any incorrect or
inconsistent information, please reach out as well. The best place to reach me is on the Baiken
XRD Discord, Teddy#8452.

NitroNoodlez, Mystic, LTL, Memo, Woocash, Pebbles, Rurouni, iEthaaanXD, Akko and everyone
over at the Baiken XRD Discord.

RaNiX RaNiX’s YouTube Channel

Paraselene Paraselene’s Twitter

Kellen Kellen’s YouTube Channel

Dustloop Guilty Gear XRD Rev2 Baiken Overview Frame Data and System Data

Jonio-san’s Takadanobaba Game Center Mikado YouTube Channel

Silva’s YouTube Channel

Zonekensan Zonekensan’s Twitter

Kei Kei’s Twitter


Recent Changes
Added CH Kuchinashi at NEAR CORNER & CORNER

Sections Under Construction

Option Selects
Pressure & Blockstrings

Combo Testing and Confirmation

IAD or Kire Tatami at MIDSCREEN
Revised RRC Combos at MIDSCREEN (see below for Video Examples)
IAD or Kire Tatami at CORNER
Counterhit Sakura > Blitz at CORNER
Full Blitz at ALL

Baiken Overview

Baiken is a character with high-damage offense, a versatile and powerful projectile, high air
dash speed, and unique defensive mechanics that allow her to turn the tide of a match,
countering an opponent’s offense.

Baiken requires extensive knowledge of each character to properly respond to situations, but
risks being punished heavily for poor decisions.

With overall defense (Defense Modifier, Guts Rating, Stun Resistance) similar to Raven, Baiken
can be easily stunned, and takes heavy damage before Guts becomes a factor.

Blitz Shield
You can use Blitz Shield with Baiken by pressing P+HS or K+HS.

S+HS will always result in Azami.


Azami Basics
Baiken can use Azami by pressing S+HS. This is a parry stance, that enables Baiken to perform
follow-ups, potentially countering an opponent.

Azami can be used standing, crouching, or while in the air. By holding S+HS, Baiken will remain
in Azami until a button is released or until the full duration of Azami completes.

● Standing Azami catches all Mid and High attacks.

● Crouching Azami catches all Mid and Low attacks.
● Air Azami catches All attacks.

Purple Azami and Red Azami

All forms of Azami can be performed Standing, Crouching, or while in the Air.

Any attack caught by the Azami will cause a spark animation. The color of the spark animation
corresponds to the type of Azami. Baiken can then use a follow-up.

● Azami is always active on Frame 1.

● Azami always puts Baiken into a Counterhit state.
● Azami can be cancelled into a block, by releasing Azami when Azami catches an attack.
● Azami can be cancelled into a High or Low Azami when Azami catches an attack.
● Azami cannot be Roman Cancelled.

In addition, Azami can be used both in neutral, or while Baiken is in blockstun.

Purple Azami (Azami without blockstun)

Using Azami in neutral is referred to as Purple Azami.

Purple Azami is active for a minimum of 12 Frames, and can be held active for a maximum of
100 Frames.

When performed in the Air, Purple Azami can be held until Baiken lands.

Red Azami (Azami during blockstun)

Using Azami during blockstun is referred to as Red Azami.

Red Azami is only active for a limited amount of Frames, at a total of 7 Frames.
If Red Azami catches an attack, Baiken can continue to hold the Azami, converting the parry into
Purple Azami.

Azami Follow-ups
Ground Azami has 6 follow-ups and Air Azami has 5 follow-ups.

Each of these options can only be Red Roman Cancelled, with the single exception of
Yashagatana, which can be Yellow Roman Cancelled.

Kuchinashi (Azami P)
Uppercut follow-up option, and Baiken’s fastest possible follow-up. Best used against airborne
opponents. On a normal hit, causes knockdown at most heights. On a Counterhit, launches the
opponent and can be confirmed into a full combo.

Mawarikomi (Azami K)
Evasive dash follow-up option, moving Baiken a set distance and can swap sides with an
opponent. This option is fully strike invulnerable from Frames 1 to 16, but can be thrown at any

Sakura (Azami S)
Backwards facing stab, and high reward follow-up option. This option is fully strike invulnerable
from Frames 1 to 19. On a normal hit, causes knockdown. On a Counterhit, launches the
opponent into a tumble and wall sticks in the corner, both of which can be confirmed into a full

Rokkonsogi (Azami HS)

Forward moving slash, can swap sides with an opponent, and another high reward follow-up
option. This option has no invulnerability, but has a large hitbox and fast startup. On a normal
hit, causes knockdown. On a Counterhit, launches the opponent airborne and can be confirmed
into a full combo.

Yashagatana (Azami D)
Projectile follow-up that travels low to the ground. Has a very long startup at 33 Frames, but is
the only follow-up option that can be Yellow Roman Cancelled. An opponent that blocks the
projectile is put into lengthy blockstun, and on a Counterhit the projectile causes stagger.

Tsubaki (Air Azami P or K)

Air to Air follow-up, and Baiken’s fastest Air Azami follow-up. The P version keeps Baiken in
place. The K version moves Baiken forward in the air before starting. On normal hit, causes
knockdown. On Counterhit, launches the opponent and can be confirmed into a full combo.

Kikyo (Air Azami S or HS)

Air to Ground follow-up, causing Baiken to stall for a moment before falling to the ground with a
significant amount of recovery. The S version sends Baiken straight downwards. The HS version
moves Baiken forward in the air before starting. On a normal hit, causes knockdown. On a
Counterhit, launches the opponent and can be confirmed into a full combo.

Metsudo Kushoudou (Ground or Air Azami 236236HS)

Fully invulnerable and side swapping Overdrive follow-up. Starts on Frame 1. Can be performed
both on the ground and in the air. Hits twice, and the full Overdrive animation will only trigger if
the first hit lands.

Reversal Azami
Azami can be used as a Reversal, as it is active on Frame 1. This makes it effective against
most meaties on wakeup.

Note that even if Azami catches an attack, its follow-ups can be blocked, giving an opponent the
opportunity to punish a hasty Reversal Azami.

Azami vs. Unblockables

Azami cannot catch unblockable attacks.
Azami can catch attacks that cause stagger when blocked.

Azami can catch attacks prior to unblockable setups, but must still catch the appropriate High
or Low attack to trigger an Azami follow-up.

In general, Mawarikomi and Sakura provide the most reliable follow-ups, due to their strike

Suzuran Basics
Suzuran is a command dash with Guardpoint that catches all Mid and High attacks until
cancelled, or until the full duration of Suzuran completes. Suzuran’s duration is 28 Frames.

Suzuran can be cancelled into each of the follow-ups noted for Ground Azami. Follow-ups can
be cancelled from Suzuran on Frame 2 at the earliest. These follow-ups have different properties
and frame data.

Attacks caught by Suzuran are considered caught in Guardpoint, meaning chip damage to
Baiken still occurs.

Suzuran can be hit by Low attacks. Suzuran can also be thrown.

Reversal Suzuran
Suzuran cannot be used as a Reversal, as it catches attacks starting on Frame 4, and will still be
hit by Low attacks.

General Notation
Notation Description
X~Y Y is a follow-up to X
(X) X is optional or character specific
f.S indicates Far Standing Slash
c.S indicates Close Standing Slash
j Jump
sj Super Jump
jc Jump Cancel
djc Double Jump Cancel
sjc Super Jump Cancel
jX Jumping Attack (both normals and specials)
AD Air Dash
ABD Air Back Dash

IAD Instant Air Dash

IABD Instant Air Back Dash
RRC Red Roman Cancel
YRC Yellow Roman Cancel
CH Counter Hit
KD Knock Down
TK Tiger Knee

Baiken Specific Notation

Special Move Input Description
Tatami Gaeshi, creates a floormat projectile that launches
Tatami 236K
opponents at certain ranges.
Air version of Tatami Gaeshi, can be done after
Air Tatami j.236K
IAD Tatami 956 236K Air Tatami performed after an IAD.
Kire Tatami 236 956K Fastest possible IAD Tatami.
Fastfall jD AD jD jD immediately after an AD.
Youzansen j.623S Air special only, hits overhead. Extremely fast startup.
Instant Overhead, can be performed from any jump
TK Youzansen 6239S
cancellable move.
Hookshot, has three follow-ups by pressing P/S/HS.
H Kabari 41236HS
Staggers on hit. Pulls opponent towards Baiken.
Anti-Air version of Kabari. Has the same three follow-ups to
S Kabari 41236S
HS version. Pulls opponent towards Baiken.
Himawari OR P follow-up to Kabari, slow command grab.
S follow-up to Kabari, Baiken stomps the ground and causes
Tetsuzansen OR
an explosion that launches on hit.
Parry stance. Mid Azami catches all High and Mid strikes,
Azami Low Azami catches all Mid and Low strikes. Allows Baiken
to use follow-ups.
(Can be held)
S+HS Parry stance. Catches all strikes in the air, which allows
Air Azami
while airborne Baiken to use follow-ups.
Command dash, catches mids and highs for duration. Can
Suzuran 63214K
be cancelled into various specials.
Azami P
P follow-up to ground Azami and Suzuran, rising jumping
Kuchinashi OR
slash upwards.
Azami K K follow-up to ground Azami and Suzuran, an evasive
Mawarikomi OR option, moves Baiken through opponents. Azami version
63214K~K has startup invulnerability.

Azami S
S follow-up to ground Azami and Suzuran, pink stab. Azami
Sakura OR
version has startup invulnerability.
Azami HS
HS follow-up to ground Azami and Suzuran, as well as
Rokkonsogi OR
Kabari. Running slash, can swap sides..
Azami D
D follow-up to ground Azami and Suzuran, slow startup
Yashagatana OR
P Tsubaki Air Azami P P follow-up to air Azami, spinning slash.
K follow-up to Air Azami, moves Baiken forward and
K Tsubaki Air Azami K
S follow-up to Air Azami, moves Baiken downwards with a
S Kikyou Air Azami S
HS follow-up to Air Azami, moves Baiken forward and down
HS Kikyou Air Azami HS
with a slash.
OR Overdrive follow-up after any Azami and Suzuran.
Tsurane Reversal Overdrive, causes Knockdown if the first hit
Sanzuwatashi connects.
Burst Tsurane
236236D Burst version of Tsurane. Higher damage.
Sanzu Watashi

Character Attributes
Throughout the following document, there is notation in the form of two-letter Abbreviations,
which represent each of the characters. Each Weight Class is also noted below.
* Bedman is an odd outlier, henceforth referred to as Super Heavyweight in this document.

Character Name Abbreviation Weight Class Weight Value

Millia Rage MI Lightweight 105

May MA Lightweight 105
I-No IN Lightweight 105
Ramlethal Valentine RA Lightweight 105
Elphelt Valentine EL Lightweight 105
Jack-O’ Valentine JC Lightweight 105
Jam Kuradoberi JA Lightweight 105
Dizzy DI Lightweight 105
Baiken BA Lightweight 105
Sol Badguy SO Mediumweight 100
Ky Kiske KY Mediumweight 100
Zato-1 ZA Mediumweight 100
Chipp Zanuff CH Mediumweight 100
Venom VE Mediumweight 100
Axl Low AX Mediumweight 100
Faust FA Mediumweight 100
Slayer SL Mediumweight 100
Sin Kiske SI Mediumweight 100
Raven RA Mediumweight 100
Answer AN Mediumweight 100
Leo Whitefang LE Heavyweight 98
Johnny JO Heavyweight 98
Bedman* BE Super Heavyweight 96
Potemkin PO Super Heavyweight 94
Kum Haehyun KU Super Heavyweight 94


Baiken can be a daunting character to learn to play; what follows is a short checklist to be used
for reference, to guide new and experienced players in learning how best to use all of this
character's tools.

While this list may not be entirely agreed upon, the concepts mentioned here should serve to
outline the most important components to Baiken's gameplan, and focuses first on the keys to
building a foundation of play.

Special thanks to Pebbles (Pebboru#4061) for putting this together.

❏ Read Dustloop's information on Baiken's Normal & Special Moves to learn their basic
❏ Poke Combos. Including f.S, 5HS, and j.S starters from long range.
❏ Meterless Blockstrings. See Simple Blockstring on Dustloop for more on this topic.
❏ Tatami YRC, and Tatami YRC used in Blockstrings. One basic mixup from Tatami YRC for
both corner and midscreen.
❏ Hitconfirm practice for all previous Combos and Blockstrings.
❏ Baiken's corner jD > AD Dustloops. See the Baiken Techniques section for more
❏ Safejump Okizeme from close knockdowns. Primarily Rokkonsogi & Kuchinashi enders.
❏ Tatami Okizeme from j.D enders.
❏ Retreating Tatami movements, including IABD Tatami. See the Baiken Techniques
section for more information.
❏ TK Youzansen. See the Baiken Techniques section for more information.
❏ Counter Hit Azami follow-up combos. See the Baiken Combos section for more
❏ Kire Tatami & advanced Kire Tatami techniques.

Beyond the Basics

❏ Meter combos, difficult hitconfirm combos, and complex character-specific combos.
❏ Matchup-specific Red Azami guard cancel points.
❏ Option Selects.

jD > AD (Air Dash) Dustloops
Baiken’s knockdown and potential damage is very dependant on utilizing her ability to use her
Air Dash after her jD connects during a combo.

The timing on this will largely come with time and practice, but there are a few indicators that
can be used to aid the learning process.

Baiken must exit the recovery animation of the jD before being able to move again, so it can be
helpful to get used to observing her animation and noting when Baiken fully completes putting
away the cannon. This is generally a moment after she begins falling.

Make sure to perform the Air Dash before pressing a button as well, to ensure that Baiken is not
still in the Air Dash startup.

Suzuran Follow-ups
Performing Baiken’s Suzuran follow-ups quickly is necessary for many combos and confirms, as
well as other related techniques explained below. These follow-ups can begin after the first
frame of suzuran, meaning if you do them properly, you should not even be able to hear the
sound of Suzuran.

The notation for these commands is more accurately 632145K+[Button]. By allowing the
stick/d-pad to return to the neutral (5) position, Baiken can perform the special by pressing
BOTH the K button and the follow-up button at the same time immediately. This works for
Kuchinashi and Sakura. It will also work for Rokkonsogi, but only if done as a special cancel.

Raw Yashagatana should not be done by pressing K and D together because that will cause
Baiken to burst.

When these commands are done as special cancels, 63214K+[Button] will also work.

Raw Kuchinashi
This is the most important followup to learn to do raw.

As mentioned above, using Suzuran follow-ups is a necessary skill for many combos and
confirms. On Lightweight characters, performing Kuchinashi is a requirement to ensure that
knockdown occurs after dustloops in the corner.

The simplest method to learn this is to perform the dustloop, then buffer the 632145 motion as
Baiken is falling from the last jD hit. By inputting this motion before Baiken hits the ground, you
can press K+P immediately once Baiken lands to perform the Kuchinashi.

Raw Rokkonsogi
Raw Rokkonsogi is more complicated since 632145K+H in neutral state will give you Blitz
shield. There are two ways to get instant raw rokkonsogi. The simplest method is just to not
press K and H at the same time and do 63214K~5H. Another method is to do 632146K+H 5. In
practice both of these can be equally fast.

IABD Tatami
Instant Air Back Dash Tatami is perhaps Baiken’s most essential tool, and important at all levels
of play. By using Air Dash momentum to move backwards, Baiken can use her Air Tatami to
create a large projectile in front of her, while landing quickly.

This can be Yellow Roman Cancelled when needed as well.

The input for IABD Tatami is 754236K. An IABD first, then Tatami while Baiken is in the Air Dash
animation moving backwards.

IAD Tatami and Kire Tatami

Both IAD Tatami and Kire Tatami are important tools to have in a Baiken player’s arsenal. Both
tools are generally unsafe and will lose to many grounded normals and specials, they are
threatening because of their speed, distance covered, and damage potential.

More importantly, they are used to create a projectile during an opponent’s wakeup to apply
further pressure. Be wary of reversals, as it can be difficult to time the Tatami correctly with
varying wakeup times.

The input for IAD Tatami is 956236K. An IAD first, then Tatami while Baiken is in the Air Dash
animation. The timing on this can be difficult to get down, but you generally have more time than
you think to execute it, so take it slowly.

The input for Kire Tatami is 236956K. Buffer the Tatami, perform an IAD in one smooth motion,
then press K. This will allow Baiken to use an airborne Tatami with Air Dash momentum, causing
her to jump and land very quickly. The timing on this is strict, and will come with a lot of
practice. Further learning can be found in various videos, such as here.

As a failsafe for Kire Tatami, inputting 236956P+K will perform an Option Select. If the input is
done properly, Baiken will Kire Tatami as expected. However, if a part of the input was done
incorrectly, she will instead use the low-risk jP.

TK Youzansen
TK Youzansen is one of Baiken’s most powerful tools, and a very dangerous threat to opponents
due to its properties.

At best, this special is 9 frame startup overhead, that can be Red Roman Cancelled into a high
damage knockdown confirm at any distance on the screen. It can even be performed through
any jump-cancellable normal.

The input is 6239S. However, there are many alternate ways to perform this, which may be
helpful in achieving consistency. These include:

● 6321473S
● 6321478963S
● 62369S

Remember, it doesn’t matter how clean your input is, it just matters that you can perform the
motion consistently and as quickly as possible.

Additional Reading can be found in Pebbles’ TK Youzansen Notes.

Azami Follow-ups
Performing an Azami follow-up is not a complex motion or input, but executing it correctly and
as quickly as possible can be difficult.

However, if you hold at least one of the Azami button inputs (S or HS) after the Azami flash is
triggered, you can continue to hold one of these buttons and press the button for the
corresponding follow-up to have Baiken use the follow-up.

This works even for Sakura and Rokkonsogi; simply release the HS button while still holding the
S button, and press HS again for Rokkonsogi. For Sakura, release the S button while still holding
the HS button, and press S again.

Instant Metsudo
It is possible to perform Metsudo instantly from Suzuran, similar to the inputs for other instant
Suzuran follow-ups. This can be used for side swapping or for full invulnerability from Metsudo
when needed. Due to the lengthier input for Metsudo, a buffer is required to do this correctly.

The input is 23632146K+HS, which buffers both Suzuran and Metsudo’s inputs, allowing them
to trigger when 6K+HS is pressed.

Tatami to Kuchinashi Link

Some combos noted will indicate Tatami > Kuchinashi, which is a link that can easily be missed.
To make this more consistent, you can buffer the Kuchinashi motion to execute the special as
soon as possible. This is the same concept as explained above in the description for Raw

After using Tatami, input the motion 632145, and as soon as the Tatami animation ends, input
K+P. Done correctly, this should make Baiken use Kuchinashi from the ground, linking the
Tatami hit into the Kuchinashi.

From there, she may be able to continue the combo depending on the opponent character’s
weight class and the amount of hitstun decay in the combo.

Roman Cancel Azami Proration Timing

In Guilty Gear XRD Rev2, there is mechanic codified as Proration that factors into the amount of
damage each hit in a combo will do to an opponent, reducing the damage on each subsequent
hit in the combo. Using a Roman Cancel, such as a Red Roman Cancel (RRC) also applies
proration to additional hits.

Simplifying this greatly, if an RRC is used, waiting until after the Roman Cancel slowdown
completes will avoid this additional proration.

Baiken has an easy way to do this, by using Azami immediately after an RRC. This is why some
specific combos in this document will note Azami being used in a combo. It is there to apply a
set timing to the combo, allowing Baiken to then continue to combo without the additional

In short, this technique can be used to cause greater damage on Roman Cancel Combos.

Basics and Character Weights
Understanding the weight class of your opponent’s character is an important consideration
when playing as Baiken.

Due to the speed at which an opponent’s character falls from an air hit, adjustments must be
made to ensure that Baiken can continue combos and put the opponent in a knockdown state.

While this document is meant to cover the vast majority of common and uncommon situations,
some rare situations may arise in which adjustments must be made in the moment.

The priority of this document is to ensure consistency as optimally as possible. There are many
character-specific optimal combos, but unless they are the only option, will not be prioritized.

Thankfully, there are some standards that Baiken players can follow to ensure consistent
damage, knockdown, and advantageous positions on each of the four weight classes. They are
as follows:

● Midweights
○ When attempting dustloops in the corner, use AD jS > jD or AD jP > jS > jD
depending on the distance.
○ When ending dustloops in the corner, use 5HS > Kuchinashi or 6HS > Kuchinashi.
● Lightweights
○ When attempting dustloops in the corner, use AD jS > jD.
○ When ending dustloops in the corner, use Kuchinashi when landing after jD.
● Heavyweights and Super Heavyweights
○ When attempting dustloops in the corner, use AD jK > jS > jD or AD jP > jS > jD
depending on the vertical height of the opponent.
○ When ending dustloops in the corner, use 5HS > Kuchinashi.

In addition, please be aware that anything marked under Universal is meant to work on the
entirety of the cast unless otherwise noted.

Again, please inform me of any incorrect or inconsistent information!


Basics and Screen Positioning

This document is divided into sections based on the screen positioning of Baiken and the
opponent character. The positioning is a vital factor in deciding how to proceed with a combo.

Please be sure to reference the relevant section before practicing the contents of the following
Baiken Combos section.

Midscreen positioning implies that the combo will not cause the opponent to wall splat at any
point. At best, the end result of the combo will be a knockdown in the corner.

These combos will not include Dustloops.

Near Corner
Near Corner positioning implies that the combo will have enough corner carry to cause the
opponent to reach the corner, and will be close enough to start consistent Dustloops into a

In general, the distance will be slightly past the exact middle of the screen position, or when the
horizontal scrolling of the screen can go no further.

The specific distances of Near Corner can vary both by specific combo, character weight, and
character hurtboxes.

Corner positioning implies that the combo will occur when the opponent is cornered, either with
their back firmly against the corner wall or at least very close to it.

This is the ideal distance to confirm into consistent Dustloops, and the most effective place for
Baiken to place an opponent.

NORMAL Starters
Baiken’s damage output in midscreen does not tend to be very high. It is possible to land
additional damage while sacrificing a knockdown on an opponent, so the decision will depend
on the situation during a match.

The Roman Cancels section may often times not be worth the meter usage, but depending on
the situation during a match, can help close out a round, land a knockdown when one may
otherwise not be available, or ensure better corner carry as needed.

5K > c.S > 5HS > Rokkonsogi

5K > 2D > Kuchinashi

Notes: Does not work on JO.

2K > c.S > 2D > Tatami > jS > jD

2K > c.S > 2D > Kuchinashi

Notes: Does not work on VE or JO.

CH 2S > 2HS > Rokkonsogi

CH 2HS > HS Kabari > 5K > 5HS > Rokkonsogi

Video Example:

6P > 5HS > Rokkonsogi


Roman Cancels
Disclaimer: Timing RRC > AD (Air Dash) > Air Tatami is extremely precise. Practice with caution.

5HS or 2HS > Tatami > RRC > Azami > 41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD
Video Example:
Notes: Azami is used here for timing the end of proration on the Red Roman Cancel. See Roman
Cancel Azami Proration Timing in the Baiken Techniques section for more information.

CH 6HS > 41236S~S > 6HS > Kuchinashi > RRC > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Use RRC late in Kuchinashi animation. Remove last 6HS on Lightweights.

CH 6HS > Suzuran > 5K > jS > jD > RRC > AD > Air Tatami > 41236S~S > 6HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Use Air Tatami late after the AD. Remove last 6HS on Lightweights.

5K > c.S > 2D > Tatami > jS > jD > RRC > AD > Air Tatami > 41236S~S > 6HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Use Air Tatami late after the AD. Swap 6HS for 2HS as needed.

5K > c.S > 2D > Tatami > jS > jD > RRC > AD > Air Tatami > 41236S~S > dash 2D > jS > jP > jS > jD
Notes: Use Air Tatami late after the AD. Works on Lightweights.

CH 6HS > Tatami > jS > jD > RRC > AD > Air Tatami > 41236S~S > 6HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Use Air Tatami late after the AD.

TATAMI Starters

Air Tatami (Flop Hit) > dash 2D > Tatami > jS > jP > jK > djc jS > jP > jK > jD
Video Example:

IAD or Kire Tatami > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

IAD or Kire Tatami > [delayed] Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Super Heavyweights
IAD or Kire Tatami > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

THROW Combos

Roman Cancels
Throw > RRC > IAD Tatami > ​41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD
Notes: Delay the IAD Tatami after the RRC, or use IAD Tatami quickly to swap sides.


5D8 > jD > jD> jS > jP > jK > djc jS > jP > jS > jP > jK > Youzansen

TK Youzansen > RRC > 41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD
Video Example:

TK Youzansen > RRC > AD > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > f.S > jS > jD

TK Youzansen > RRC > 41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD
Video Example:

Super Heavyweights
TK Youzansen > RRC > 41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jP > jS > jD
Video Example:
TK Youzansen > RRC > 41236S~S > 2HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > f.S > jS > jD
Notes: Works on BE only.

ANTI-AIR Starters

6P> jS > jP > jS > jD

6P > jS > jP > jK > djc jS > jP > jK > Youzansen

Notes: Does not cause knockdown. Can replace Youzansen with jD as needed. Baiken can still
act while falling. Can use Tatami, normals, or Azami while falling.

6P > Kuchinashi > 5P > c.S or f.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD
Notes: High risk combo, difficult to confirm.

CH 6P > 41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD

CH 6P > 41236S~S > dash 2D > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD

CH 6P > 41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD
CH 6P > 41236S~S > dash 2K > 6P > Kuchinashi > 5P > jS > jD
Notes: This second route does slightly less damage for more corner carry.

Super Heavyweights
CH 6P > 41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jP > jS > jD

KABARI Starters

41236HS > 5K > 5HS > Rokkonsogi

Midweights and Heavyweights

41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD
Video Example:

41236S~S > dash 6P > Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD
Video Example:

Super Heavyweights
41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jP > jS > jD
Video Example:

Roman Cancels
CH 41236HS~S > 6HS > Kuchinashi > RRC > 41236S~S > 6HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Use RRC late on Kuchinashi. Does not knockdown on Lightweights.

AZAMI Combos

CH Sakura > IAD or Kire Tatami > jS > jD

CH Tsubaki OR Kikyou > dash f.S > jS > jD

CH Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD

CH Sakura > IAD or Kire Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > fS > jS > jD

CH Rokkonsogi > 41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD

CH Kuchinashi > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > f.S > jS > jD

CH Kikyou > 41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD

CH Sakura >IAD or Kire Tatami > jS > jD

CH Kuchinashi > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD

Notes: Must be as close as possible when landing 5HS.

CH Kuchinashi > dash 2D > jS > jP > jS > jD

CH Rokkonsogi > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > f.S > jS > jD

CH Rokkonsogi > 41236S~S > dash 6HS > 2D > jS > jD

CH Kikyou > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD


CH Sakura > IAD or Kire Tatami > Kuchinashi > 2K > fS > jS > jD

CH Kuchinashi > dash 2D > jS > jP > jS > jD

CH Rokkonsogi > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > f.S > jS > jD

Super Heavyweights
CH Kuchinashi > 5HS > Tatami > jS > jP > jS > jD

CH Sakura > IAD / Kire Tatami > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5P > f.S > jS > jD

CH Rokkonsogi OR Kikyou > 41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jP > jS > jD

Roman Cancels
CH Kuchinashi or Kikyou > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > RRC > AD Tatami > 41236S~S > 6HS > Kuchinashi
Kuchinashi Video Example:
Kikyou Video Example:

CH Rokkonsogi > 6HS > Kuchinashi > RRC > S Kabari > Tetsuzansen > 6HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Does not work on Lightweights. Use RRC late on Kuchinashi.

CH Rokkonsogi > 6HS > Kuchinashi > RRC > S Kabari > Tetsuzansen > jS > jD
Notes: Works on Lightweights. Use RRC late on Kuchinashi.


Midweights, Heavyweights, and Super Heavyweights

CH 6HS > 41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD

CH 6HS > 41236S~S > dash 2D > Kuchinashi > 5K > f.S > jS > jD

Near Corner
NORMAL Starters

2D > Tatami > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

CH 2HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

2D > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

2D > Tatami > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

CH 2HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Works on LE.

CH 2HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Works on JO.

Super Heavyweights
2D > Tatami > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5P > c.S > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

Roman Cancels
5K > c.S > 5HS > Rokkonsogi > RRC > 2HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD
Video Example:

5K > c.S > 5HS > Rokkonsogi > RRC > Tatami > jS > jD >AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Works on Midweights.

5K > c.S > 5HS > Rokkonsogi > RRC > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD >
Notes: Works on Lightweights.

TATAMI Starters

CH IAD or Kire Tatami > 41236S~S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Remove 5HS for Lightweights.

IAD or Kire Tatami > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

IAD or Kire Tatami > [delayed] Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Super Heavyweights
IAD or Kire Tatami > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

THROW Combos

Throw > RRC > IAD Tatami > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

Air Throw > RRC > Kire Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jkATED > AD jS > jD > 5HS >

Air Throw > RRC > Kire Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

Air Throw > RRC > Kire Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > cS > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS >

Super Heavyweights
Air Throw > RRC > Kire Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > cS > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS >



Jump Normal Starters

jS > jP > jK > 6K > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

TK Youzansen Starters
TK Youzansen > RRC > AD Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: On CH and SI, use 5HS > Kuchinashi ender.

TK Youzansen > RRC > dash 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5P > 6P > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: On FA, SI, SL, SO, and ZA remove jP after AD.


Jump Normal Starters

jS > jP > jK > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

TK Youzansen Starters
TK Youzansen > RRC > dash 6P > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi


Jump Normal Starters

jS > jP > jK > delay 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

TK Youzansen Starters
TK Youzansen > RRC > dash 6P > Kuchinashi > 5P > 6P > jS > jD > AD jP > jK > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Includes BE. On BE, add a second jP after AD.

Super Heavyweights

Jump Normal Starters

jS > jP > jK > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD

TK Youzansen Starters
TK Youzansen > RRC > AD 6HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD > jS > jD

TK Youzansen > RRC > Air Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5P > 6P > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS >


41236HS~P > IAD jD > 2D > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

41236HS~P > IAD jD > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

41236HS~P > 41236S~S > delay 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Super Heavyweights
41236HS~P > IAD jD > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

AZAMI Combos

CH Sakura > IAD > jS > jD
Notes: Does not work from spaced Sakura.

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > IAD jD > 2D > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Does not work on Lightweights.

CH Kuchinashi > 6K > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Standard route. Does not work on ZA, VE, or AN.

CH Kuchinashi > 5HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Character-specific route. Does not work on SO, CH, SL, or VE.

CH Kuchinashi > 2D > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: VE Specific route.

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Use 5HS > Kuchinashi ender on AX.

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > IAD jD > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: On FA, remove the jP after AD. On AX, add a second jP after AD.

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > Kuchinashi > 2D > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
CH Video Example:
ZA Video Example:
Notes: Works on ZA and CH. On CH, add a jP after AD.

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > IAD jD > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

CH Kuchinashi > 5HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > micro dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jK > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Includes BE.

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > micro dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS >
JO Video Example:
LE Video Example:
Notes: Delay the 6HS on LE.

Super Heavyweights
CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > 6P > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS >

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > IAD jD > 6P > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS >
Video Example:

NORMAL Starters
Most of Baiken’s grounded normals can be used to confirm into a full dustloop and knockdown.
Any notation of 2K can be replaced with 5K.

Remember that most enders of a dustloop will utilize 5HS (or 6HS) > Kuchinashi. Lightweight
characters are the exception, and will almost always require a raw Kuchinashi as the ender.

Tsurane Sanzu Watashi can be used to guarantee a knockdown almost universally as an ender.

Midweights and Heavyweights

2K > c.S > 2D > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: Use AD jP > jS > jD if too far from the wall.

2HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

2K > c.S > 2D > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

2HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Does not work on EL or BA.

2K > c.S > 2D > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

Super Heavyweights
2K > c.S > 2D > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jP > jK > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

2HS > Tatami > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

TATAMI Starters

IAD or Kire Tatami > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 6HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: Remove 6HS on Lightweights. Use 5HS instead of 6HS on Super Heavyweights.

Air Tatami > dash 6HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

Air Tatami > dash 2K > c.S > 2D > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Kire Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

Air Tatami > dash 2K > c.S > 2D > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Air Tatami > dash 2K > c.S > 2D > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jP > jK > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Super Heavyweights
Air Tatami > 2HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi


TK Youzansen > RRC > AD jD > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Remove 5HS on Lightweights. Use AD jK > jS > jD on Heavyweights and Super


Jump Normal Starters

jS > jP > jK > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

jD YRC > land > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

TK Youzansen Starters
TK Youzansen > RRC > AD jD > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS >
Notes: Works on all Midweights, but less damage than below character specific confirms.

TK Youzansen > RRC > dash 6HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS >
Video Example:
Notes: Does not work on AX and SL.

TK Youzansen > RRC > delayed 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 6HS >
Video Example:
Notes: Works on AX and SL.

TK Youzansen > RRC > micro dash 6HS > Tatami > jD > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 2D > jS > jD > AD jP >
jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: Works on CH only.

CH TK Youzansen > AD jP > jS > jD > dash 2D > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Can remove 5HS before Kuchinashi if dash 2D is not possible.

Dust Starters
5D6 > 6HS > 6HS > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Works on all Midweights. Lower damage than delayed 5D6 confirms.

5D6 > 6HS > 6HS > delay 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: Delay your jump after Tatami. On SL use jS > jD after AD.


Jump Normal Starters

jS > jP > jK > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

jD YRC > land > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K> jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

TK Youzansen Starters
TK Youzansen > RRC > 41236S~S > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

TK Youzansen > RRC > AD jD > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

CH TK Youzansen > AD jP > jS > jD > f.S > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > Kuchinashi

Dust Starters
5D6 > 6HS > 2D > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:


Jump Normal Starters

jS > jP > jK > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

jD YRC > land > 6HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K> jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

TK Youzansen Starters
TK Youzansen > RRC > AD jD > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jP > jK > jD >

TK Youzansen > RRC > dash 6HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS >

Dust Starters
5D6 > 6HS > 6HS > delay 2H > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Super Heavyweights

Jump Normal Starters

jS > jP > jK > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

jS > jHS > 5HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jP > jK > jD > Kuchinashi

jS > jP > jK > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > 6P > jS > jD > AD jS > jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

jD YRC > land > 6HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS >
Notes: On BE, replace 2K with 5P.

TK Youzansen Starters
TK Youzansen > RRC > 6HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD >
5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: Works on PO only.

TK Youzansen > RRC > AD jD > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5P > 6P > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD >
Notes: Works on BE only.

TK Youzansen > RRC > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5P > 6P > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS >
Notes: Works on KU only.

TK Youzansen > RRC > dash 6HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS >
Video Example:
Notes: Works on BE and KU.

Dust Starters
5D6 > 6HS > 6HS > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi


This section covers the concept of taking advantage of an opponent blocking an Air Tatami
while standing, but switching to a crouching block immediately after.

If the opponent attempts to change their block to crouching during standing blockstun of a
Tatami, Baiken can immediately follow-up with an IAD and land a full confirm.

This is possible because the opponent is still in the standing animation, but is actually
attempting to block low.

IAD jK > Tatami > jD > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Not completely universal. Does not work on Lightweights.
Video Example:

IAD jP > jP > jK > jD > f.S > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Reliable confirm on all Midweights. Replace f.S with 5K as needed.

IAD jS > jP > jK > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

IAD jP > jP > jK > jD > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Doesn’t work on MA and BA. Easiest and most reliable confirm on lightweights.

IAD jK > Tatami > jD > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Works on IN, JC, and JA.

IAD jS > jP > jK > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Doesn’t work on MA, DI, and BA

IAD jK > jD > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

Notes: Only necessary for MA. Doesn’t work on BA.

IAD jP > jS > jP > jK > jD > dash 5K > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

IAD jP > jP > jK > jD > 5K > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Easier reliable confirm on all Heavyweights.

Super Heavyweights
IAD jP > jK > Tatami > sj(7) jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 2D > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

THROW Combos

Throw > 2D > sj jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 6HS > Kuchinashi

Throw > 6K > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

Throw > 6K > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 2D > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Works on KY and SI

Throw > 5HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 2D > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Works on ZA only.
Video Example:

Throw > 5HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Throw > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > 6P > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

Throw > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Simple execution. Does not work on EL and BA.

Throw > 5HS > 6K > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: Does not work on IN, JC, and RA. Delay 5HS.

Throw > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: Works on IN, JC, and RA.

Throw > 6K > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

Throw > 5HS > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jS jD > land > jS jD > AD jS > jP > jS > jD > 6HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Throw > 5HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Bedman Specific
Throw > 6K > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > 2D > jS > jD > AD jS > jP > jS > jD > 5HS >

Throw > 5HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: Higher damage. Works on BE only. Delay the first 5HS quite a bit so you can land 6HS
after Tatami.

Super Heavyweights
Throw > 5HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > 2D > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS >
Video Example:

ANTI-AIR Starters

6P > jP > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 6HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Air to Air CH jHS > land > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 6HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

CH 6P > 41236S~S > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Does not work on VE.

CH 6P > 41236S > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: VE specific to account for aerial hurtbox.

Air to Air jS > jD > AD jS > jD > dash f.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

CH 6P > 41236S~S > 2HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

Air to Air jS > jD > AD jS > jD > dash 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Notes: Also works on any single jump-cancellable grounded normal before initial jS. This
includes, c.S, 2D, 5K, 2K, 6P. Also includes Tatami.

CH 6P > 41236S~S > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5P > c.S > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Slightly delay the AD on LE if 5HS is not delayed at all, to ensure height allows for a

Air to Air jS > jD > AD jS > jD > f.S > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

Super Heavyweights
CH 6P > 41236S~S > 2HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

Air to Air jS > jD > AD jS > jD > f.S > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

KABARI Starters

41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

41236S~S > 2HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

41236S~S > 2HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Bedman Specific
41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5P > c.S > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

Super Heavyweights
41236S~S > 2HS > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

AZAMI Combos

CH Kuchinashi > 5HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

CH Sakura > dash 6HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
CH and ZA Example:
Notes: Use jK after 5K on CH and ZA.

CH Sakura > 41236S~S > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

CH Rokkonsogi > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

CH Sakura > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > IAD jD > 6P > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

CH Kuchinashi > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

CH Rokkonsogi > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

CH Kuchinashi > 5HS > Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K> jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

CH Sakura > 41236S~S > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: 2nd route is for high wall splats, and is the 2nd combo demonstrated in the video

CH Rokkonsogi > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

Super Heavyweights
CH Sakura > 41236S~S > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

CH Sakura > dash 5HS > 6K > Kuchinashi > 5P > 6P > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

CH Rokkonsogi > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Do not delay or dash 6HS.

Bedman Specific
CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Potemkin Specific
CH Sakura > dash 6HS > 236K > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS >
Video Example:
Notes: For high wall splats, remove the jP and delay the 5HS. The second combo seen in the
video example demonstrates the high wall splat route.

Haehyun Specific
CH Sakura > 6HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: Use jP > jS > jD for the second rep for very low wall splat. 2nd route is for high wall splats,
and is the 3rd combo demonstrated in the video example.


41236HS~P > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

41236HS~P > jD > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

41236HS~P > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi

Super Heavyweights
41236HS~P > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jK > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi


6HS > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

6HS > Tatami > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > dash 5K > jK > jD > AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi

TK Youzansen > RRC > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 6HS >

TK Youzansen > RRC > dash 6HS > Kuchinashi > 2K > c.S > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS >
Video Example:

TK Youzansen > RRC > AD > micro dash 2D > Kuchinashi > 2P > f.S > Kuchinashi > 2P > c.S >
Video Example:

jS > jP > jK > Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > sjS > jD > AD jS > jP > jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

Air Youzansen > RRC > (delay) Air Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jK > jD >
AD jS > jD > Kuchinashi
Video Example:

CH Rokkonsogi > 41236S~S > micro dash 5S > 5HS > Kuchinashi > RRC > jS > jP > jK > djc jS > jD
Video Example:

5K > c.S > 2D > Kuchinashi > RRC > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 2P > c.S > jS > jD > AD jP > jS > jD > 5HS
> Kuchinashi
Video Example:
Notes: Does not knockdown.

Air throw > RRC > Kire Tatami > 6HS > Kuchinashi > 5P > 6P > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS >
Video Example:

CH Sakura > IAD Tatami > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Lower than optimal damage on Midweights.

Out of Corner CH Rokkonsogi > 5HS > Kuchinashi > 5K > jS > jD > AD jS > jD > 5HS > Kuchinashi
Notes: Works on SO, KY. CH. FA, AX, RA. For FA and RA, requires 6HS after Rokkonsogi. Omit
last 5HS/Kuchinashi for Lightweights.


Changelog (3/15/2019)
Oki Tech Glossary
Oki Index by Knockdown
Video Examples

Under Construction

Baiken’s okizeme tools are powerful and conceptually simple, but usually require good timing
and spacing to really shine. They are highly flexible and allow her to cut off many of her
opponents’ reversal options while still being at fairly good or even extreme frame advantage.

On offense Baiken may choose okizeme options that provide varying strengths:

● Frame Advantage and Throw Mixup

● High/Low Mixup
● Option coverage against defensive Reversal Options

Okizeme with Baiken is generally a question of choosing between Mixup Strength, safety
against Invincible Reversals (such as DPs), and coverage against Reversal Backdash.

With some precision and finesse, Baiken can cover almost all options quite well.

Switching between her various okizeme options, and keeping your opponent unsure in their
reversal actions is generally the best strategy. This is what allows Baiken to get away with her
greedier and more threatening okizeme setups.

Tatami Structure
Tatami Gaeshi has two different hitboxes.

● The initial hitbox launches on hit, and does 40 damage.

● The lingering “flop” hitbox does not launch on hit, and does 20 damage.

Aerial Tatami has 12 frames of landing recovery, meaning Baiken is not fast enough to block
Invincible Reversals. However, because of Tatami’s hitbox structure, Baiken will just dodge
vertically angled reversals, such as Sol’s Volcanic Viper..

Because of this, Air Backdash flop Tatami and Tatami YRC can work around vertically oriented
Invincible Reversals, such as Ky’s Vapor Thrust.


This is an index of which knockdown allows for which okizeme setup, organized by knockdown.
The most important knockdowns are listed first, and later entries are lower priority for a
beginner to learn. Since many different knockdowns often allow for the same okizeme
technique, this section does not go into detail about exactly how to do each setup and tries to
avoid being too redundant. Knockdowns where frame advantage is variable are documented in
more detail and come with extra notes.

If you do not know what a particular setup is or how to do it, take a look at the okizeme glossary,
where most okizeme movements are accompanied by a video example.

Primary Knockdowns
2D Knockdown
2D is jump cancellable, meaning that as far as Baiken okizeme goes it’s just about the best a
knockdown can be. Basically everything works except for IABD tatami at long-mid ranges. Go

Rokkonsogi Knockdown
The most important variable in Suzuran Rokkonsogi okizeme is how far away you are left from
your downed opponent after rokkonsogi connects. In practice that is a determined by how far
away rokkonsogi connects from, and how much pushback is built up in the combo or blockstring
leading up to rokkonsogi. Generally speaking, … > 5H/2H > rokkonsogi will have enough
pushback to be considered ‘high pushback’, and raw rokkonsogi from max 2H range will be
‘high pushback’.

● Close Rokkonsogi/low pushback Rokkonsogi

○ Normal jump safejump mixup with jS, j.K. Standard coverage. With dash
momentum on 2K>c.S>Rokkonsogi you can do forward jump j.H without
sideswap for more plusframes.

○ Neutral jump tatami. Dependent on spacing. Spaced well (e.g.

2K>c.S>rokkonsogi) it covers blitz, all backdashes, meterless DPs (but not all
metered ones)
○ Backdash Kabari.
Loses to blitz, needs good timing to catch any of the high-invuln backdashes.
Does not give (meterless) knockdown combos if it catches airborne backdashes.
○ Crossup airdash delayed tatami. Very strong coverage against backdashes, blitz
and meterless DPs, but much harder to execute optimally than in the far
pushback case. Requires a backjump forward airdash delayed tatami.
○ Regular jump high tatami can be low profiled, e.g. by 6P’ed by characters with
far-hitting 6Ps.
● Far Rokkonsogi/high pushback Rokkonsogi
○ Normal jump safejump mixup. Standard coverage.
○ Crossover superjump forward mixup. Crosses up for sideswitch. Standard
coverage. Can mix up with neutral superjump to not sideswitch and bamboozle
people occasionally. Weaker vs 6PH throw OS because the empty low option
generally is not spaced to be out of throw range.
○ Backdash Kabari. Standard coverage.
○ Crossover superjump tatami. Extremely active and strong vs backdashes and
good frame advantage. Loses to DP and blitz.
○ Crossup airdash delayed tatami. Harder to do and doesn’t leave you up close,
but strong coverage against backdashes, blitz and meterless DPs.
○ Regular jump high tatami can be low profiled, e.g. 6P’ed by everyone; don’t do it.

Kuchinashi Knockdown
Aerial hit Kuchinashi is your principal knockdown tool and gives some of your best knockdowns
after high damage combos. Everything is meaty unless specified otherwise.
The higher you hit your Kuchinashi, the more leeway you have with all the setups.

One of the strange things about Kuchinashi is that its knockdown type is different if you hit an
opponent in the air or after a sweep (good) or if you just hit them while standing (less good).

● Midscreen aerial hit

○ All basic okizeme
○ Forward walk safejump with j.H depending on distance. The walk needs manual
timing depending on character and distance
○ Microdash airdash crossover delayed tatami. Crosses over, so can mess with DP
input. Lands right next to the opponent so is weak to crossup DP option select
and blitz. Also kills backdashes.
○ Forward dash > forward jump IABD tatami. Safe vs DP, blitz. Loses to backdash.

○ Forward dashjump > delayed airbackdash tatami. Not meaty but still puts you at
advantage. Dodges blitz reject, meterless DPs, but not far reaching metered DPs
like RTL, Whats my Name, etc. What buttons it beats are very spacing
dependent. Venom 6P will usually beat it since it since he wakes up so fast, and
will lose to a number of 5Hes.

● Corner aerial hit

○ Everything that works midscreen works in the corner
○ IABD Tatami flop hit. Staple setup for meterless airdash f-shiki/fuzzy overheads.
True blockstring into kire tatami. See the links for details
(Video Example:
(Option Coverage:
2a/da03ec7c715f7a7fdb424e77c12d5adf ← shorten this link smh)
○ Kire Tatami or Kire Tatami YRC. The best in backdash-killing options. Loses to
blitz in all its forms but YRC ver. will delete blitz inputs. Unsafe vs DP but YRC
lets you react to the whiffed mat and block/parry/backdash/dodge. Gives fat
combos and mixups.
● Corner late hit Kuchinashi knockdown
Late hit Kuchinashi knockdowns are hard to set up and generally cannot be set up on
lightweights. However they enable some of Baiken’s more potent corner okizeme setups.
● Grounded hit
-All basic okizeme
-backwalk H Kabari will dodge meterless DPs.
-Safejump j.S (j.H if close enough)
-neutral jump tatami (not meaty on Sol wtf)
-All corner IABD tatami okizeme is NOT meaty on Sol wakeup timings from grounded

Ground Throw Midscreen Knockdown

Dashjump air tatami
-You have quite a lot of freedom in how you space and time your dashjump which is what
makes this very flexible and very hard to master.

Dashjump j.H/j.S safejump

-Same as the above but with the advantages and disadvantages of safejumps.

Dash Kire/IAD tatami/IAD j.S/j.H safejump

-Largely a matter of preference vs dashjump variants. Again, highly flexible.

Secondary Knockdowns
Kabari Rokkonsogi Knockdown
● Far Kabari Rokkonsogi
○ Dash up meaty normal
○ Forward jump tatami
○ Dashjump safejump on characters not named Sol Badguy. It’s also not a
safejump on Burst Dead on Time.
○ Dash up tatami YRC.
○ (Corner) Kire Tatami flop hit airdash j.P/j.H
j.P hits as f-shiki. You can also do Kire(flop hit) Kire airdash j.P to get them to
block it standing. If they don’t stand up into the tatami on okizeme you could kill
them with a j.H crouch confirm. Like all the hard-to do f-shiki confirms the entire
setplay is not actually safe against a lot of DPs, but you do go over some of the
metered DPs with horizontal hitboxes like Sanzu. (check vs Johnny’s DP)
● Near Kabari Rokkonsogi
○ A nearby Kabari links into 5K for more damage and a knockdown, so you should
avoid this, really.
○ j.S/j.H safejump
○ Neutral jump launch tatami
○ Crossover IAD delayed tatami
○ Forward dashjump IABD tatami. Not meaty on Sol, meaty on Chipp. Weak to
backdash, strong vs blitz/DP.

Tsurane Sanzu Watashi Knockdown

Frame advantage on Sanzu knockdowns depends by a couple of frames on how high up you hit
with Sanzu. But a Sanzu as low as just 2D>Sanzu will always be good enough for at least a
safejump/jump tatami against everything in the game.
● Midscreen
○ Kire/IAD tatami
○ IAD safejump j.S on Sol
● Corner
○ No safejump on standing hit for Sol! Safejump on everyone else.
○ All basic okizeme
○ Neutral jump tatami
○ All air backdash tatami okizeme shenanigans are not meaty

Airthrow Knockdown
Airthrow knockdown quality depends surprisingly little on the height while in the corner.
Midscreen higher airthrows send the opponent farther and need to be treated more like j.D
● Lowest airthrows
○ All basic grounded okizeme
○ Kire tatami (flop hit if not delayed, launch hit if delayed)
○ IAD crossover delayed tatami
○ (Corner) Normal neutral jump tatami
○ (Corner only) Safejump mixup
● Jump height
○ IAD safejump j.H
○ Kire/IAD tatami (launch)
● Double jump height
○ Microdash IAD Safejump j.H/IAD j.S safejump
○ Kire/IAD tatami

TK Youzansen Knockdown
● (Point blank range) neutral j.P jump airthrow OS > descending tatami. Dodges meterless
DPs. Not meaty on Venom.
● (long range) forward jump j.P throw OS > descending tatami. Not DP safe. Not meaty on
Video Example:

Extra Case: Counterhit TK Yozansen(Potemkin/Haehyun/Bedman)

-Identical to an air hit Kuchinashi knockdown.

Tsubaki Knockdown
● Midscreen
○ Kire/IAD tatami. Cannot be spaced for DP safety.
○ Forward jump tatami. Can dodge meterless DPs.
○ Dashjump safejump. Standard coverage.
○ IAD safejump. Worse coverage than dashjump safejump vs backdash but easier
to execute.
○ Dash SJIAD crossup j.K
● Corner

○ Everything works

Kikyo Knockdown
Frame advantage is about +27f knockdown ± character wakeup timings
-Point blank H Kabari
-Flop hit ground tatami. Actually practical on ground hit because Kikyo automatically sets
it up on many characters.
-Walk back Tatami YRC

Sakura Knockdown
-All the Safejumps
-Normal jump tatami
-Kire(flop) jump to avoid throw mash > jump FD to block DPs
-IAD crossover delayed tatami. Spacing depends on how close your sakura hit.
Generally not DP/Blitz safe but really good vs backdash. If you mess up the tatami timing you
lose all oki.

OKIZEME Techniques
This is a list of the various movements and techniques that Baiken uses as Okizeme, with
comments on their utility, coverage, reward, etc.

Basic Techniques
Meaty Normals
(6K, 5P, 2P, 2K etc)
Explanation: A meaty normal is a normal thrown out to be active or almost active, just as your
opponent gets up from being knocked down. These have to be spaced outside throw range or
have to be unthrowable. This is the most basic form of okizeme and can be used after every
● 6K is + on block, and even on IB if spaced properly. Other buttons initiate pressure.
Never safe vs DP. Can be used after every knockdown.
● 5P/2P have whiff cancel options like 5P>5K 2P>2K so they will catch a good number of
backdashes for high reward, especially in the corner. 5P is +2 on block and has the best
gatling and cancel options off all of Baiken’s normals.
● 2K is a low and goes into a good number of frametrap options.
(Note: if you do suzuran mawarikomi to switch sides before a meaty normal, it generally
has to be a quick normal to be meaty)
Video Example:
Video Example from Mawarikomi:

Meaty Specials
● H Kabari
- Usually Low reward, but highly active and with can be spaced for safety against DP
(with backdash if need be) and decent backdash coverage. Will always trigger blitz reject
Video Example: - from Metsudo
Video Example #2:
● Yashagatana
- Slow and lower reward than Kabari but it doesn’t die to blitz reject. The projectile
travels so fast that at long ranges you cannot utilize its frame advantage.

● Ground Tatami YRC

- Pretty incredible overall, and does just about everything, but it needs precious meter
and you have to confirm hit/block/whiff/DP manually. Goes into f-shiki/fuzzy overhead
Video Example:

Safejump Mixup
- A staple GG okizeme option that any character can do, and also threatens a simple but
effective mixup.
Coverage: The standard safejump is DP-safe and workable against most backdashes since you
land at frame advantage even through backdashes. Should be spaced for best effectiveness
against 6P Throw OS. Can be blitzed.
The empty low/delayed airdash mixup options are not safe vs DP.
Video Example:
Example for mixup options:

Superjump Crossup Safejump Mixup

- Sideswitch variant of the above. Slightly Harder to do. You superjump forward over your
opponent, and descend with a normal after crossing up. Very useful.
Coverage: Same as a safejump but is weaker vs 6P/Throw OS since the low option is harder to
space away from throws.
Video Example:

Normal Jump Tatami

Jump and drop a tatami on your descent.
- Good frame advantage everywhere, but does not always entail a good mixup.
-Tatami has to be done ON THE DESCENT from your jump, and not while at the peak or while
rising, otherwise this okizeme will lose to good low profiling moves like almost all 6Ps, Sol 2D,
-Can be YRCed to become significantly safer and easier to hitconfirm.
Option coverage: highly spacing dependant.
Video Example of correct execution:
Video Example of incorrect execution: and

Superjump Crossup Tatami


Exactly the same as Normal Jump tatami but it crosses up. You superjump forward over your
opponent, and descend with a tatami after crossing up.
Can never be spaced away from DP or blitz. Absolutely destroys backdashes, but you need to
learn which backdashes it will launch and which it will flop hit.

- Monstrous frame advantage(at most +52) on block but bad active frames. Can be spaced for
blitz safety. Low reward on hit because of bad initial proration. Uses meter.
Option coverage: easily backdashed. Easy to space away from blitz reject range.
Video Example:
Spaced Example:

Intermediate Techniques
Option Select Safejump
Safejump backdash
It is possible to buffer 44 during the expected hitstop of your safejump normal to
backdash an OTG burst or some reversals. Resets neutral vs reversal backdash.

Safejump Azami or Blitz

It is also possible to buffer azami/blitz during the startup of a safejump normal to
azami/blitz a reversal or burst. Bad against wakeup backdash. High reward on DP, but you run a
risk here.

Instant Airdash (IAD) Tatami

- Primarily used after j.D knockdowns and works the same as normal jump tatami. Option
coverage is highly spacing-dependent. Roughly +15 on block, depending on height. More plus
frames if it gives a ‘flop hit’
Video Example:

Backjump delayed forward airdash tatami (flop hit)

- You use this from jD knockdowns. Its a more advantageous and blitz safe version of the above
that is much easier to backdash midscreen, and makes hitconfirming and setups much easier
since it is up to +30 on block while also not launching on hit.
Video Example:

Advanced Techniques
Kire Tatami (YRC)
- Regular version is good plusframes and leaves you in a great mixup position. YRC version is
very powerful, and obscures mixups, but takes meter.
Video Example:
Alternate version:

Instant Air Backdash (IABD) Tatami Flop Hit

- Absurd frame advantage, meterlessly sets up easy f-shiki overheads in the corner or when
blocked standing. Weak to backdash on it’s own, strong vs DP/blitz. Frequently whiffs on
standblocking Jam(wtf).
Video Example:

Forward Jump Instant Air Backdash (IABD) Tatami

- Really good coverage, advantage(about +27), and safety, but hard to do fast enough. If you
mess this up you usually lose oki. Whiffs less frequently on Jam.
Video Example:

Crossup Delayed Airdash Tatami: Maruken-Shiki

Legacy okizeme option that is usually around +13 to +15 on block. Very good for safe
repositioning but generally leaves you quite far away from your opponent and makes for subpar
mixup on crouching characters with good abare. Difficult because miniscule differences in
positioning alter how much you have to delay your tatami. Can subtly modify positioning by
doing backjump airdash or forwardjump airdash.
Sometimes called Maruken-shiki (lit. Maruken’s technique) because only Maruken does this
consistently without messing up.
Video Example:


Under Construction
Axl Benten Punish:

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