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Middelburg Combined School

Life Orientations

Assessment Task:

Name: Nkolelo Nothando

Surname: Ntuli
Grade: 12A
1. Introduction :

1.1 Human Rights Violation – it is the disallowance of

the freedom of thought and movement to which
all humans legally have a right.
Cultural norms in the household &
Lack of financial power of all key parties in the

1.2 Bill of Rights – it is a document containing a formal

statement of rights.
Lack of enforcement – law enforcement officials may
not be properly trained or motivated to enforce anti-
discrimination laws.
Deep-seated social and culture biases - were many
people continue to hold racist beliefs and attitudes
which lead to discriminatory beliefs.

1.3 Municipal health service and Water supply

Most South Africans still live under filthy conditions
because of inadequate public infrastructure and lack of
proper waste management.

1.4 By practicing cyber safety, the youth can better

protect their personal information, reduce the risk
of identity theft and maintain their privacy.
1.5 This section is included in the Bill of Rights to
ensure that the rights enshrined in the constitution
are not absolute and can be limited when it is
necessary to do so.

2. . Human rights violation in schools :

2.1 Wars, ethnic cleansing, slavery and crime

2.2 Cyber-bullying can negatively impact the dignity of

school-going youth in several ways . It can lead to
feelings of shame, embarrassment and isolation, which
can cause psychological harm and damage self-
esteem.Cyber-bullying can also affect academic
performance, as students may struggle to focus on
their studies or may miss school due to fear of
harassment. Additionally, cyber bullying can lead to
physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach
problems and sleep disturbances.Overall, cyber-
bullying can have a significant negative impact on the
mental and emotional well-being of school-going youth
and it is important to take steps to prevent and address
this issue

2.3 By :
Making language accessible
Including visual aids
Encouraging in storytelling
Using Art and Inviting Action

3. Provision of safe and healthy living environments

to communities :

3.1Environmental pollution can cause health problems

like respiratory disease, heart disease and some type of

3.2 One of the primary reason for the youth’s

reluctance to engage in environmental initiatives is a
lack of awareness and education about the importance
of maintaining clean and healthy living environment.

3.3When residents refuse to report or act against

criminals activities, it sends a message that such
behaviour is tolerated, which can lead to a
normalisation of crime. This can result in a vicious cycle
where criminals become increasingly bold and
community members grow more fearful and
disconnect from one another.
3.4 Promote good hygiene habits though
education.Proper hand washing with soap and water
can reduce diarrhoea caused by up to 35 percent.
Implement rainwater harvesting systems to collect and
store rainwater for drinking or recharging underground
aquifers.Build wells to extend groundwater from
underground aquifers.

4. Social-media and media freedom:

4.1The youth could effectively use electronic media to

bring about awareness on the importance of living in
save and healthy environment by creating and sharing
information and engaging contact on social media
platforms, such as videos, podcasts, blogs, infographics,
memes and stories.

4.2These risks include online harassment or

trolling ,privacy violations and cyber bullying.
Advocates could also face pushback or retaliation from
individuals or groups with opposing views, and their
personal or professional reputation could be at risk.

4.3Look before you click, know how to report, block

and filter content, personalise your privacy settings,
pause before you post, use a private internet
connection, talk to your friends about public posts and
turn off geolocation.

4.4The right to freedom of expression does not confer

on the citizens right to speak or publish without
responsibility and the legislature may enact laws to
impose restrictions on the rights to speech and
expression on several grounds such as public order
decency morality security etc.

Social media is opened to misuse as well as several

cyber crimes can be easily committed though social
media, such as hate speech ,cyber bullying, defamation
privacy and safety of individuals or groups.

5. Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1That would depend on the Terms of Service of the

specific Social Media platform one intends to use, but
you should take note that as entities on the
international Internet, the actual American Bill of
Rights doesn’t apply in any way to social media sites. As
with all Internet platforms and sites, the users’ Rights
and Freedoms are entirely at the whim of the site
owner; no government entity, laws or regulations have
any sway. That means that anyone on those social
media sites can choose to be toxic, abusive or vile in
any way towards you for promoting American Rights,
and there is only the specific Social Media’s Terms of
Service and in-house regulatory mechanisms protecting
you. If you’re under 18, I strongly recommend you have
a parent or teacher go over the Terms of Service with
you for the site you might consider doing this kind of
action on. As an aside, I find a young person wanting to
do that very commendable.

5.2The right to freedom of expression is a fundamental

human right enshrined in international law and
protected by many national constitutions. However,
this right is not absolute, and limitations can be placed
on it to protect other important values, such as public
order, national security, and the rights of others. In the
context of social media, young people who fail to
adhere to these limitations could be negatively
impacted in several ways:
-Legal consequences: Young people who engage in
online activities that violate the law, such as
cyberbullying, hate speech, or incitement to violence,
could face legal consequences. This could include fines,
imprisonment, or other sanctions.
-Social consequences: Online behaviour that is deemed
inappropriate or offensive could result in negative
social consequences, such as losing friends, being
ostracised, or damaging one's reputation. This could
have a significant impact on a young person's mental
health and well-being.
-Educational consequences: In some cases, online
behaviour that violates school policies or codes of
conduct could result in disciplinary action, such as
suspension or expulsion. This could negatively impact a
young person's academic progress and future
-Employment consequences: Inappropriate online
behaviour could also impact a young person's
employment prospects, as many employers now check
social media profiles as part of the hiring process. A
history of offensive or inappropriate online behaviour
could lead to a young person being passed over for a

5.3 Without a doubt , social media has revolutionized the way

people communicate and share information. It has become a powerful tool
for individuals and organisation to raise awareness mobilize support and
advocate for change on issues affecting a community including the need
for a safe and healthy living environment. Social media platforms such
Twitter Facebook Instagram and YouTube allow users to create and
share content engage with their followers and connect with like minded
individuals and groups
5.4 A personal mission statement can include a commitment to reducing
waste , conserving energy and resources and supporting environmentally
responsible practices.

Encourage accountability: A personal mission statement can hold

individuals accountability for their actions and encourage them to take
responsibility for their impact on the environment. This can be
achieved by including language that highlights the importance of
personal responsibility and taking action to reduce environmental harm.

Inspire action: A personal mission statement can be powerful tool for

inspiring action and motivating individuals to make positive changes in
their day to day lives. This can be achieved by setting clear and specific
goals , outlining steps towards achieving those goals and
regularly reviewing progress to ensure that goals are being met.

In sustaining efforts to keep the environment safe a personal mission

statement can encourage individuals to continuously make a conscious
efforts of being environmentally responsible
Human rights violation in school………………………………..
Provision of safe and healthy living environments to
Social-media and media freedom……………………………..

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