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English Course
English Remedial Course
8th grade
Miss Sayra Lucia Ajiatas

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: __________________________

General Instructions
Write the following English Remedial by hand and add the following parts.
Serie I.
Instructions: Write the answer of the activities on the page 33. (10 points)
Vocabulary Words
1. Weekend plans (Activity 1)
2. Phrasal Verbs (Activity 2)
3. Transportations phrases (Activity 3, 4)

Serie II.
Instructions: Write the answer of the activities on the page 34. (10 points)
1. Present Progressive form of the verbs (Activity 1)
2. Indefinite pronouns (Activity 2)
3. Tense and adjectives (Activity 3, 4)

Serie III.
Instructions: Illustrate the words and write it by hand the vocabulary words on the page 55. (10 points)
Vocabulary Words
1. jobs (Activity 1,2)
2. sport games (Activity 3)
3. Use the correct form of the “of have to” (Activity 1)

Serie IV.
Instructions: Write the answers on page 56 (10 points)
1. The use of have to.
2. The use of as…as or not as…as.
3. The use of too… or not…enough.

Serie V.
Instructions: Make Video with a presentation about the explication of the following topic. Page 56 (15 points)
The use of have to.
The use of as…as or not as…as.
The use of too… or not…enough.
The video has to have the following structure. - Beginning -Middle -End. You will have 3 minutes to present,
have in mind that you are not allowed to read your presentation, you must explain. Please read carefully your
evaluation rubric to have in mind the aspects you will be evaluated


Aspect Points Observations
1 Grammar Structure and vocabulary /25
2 Speaking Skills
3 ➢ Fluency
4 ➢ Pronunciation
5 ➢ Voice volume
6 ➢ Intonation
7 ➢ Clarity
8 Structure and ideas organization /10
9 Content Language /10
10 Poise, gestures and body language /15
11 Correct use of visuals /10
12 Time Limit (2-3 minutes) /10
Total /100
Serie VI.
Instructions: Write a conversation about your favorite sport, use a comparative and superlative adjectives and
the auxiliary can and can´t. (10 points)

Serie VII.
Instructions: Write the answer of the activities on the page 77. (10 points)
Vocabulary Words
1. Money Verbs (Activity 1)
2. Shopping nouns (Activity 2)
3. Adventure Sports (Activity 3, 4)

Serie VIII.
Instructions: Write the answer of the activities on the page 78. (10 points)
1. Be going to and the verbs (Activity 1)
2. Past progressive (Activity 2, 3, 4)
3. Adventure Sports (Activity 3, 4)

Serie IX.
Instructions: Read the following text and then answer the questions. (15 points)

My trip to the Olympic Training Center

Oliva Underwood, 15
I entered a contest to visit the U.S wheelchair Olympic basketball team in Colorado.
And guess what? I won! This is my diary from the trip:
Day 1
I flew with my mom from my home in Dallas to Colorado Springs. It was my first flight.
My mom hated taking off, but I loved it! We stayed in a hotel next to the training center.
Day 2
I met the team. They were super-friendly. We had the most delicious breakfast ever-
bigger and healthier than a t home! I usually have a chocolate muffin, but there I had
juice, eggs, cereal, yogurt, and fruit.
The team is going to the Para Pan-American Games soon and they explained their training to me. They have to
throw the ball and move their wheelchairs, so they need strong arms and shoulders. Here, a team member is
exercising to make his arms stronger.
The best part of the visit was when we played basketball. I didn`t score, but it was a fantastic experience. My team
Day 3
On my last morning, we had a wheelchair race. I wasn't the fastest, but I wasn`t the slowest either! It was a lot of
fun. Then we flew home again. That night, I was so tired I slept for ten hours! P.48

1 Where did Oliva fly to on the first day?

2 Where was the hotel where Oliva
3 What was the day where Oliva met the
4 What did Oliva share with the team on
day two?
5 What does Oliva eat for breakfast?
6 What was the best part of the visit?
7 What did Oliva have the last day?
8 Do they fly home on day two?

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