Software Change For Non-OEM Cartridge Detection

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Software Change for Non-OEM

Cartridge Detection

Videojet Technologies, Inc. Knowledge Article


Software Change for Non-OEM Cartridge Detection

A software change allowing for better detection of non OEM cartridges is included in software upgrades 489, 491,
492 and r09SP02. This affects all 12/15/16 series printer as well as 50/60 series printers, but does not include
Simplicity Interface printers.

Videojet performs extensive testing and validation of our printers based on Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) fluids to help ensure the best possible performance and reliability of the printer. The improved
communication implemented in these software versions minimizes printer availability risk created by mismatched
ink and makeup.

If the printer detects a communication variance or a risk for fluid mismatch, it prevents the potential printer failure
by identifying the cartridge to be invalid and stops further usage of incorrect ink or makeup. This software upgrade
has been thoroughly tested and vetted for all applicable Videojet OEM Ink and Makeup cartridges.

With this software upgrade, Videojet anticipates a potential compatibility risk with non-OEM supplies as they may
not support the performance and reliability improvements and standards the software enables.

Warning Messages
If a customer is using non-OEM fluids, the printer will report the following warnings.

• 1000 Series - Wrong Ink Cartridge Warning or Resolving a Wrong Make-up Cartridge Warning
• 50/60 Series - (E6051) Wrong Ink Cartridge (Wrong Ink Cartridge Warning) or (E6057) Wrong Makeup
Cartridge (Resolving a Wrong Make-up Cartridge Warning)

A new menu item is added to the Willett and Excel UIs to view a code in reference to the printer a fluids inserted.
The new menu item can be found in the following locations:

• Excel UI: 06 System | Count

• Willett UI: System | Count
• Clarity UI: No access via Clarity UI, viewable via Display door attached to CSB (Willett UI)

Note this menu item can only be seen if at the level 3 password or Manufacturers in the Clarity UI.

When viewing this new menu item, a code will be present for the most recent 5 fluids insertions. If the printer has
reported one of the following codes, it can indicate that a non-OEM cartridge or incorrectly programmed cartridge
was inserted.

• For ink, if printer reports a code of 1, 2 or 6, verify whether the customer is using Videojet fluids. If not,
the new software has detected a pirate fluid cartridge.
• For makeup, if the printer reports a code of 9 or 10, verify whether the customer is using Videojet fluids.
If not, the new software has detected a pirate fluid cartridge.

Note, for Ink cartridge, code 1 and makeup, code 9, could also indicate an incorrectly programmed cartridge from
Videojet .

If a customer is using non-Videojet Fluids, use this link to report that to Videojet Report Piracy/Infringement

Non-AP Software Versions

No Future Support

Note that the Non-AP software versions described here will not be maintained going forward. They will be the last
software versions customers can install that will not apply the AP checks.

Since software releases 489, 491, 492, and r09SP02 contain an important safety fix (see Mandatory Software
Upgrade (Makeup Cartridge Swelling)), there may be instances in which a customer needs the safety fix but has
only non OEM supplies on hand. To allow a customer to receive the benefit of this safety feature upgrade without
this Non-AP feature upgrade, there is a for each software version an alternative release that includes the the
safety upgrade, but not the AP feature. However, any subsequent software improvements will not be compatible
on earlier software versions and will require this full upgrade to be installed. The Non-AP software versions are as

• 15 Series Willett/Excel v496

• 16 Series Willett/Excel v497
• 1610 DH Willett/Excel v495
• 50/60 Series r09SP02 with v498

Contact Videojet CIJ Technical Support at to request the Non-AP software

No SAR or Escalation Version Support

No SAR or TS software will be created on this non-AP software

Internal The non AP software versions are found in the VTI Tech Support SharePoint Online site. Use these versions only
Comments when the primary version is not feasible. We should be encouraging customers to stay up to date on the software
and to use only compatible OEM fluids.

Share the file using the People you Specify option and email directly to the CSE requesting the version via
• Microsoft Teams link:

• SharePoint Link:

Video and

Disclaimer The contents of this email and any attachments are provided as a convenience to Videojet customers to highlight useful information and troubleshooting tips. When working with a product, always consult
the product user manual and follow the product safety precautions and recommendations, including using Personal Protective Equipment when necessary. If you have any questions or are not experienced
in using or servicing Videojet equipment, contact Videojet for assistance.

Title Software Change for Non-OEM Cartridge Detection

URL Name Software-Change-for-Non-AP-Cartridge-Detection

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