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Andrea Falanga Núñez Terapia Ocupacional


The relationship between nutrition and occupational therapy focuses on the role of nutrition in
people's physical and mental health, and how occupational therapy can intervene to improve
individuals' relationship with food and their environment.

My personal opinion is that this relationship between nutrition and occupational therapy is
fundamental. The way we relate to food significantly impacts our quality of life and overall
well-being. Occupational therapy, by focusing on how activities influence health and well-
being, provides a holistic approach to addressing challenges related to nutrition. It is crucial to
consider both the physical and emotional/social aspects when dealing with any eating-related
issues. Early and personalized intervention, using strategies tailored to each individual, can
make a significant difference in improving the quality of life for people facing difficulties in this


During the first 12 months of life, nutrition plays a crucial role in an infant's growth and
development. For the first six months, exclusive breastfeeding or formula feeding provides the
necessary nutrients for optimal growth. Breast milk or infant formula is the primary source of
nutrition, offering essential vitamins, minerals, and antibodies that support the baby's immune

Around six months of age, complementary foods can be introduced while continuing
breastfeeding or formula feeding. Introducing solid foods should be gradual, starting with
single-ingredient purees of easily digestible foods like rice cereal, pureed vegetables, or fruits.
As the baby grows, a variety of foods can be introduced, gradually transitioning to mashed or
chopped textures and including a diverse range of nutrient-rich foods to ensure balanced

Personal Opinion:

Nutrition during the first year of life lays the foundation for a child's future health and
development. Introducing solid foods is an exciting but crucial phase in an infant's life. As a
caregiver, providing a variety of nutritious foods in a supportive and responsive manner is
essential for a child's healthy growth and exploration of different tastes and textures.

It's crucial to approach feeding with patience and flexibility, respecting the baby's cues and
preferences. Each child may have unique tastes and eating patterns, so creating a positive
feeding environment and introducing diverse, nutrient-rich foods can set the stage for a
lifetime of healthy eating habits. Collaboration with healthcare professionals can provide
guidance and support in navigating the introduction of solid foods, ensuring the child receives
adequate nutrition while promoting a positive relationship with food from an early age.


Andrea Falanga Núñez Terapia Ocupacional

Animal-assisted therapy is a therapeutic modality that utilizes the interaction between humans
and animals to enhance the physical, emotional, and mental health of individuals. There are
different types of interventions within this therapy:

Animal-assisted therapy (AAT): Involves the presence of a trained animal supervised by a

healthcare professional to achieve specific therapeutic goals. It focuses on improving physical,
emotional, or cognitive skills.

Animal-assisted activities (AAA): These activities aim to promote general well-being and quality
of life through more informal and recreational interactions with animals.

-The benefits of this therapy are diverse:

Improvement in fine and gross motor skills.

Stimulus of social and emotional skills.

Reduction of stress and anxiety.

Increase in motivation and self-confidence.

There are associations and organizations that regulate and promote the ethical and effective
use of animal-assisted therapy.

From my perspective, animal-assisted therapy is an extremely effective and valuable

therapeutic tool in the field of healthcare. The interaction with animals can have significant
positive impacts on the physical and emotional health of individuals, promoting an
environment of support, trust, and encouragement to achieve therapeutic goals. Additionally,
the human-animal bond created in these interventions can provide a sense of well-being and
satisfaction that contributes to improving the quality of life for those being treated. It is crucial
to ensure adequate training for the professionals involved and the well-being of both patients
and animals, as well as to uphold ethical standards in the development of these therapeutic


An educational teacher and an occupational therapist have distinct roles and responsibilities,
albeit both contribute significantly to enhancing individuals' lives in different capacities.

An educational teacher primarily focuses on imparting knowledge and facilitating learning

within a classroom setting. They design and deliver educational content, assess students'
progress, and create a conducive learning environment. Educational teachers work on
academic subjects, imparting knowledge, fostering critical thinking, and developing cognitive
skills necessary for students' educational growth.

On the other hand, an occupational therapist (OT) is a healthcare professional who assists
individuals in regaining or enhancing their ability to engage in daily activities or occupations
that are meaningful to them. OTs work with people of various ages and conditions, addressing
physical, cognitive, psychosocial, sensory, and environmental factors that may limit their ability
to participate in everyday activities. They aim to promote independence, improve functional
abilities, and address barriers that hinder participation in activities of daily living.

Personal Opinion:

Both educational teachers and occupational therapists play indispensable roles in society, each
contributing uniquely to the well-being and development of individuals. Both professions are
Andrea Falanga Núñez Terapia Ocupacional

invaluable, addressing different aspects of an individual's development and well-being.

Educational teachers lay the foundation for knowledge acquisition, while occupational
therapists help individuals actualize their potential and participate meaningfully in life. Their
combined efforts contribute significantly to building a more capable, knowledgeable, and
inclusive society.


In this presentation, my colleagues have explained their personal experience in different areas
of occupational therapy. My colleague has been in mental health in the acute unit and my
partner has been in AFA (Alzheimer's disease), they have told us how to deal with each type of
patient and from my point of view it has been a very enriching exposure.


ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent patterns of inattention,

hyperactivity, and impulsivity that significantly interfere with functioning or development.
Symptoms of ADHD can vary between children and adults but generally include:

Inattention: Difficulty sustaining attention, being easily distracted, making careless mistakes,
and struggling to follow instructions or complete tasks.Hyperactivity: Excessive fidgeting,
restlessness, impulsivity, difficulty staying seated, and often feeling the need to move around.

Impulsivity: Acting without thinking, interrupting others, having difficulty waiting for one's
turn, and making impulsive decisions.

The exact causes of ADHD are not entirely understood, but a combination of genetic,
environmental, and neurological factors is believed to contribute to its development. Factors
such as genetics, prenatal exposure to substances, low birth weight, brain injuries, and
environmental toxins might play a role.

Personal Opinion:

ADHD is a complex disorder that can significantly impact an individual's life, affecting various
aspects such as academics, work, relationships, and self-esteem. Understanding and support
are crucial for individuals with ADHD to thrive. Early diagnosis and appropriate interventions,
including behavioral therapies and, in some cases, medication, can greatly improve symptoms
and quality of life.

It's essential to provide a supportive environment that acknowledges the challenges individuals
with ADHD face while also recognizing their strengths. Tailoring interventions to meet the
unique needs of each person with ADHD is crucial. Education and awareness about ADHD can
help reduce stigma and create a more understanding and accommodating society for those
living with this condition.

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