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The mummy 10th grade

acting: rick, evelyn and alex are walking into a sacred tomb looking for the “the book
of death”
Rick, evelyn and alex están caminado a una tumba sagrada buscando por el libro
de la muerte

Rick: I really hope this book of death worths a lot of money

realmente espero que este libro de la muerte valga mucho dinero

Alex: Yes sister, because we are walking in the city of death…

si hermana, porque estamos caminando en la ciudad de la muerte

Evelyn: oh come on , don’t be a crying baby

ay no sea tan llorón

acting: they hear strange noises, Alex gets very scare,

escuchan ruidos extraños, alex se asusta una más

Rick; hey, man up, get a grip of yourself.

se valiente, controlate.

evelyn: come this way

vengan por aca

alex: But that is where the noises are coming from.

pero de alla viene los ruidos

rick: let's go just follow me.

vamos síganme

acting: they walk behind Rick

caminan detrás de Rick

Evelyn:oh look i found the book

o miren encontré el libro

rick: you found the book

tu encontraste el libro

acting: she cleans the book and open it,

ella limpia el libro y lo abre

Rick: alright I think we better go

será mejor que no vayamos
alex: yes let's go
si vamonos
evelyn : wait one minute
espera un minuto

acting: evelyn starts reading something from the book, they hear a strange laugh
the mummy comes back to live
evelyn lee una parte del libro, escucha una extraña risa, la momia resucita

the mummy: oh my love I have been waiting for you

oh mi amada te he estado esperando.

acting: the mummy tries to touch evelyn

la momia trata de tocar a evelyn

evelyn: take your ugly hand off me

quita tus horrible manos de mi

Rick: you heard her

ya la escuchaste

acting: Rick punches the mummy, but the mummy is very strong, the mummy takes
Rick golpea a la momia, pero es muy fuerte la momia rapta a evelyn

the mummy: you want her come take her

la quieres ven por ella

alex: let her go you ugly beast

dejala ir bestia horrible.

acting: the mummy and alex fight the mummy wins easily,
la momia y alex pelean la momia lo vence fácilmente

Rick: is my turn
es mi turno

acting: Rick and the mummy fight the mummy is winning

rick y la momia pelan la momia es más fuerte
evelyn reads another part of the book

evelyn: amun- ra

the mummy: oh no what did you do?

Rick: now you are doon

ahora si estas perdido
acting they fight and rick defeat him

evelyn: Oh Rick, thanks for saving me...

alex: and me

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