Elementary Statistics 6th Edition Allan Bluman Solutions Manual

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Elementary Statistics 6th Edition Allan

Bluman Solutions Manual

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Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

Note: Graphs are not to scale and are 7.

intended to convey a general idea. Answers Type I is represented by !, type II is
may vary due to rounding. represented by " .


When the difference between the sample
1. mean and the hypothesized mean is large,
The null hypothesis is a statistical hypothesis then the difference is said to be significant
that states there is no difference between a and probably not due to chance.
parameter and a specific value or there is no
difference between two parameters. The 9.
alternative hypothesis specifies a specific A one-tailed test should be used when a
difference between a parameter and a specific direction, such as greater than or
specific value, or that there is a difference less than, is being hypothesized, whereas
between two parameters. Examples will when no direction is specified, a two-tailed
vary. test should be used.

2. 10.
Type I error occurs by rejecting the null The steps in hypothesis testing are:
hypothesis when it is true. Type II error 1. State the hypotheses.
occurs when the null hypothesis is not 2. Find the critical value(s).
rejected and it is false. They are related in 3. Compute the test statistic value.
that decreasing the probability of one type of 4. Make the decision.
error increases the probability of the other 5. Summarize the results.
type of error.
3. Hypotheses can only be proved true when
A statistical test uses the data obtained from the entire population is used to compute the
a sample to make a decision as to whether or test statistic. In most cases, this is
not the null hypothesis should be rejected. impossible.

4. 12.
A one-tailed test indicates the null a. „ 1.96
hypothesis should be rejected when the test
statistic value is in the critical region on one
side of the mean. A two-tailed test indicates
the null hypothesis should be rejected when
the test statistic value is in either critical
region on both sides of the mean.

 1.96 0  1.96
The critical region is the region of values of
the test-statistic that indicates a significant
b.  2.33
difference and the null hypothesis should be
rejected. The non-critical region is the
region of values of the test-statistic that
indicates the difference was probably due to
chance, and the null hypothesis should not
be rejected.

"H! " represents the null hypothesis. "H" "  2.33 0
represents the alternative hypothesis.

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

12. continued 12. continued

c.  2.58 h. „ 2.58

0  2.58  2.58 0  2.58

d.  2.33 i.  1.75

0  2.33  1.75 0

e.  1.65 j.  2.05

 1.65 0 0  2.05

f.  2.05 13.
a. H! : . œ 24.6
H" : . Á 24.6

b. H! : . œ $51,497
H" : . Á $51,497

c. H! : . Ÿ 25.4
H" : .  25.4
 2.05 0
d. H! : . 88
g.  1.65
H" : .  88

e. H! : . 70
H" : .  70

f. H! : . œ $79.95
H" : . Á $79.95

0  1.65 g. H! : . œ 8.2
H" : . Á 8.2

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

EXERCISE SET 8-3 3. continued

H! : . œ $69.21 (claim)
H" : . Á $69.21

C. V. œ „ 1.96
z œ X5 . œ $68.433.72
œ  1.15 0 1.65 Å
Èn È30

Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough

evidence to support the claim that the
average revenue exceeds $24 billion.

 1.96 Å 0  1.96 H! : . Ÿ $12,837
 1.15 H" : .  $12,837 (claim)

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is C. V. œ 1.65

not enough evidence to reject the claim that
z œ X5 . œ 14,4451500
œ 7.11
the average cost of a hotel stay in Atlanta is Èn È44


H! : . $3262
H1 : .  $3262 (claim)

C. V. œ  1.65
0 1.65 Å
z œ X5 . œ 29951100
œ  1.72 7.11
Èn È50

Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough

evidence to support the claim that the
average salary is more than $12,837.

H! : . 14
Å  1.65 0 H" : .  14 (claim)
 1.72
C. V. œ  2.33
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough z œ Xs . œ 11.82.714 œ  4.89
evidence to support the claim that the Èn È36

average debt is less than $3262.

H! : . Ÿ $24 billion
H1: .  $24 billion (claim)

C. V. œ  1.65 X œ $31.5 s œ $28.7

Å  2.33 0
z œ X5 . œ 31.528.724 œ 1.85  4.89
Èn È50

Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough

evidence to support the claim that the
average age of the planes in the executive's
airline is less than the national average.

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

6. 8. continued
H! : . Ÿ 3000 z œ Xs . œ $96,321$9555
œ 4.94
Èn È100
H" : .  3000 (claim)

C. V. œ 1.65
z œ X5 . œ 3120578
œ 1.61
Èn È60

0 1.65 Å

Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough

evidence to support the claim that the
0 Å 1.65 average income is greater than $91,600.
Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is H! : . Ÿ $19,410
not enough evidence to support the claim H" : .  $19,410 (claim)
that the average production has increased.
C. V. œ 2.33
7. z œ X5 . œ $22,0986050
œ 2.81
Èn È40
H! : . œ 29
H" : . Á 29 (claim)

C. V. œ „ 1.96 X œ 29.45 s œ 2.61

z œ X5 . œ 29.45 29
2.61 œ 0.944
Èn È30

0 2.33 Å

Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough

evidence to support the claim that the
average tuition cost has increased.
1.96 0 Å 1.96
H! : . œ $60,000 (claim)
H" : . Á $60,000
Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
enough evidence to reject the claim that the
C. V. œ „ 1.96 X œ $82,496
average height differs from 29 inches.
s œ $76,025
8. z œ X5 . œ 8249676,025
œ 1.78
Èn È36
H! : . Ÿ $91,600
H" : .  $91,600 (claim)

C. V. œ 1.65

 1.96 0 Å 1.96

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

10. continued 13. continued

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
not enough evidence to reject the claim that
the average price of a home is $60,000.

H! : . œ 125
H" : . Á 125 (claim)
 2.33 Å 0 2.33
 2.28
C. V. œ „ 2.58
z œ X5 . œ 110
œ  2.96 Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
Èn È35
not enough evidence to support the claim
that the amount spent at a local mall is not
equal to the national average of $24.44.

The P value is the actual probability of
getting the sample mean if the null
 2.58 0 2.58 hypothesis is true.
Å  2.96
Reject the null hypothesis. There is a a. Do not reject.
significant difference in the average number b. Reject.
of guests. c. Do not reject.
d. Reject
12. e. Reject
H! : . œ $39,385
H" : . Á $39,385 (claim) 16.
H0 : . œ 52 (claim)
C. V. œ „ 1.96 H1 : . Á 52
z œ X5 . œ $41,6805975
œ 2.72 z œ Xs . œ 56.33.552 œ 8.69
Èn È50
Èn È50

The area corresponding to z œ 8.69 is

 0.4999. Then P-value  0.01. Hence,
the null hypothesis should be rejected.
There is enough evidence to reject the claim
that the mean is 52. The researcher's claim
 1.96 0 1.96 Å is not valid.
Reject the null hypothesis. There is a H! : . 264
significant difference in the salaries. H" : .  264 (claim)
z œ X5 . œ 262.33264 œ  2.53
Èn È20
H0 : . œ $24.44
The area corresponding to z œ 2.53 is
H" : . Á $24.44 (claim)
0.4943. The P-value is 0.5  0.4943 œ
0.0057. The decision is to reject the null
C. V. œ „ 2.33
hypothesis since 0.0057  0.01. There is
z œ Xs . œ 22.973.70
œ  2.28 enough evidence to support the claim that
Èn È33
the average stopping distance is less than
264 feet.

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

18. 21. continued

H! : . 40 The decision is to reject the null hypothesis
H" : .  40 (claim) since P-value  0.05. There is enough
X œ 29.3 s œ 30.9 evidence to support the claim that the mean
z œ X5 . œ 29.330.940 œ  2.45 is less than 47.1 acres.
Èn È50

The area corresponding to z œ 2.45 is H! : . œ 65 (claim)
0.4929. The P-value is 0.5  0.4929 œ H" : . Á 65
0.0071. The decision is reject the null
z œ X5 . œ 63.2765 œ  1.21
hypothesis since 0.0071  0.01. There is Èn È22

enough evidence to support the claim that

the average number of copies is less than 40. The area corresponding to z œ  1.21 is
0.3869. The P-value is 2(0.5  0.3869) œ
19. 2(0.1131) œ 0.2262. The decision is do not
H! : . 546 reject the null hypothesis since
H" : .  546 (claim) 0.2262  0.10. Hence, there is not enough
z œ X5 . œ 544.83546 œ  2.4 evidence to reject the claim that the average
Èn È36
is 65 acres.

The area corresponding to z œ  2.4 is 23.

0.4918. The P-value is 0.5  0.4918 œ H! : . œ 30,000 (claim)
0.0082. The decision is to reject the null H" : . Á 30,000
hypothesis since 0.0082  0.01. There is
z œ Xs . œ 30,4561684
œ 1.71
enough evidence to support the claim that Èn È40

the number of calories burned is less than

546. The area corresponding to z œ 1.71 is
0.4564. The P-value is 2(0.5  0.4564) œ
20. 2(0.0436) œ 0.0872. The decision is to
H! : . œ 800 (claim) reject the null hypothesis at ! œ 0.10 since
H" : . Á 800 0.0872  0.10. The conclusion is that there
z œ X5 . œ 793
œ  2.61 is enough evidence to reject the claim that
Èn È200
customers are adhering to the
recommendation. A 0.10 significance level
The area corresponding to z œ 2.61 is is probably appropriate since there is little
0.4955. The P-value is found by subtracting consequence of a Type I error. The dealer
the area from 0.5 then multiplying by 2 since would be advised to increase efforts to make
this is a two-tailed test. Hence, its customers aware of the service
2(0.5  0.4955) œ 2(0.0045) œ 0.0090. recommendation.
The decision is to reject the null hypothesis
since 0.009  0.01. There is enough 24.
evidence to reject the null hypothesis that the H0 : . œ 60 (claim)
breaking strength is 800 pounds. H1 : . Á 60

21. X œ 59.93 s œ 13.42

H! : . 47.1
z œ Xs . œ 59.9360
13.42œ  0.03
H" : .  47.1 (claim) Èn È30

z œ X5 . œ 43.28.6
œ  3.21
Èn È50
The area corresponding to 0.03 is 0.0120.
The P-value is 2(0.5  0.0120) œ 0.976.
The area corresponding to z œ 3.21 is Since 0.976 > 0.05, the decision is do not
 0.4999. To get the P-value, subtract reject the null hypothesis. There is not
0.4999 from 0.5 and then multiply by 2 since enough evidence to reject the claim that the
this is a two-tailed test. average number of speeding tickets is 60.
2(0.5  0.4999) œ 2(0.0001) œ 0.0002. thus
the P-value is less than 0.0002.

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing


H0 : . 10
H" : .  10 (claim) 1.
It is bell-shaped, symmetric about the mean,
X œ 5.025 s œ 3.63 and it never touches the x axis. The mean,
z œ Xs . œ 5.02510
3.63 œ  8.67 median, and mode are all equal to 0 and they
Èn È40
are located at the center of the distribution.
The t distribution differs from the standard
The area corresponding to 8.67 is greater normal distribution in that it is a family of
than 0.4999. The P-value is curves, the variance is greater than one, and
0.5  0.4999  0.0001. Since 0.0001 < as the degrees of freedom increase the t
0.05, the decision is to reject the null distribution approaches the standard normal
hypothesis. There is enough evidence to distribution.
support the claim that the average number of
days missed per year is less than 10. 2.
The degrees of freedom are the number of
26. values that are free to vary after a sample
Reject the claim at ! œ 0.05 but not at statistic has been computed. They tell the
! œ 0.01. There is no contradiction since researcher which specific curve to use when
the value of ! should be chosen before the a distribution consists of a family of curves.
test is conducted.
27. a. d. f. œ 9 C. V. œ  1.833
The mean and standard deviation are found b. d. f. œ 17 C. V. œ „ 1.740
as follows: c. d. f. œ 5 C. V. œ  3.365
d. d. f. œ 8 C. V. œ  2.306
f Xm f † Xm f † X#m e. d. f. œ 14 C. V. œ „ 2.145
8.35 - 8.43 2 8.39 16.78 140.7842 f. d. f. œ 22 C. V. œ  2.819
8.44 - 8.52 6 8.48 50.88 431.4624 g. d. f. œ 27 C. V. œ „ 2.771
8.53 - 8.61 12 8.57 102.84 881.3388 h. d. f. œ 16 C. V. œ „ 2.583
8.62 - 8.70 18 8.66 155.88 1349.9208
8.71 - 8.79 10 8.75 87.5 765.625 4.
8.80 - 8.88 2 8.84 17.68 156.2912 a. 0.01 < P-value < 0.025 (0.018)
50 431.56 3725.4224 b. 0.05 < P-value < 0.10 (0.062)
c. 0.10 < P-value < 0.25 (0.123)
!f†Xm 431.56 d. 0.10 < P-value < 0.20 (0.138)
Xœ n
œ 50
œ 8.63
e. P-value < 0.005 (0.003)
!( f†Xm ) f. 0.10 < P-value < 0.25 (0.158)
É !f†X#m  n œÉ
# #
3725.4224 (431.56)
sœ n1 49
g. P-value œ 0.05 (0.05)
h. P-value > 0.25 (0.261)
œ 0.105
H0 : . œ 8.65 (claim) H0 : . 11.52
H1 : . Á 8.65 H" : .  11.52 (claim)

C. V. œ „ 1.96 C. V. œ  1.833 d. f. œ 9
z œ Xs . œ 8.630.105
œ  1.35
Èn È50 X. 7.4211.52
tœ s œ 1.3 œ  9.97
Èn È10

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is

not enough evidence to reject the claim that
the average hourly wage of the employees is

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

5. continued 8.
H0 : . 25.4
H1 : .  25.4 (claim)

C. V. œ  1.318 d. f. œ 24
t œ Xs . œ 22.15.3
œ  3.11
Èn È25

Å  1.833 0
 9.97

Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough

evidence to support the claim that the
rainfall is below average.
Å  1.318 0
6.  3.11
H! : . 2000
H" : .  2000 (claim) Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
evidence to support the claim that the
C. V. œ  3.747 d. f. œ 4 commute time is less than 25.4 minutes.
X œ 1885.8 s œ 2456.3
t œ Xs . œ 1885.8 2000
2456.3 œ  0.104
Èn È5 H0 : . 700 (claim)
H" : .  700
X œ 606.5 s œ 109.1

C. V. œ  2.262 d. f. œ 9
t œ Xs . œ 606.5700
109.1 œ  2.71
Èn È10

 3.747 Å0
 0.104

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is

not enough evidence to support the claim
that the average acreage is less than 2000.
Å  2.262 0
7.  2.71
H0 : . œ $40,000
H1 : . Á $40,000 (claim) Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
evidence to reject the claim that the average
C. V. œ „ 2.093 d. f. œ 19 height of the buildings is at least 700 feet.
t œ Xs . œ 43,2284000
œ 3.61
Èn È20 10.
H! : . œ $17.63 (claim)
H" : . Á $17.63

C. V. œ „ 2.145 d. f. œ 14
t œ Xs . œ 18.723.64
œ 1.16
Èn È15

 2.093 0 2.093 Å

Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough

evidence to support the claim that the
average salary is not $40,000.

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

10. continued 13.

H! : . Ÿ $54.8
H1 : .  $54.8 (claim)

C. V. œ 1.761 d. f. œ 14
t œ Xs . œ $62.3$9.5
œ 3.06
Èn È15

 2.145 0 Å 2.145

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is

not enough evidence to reject the claim that
there is no difference in the rates.
0 1.761 Å
11. 3.06
H! : . Ÿ $13,252
H" : .  $13,252 (claim) Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
evidence to support the claim that the cost to
C. V. œ 2.539 d. f. œ 19 produce an action movie is more than $54.8
X. $15,560$13,252 million.
tœ s œ $3500 œ 2.95
Èn È19

H! : . Ÿ 110
H" : .  110 (claim)

X œ 137.33 s œ 24.1178
C. V. œ 2.624 d. f. œ 14
X. 137.3110
0 2.539 Å t œ s œ 24.1178 œ 4.38
Èn È15

Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough

evidence to support the claim that the
average tuition cost has increased.

H! : . œ $91,600 0 2.624 Å
H" : . Á $91,600 (claim) 4.38

C. V. œ „ 1.703 d. f. œ 27 Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough

t œ Xs . œ $88,500$91,600
œ  1.64 evidence to support the claim that the
Èn È28 average calorie content is greater than 110.

H! : . œ 132 min. (claim)
H" : . Á 132 min.

C. V. œ „ 2.365 d. f. œ 7
 1.703 Å 0 1.703 t œ Xs . œ 125
œ  1.80
Èn È8
 1.64
Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is enough evidence to support the claim that
not enough evidence to support the claim the average show time is 132 minutes, or 2
that the average income differs from hours and 12 minutes.

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

16. 19. continued

H0 : . œ 123
H" : . Á 123 (claim)
d. f. œ 15
P-value < 0.01 (0.0086)
t œ Xs . œ 1195.3
œ  3.02
Èn È16

Since P-value < 0.05, reject the null  2.201 Å 0 2.201

hypothesis. There is enough evidence to  1.10
support the claim that the mean is not 123
gallons. Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
not enough evidence to say that the average
17. stipend differs from $15,000.
H! : . œ 5.8
H" : . Á 5.8 (claim) 20.
X œ 3.85 s œ 2.52 H0 : . œ 3.18
d. f. œ 19 ! œ 0.05 H" : . Á 3.18 (claim)
P-value < 0.01 (0.0026)
t œ Xs . œ 3.852.52
œ  3.46 X œ 3.833 s œ 1.434563
Èn È20 d. f. œ 23 C. V. œ „ 2.069

Since P-value < 0.01, reject the null tœ X.

s œ 3.8333.18
1.434563 œ 2.23
Èn È24
hypothesis. There is enough evidence to
support the claim that the mean is not 5.8.

H0 : . œ 9.2 (claim)
H" : . Á 9.2
X œ 8.25 s œ 5.06
d. f. œ 7  2.069 0 2.069 Å
P-value > 0.50 (0.6121) 2.23
t œ Xs . œ 8.255.06
œ  0.531
Èn È8
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
Since P-value > 0.50, do not reject the null evidence to support the claim that the
hypothesis. There is enough evidence to average family size differs from the national
support the claim that the mean number of average.
jobs is 9.2. One reason why a person may
not give the exact number of jobs is that he EXERCISE SET 8-5
or she may have forgotten about a particular
job. 1.
Answers will vary.
H0 : . œ $15,000 2.
H" : . Á $15,000 (claim) The proportion of A items can be considered
a success whereas the proportion of items
X œ $14,347.17 s œ $2048.54 that are not included in A can be considered
d. f. œ 11 C. V. œ „ 2.201 a failure.

X. $14,347.17$15,000 3.
tœ s œ œ  1.10
È12 np 5 and nq 5

. œ np 5 œ Ènpq

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

5. 7. continued
H! : p œ 0.647 Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
H" : p Á 0.647 (claim) not enough evidence to conclude that the
proportion differs from 40%.
p œ 150
s œ 0.613 p œ 0.647 q œ 0.353
C. V. œ „ 2.58 8.
H! : p Ÿ 0.279
zœ p p
œ 0.6130.647
œ  0.86 H" : p  0.279 (claim)
É pq
n É (0.647)(0.353)
p œ 120
s œ 0.375 p œ 0.279 q œ 0.721
C. V. œ 1.65
p p
z œ s œ 0.375 0.279
œ 2.35
n É(0.279)(0.721)

 2.58 Å 0 2.58
 0.86

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is

not enough evidence to support the claim 0 1.65 Å
that the proportion of homeowners is 2.35
different from 64.7%.
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
6. evidence to conclude that the proportion of
H0 : p œ 0.488 female physicians at the university health
H" : p Á 0.488 (claim) system is higher than 27.9%.


s 250
œ 0.568 p œ 0.488 q œ 0.512 9.
H! : p œ 0.63 (claim)
zœ p p
œ 0.5680.488
œ 2.53 H" : p Á 0.63
É pq
n É (0.488)(0.512)
p œ 143
s œ 0.5944 p œ 0.63 q œ 0.37
Since the p-value œ 0.0114, it can be C. V. œ „ 1.96
concluded that the null hypothesis would be p p
z œ s œ 0.5944 0.63
œ  0.88
rejected for any ! Ÿ 0.0114. Épq
n É

H! : p œ 0.40
H" : p Á 0.40 (claim)
p œ 180
s œ 0.361 p œ 0.40 q œ 0.60
C. V. œ „ 2.58  1.96 Å 0 1.96
p p
z œ s œ 0.361 0.40
œ  1.07  0.88

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is

not enough evidence to reject the claim that
the percentage is the same.

H! : p œ 0.17 (claim)
 2.58 Å 0 2.58 H" : p Á 0.17
 1.07
p œ 22
s 90 œ 0.2444
p œ 0.17 q œ 0.83
C. V. œ „ 1.96

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

10. continued 13.

p p
z œ s œ 0.2444 0.17
œ 1.88 H! : p œ 0.54 (claim)
n 90 H" : p Á 0.54


s 60
œ 0.6 p œ 0.54 q œ 0.46
p p
s 0.54
zœ œ 0.6(0.54)(0.46) œ 0.93
É pq
n É 60

Area œ 0.3238
P-value œ 2(0.5  0.3238) œ 0.3524
 1.96 0 Å 1.96 Since P-value > 0.01, do not reject the null
1.88 hypothesis. There is enough evidence to
support the claim that 54% of kids had a
Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is snack after school. Yes, a healthy snack
not enough evidence to reject the claim that should be made available for children to eat
the percentage is the same. after school.

11. 14.
H0 : p œ 0.54 H! : p œ 0.517 (claim)
H" : p Á 0.54 (claim) H" : p Á 0.517
p œ 14
s pœ
s œ 0.575 p œ 0.517 q œ 0.483
30 œ 0.4667
p œ 0.54 q œ 0.46 200
p p
s 0.517
C. V. œ „ 1.96 zœ œ 0.575 œ 1.64
É pq
n É (0.517)(0.483)
p p
z œ s œ 0.4667 0.54
œ  0.81 Area œ 0.4495
É pq
n É
P-value œ 2(0.5  0.4495) œ 0.101
Since P-value > 0.05, do not reject the null
hypothesis. There is not enough evidence to
reject the claim that 51.7% of homes in
America were heated by natural gas. The
evidence supports the claim. The conclusion
could be different if the sample is taken in an
 1.96 Å 0 1.96 area where natural gas is not commonly used
 0.81 to heat homes.

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is 15.

not enough evidence to reject the claim that H! : p œ 0.18 (claim)
54% of fatal car/truck accidents are caused H" : p Á 0.18
by driver error.

s 300
œ 0.1667 p œ 0.18 q œ 0.82
12. zœ p p
œ 0.1667 0.18
œ  0.60
H0 : p œ 0.14 (claim) É pq
n É(0.18)(0.82)

H" : p Á 0.14 Area œ 0.2257

P-value œ 2(0.5  0.2257) œ 0.5486

s 100
œ 0.10 p œ 0.14 q œ 0.86 Since P-value > 0.05, do not reject the null
zœ p p
œ 0.10 0.14
œ  1.15 hypothesis. There is not enough evidence to
É pq
n É (0.14)(0.86)
100 reject the claim that 18% of all high school
Area œ 0.3749 students smoke at least a pack of cigarettes a
P-value œ 2(0.5  0.3749) œ 0.2502 day.
Since P-value > 0.10, do not reject the null
hypothesis. There is not enough evidence to 16.
reject the claim that 14% of men use H! : p 0.83
exercise to relieve stress. The results cannot H" : p  0.83 (claim)
be generalized to all adults since only men
were surveyed. p^ œ 40
50 œ 0.8
p œ 0.83 q œ 0.17
C. V. œ  1.75

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

16. continued 18. continued

p p
z œ s 0.83
œ 0.8(0.83)(0.17) œ  0.56 Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
n 50 not enough evidence to support the claim
that the percentage of paid assistantships is
below 60%.

H0 : p 0.576
H1 : p  0.576 (claim)
 1.75 Å 0
 0.56 p^ œ 17
œ 0.472 p œ 0.576 q œ 0.424
C. V. œ  1.65
p p
Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is z œ s œ 0.472 0.576
œ  1.26
É pq
É (0.576)(0.424)
not enough evidence to support the claim n 36

that the percentage is less than 83%.

H! : p œ 0.67
H" : p Á 0.67 (claim)

p^ œ 100
œ 0.82 p œ 0.67 q œ 0.33  1.65 Å 0
C. V. œ „ 1.96  1.26
p p
z œ s œ 0.82 0.67
œ 3.19
É pq
É (0.67)(0.33)
n 100 Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
not enough evidence to support the claim
that the percentage of injuries during
practice is below 57.6%.

H! : p 0.45
 1.96 0 1.96 Å H" : p  0.45 (claim)
p^ œ 150
œ 0.3867 p œ 0.45 q œ 0.55
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough C. V. œ  1.65
p p
evidence to support the claim that the z œ s œ 0.3867 0.45
œ  1.56
É pq
n É (0.45)(0.55)
percentage is not 67%.

H! : p 0.6
H" : p  0.6 (claim)

p^ œ 26
50 œ 0.52 p œ 0.6 q œ 0.4
C. V. œ  1.65  1.65 Å 0
p p
z œ s 0.6
œ 0.52(0.6)(0.4 œ  1.15  1.56
É pq
n É 50

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is

not enough evidence to support the claim
that the proportion is below 45%.

This represents a binomial distribution with
 1.65 Å 0 p œ 0.50 and n œ 9. The P-value is
 1.15 2 † P(X Ÿ 3) œ 2(0.254) œ 0.508.

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

21. continued 1. continued

Since P-value  0.10, the conclusion that c. H! : 5 # œ 225
the coin is not balanced is probably H" : 5 # Á 225
C. V. œ 5.629, 26.119 d. f. œ 14
This represents a binomial distribution with
p œ 0.20 and n œ 15. The P-value is
2 † T Ð\  &) œ 2(0.061) œ 0.122, which is
greater than ! œ 0.10. There is not enough
evidence to conclude that the proportions
have changed.
0 5.629 26.119
H. d. H! : 5 # œ 225
zœ 5 H" : 5 # Á 225
zœ Ènpq C. V. œ 2.167, 14.067 d. f. œ 7

H np
n n
zœ 1 Ènpq

H np
n n

É n#

zœ p p
s 0 2.167 14.067
É pq

e. H! : 5 # Ÿ 225
EXERCISE SET 8-6 H" : 5 #  225

1. C. V. œ 32.000 d. f. œ 16
a. H! : 5 # Ÿ 225
H" : 5 #  225

C. V. œ 27.587 d. f. œ 17

0 32.000

f. H! : 5 # 225
H" : 5 #  225
0 27.587
C. V. œ 8.907 d. f. œ 19
b. H! : 5 # ##&
H" : 5 #  225

C. V. œ 14.042 d. f. œ 22

0 8.907

g. H! : 5 # œ 225
H" : 5 # Á 225
0 14.042
C. V. œ 3.074, 28.299 d. f. œ 12

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

1g. continued 4.
H! : 5 # Ÿ 140
H" : 5 #  140 (claim)

C. V. œ 26.217 ! œ 0.01 d. f. œ 12

(n1)s# (131)(146)
;# œ 5#
œ 140
œ 12.514
0 3.074 28.299

h. H! : 5 # 225
H" : 5 #  225

C. V. œ 15.308 d. f. œ 28
0 Å 26.217

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is

not enough evidence to support the claim
that the variance is greater than 140.
0 15.308 Weather conditions can affect the number of
forest fires.
a. 0.01 < P-value < 0.025 (0.015) 5.
b. 0.005 < P-value < 0.01 (0.006) H! : 5 15
c. 0.01 < P-value < 0.025 (0.012) H" : 5  15 (claim)
d. P-value < 0.005 (0.003)
e. 0.025 < P-value < 0.05 (0.037) C. V. œ 4.575 ! œ 0.05 d. f. œ 14
f. 0.05 < P-value < 0.10 (0.088)
(n1)s# (151)(13.6)#
g. 0.05 < P-value < 0.10 (0.066) ;# œ 5#
œ 15#
œ 9.0425
h. P-value < 0.01 (0.007)

H! : 5 œ 60 (claim)
H" : 5 Á 60

C. V. œ 8.672, 27.587 ! œ 0.10

0 4.575 Å
d. f. œ 17
s œ 64.6
# 1)(64.6)#
;# œ (n51)s
# œ (18(60)# œ 19.707 Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
not enough evidence to support the claim
that the standard deviation is less than 15.

H! : 5 10
H" : 5  10 (claim)
0 8.672 Å 27.587
19.707 C. V. œ 8.672 ! œ 0.05 d. f. œ 17

(n1)s# (181)(72.222)
Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is ;# œ 5#
œ 10
œ 12.278
not enough evidence to reject the claim that
the standard deviation is 60.

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

6. continued 9. continued

0 8.672 Å 0 36.191 Å
12.278 58.55

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
not enough evidence to support the claim evidence to support the claim that the
that the standard deviation of the weights is standard deviation is more than 20 calories.
less than 10 pounds.
7. H! : 5 10
H! : 5 Ÿ 1.2 (claim) H" : 5  10 (claim)
H" : 5  1.2
s œ 5.407
! œ 0.01 d. f. œ 14 C. V. œ 2.204 ! œ 0.10 d. f. œ 6
# 1)(1.8)# # (71)(5.407)#
;# œ (n51)s
# œ (15(1.2)# œ 31.5 ;# œ (n51)s
# œ 20#
œ 1.754
P-value < 0.005 (0.0047)

Since P-value < 0.01, reject the null

hypothesis. There is enough evidence to
reject the claim that the standard deviation is
less than or equal to 1.2 minutes.
0 Å 2.204
8. 1.754
H! : 5 Ÿ 0.03 (claim)
H" : 5  0.03 Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
evidence to support the claim that the
s œ 0.043 standard deviation is less than 10°.
! œ 0.05 d. f. œ 7
# #
;# œ (n51)s
# œ (7(0.043)
œ 14.381 11.
0.025 < P-value < 0.05 (0.045) H! : 5 35
H" : 5  35 (claim)
Since P-value < 0.05, reject the null
hypothesis. There is enough evidence to C. V. œ 3.940 ! œ 0.05 d. f. œ 10
# (111)(32)#
reject the claim that the standard deviation is ;# œ (n51)s
# œ œ 8.3592
less than or equal to 0.03 ounce.

H! : 5 Ÿ 20
H" : 5  20 (claim)

s œ 35.11
C. V. œ 36.191 ! œ 0.01 d. f. œ 19 0 3.940 Å
# #
;# œ (n51)s
# œ (201)(35.11) œ 58.55 8.3592

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is

not enough evidence to support the claim
that the standard deviation is less than 35.

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

12. 14. continued

H! : 5 Ÿ 8 Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
H" : 5  8 (claim) not enough evidence to support the claim
that the standard deviation exceeds 4.
C. V. œ 55.758 ! œ 0.05 d. f. œ 49
# #
;# œ (n51)s
# œ (501)(10.5)
œ 84.41 EXERCISE SET 8-7

H! : . œ 1800 (claim)
H" : . Á 1800

C. V. œ „ 1.96
z œ X5 . œ 1830200
œ 0.47
0 55.758 Å Èn È10


Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough

evidence to support the claim that the
standard deviation is more than 8.

 1.96 0 Å 1.96
H! : 5 Ÿ 25
H" : 5  25 (claim)
The 95% confidence interval of the mean is:
C. V. œ 22.362 ! œ 0.05 d. f. œ 13
# # X  z !2 È5n  .  X  z !2 È5n
;# œ (n51)s
# œ (141)(6.74)
œ 23.622
1830  1.96 ˆ È
1830  1.96 ˆ È
1706.04  .  1953.96

The hypothesized mean is within the

0 22.362 Å interval, thus we can be 95% confident that
23.622 the average sales will be between $1706.94
and $1953.96.
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
evidence to support the claim that the 2.
variance is greater than 25. H! : . œ 42 (claim)
H" : . Á 42
H! : 5 Ÿ 4 C. V. œ „ 1.65
H" : 5  4 (claim) z œ X5 . œ 488 42 œ 2.37
Èn È10

C. V. œ 24.996 ! œ 0.05 d. f. œ 15
# #
;# œ (n51)s
# œ (161)(4.2303)
4# œ 16.777

 1.65 0 1.65 Å

0 Å 24.996

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

2. continued 4. continued
The 90% confidence interval of the mean is: z œ X5 . œ 427 47 œ  2.26
Èn È10

5 5
Xz !
2 Èn .Xz !
2 Èn

8 8
48  1.65 † È10  .  48  1.65 † È10

43.83  .  52.17
Å  1.65 0 1.65
The decision is to reject the null hypothesis
 2.26
at ! œ 0.10 since 2.37  1.65 and the 90%
confidence interval of the mean does not
The 90% confidence interval of the mean is:
contain the hypothesized mean of 42.
There is agreement between the z-test and X  z !2 È5n  .  X  z !2 È5n
the confidence interval. The conclusion then
is that there is enough evidence to support 7 7
42  1.65 † È10  .  42  1.65 † È10
the claim that the mean time has changed.

3. 38.35  .  45.65
H! : . œ 86 (claim)
H" : . Á 86 The decision is to reject the null hypothesis
since  2.26   1.65 and the confidence
C. V. œ „ 2.58 interval does not contain the hypothesized
z œ X5 . œ 846 86 œ  1.29 mean of 47. There is enough evidence to
Èn È15 support the claim that the mean has changed.

H! : . œ 22
H" : . Á 22 (claim)

C. V. œ „ 2.58
 2.58 Å 0 2.58 z œ X5 . œ 20.8422 œ  2.32
Èn È60
 1.29

X  z !2 È5n  .  X  z !2 È5n

6 6
84  2.58 † È15  .  84  1.58 † È15

80.00  .  88.00  2.58 Å 0 2.58

 2.32
The decision is do not reject the null
hypothesis since  1.29   2.58 and the The 99% confidence interval of the mean is:
99% confidence interval contains the
hypothesized mean. There is not enough X  z !2 È5n  .  X  z !2 È5n
evidence to reject the claim that the monthly
maintenance is $86. 4 4
20.8  2.58 † È60  .  20.8  2.58 † È60

H! : . œ 47 19.47  .  22.13
H" : . Á 47 (claim)

C. V. œ „ 1.65

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing


The decision is do not reject the null
hypothesis since  2.32   2.58 and the 1.
99% confidence interval does contain the H! : . œ 98° (claim)
hypothesized mean of 22. The conclusion is H" : . Á 98°
that there is not enough evidence to support
the claim that the average studying time has C. V. œ „ 1.96
changed. z œ Xs . œ 95.87.7198 œ  2.02
Èn È50

H! : . œ 10.8 (claim)
H" : . Á 10.8

C. V. œ „ 2.33
z œ X5 . œ 12.23 10.8 œ 2.80
Èn È36
Å  1.96 0 1.96
 2.02

Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough

evidence to reject the claim that the average
high temperature is 98°.

 2.33 0 2.33 Å 2.
2.80 H! : . œ 500 (claim)
H" : . Á 500
X  z !2 È5n  .  X  z !2 È5n
C. V. œ „ 1.96
12.2  2.33 † 3
 .  12.2  2.33 † 3 z œ Xs . œ 50610.3
œ 3.684
È36 È36 Èn È40

11.035  .  13.365

The decision is to reject the null hypothesis

since 2.80  2.33 and the confidence
interval does not contain the hypothesized
mean 10.8. The conclusion is that there is
 1.96 0 1.96 Å
enough evidence to reject the claim that the
average time a person spends reading a
newspaper is 10.8 minutes.
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
evidence to reject the claim that the average
number of shares traded daily is 500 million.
The power of a statistical test is the
I would disagree with the broker.
probability of rejecting the null hypothesis
when it is false.
H! : . Ÿ $40,000
H" : .  $40,000 (claim)
The power of a test is equal to 1  " where
" is the probability of a type II error.
C. V. œ 1.65
9. z œ X5 . œ $41,000$3000
œ 2.00
Èn È36
The power of a test can be increased by
increasing ! or selecting a larger sample

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

3. continued 5. continued
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
evidence to support the claim that 1995 was
warmer than average.

H! : . 32 (claim)
H" : .  32
0 1.65 Å
d. f. œ 17
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough t œ Xs . œ 31.332
2.8 œ  1.061
Èn È18
evidence to support the claim that the
average salary is more than $40,000. 0.10 < P-value < 0.25
Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
4. not enough evidence to reject the claim that
H! : . Ÿ $150,000 the average age is 32 years.
H" : .  $150,000 (claim)
C. V. œ 1.895 d. f. œ 7 H! : . œ 6
t œ Xs . œ 155,50015,000
œ 1.04 H" : . Á 6 (claim)
Èn È8

C. V. œ „ 2.821 X œ 8.42 s œ 4.17

t œ Xs . œ 8.42 6
4.17 œ 1.835
Èn È10

0 Å 1.895

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is  2.821 0 Å 2.821

not enough evidence to support the claim 1.835
that the average salary is more than
$150,000. Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
not enough evidence to support the claim
5. that the average attendance has changed.
H! : . Ÿ 67
H" : .  67 (claim) 8.
H! : p Ÿ 0.585
C. V. œ 1.383 d. f. œ 9 H" : p  0.585 (claim)
t œ Xs . œ 69.61.1
œ 7.47
Èn È10
C. V. œ 1.65
p œ 1000
s œ 0.622 p œ 0.585 q œ 0.415
p p
s 0.585
z œ pq œ 0.622 œ 2.37
É n É

0 1.383 Å
0 1.65 Å

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

8. continued 11. continued

p p
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough z œ s œ 0.7125 0.65
œ 1.17
evidence to support the claim that the n 80

percentage of women working is more than Area œ 0.3790

58.5%. P-value œ 2(0.5  0.3790) œ 0.242
Since P-value > 0.05, do not reject the null
9. hypothesis. There is not enough evidence to
H! : p Ÿ 0.602 reject the claim that 65% of the teenagers
H" : p  0.602 (claim) own their own radios.

C. V. œ 1.65 12.
p œ 0.65 p œ 0.602 q œ 0.398
s H! : . œ 225 (claim)
p p
z œ s œ 0.65 0.602
œ 1.96 H" : . Á 225
n É
X. 230225
zœ s œ 15 œ 2.36
È50 È50

Area œ 0.4909
P-value œ 2(0.5  0.4909) œ 0.0182
Since 0.0182  0.01 the decision is do not
reject the null hypothesis. The conclusion is
0 1.65 Å that there is not evidence to reject the claim
1.96 that the mean is 225 pounds.

Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough 13.

evidence to support the claim that the H! : . 10
percentage of drug offenders is higher than H" : .  10 (claim)
X. 9.2510
zœ 5 œ 2 œ  2.22
10. Èn È35

H! : p œ 0.41 (claim)
H" : p Á 0.41 Area œ 0.4868
P-value œ 0.5  0.4699 œ 0.0132
C. V. œ „ 2.33 Since 0.0132  0.05, reject the null
p œ 15
s 30 œ 0.5
p œ 0.41 q œ 0.59 hypothesis. The conclusion is that there is
p p
z œ s œ 0.50.41
œ 1.002 enough evidence to support the claim that
É pq
n É
30 the average time is less than 10 minutes.

H! : 5 œ 3.4 (claim)
H" : 5 Á 3.4

C. V. œ 11.689, 38.076 d. f. œ 23
# 1)(4.2)#
 2.33 Å 0 2.33 ;# œ (n51)s
# œ (24(3.4)# œ 35.1
 1.002

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is

not enough evidence to reject the claim that
41% of tennis fans are female.

11.689 Å 38.076
H! : p œ 0.65 (claim)
H" : p Á 0.65

s 80
œ 0.7125 p œ 0.65 q œ 0.35

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

14. continued 17. continued

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
not enough evidence to reject the claim that not enough evidence to reject the claim that
the standard deviation is 3.4 minutes. the standard deviation is 18 minutes.

15. 18.
H! : 5 4.3 (claim) H! : . œ 35 (claim)
H" : 5  4.3 H" : . Á 35

d. f. œ 19 C. V. œ „ 1.65
;# œ (n51)s
# œ (4.3#
œ 6.95 z œ Xs . œ 33.5335 œ  3.00
Èn È36

0.005 < P-value < 0.01 (0.006) The 90% confidence interval of the mean is:
Since P-value < 0.05, reject the null
hypothesis. There is enough evidence to X  z !2 È5n  .  X  z !2 È5n
reject the claim that the standard deviation is
greater than or equal to 4.3 miles per gallon. 3 3
33.5  1.65 † È36  .  33.5  1.65 † È36
H0 : 5 œ $95 (claim) 32.675  .  34.325
H1 : 5 Á $95
The decision is to reject the null hypothesis
s œ 89.3 since  3.00   1.65 and the 90%
C. V. œ 6.408, 33.409 d. f. œ 17 confidence interval does not contain the
# #
;# œ (n51)s
# œ (181)(89.3)
œ 15.0212 hypothesized mean of 35. The conclusion is
that there is enough evidence to reject the
claim that the mean is 35 pounds.

H! : . œ 4
H" : . Á 4 (claim)

6.408 Å 33.409 C. V. œ „ 2.58

15.0212 z œ Xs . œ 4.20.64 œ 1.49
Èn È20

Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is

not enough evidence to reject the claim that The 99% confidence interval of the mean is:
the standard deviation of rental rates is $95.
X  z !2 È5n  .  X  z !2 È5n
H! : 5 œ 18 (claim) 4.2  2.58 † 0.6
 .  4.2  2.58 † 0.6
È20 È20
H" : 5 Á 18
3.85  .  4.55
C. V. œ 11.143 and 0.484 d. f. œ 4
The decision is do not reject the null
# (n1)s# (51)(21)# hypothesis since 1.49  2.58 and the
; œ 5#
œ 18#
œ 5.44
confidence interval does contain the
hypothesized mean of 4. There is not
enough evidence to support the claim that
the growth has changed.


0.484 Å 11.143 1. True

5.44 2. True

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

3. False, the critical value separates the 20. continued

critical region from the noncritical region. H" : .  12.4 (claim)
4. True C. V. œ  1.345
5. False, it can be one-tailed or two-tailed. t œ  2.324
6. b. Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
7. d. evidence to support the claim that the
8. c. average is less than what the company
9. b. claimed.
10. type I
11. " 21. H! : . Ÿ 63.5
12. statistical hypothesis H" : .  63.5 (claim)
13. right t œ 0.47075
14. n  1 P-value > 0.25 (0.322)
Since P-value > 0.05, do not reject the null
15. H! : . œ 28.6 (claim) hypothesis. There is not enough evidence to
H" : . Á 28.6 support the claim that the average is greater
C. V. œ „ 1.96 than 63.5.
z œ 2.14
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough 22. H! : . œ 26 (claim)
evidence to reject the claim that the average H" : . Á 26
age is 28.6. C. V. œ „ 2.492
t œ  1.5
16. H! : . œ $6,500 (claim) Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
H" : . Á $6,500 not enough evidence to reject the claim that
C. V. œ „ 1.96 the average age is 26.
z œ 5.27
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough 23. H! : p œ 0.39 (claim)
evidence to reject the agent's claim. H" : p Á 0.39
C. V. œ „ 1.96
17. H! : . Ÿ 8 z œ  0.62
H" : .  8 (claim) Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
C. V. œ 1.65 not enough evidence to reject the claim that
z œ 6.00 39% took supplements. The study supports
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough the results of the previous study.
evidence to support the claim that the
average number of sticks is greater than 8. 24. H! : p 0.55 (claim)
H" : p  0.55
18. H! : . œ 500 (claim) C. V. œ  1.28
H" : . Á 500 z œ  0.899
C. V. œ „ 3.707 Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
t œ  0.571 not enough evidence to reject the dietitian's
Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is claim.
not enough evidence to reject the claim that
the average is 500. 25. H! : p œ 0.35 (claim)
H" : p Á 0.35
19. H! : . 67 C. V. œ „ 2.33
H" : .  67 (claim) z œ 0.666
t œ  3.1568 Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
P-value < 0.005 (0.003) not enough evidence to reject the claim that
Since P-value < 0.05, reject the null the proportion is 35%.
hypothesis. There is enough evidence to
support the claim that the average height is 26. H! : p œ 0.75 (claim)
less than 67 inches. H" : p Á 0.75
C. V. œ „ 2.58
20. H! : . 12.4 z œ 2.6833

Chapter 8 - Hypothesis Testing

26. continued
Reject the null hypothesis. there is enough
evidence to reject the claim.

27. The area corresponding to z œ 2.14 is

P-value œ 2(0.5  0.4838) œ 0.0324

28. The area corresponding to z œ 5.27 is

greater than 0.4999.
Thus, P-value Ÿ 2(0.5  0.4999) Ÿ 0.0002.
(Note: Calculators give 0.0001)

29. H! : 5 Ÿ 6
H" : 5  6 (claim)
C. V. œ 36.415
;# œ 54
Reject the null hypothesis. There is enough
evidence to support the claim that the
standard deviation is more than 6 pages.

30. H! : 5 œ 8 (claim)
H" : 5 Á 8
C. V. œ 27.991, 79.490
;# œ 33.2
Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
not enough evidence to reject the claim that
5 œ 8.

31. H! : 5 2.3
H" : 5  2.3 (claim)
C. V. œ 10.117
;# œ 13
Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is
not enough evidence to support the claim
that the standard deviation is less than 2.3.

32. H! : 5 œ 9 (claim)
H" : 5 Á 9
;# œ 13.4
P-value > 0.20 (0.290)
Since P-value > 0.05, do not reject the null
hypothesis. There is not enough evidence to
reject the claim that 5 œ 9.

33. 28.9  .  31.2; no

34. $6562.81  .  $6,637.19; no


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