2023.05.05 MonthlyExpenseBreakout

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Central Lisbon - April 2023 0.

91 EUR to USD
1 person / "lean" budget (actual discretionary spend is $2K+ higher)

EUR / Mo. USD Monthly

Apartment $3,077 Apartment
Rent 2,350 € $2,582 2bd/2.5bth, 2019 building in central lisbon
Cleaning 450 € $495 recibo verde, 10EUR/hr, 2x/week
Utilities $234 Utilities
Water 30 € $33 average
Electric 80 € $88 average - higher in summer due to AC, much lower in winter
Gas 13 € $14 4 cannisters gas during year for patio heater & gas BBQ grill
Internet/Phone 90 € $99 Vodafone 1Gbps internet & Red infinity mobile
Insurance-related $248 Insurance-related
Health Insurance 125 € $138 Allianz premium plan with afpop discount
Travel Insurance 29 € $32 Allianz year-long travel insurance
Renters Insurance 5€ $6 Apartment contents (electronics, furniture, etc.)
Serenity Med 15 € $16 Serenity annual fee
Afpop 5€ $6 afpop annual fee (to get insurance discount)
USA Insurance $50 maintaining non-owned auto insurance in USA
Tax & Inv. Prep/Advice $658 Tax & Inv. Prep/Advice
Tax Prep USA $360 USA tax filings including expat-related (FBARs), K-1s, Sched. C, etc.
Tax & Inv. Advice USA $0 RIA included in tax prep above ($4300/yr total with both)
Tax Prep PT 146 € $160 Higher PT tax prep due to USA asset structure
Tax Advice PT 125 € $137 Additional payments for advice during year to PT tax specialist atty
Food/Drink $1,011 Food/Drink
Market 200 € $220 basic food & drink purchases roughly 50EUR/week
Healthy Food 300 € $330 Monthly delivery of healthy meals (6EUR/each) & purchases of protein bars/powders
Eating Out inc. Drinks/Snack 320 € $352 basic eating out
Beverages 100 € $110 basic non-food beverage purchases (e.g. craft-beer)
Medical Items (after insurance) $110 Medical Items (after insurance)
Doctor-related 50 € $55 non-insured doctor consultations averaged over year (e.g., anti-aging)
Prescription Related 50 € $55 prescription and supplements purchases, on average
Household Maintenance $277 Household Maintenance
Amazon US $100 est. average Amazon USA purchases concentrated in visits 2-3x/year
Amazon EUR 100 € $110 est. average Amazon EU purchases monthly
Clothes Inc. work 50 € $55 est. monthly spend from annual clothes purchases
Bank Fees (Wires, etc.) $13 est. monthly on USA bank wires during year (receiving or sending)
Subscriptions $99 Subscriptions
Gym 30 € $33 Fitness Hut basic (1person)
Media $24 Amazon Prime USA + subscription TV services (Amazon Prime Spain free in internet)
Memberships $42 Professional organziation annual fee
Transportation $265 Transportation
Ride-share (Uber, Bolt, etc) 150 € $165 Bolt trips during month (e.g. 10EUR every 2 days)
Car Rental $100 Trips in USA or Europe
Entertainment $659 Entertainment
Day-to-Day 100 € $110 Movies, events, bars, etc.
Travel 500 € $549 Low est. annual travel budget amortized monthly
Other $183 Other
Irregular Purchases 167 € $183 Unexpected purchases

Apartment $3,077
Utilities $234
Insurance-related $248
Tax & Inv. Prep/Advice $658
Food/Drink $1,011
Medical Items (after insurance) $110
Household Maintenance $277
Subscriptions $99
Transportation $265
Entertainment $659
Other $183

Post-Tax Spend (Monthly)

Other, $183, 3%
Entertainment, $659, 10%
Transportation, $265, 4%

Subscriptions, $99, 1%

Household Maintenance, $277,

Apartment, $3,077, 45%
Medical Items (after insurance),
$110, 1%

Food/Drink, $1,011, 15%

Tax & Inv. Prep/Advice, $658,

10% Utilities, $234, 3%
Insurance-related, $248, 4%

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