ALH1 DanielaAgostinho

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By: Daniela Agostinho, nº3222153, Nation-State and International Order

Understanding Cold War Trust-Building between Norway and the Soviet Union:
Norwegian-Russian Relations - A History of Peaceful Coexistence

The Cold War era was characterized by intense ideological rivalry, political tension, and
military standoffs between the two superpowers: the United States and the Soviet Union.
However, amidst this global atmosphere of suspicion and hostility, Norway and the Soviet
Union managed to build a unique foundation of trust and maintain peaceful coexistence.

Norway recognized the importance of establishing a stable and peaceful relationship with
the Soviet Union. Both countries shared a common border in the Arctic region, and their
interests often overlapped in areas such as resource exploration, territorial claims, and
security concerns. Consequently, Norway pursued a policy of engagement and dialogue
with the Soviet Union to mitigate tensions and foster understanding.

While being a founding member of NATO, Norway maintained an independent foreign

policy, avoiding any direct involvement in the military confrontation between the
superpowers. This position enabled Norway to act as a bridge between East and West,
creating an atmosphere of trust with the Soviet Union. (Rekvig, 2022)

The Norwegian-Russian relations during the Cold War were not without challenges and
occasional strains. However, the overall trajectory of peaceful coexistence and the
commitment to understanding and trust-building are noteworthy. (Rekvig, 2022)
Norway's diplomatic strategies, economic cooperation, commitment to neutrality, and
emphasis on people-to-people exchanges all contributed to a positive and constructive
relationship with the Soviet Union.

In my opinion, the understanding and trust-building efforts between Norway and the
Soviet Union during the Cold War were commendable and set an example for peaceful
coexistence. Norway's approach of maintaining neutrality and non-alignment, while
actively engaging with the Soviet Union, showcased a diplomatic strategy that prioritized
dialogue and cooperation over confrontation.

Reference List:
By: Daniela Agostinho, nº3222153, Nation-State and International Order

REKVIG, G. (2022). “Understanding Cold War Trust-Building Between Norway and the
Soviet Union. Norwegian-Russian Relations–A History of Peaceful Coexistence”. In
Global Arctic: An Introduction to the Multifaceted Dynamics of the Arctic (pp. 369-388).
Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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