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Journal of the American Statistical Association

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Multivariate t Distributions and Their Applications

Alexander J McNeil
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich
Published online: 01 Jan 2012.

To cite this article: Alexander J McNeil (2006) Multivariate t Distributions and Their Applications, Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 101:473, 390-391, DOI: 10.1198/jasa.2006.s67

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390 Book Reviews

types of nonstationarity, global modeling and local stationary approaches in Schabenberger, O., and Gotway, C. A. (2005), Statistical Methods for Spatial
nonstationary covariance models. Chapter 9 concludes with space–time sepa- Data Analysis, Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall.
rable covariance functions and various approaches to developing space–time Schabenberger, O., and Pierce, F. J. (2002), Contemporary Statistical Models
nonseparable covariance functions. There is also a brief discussion of spatial- for the Plant and Soil Sciences, Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall.
Stein, M. L. (1999), Interpolation of Spatial Data: Some Theory of Kriging,
temporal point processes.
New York: Springer-Verlag.
The book is intended as a text for a graduate-level course in spatial statistics. Waller, L. A., and Gotway, C. A. (2004), Applied Spatial Statistics for Public
I believe that it would be a suitable text for a variety of reasons. First of all, the Health Data, New York: Wiley.
book provides comprehensive coverage of statistical methods for geostatistical
data, lattice data, and point patterns. Not many books on spatial statistics have
this feature. A book similar in scope is Cressie (1993), which is a well-regarded
text on spatial statistics. Further, the book has a nice balance of statistical the- Multivariate t Distributions and Their Applications.
ory, methodology, and applications, with an emphasis on statistical methods. It Samuel KOTZ and Saralees NADARAJAH. New York: Cambridge Univer-
contains many concrete examples that illustrate both theory and methods. In il- sity Press, 2004. ISBN 0-521-82654-3. xii + 272 pp. $65.00 (H).
lustrating the methods, real and interesting data examples are drawn from many
disciplines such as agriculture, ecology, geology, epidemiology, and meteorol- Multivariate t Distributions and Their Applications is a book devoted en-
ogy. To illustrate the more abstract concepts and theory, the authors often give tirely to multivariate extensions of Student’s t distribution. Many different kinds
intuitive explanations and easy-to-understand examples. Finally, at the end of of multivariate t distribution have been proposed over the years with many dif-
each of the first seven chapters, there are assignment problems for students. The ferent applications in mind. This book draws this diverse literature together and
problems are mostly related to technical derivations or proofs that supplement forms a useful reference for researchers in multivariate analysis or applied sta-
readings from the corresponding chapter. I found the exercises fitting and quite tisticians working with multivariate data.
Downloaded by [New Mexico State University] at 23:51 17 January 2015

interesting. In style, the book is similar to the series of books on univariate and multi-
From my experience teaching spatial statistics, I think the book could be variate discrete and continuous distributions that have been written by the first
used for courses at different levels. Specifically, it could be used as the main author together with N. L. Johnson and N. Balakrishnan (see Johnson, Kemp,
text for a spatial statistics course at the master’s level. In this case, the audience and Kotz 2005; Johnson, Kotz, and Balakrishnan 1995, 1997; Kotz, Johnson,
would be master’s or beginning Ph.D. students in statistics, as well as nonsta- and Balakrishnan 2000). This book provides a detailed compendium of distri-
tistics graduate students with strong quantitative skills. Possible prerequisites butional forms and gives a thorough description of their probabilistic proper-
are introductory probability theory, mathematical statistics, and linear models ties. Statistical estimation issues and applications are also discussed, but more
theory. For a more advanced Ph.D. level course, the book could be used as an briefly.
introductory text for a Ph.D. student who is not familiar with spatial statistics to The main use of this book will probably be as a reference. The long cata-
get acquainted with the main areas in spatial statistics. Depending on interests, logue of distributions and their properties is well organized and clearly written
the course might then delve into more advanced or more topic-specific texts but is relatively dry material for self-study or teaching. There are almost too
such as Cressie (1993), Stein (1999), and Møller and Waagepetersen (2004). many ways of building multivariate t distributions; more guidance about which
On the other hand, for a course aimed at introducing spatial statistics to nonsta- distributions are most useful for particular applications might have been useful.
tistics graduate students who are not as quantitatively skilled, this book could The authors have aimed for completeness and embarked on the task of bringing
be used as an advanced text in addition to some other more applied texts such together “all of the relevant information in the literature worthy of publication.”
as Goovaerts (1997), Schabenberger and Pierce (2002), and Waller and Gotway The authors have come close to achieving this aim, although I believe that one
(2004). kind of skewed multivariate t distribution has been omitted (mentioned below).
In the Preface, the authors fully acknowledge the limitations in the scope of The main motivation for studying multivariate t distributions given in the
the book. For example, their approach is “mostly model-based and frequentist in book’s Preface is the increasing use of these distributions in multivariate analy-
nature, with an emphasis on models in the spatial, and not the spectral domain” sis as an alternative to the multivariate normal; in many real-world modeling
(Schabenberger and Gotway 2005). Regarding Bayesian hierarchical models situations, the heavier tails of a multivariate t distribution offer a more realistic
for spatial data, Section 6.5 of the book gives a very nice overview, but there model. The authors also point out that multivariate t distributions are now very
is certainly more in the literature. Interested readers can find more complex popular prior distributions in Bayesian analysis.
models and computational techniques in Banerjee, Carlin, and Gelfand (2003). Although there are many multivariate t distributions, one particular form is
Similarly, even though most of the basic elements in spatial point processes are most common and natural. It is this form that is discussed in great detail in
covered in Chapter 3, there is more to spatial point processes such as statistical Chapter 1. This multivariate t distribution can be represented as a scale mixture
inference and simulation using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. These and of multivariate Gaussian distributions; more precisely, it is the distribution of a
other more advanced topics in spatial point processes can be found in Diggle random vector created by dividing each component of a centered multivariate
(2001) and Møller and Waagepetersen (2004). In terms of computing, the book normal random vector by a common independent gamma-distributed random
variable. The main properties of this form are listed in Chapter 1, and the char-
is not intended to give hands-on guidance on how to use particular software
acteristic function of the distribution is derived using two different methods in
packages. However, readers may find it helpful to consult the supplementary
Chapter 2.
materials posted at the CRC Press website, which include software code for
The distribution of sums of independent t random variables or multivariate
examples from the text.
t random vectors is discussed in Chapter 3. The class of t distributions is not
Overall, this is a wonderful book that systematically introduces readers to
closed under convolution; hence, nonstandard distributions are obtained under
spatial statistics. With a writing style that is illustrative, clear, thoughtful, and
addition. The distributions of products and quotients of independent t random
cogent, teachers and students alike should find it a delightful text for this diverse
variables are also discussed here.
and exciting field.
Chapters 4 and 5 give many alternative constructions of bivariate and general
Jun Z HU multivariate t distributions. Some of these generalized t distributions have the
University of Wisconsin–Madison ability to capture asymmetry and skewness in multivariate data and some allow
marginal distributions of different components to have different weights of tail.
REFERENCES The authors have obviously combed the literature very carefully to compile the
long list of distributions. I did not see, however, the kind of skewed multivariate
Banerjee, S., Carlin, B. P., and Gelfand, A. E. (2003), Hierarchical Modeling t distributions that arise as a special boundary case in the class of multivariate
and Analysis for Spatial Data, Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall.
generalized hyperbolic distributions. Given the usefulness of generalized hyper-
Cressie, N. A. C. (1993), Statistics for Spatial Data (rev. ed.), New York: Wiley.
bolic distributions in empirical applications (particularly as a class of models
Diggle, P. (2001), Statistical Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns (2nd ed.), Ox-
ford: Oxford University Press. for financial return data), this might have been a worthwhile addition.
Goovaerts, P. (1997), Geostatistics for Natural Resource Evaluation, Oxford: Chapters 6–8 are largely devoted to computational issues that arise when
Oxford University Press. working with multivariate t distributions. In particular, the calculation of prob-
Møller, J., and Waagepetersen, R. P. (2004), Statistical Inference and Simula- ability integrals for the t density and the computation of percentage points are
tion for Spatial Point Processes, Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall. discussed.
Book Reviews 391

The remainder of the book turns to more statistical and applied issues but in promoting probability matching priors among the practitioners and applied
is relatively short in comparison to the foregoing material. Chapter 10 dis- statisticians.
cusses estimation of the parameters of a multivariate t distribution including the By examining a wide variety of matching priors, the authors are able to give
use of the expectation maximization algorithm or one of its variants to obtain a more complete comparison between them, often narrowing the classes of pri-
maximum likelihood estimates. Chapter 11 deals with classical and Bayesian ors of interest. However, and this is the only real regret I could have, we end up
inference in regression models when the errors are assumed to come from an a bit puzzled about which matching approach to choose, despite some advice
uncorrelated multivariate t distribution. The implications of this model are that given by the authors in various examples. Some approaches lead to invariant
the errors are identically distributed but statistically dependent despite their lack priors, some do not; which is best? Invariance seems to be a good property.
of correlation. The applications in Chapter 12 are really notes for further read- Does it mean that HPD matching priors should not be considered? This then
ing. Projection pursuit, portfolio optimization, cluster analysis, and multiple leads to the question: should HPD regions be considered in noninformative se-
decision problems are mentioned. tups? Perhaps this is just a question of taste, as is the choice between matching
In summary, this book is a useful reference work for anyone with an interest priors or reference priors.
in non-Gaussian continuous multivariate distributions. Some form of heavy-
tailed multivariate t distribution is often a natural alternative model to the nor- Judith ROUSSEAU
mal distribution, and this book successfully summarizes what is known about Universite Paris Dauphine
such distributions. No doubt there are some omissions, as is to be expected REFERENCES
when the relevant literature is very scattered, but the authors have done a useful
service in bringing together a lot of useful material in one compact volume. Ghosh, J. K. (1994), Higher Order Asymptotics, Hayward, CA: Institute of
Mathematical Statistics.
Alexander J. M C N EIL Kass, R. E., and Wasserman, L. (1996), “The Selection of Prior Distribu-
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich tions by Formal Rules,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 91,
Downloaded by [New Mexico State University] at 23:51 17 January 2015

REFERENCES Yang, R., and Berger, J. O. (1997), “A Catalog on Noninformative Priors,” ISDS
Discussion Paper 97-42, Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences, Duke
Johnson, N. L., Kemp, A. W., and Kotz, S. (2005), Univariate Discrete Distri-
butions (3rd ed.), Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Johnson, N. L., Kotz, S., and Balakrishnan, N. (1995), Continuous Univariate
Distributions (2nd ed.), New York: Wiley.
(1997), Discrete Multivariate Distributions, New York: Wiley. Constrained Statistical Inference: Inequality, Order, and Shape Re-
Kotz, S., Johnson, N. L., and Balakrishnan, N. (2000), Continuous Multivariate
Distributions (2nd ed.), New York: Wiley.
Mervyn J. S ILVAPULLE and Pranab K. S EN. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005.
ISBN 0-471-20827-2. xvii + 532 pp. $89.95 (H).
Probability Matching Priors: Higher Order Asymptotics. This monograph provides an excellent coverage of the last twenty years of
Gauri Sankar DATTA and Rahul M UKERJEE. New York: Springer-Verlag, constrained statistical inference (CSI). The authors survey an extensive amount
2004. ISBN 0-387-20329-X. x + 127 pp. $59.95 (P). of methodology and recent research, which makes their book a natural sequel
to the classic book of Robertson, Wright, and Dykstra (1988).
This text provides a catalog of approaches for considering probability The book begins with many illustrative examples of problems to which CSI
matching priors. The authors have summarized their extensive work on the is applied with appropriate references to later chapters where the methodology
subject, together with the work of others, leading to a valuable synthesis on is presented. Hence, the first chapter should be accessible to most readers as no
matching priors. This monograph is the first synthesis on matching priors and previous knowledge of the subject is required. The wide range of applicability
is self-contained. The choice of the prior distribution is crucial and often crit- of the topic is evident from the very beginning, which is a testament to how
icized in Bayesian analysis; it is therefore of great importance to carefully de- well the book is organized.
fine sensible priors. This is one of the interests of probability matching priors: In the next three chapters, the authors present the core of exact constrained
sensible priors in noninformative contexts, that is, in contexts where prior in- statistical inference, namely classic topics such as comparison of population
formation is insufficient to construct a sensible subjective prior. As the authors means (ANOVA), isotonic regression, tests on multivariate normal means, and
mention in their introduction, these priors can also be used by non-Bayesian tests in general parametric models using asymptotics and likelihood-based pro-
statisticians to construct good frequentist procedures. In this book, the authors cedures. Both univariate and (more importantly) multivariate situations are in-
review a wide variety of probability matching priors with emphasis on the most vestigated.
common ones (in particular priors matching posterior quantiles), but the high- The mathematics becomes increasingly more demanding, which is to be ex-
est posterior density (HPD) or perturbed ellipsoid are also considered as well as pected as more advanced topics are presented. Proofs of theorems and lemmas
predictive matching priors. By carefully explaining their properties and study- appear at the end of each chapter. Although this placement is somewhat un-
ing examples from the literature, the authors help one understand links between usual, it gives the book the flavor of a research paper published in a journal
different matching priors. These results were previously dispersed in various rather than a textbook.
papers. As the reader progresses to later chapters, it is clear that this is a book for
There are two main aspects of this text. One is the development of the formal the upper-level graduate student or the active researcher in constrained statis-
expansions leading to the partial differential equations that characterize proba- tical inference. It would certainly make a good textbook for a topics course
bility matching priors; in particular, the shrinkage argument which is usually at on CSI, with the nontrivial mathematics very well presented and challenging
the core of these calculations is carefully and clearly explained. The other is the problems included at the end of each chapter.
study of the properties, such as invariance, of the solutions to these partial dif- The next three chapters are devoted to the investigation of the union-
ferential equations (which are the matching priors). The problem of existence intersection principle of Roy (1953) in parametric, semiparametric, and non-
is not considered here but assumed with references to previous results [essen- parametric frameworks. At this point, the reader encounters an advanced array
tially in the independent and identically distributed (IID) case] or monographs of topics in CSI, including theory and applications for categorical data and sur-
(Ghosh 1994, etc. . . ). The interest of such an approach is that, often when they vival and reliability analysis in an order-restricted context. In Chapter 7, where
exist, the asymptotic expansions for the solutions have the same form as in the nonparametric approaches are studied, one finds many recent results from the
IID case (which is the case considered here), even in cases as peculiar as long literature, for example, estimation in isotonic nonparametric regression, infer-
memory processes. Therefore this book can be of use in many contexts beyond ence on shape-constrained hazard functions, and life distributions with the de-
the IID case. creasing maximum likelihood-ratio property.
There have been some excellent review papers on noninformative priors (see In Chapter 8, the Bayesian paradigm is presented in an order-restricted
Kass and Wasserman 1996) or the catalog of noninformative priors by Yang and framework, including a decision theoretic view, constrained shrinkage estima-
Berger (1997), which is model oriented. But matching priors encompass only tion, and Bayes tests. As this is a relatively new field, the authors present some
a small part of these papers. Hence, this monograph will likely prove valuable of the most recent results in the literature.

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