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Jurnal of LINEARS, Month, Year Vol.00, Issue. 00, pp.

Jurnal LINEARS, Bulan, Tahun, Vol.00 (No.00), hal. 00-00
ISSN: 2614-3976 (Online), Indonesia

Title, Times/Times New Roman Character 14 with Bold, Capital for

Initial Letters, Aligned Text to Both the Left and the Right, 50-100
Characters Long

* Author Name 1, Author Name 2, Author Name 3 (all the writers’ full names, no abbreviation)
Department, Faculty, University, Country; 2,3 Company, Country (address not allowed)
Email Address: (Correspondence)
* Corresponding Author, Received: 00 Sept. 2019, Revised: 00 Sept. 2018, Accepted: 00 Sept. 2019

ABSTRACT: This Journal of LINEARS is a manuscript application system of peer review. Please read
all the information given in this template in detail before starting to type. Please use Times/Times New
Roman 10 for Abstract and font 11 for Body Text.The title must be between 50 and 100 characters. The
abstract must be contented as well as Problem Statement", Approach, Result and Conclusion.The abstract
length must be between 100 and 300 words. Write in an aligned text with margin 30 mm from the left and
the right. Please use this document as a template. The number of pages is from 6 to 12 pages. Attach DOC
and PDF formats during the application. Please recheck that font 11 is used for all the Body Texts.Visit
the website for update and follow the recommended procedures

Keywords: Consists of five keywords (the first character is written with a capital letter, split by a coma (,)
and italic for Indonesian abstract and keywords.

The paper size is 210mm × 297 mm or
A4. Please save it in MS Word directory Sub Title (The Third Title Level)
template. Use Times/Times New Roman 11 The third title level must use font 11,
for the whole body text. One space is a must. italic, bold, and every first word on a new
Try to avoid using Underline or Bold in the sentence should be initially capitalized.
text. Whether one line before the title remains
The text is made in two columns, and empty is possible, but one line after the title
the range between the columns is 10 mm. must not be empty. Giving another title
The left and the right margins are 20 mm, below the title must be avoided.
the upper is 30 mm, and the bottom is 25
mm. Indentation of the first line for every TABLE, FIGURE, AND EQUATION
paragraph is 5 mm. All the texts must be Figure and Table must use the same
aligned to both the left and the right. size as the column width as shown in the
Footnote and Bottom Line are not allowed. example of Table 1 and Figure 1, or all the
widths are more than two columns. Giving
CHAPTER TITLE (THE FIRST LEVEL texts next to Table or Figure is not allowed.
TITLE) The texts should be written at the end.
Use at most three title levels, chapter,
part, and sub part. The first level title for Table
chapter title uses font 11, bold, regular, and Table number must be put above the
capital. Let one line empty before the first table, the range is 12.5 mm, and the table is
title level. aligned to both the right and the left. The
table title uses Times/ Times New Roman
Sub Title (The Second Title Level) 11, bold, and every first word on a new
The second title level must use font 11, sentence should be initially capitalized. The
bold, and every first word on a new sentence table information is written below the table
should be initially capitalized. Whether one and is recommended to use smaller fonts
line before the title remains empty or not is than font 11. The table number is written in
possible, but one line after the title must not a range, and the position is close to the first
be empty referenced place. One line among the table,

Jurnal LINEARS, Bulan, Tahun, Vol.00 (No.00), hal. 00-00

label, and text should be empty. The table

must be automatically suitable with one
column, or all the widths are more than two
columns, and line or vertical limit is not

Table 1. Sound Speed on the Air

Temperature (°C) Sound Speed (m/s)

0 331,3

15 340

20 255
Figure 1 Temperature Graphic
21 275

22 275 Copyright Form

The copyright form signed by all the
23 276 writers is required for the Journal of
LINEARS. It should be submitted together
24 278 with the manuscript application. The
copyright form can be downloaded on the
24 279 Website of LINEARS.

25 273 Mathematics Equation

The equation and symbol must be typed
in the equation editor. Write in an aligned
26 347
left margin and give sequential numbers
inside the brackets. The numbers are
(Source: smaller fonts than font 11 are
positioned at the end of the right margin
acceptable; Every first word on a new sentence
should be initially capitalized, Year, Page) from the column.

Figure S=v x t
The figure number and label must be
positioned one line below the figure with See “eq. (1)” not "equation (1), "but at
12.5 mm and be aligned to the left and the the beginning of a sentence like: "Equation
right. The figure number should be in a (1) is .... "
range based on the range of figure The equation number is attached inside
references. The figure position is close to the the brackets and is positioned on an aligned
figure information. Please do not compress right margin from the column. The symbol
the figure (300 dpi resolution, or more is and notation should be defined when they
preferred). The figure number should be appear at the first time. Let one line empty
clear, and a text should be attached inside before and after the equation. The equation
the figure correctly. Do not copy and stick should be positioned in one column or in the
other texts. Make sure that the figure is whole paper width.
beautiful and readable after printing. Do not
use outer limit. The figure should be fully Proofread
positioned in one column or in the whole The Journal of LINEARS receives
paper width / two columns. either Indonesian manuscript or English one.
It is for English manuscript. If your first
language is not English, ask your English
colleagues to translate your paper.

Jurnal LINEARS, Bulan, Tahun, Vol.00 (No.00), hal. 00-00

yet been decided to publish is quoted ‘In

Colored Figure and Photo process”.
You can use colored figure and photo in Writing a bibliography "Reference" is
your manuscript. The colored object will arranged according to the quotation order.
exist in the form of online journal. However, The serial numbers that is put inside the
please make sure that the text and your square brackets [1] use tabulation (hanging)
colored figure are readable when printed in 5mm. Use Times/Times New Roman 10 as
monochrome (black and white). shown below.


The quotation is written in order inside The conclusion is to answer the
the square brackets [1]. The sentence content question of the research. It is written in an
in a paragraph follows the brackets [2]. essay form, not a numerical one. In a
Various references [3,4] and various conclusion, there are no table and figure. In
quotations are numbered in brackets at the this part, the weakness of the research can be
same time [5-9]. When quoting a book, stated, but suggestion can be proposed to
please include the relevant pages. In a continue the same research.
sentence, it refers only to the reference
number, like a quote from the website as in ACKNOWLEDGMENT
[10]. Do not use "Ref. [10] "or" reference The acknowledgment is intended to an
[10] "except at the beginning of a sentence:" individual or an official institution that has
Maulana [10] shows .... " given a contribution to the research. Make
Try to avoid using footnote. Use space sure that the name and the institution
after a writer’s initial. The paper that has mentioned in the acknowledgment have
been sent for a publication or that has not confirmed their names or agreed that their
been received or that has not been published names are mentioned in the
is not necessary to quote. The paper that has acknowledgment. The writer has to be free
been received for a publication but has not from a conflict of interest that may affect the
result of the research or that may interpret
the paper.

[1] Latif S, Hamzah B, Rahim R, et al. (2019) Computational Study of the Heat Ventilation on The
Attics of Buginese Houses. 1st International Conference on Science and Technology; 2-3 May
2019; Makassar, Indonesia. pp. 8-13.
[2] Idrus I (2018) Evaluasi Kondisi Pencahayaan Integrasi Manual Pada Ruang Kantor Menara
Balaikota Makassar. LINEARS: Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur Vol. 1, Issue. 1: pp. 1-11.
[3] Amalia AA, Amal CA (2018) Teritorialitas Ruang Pada Permukiman Kampung Melayu Kota
Makassar. LINEARS: Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur Vol. 1, Issue. 1: pp. 28-34.
[4] Dollah AS, Rasmawarni R (2018) Analisis Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Dari Aspek
Keterlaksanaan Fungsi Sosial Di Kota Makassar. LINEARS: Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur Vol. 1, Issue.
2: pp. 62-71.
[5] Paddiyatu N (2018) Analisis Tingkat Kerusakan Wilayah Pesisir Di Kabupaten Mamuju Tengah.
LINEARS: Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur Vol. 1, Issue. 2: pp. 91-102.
[6] Amal CA, Azsahrah AF (2018) Koeksistensi Antara Arsitektur Bugis Makassar Dengan Arsitektur
Moderen Pada Bangunan Kantor Pemerintahan Di Kota Makassar. LINEARS: Jurnal Teknik
Arsitektur Vol. 1, Issue. 1: pp. 20-27.
[7] Busato L (2003) Passive cooling and energy efficient strategies for the design of a hotel on the
Southern coast of Pernambuco, Brazil.
[8] Kurowski PM (2016) Thermal Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2016 and Flow
Simulation 2016: SDC Publications. ISBN: 978-1-63057-011-8.
[9] Latif S, Hamzah B, Ihsan (2016) Pengaliran udara untuk kenyamanan termal ruang kelas dengan
metode simulasi computational fluid dynamics (Airflow for the thermal comfort of classrooms with
the CFD). Sinektika Vol. 14, Issue. 2: pp. 209-216.
[10] Maulana A (2016) Fungsi Tanah Mediteran Bagi Kehidupan. http://www.majalahbatu.
com/2016/11/fungsi-tanah-mediteran-bagi-kehidupan.html, Access 8 November 2016.

Jurnal LINEARS, Bulan, Tahun, Vol.00 (No.00), hal. 00-00

© 2019 the Author(s), licensee Jurnal LINEARS. This is an open access

article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution

ATTENTION: the last page, both columns must be the same height – empty space is not allowed

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