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Cas las Uemereses Core 2A Bechillerto CONDITIONAL SENTENC! ‘There are three types of conditional sentences: 1)PROBABLE OR POSSIBLE CONDITION: When we talk about a possible future action or situation Verbal tenses: a)JF-CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE FUTURE(WILL/ ‘ll) ‘ Ex: If the weather gets better, we will go for a walk. . J py Or — we will go for a walk if the weather gets better. er — =SEWRS fF p ee Other verbal tenses: Co, ens ro iSE-— MAIN CLAUSE PRESENT IMPERATIVE Ex: If you come, let me know.(Imperative) * It's probable that the action in the If-clause takes place. PRESENT PRESENT = {yer I you heat ice, it melts. ‘También se puede utilizar en frases en las que aparecen CAN y MAY para expresar permiso y posibilidad. If you don't have a racket, you can't play tennis You can watch TV if you want to ‘You may go to the concert if you promise to come home early 2)IMPROBABLE CONDITION, When we talk an action or situation in the present or in the future which is “improbable, hypothetical or imaginary. Verbal tenses: IE. CLAUSE PAST. - CONDITIONAL. (WOULD /‘d) Ex:-If'we had a car, we'd arrive in an hour (hypothetical or imaginary,we haven't got a tuviesemos. -If Lwasfwere you L wouldn't wait for him, (Improbability.). *I’s improbable that the action in the If-clause takes place. COULD, SHOULD Y MIGHT pueden aparecer en lugar de WOULD. * Se usa en las condicionales tipo II: BE-- Siel verbo TO BE es el verbo que va en la frase junto a IF, se suele utilizar la ‘forma WERE (subjuntivo) para todas las personas. El uso de WAS se considera coloquial y a veces es incorrecto. "If I were tall, I'd play basketball". IF I WERE YOU - IF I WERE YOU... , IF I WERE (+ SOMEBODY ELSE) ... significa SIYO FUERA TU..., ¥O EN TU LUGAR ... , SI YO FUERA (otra persona) ... "If were you, I wouldn't go to bed So late" 3)IMPOSSIBLE CONDITION, When we talk about a situation that didn’t happen or didn’t exist in the past. Verbal tenses. IE CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE PAST PERFECT CONDITIONAL PERFECT (Had + past participle) — WOULD HAVE+ PAST PARTICIPLE, Ex: If the weather had been good, we would have landed in London, “It’s impossible that the action in the li-clause takes place. UNLESS.IN CASE, AS LONG AS, PROVIDED THAT. AUnless= If ....not Unless + afirmative verb If +negative verb. Ex:You can’t go out unless you say where you are going. ‘You can’t go out If you don’t say where you are going. B) AS LONG AS/ SO LONG AS ; ON (THE) CONDITION THAT ; PROVIDED (THAT) PROVIDING (THAT). These expressions are used to express a strong limitation, They follow the structure of the three types of conditional sentences. They could be translated as follows :'siempre que/ con tal de que / a condicién de que-+ subjuntivo™ ‘You can go out tonight as long as you conte back by midnight ‘He could have recovered provided (that) he had followed the doctor’s orders C) In case, To talk about precautions we take before doing something, Ex: I'll take the umbrella in case it rains. IN CASE OF + NOUNS “IF THERE IS A/AN’ In case of an accident, notify the police. Dj OTHERWISE. A condition can be understood although it is not expressed. OTHERWISE is used in the place of a conditional clause. Its translation could be ‘de Jo contrario” ‘You'd better hurry. Otherwise, you'll be late for your appointment. (Otherwise: if you don’t hurry) A) SUPPOSE (THATYSUPPOSING (THAT) result appears in the interrogative form Suppose he comes tomorrow, will we still meet him? Suppose he went by train, would it be any quicker? Supposing that he had come for an interview, would you have given him a job? WHAT IF?. The clause which expresses the INVERSION When the if-clause is followed by “WERE,HAD or SHOULD”, it’s possible to invert the auxiliary (were, had or should) and the subject and omit “if” Ex: If [were rich buy it.—--Were I rich I'd. If Thad known that, ‘Had I knowm that. If war should break out I'd go away.---~-Should war break out I'd. Significa OJALA y expresa deseos de realizacién imposible sobre el presente 0 el pasado. Se utiliza de una forma parecida al segundo y tercer condicional. + Si el deseo se refiere al presente, el verbo de la segunda frase va en pasado simple 0 continuo: I wish I had @ dog! I wish he were here! + Siel deseo se refiere al pasado, el verbo de la segunda frase va en pasado perfecto simple o continuo: I wish I hadn't missed the bus! I wish I had bought that book! EXERCISES CONDITIONAL SENTENCES SUPPLY A SUITABLE TENSE OF THE VERB IN BRACKETS 1/You will be ill if you (eat) somuch Yeu wilt be WN [3 yoo est co much 2/(go) ifThad known J would bec gre ¥8 Thad moon y 3/If my car (not break down),I should havé caught the train 30 my ‘car Nada Brakon,A Howry, So sk 4]if she (be) older she would have moreSense 5) she a as ; re 5/You (kill) yourself if you work as hard as that oy w em ole wou! 6/lf it (be) fine tomorrow, shall play tennis (f ;{ © mere ORK co herd c hath ploy Geant re Kitlal yesese! yx ‘711 should have thought it possible if I (not seé) it. We aan 8/If you (go) away,please write to me —q Aso wus, please wsthe to ~: 9/We are going to play tennis this afternoon'P't (Stop) Faining 6 QoL seg cae eng 10/If you (be) in,I should have given it to you neve. 'b SUPPLY THE SUITABLE TENSES A A/Sohn didn't ‘ase | money Porcoucel_ Ifmoney (be) problem he (borrow) from a bank She Tikes spacaronl Ni Ke She ee mich ¢ of it less she ike) it 3/She married someone else ysous\dn't behave been If she (inary) my brother they (not be) very happy 4/Hle can't read English easily Wh Ceebsh paper He (buy) English papers if he (can read) them fe wall boy “Shs page 5/She often writes to her mother go cei yes Her mother (worry) tnless she (Feceive) a letter once a week G/T haven't any change in my purse fed S cook 1¢1 (have) I (Can) get a drink irom the machine TINO lly knew how poos she Te ae ey Cae ea 8/Cigarettes are,an expensive lugury, 4, Even if they (beF cheap I (HOt ROK) eke. oiNobody Jikes, England. We (ROCHE or ai oh TOM forgot the telephone bill. They GotOb tos rates COMPLETE THE CONDITIONAL SENTENCE WITH THE APPROPRIATE VERB. 1/Mary didn't go to the cinema so she missed @ good film Te she. iodo. he. the. chiecrin.. she Sordi hekemiged = sood 2/1 shan't come to the lecture.I'm not interested in yoga TEL. 7 ese esse 3/We arrived early and got very good seats Tfwe (not). bode actiaed.erthe..cwovld have so Ge ry got sds 4/They are taking umbrellas only because it's raining ‘They (oot ae vhuretts. 5/1 don't believe in ghosts because I've never seen one j Even if L..ga0..08....Laarldad. betique in wher 6/You drank too much iced water. That's why your stomach ached : ae Ifyou(not). adn diald..os®.medh teed welhe, por doreeh eo a od ented. YOU HAVE TO READ A SITUATION AND WRITE A SENTENCE WITH "IF" ex:We don't visit you very often because you live so far away But if you don't lived so far away ,we would visit you more often People don't understand him because he doesn't speak very clearly Butif he, cvzuld.. SRS" pebple.understendead wien 2/'m not going to buy that book because its very expensive Butif that book..claksaS.wetycepersiv® | woold “uy 3/The accident happened hecause the driyer in front stopped so suddenly 5 Ifthe driver in front. eokhec waaee ree Pete oe hate bappares. 4il didn't wake George because I didn't know he wanted to get up early TEL. Soowetd.. Mare fie. soncisd cle api op wesley x wood have weken George .e S/W¥e can't have lunch in the garden because it's raining i" Wei bedklraing Loe cearg\tt eve lonelelin lho geen 6il can! jy tomorrow because I have terwork “OT aT belle evecrld DP oO age ved rewrote 7/¥ou are because you didn't haye breakfast te TE. go haa 4 Sih yngeonD..cpatiin (Eee wonsty Row 8/l Was able to buy the car beGause Jim lend me the money Bacon eee . OMe is fat because ie doesnt take any exercise But..'§.he boo K. Smene. sreai3e, he waldo be est MAKE THESE SENTENCES MORE FORMAL BY USING INVERTED FORMS: Ex:If his opinions were more reasonable we should vote for him Were his opinions. 22. We should vote... Ar. his~ 1/f they hadn't apologised at once I should have spoken to my solicitorfsd 2/If Tohn should telephone, tell him T've gone out Shoo'L, Sahn Lleglenc— 3/Mf you were as old as T'm,you wouldn't worry about that Gere yao os ald ak Ves 4/If he should make a mistake,she always corrects it at once Shuo\l he maka sche 5/1 should have swallowed it iI hadn't noticed a wasp in my beet Sientd Yow mee 6/If anyone were to talk to me like that I'd call a policeman ‘Ne Peter had driven the car any faster I wouldn't have felt safe 8/If1 should forget to pay the electricity bill,please remind me ley opo's PUT THE VERB IN BRACKETS INTO THE CORRECT FORM London T'd go out every evening.(live) 2IShe. if you. her.(come,call) 3/lfwe longer holidays ,we'd be very happy(have) 4/If U hadn't stopped him,he. (leave) S/If the coat hadn't been so expensive, she. (buy) 6/If you went to England, you... -..t lot of English(leamn) 7/lf you.......your money, you'd be able to buy a house(save) BIBI. oncnenneif You'd asked him(come) Offf they'd explained, we. (understand) 10/John would pass the exam if he...........harder(work) 11/Af it hadn't been raining, we the match(win) 12/If they'd left early, they.........0...the train(catch) 13/If you.......the map, we wouldn't have lost the way(bring) 14/if you...........your house,it'd look much nicer(paint) 15/If'you hadn't made that noise,they ‘we were here(not know) TOME WE. nn WORE WE. _.there in time (take,get) TINE. this. (drop,explode) 18/If there'd been anything wrong, he... (ring) 1O/P Ua. rerrnonecthe train if she'd come minute later(miss) 20/Mirs Ash...........,f somebody. her(come,ask) WRITE CONDITIONAL SENTENCES They want to take a holiday but they haven't enough money 2/Sandra wants to change her job but she hasn't got the qualifications 3/He wants to make a telephone call but he hasn't got the correct change 4/They want to listen to the football results but they haven't got a radio 5/Tom wants to live in the USA but he can't get a visa 6/Ee wants to sunbathe but it's too cold 7/They want to answer the questions but they are too difficult, 8/He wants to apply for the job but he's too old EXERCISE What would you do if: -you missed the bus? -you won a lot of money? -you met a gorilla? -you lost your appetite? -you had a million pounds? -you had a headache? -you wanted to buy a pet? -you wanted to learn French? #2. GIVE ADVICE: (If I were) ive lost my passport 21 can't sleep at night 3/fve just seen an accident 4/I've been bitten by a snake 5/L want to win an olimpic meda? 6/1 need some roney and the banks are closed PUT THE VERB IN BRACKETS INTO THE CORRECT FORM UThey'd be rather angry if you them(not visit) 2WKf Twas offered the job,L think... it(take) 3/['m sure Tom will lend you some money. would be very surprissed if he, (refuse) AMIEL. nvneoAhat yOu were ill last weekgJ'd have gone to see you(know) S/IEL -the number. would telephone her(know) it -nwthat coat if were you(not buy) Man ...YoU 2 cigarette if Thad one but I'm afraid I havent. (give) 8/This soup would taste Detter if it......0.-0---tore salt in it(have) TOM. ..ssneec£Or the examination if he had known that it would be so difficult(not enter) 10/Many people would be out of work if that factory. down(close) TIAL she sold her car, she.......«.much money for it(not get) 12/They're expecting us. They would be disappointed if we... (not come) 13/Tom got to the station in time.If he the train,he would have been late fot an interview(miss) 14/Would George be angry ifL his bicycle without asking?(take) 15/I€you to bed so late every night,you wouldn't be so tired all the time(not go) 16/1 wouldn't mind living in England if the weather. beiter(be) 17/It’s good that Ana reminded me about Tom's birthday.L if she hadn't reminded me (forget) 18/14 help you if L but I'm afraid I can't. (can) 19/If I were you,1. . him(not marry) 20/We would happily buy that house if. so small(not be) 21/We might not have stayed at this hotel if Peter.. ..t to us(not recommend) 22/Ann gave me this ring She. terribly upset if I lost it (be) 23/1f someone. in here with a gun,I'd be very frightened(walk) 24/What would happen if youu... {fo work tomorrow(not go) 25/T'm sure she. if'you explained the situation to her(understand) 26/l'd have sent you a postcard while I was on holiday if 1. your address(have) COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES 1/You will get into trouble if 2/IET had time. 3/E it hadn't been raining, 4/The teacher wouldn't be angry with you if. 5/¥ou will lose your money if. 6/Flowers will not grow well unless. TIA violinist must practise if. 8/1 don't like tea unless. 9/1 should have won the prize if. 10/You would be ill if 11/L cannot wake at six unless. 12/She will play the piano for you if... 13/My friend would have helped yo 14/If I had plenty of money, 15/Why didn't you do it. 16/If I were you. 17/If he wants to see me. 18/4f you don't visit me soon... 19/Come before 7 if 20/If she were a good girl.

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