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ee nn Food and Serna ie + talk about food allergies and nutrition ren eee Or eerie Nutrition Level 4 (0-3 servings) a fads cit snert Level 23 servings) pirext, fshdawy ogg! Level? ot trun/3-s vesetables) afcutand vepelabls Level (6-11 servings) 2 golatos, ae cereal, peas Ee read Vocabulary 1 Lookat the food pyramid for a healthy diet. Label sections 14 with the words from column 3 inthe table below. Compare your answers in pars. 2 Lookat the food groups table. Complete the gaps in column 2 with the words in the box. bones bulld digest energy fight rpair_—_ skin [Foot woup | What o they dof your body? Whee can ouTndthem? | catohrns Ty peyeu'2A857 9 poe ca pe, =: a vas They also sheen an hlp | day ess met is ‘av eto) ras Be iets ou YEE your [mines caciamis godt you cma. tesh at ond veges tenis goed oop tons (ene soos) Zeca you" cto. re Terlpte Sony sowend mea Fah day rods pee ee ‘arin Blas ar races your fresh ae wepsiates, dary Donde bones an eth products Language ‘Countable and uncountable nouns ‘Countable nour can be singular oF paial “4 Discul hree Bsc, an 9g. wo Uncourate rcs nly eit a ass! (wae) some wate: 0907 some supe [NB water choose = uncountable abot of wae pace ol cheese» courte We use aot ter courtbi and uncountable nouns otf choose 099s. biscuits ‘In questions anc negates, use many fer couabe, MU or How many 99? Not many naumabie nous How meh wt 3. Complete the table with as many examples as possible om the food pyran Countable nouns ——~=~S~S~S*~SUcumtable noun {an wpe. two apples, pice of cheese some at sore cheese 4 Look a the photos ofthe four women frm diferent parts ofthe world and read the texts. Match the people a-d with thelr diets 1-4 . A 1 fm Gon Msn so dont et some pork des, bu do et IRE Br Aeiaaucten Wehave wondeetessens Morac Woes 2 Ceust/may honey or mead they're ely wet, son ext Cotes ate ota per eing vege an cats 5 2 AsGGjan diabetic dont eat @/many meat an also don't eat ch —> © to Gaty/ mach dairy products What reales hoeoae, but have to be careful, Sometimes I have(aan/some bar of chocolate as special we shee are gee avant gan chocolates, which were delicious. D5. My citren ae quite assy and generally don't cook some food that - they dont ike. We dont eat Can}ssome shelish, but We deat sh “1 had? Gm6.a/an salmon lor lunch today which as really tasty enjoy taking vegetarian ssh alo cook wth (alto ny gains and tla for he protein \> 54 1m! e@Ausralion-born Indian. My husband was born in eon «cooks ational fog, but personally I dont ike too® many (uc) spiey ood. We don’t eat an}/some products made of beet, 2 we NEVE ene naar ota Bt my favors rit eat quite ea ay of especial rope at he papaya and pineapple, which Tove 5 Read the texts in 4 again and underline the best word in each case Writing 6 Write short paragraph to describe your own diet and eating habits. c mn: Tn wy Levxe ue vguaily cols 8 aia food We do a oe det eat f a wide vardety G_ Kenley fords Eee Nutritional status Vocabulary 1 Read about how to calculate BMI or body mass index. Complete the gaps with the words in the box obese overwoight underweight eM Readings = ‘Body ns index or BM ss decide ff dian 1 NSE a perons weight beat ero BMI ra 183 t0 249i the ihe weight ‘oakelatespenonss BMI, weiwe for women the formal: BMI fom 20 «025.0 the ight weight ‘Weigh inl Het 19 metre Ustening 2 BEZEGH You are going to hear Nurse Sam MeCarthy assessing Alain. As you Usten, complete the Nursing Assessinent form. Detects andrequronents ves No YES. a o|—— 3. Undertine the correct information in these statements | Thepatient’s BM indicates hes slightly overweight / sligly underweight 2 The patient wants to gin weigh lose weight. 13 ‘The patient's curent weight normal weight is seventy ve kilos, 44 The patient overeat / doesn? ea enough aay See ‘ap ofepctabe cup pace) two cs frown east, carbonated ce, cofee i} Speaking 4 Workin pairs, Look at Alan's food journal and discuss. 1 What is good and bad aboot Alan's diet? 2 What advice would you give him about his weight? 5 ZED You are going to hear Nurse Sam assessing Alan's food intake Compare her assessment of his diet and er advice wth youre 6 Complete the sentences using the words in the box. Listen again and check Dalanced energy intake lack sipping snack source. Your calorie —_ snot diet You. protein, carbohydrates and tbe, You're brealdast Alter eight to ten hours without food, your body needs Brown bread isa good ____of fibre The only You took yesterday was a piece o fruit 7 ZBI Listen to the fina part and complete the assessment. MrSunderland a____ He could bring to work very low Reading 8 Read Annabelle river’ case history and her fod journal Write six sentences assessing he food Intake. Write about these things, 1 her calorie intake 4 meats that she skips 2 how balanced her diet is 5 fibre 3 snacks 65 what she should eat more of Case History: Ms Annabelle Driver 34, is recovering from varicose veln surgery. The patient is unemployed and a single parent with two teenagers ving n a deprived area. She sullers from asthma and has a MI of 3, Because of her weight, the patent finds it dficul to exercise. Ms Driver has also sullered from mil depression inthe past 11.00 lgemity cofeoand 2-Stiscuts 1320 Moburgers large portion of chips, two bananas, jo ' _packetofmuts, twocokes ee mm 1900 | BOarae oe ie 7a see ea i . Samo leer a0 pein Evening 23.30 cup of teaand 5-6 scutes ‘Speaking 9 Write your own food journal. Prepare to present an assessment of your food. Intakt the class Use the same headings for Annabelle Driver in A Wer calorie mate bS — Wigan and most gle caters come fron“ fA cad Urey 2 We Was ae very WbolaGd diet. sre eats a WAP calor cad at food B.The pateort fle Ssvocks big calonty U she Sarpy breakfast whic of te mos seiper cd Sine. lacs Sffccset fee i ter deel 6. The earet thalld sat Mare fide, vage tates art ercherh Food allergies and intolerances Speaking 1 Which foods are people ot arethe symptoms of erp to? What allergy? Work In palrs ta dues . Reading 2 Match the words with the definitions. Cb! atvene —) Mpoecta the body tm ete c.=32 lamumesysiem 1) sobetcces ta testy dew 272 amit repute ortad ‘p24 antibodies) ean ht you 3 Complete the fet part ofthe patient fet wth words trom above What is a food allergy? you experience an ' QAYETRE _ reaction ro fond, this is semerimes bev ane tad egy ldo wnt SNR Sry tra, ths fond? ake ef When hs eh mare tem {res pci “Gan ERUESSsofelp it protec the by mshi ee She ssn yo x had shed oo wok, Tey lhe ame (cas ela ches led binamie rte body Thee chem cme he lagi smpoms hich on fcr or rapeey sen, grein a. hn or farlorscaer ten: Asrong alli ration cn il you 4 Read the second part ofthe patient leaflet and eheck your answers o 1 ‘Causes and symptoms ‘Any fc ca caus an llepc reaction, However, 905 ofl rection arcase bythe following eight food: sh and shells, peanuts, mil, pgs whet, nats nd oy Food allergy symptoms gery peer within few mites of up ro two hous afer ‘ang neo thse oes: Symptoms inca mina reactions sch banging sensation in the mouth, aah and swelling ot ema, bmi cramps, itor, oF vomiting. More seis reaction could beveling of de congue sad tha, whecnng, brig Aiffeali, ora decease in Blood pres, Ln of eaiciasoss also possible and even ‘death, atboagh chs ery ae. Ifyou have any ofthese spams ater eting tl your doce, even ifthe symptoms are sido diapyse within ew nous. wuncltion 5 Work in pairs. Take turns to read the sentences outloud. Underline the stressed syllable inthe words in bol. 1 Myson as ots of food allergies 4 Do you suller from abdominal pain? 2 Shehas asevereallergle reaction 5 His respiratory system was alfected. tonuts 5 Respiration is one of the vital signs hada pain in my abdomen, 6 MEZEGM Listen and check your answers. Then listen again and repeat. S Hort cmon food allies: nots, fsb, Sellfrn mek, 6g8 °° Es 7 meus - ec Bema, swelling, abdatunal SS ioe > Atle patres's Wood Sgr let ev He Qo al ae. Qe AOG AMES. Speaking 7 1 What is diabetes? 2 es diabetes? answers in. Diabetes Diabetes melts Gometimes cll sugar abe ic condition thar ecu when the bay can yee glare propery aa has very high Blond sugar Glucose suger tht che bx uses for energy andes normally cond by a hormone called inulin. Uasalin produced by the pancreas and i a person fas diabetes this either locas the pancreas ds mot make encughinsolin ¢Type diabetes) eee body can't respon nvmally to the gras tre leek que iw He boload ‘What do you know about diabetes? Workin pairs and discuss these questions. 3 What fe treatments for diabetes? Read this definition of diabetes rom a nursing reference book and check your ‘esulin that i made CType 2 diabetes. level of lo sugar produces the clase diabetes symptoms oh neding tourna very often, ling chrsty and Honing wee However, ti very common for oerseght people to get diabetes wo the como 8 with Type t dibeaes can ‘nul and patients with Type 2 diabetes ean condi with die and exercue Ustening 9 MEZEEM Listen to Joely Thomas, a student nurse, learning how to administer a blood sugar test. Label the diagram withthe words in the box 10 Listen again and answer these questions, 1 What does the glucometer measure? 2. Where does the nurse take the patient's blood from? 3 What does the nurse put inthe glucometer? 4 What result can you see? What does it mean? Speaking 11 Work in pairs. Take turns to practise taking your partner's glucose level using these prompts. ‘Ask / patient / permission Tell / patient what / going to happen Explain /test strip /glucometer ‘Ask / hold out finger and explain / prick finger Take / blood and give / patient / plaster Read glicometer / Tel the patient / result e Advice on diet aoe Label the pictures with the words inthe box. bole can carion glass packet piece segment sce stick tablespoon 2 MEZEEE Listen to Maggie, a schoo! nurse, giving advice about nutrition to a {group of adolescents. As you listen, tick (7) the quantities you hear Calotot Cearton CO) portion [segment Cpwcket Cstice ean Ostick 3 Listen again and answer the questions 1 What advice does the government give? 2 What is aportion of fruit? (nzo examples) 3. What isa portion of vegetables? (aco examples) 4 What does Maggie say about starchy vegetables such as potatoes? 5 What is Maggie's advice about readymeals? 4 MEZEIE You're going to hear practice nurse Brad Tyler giving advice to three of his patients. Listen and complete the statement for each patient, 1 Lena Is recovering from glandular fever and wants to 2 Frank has just had a heart attack and wants to. 3 ait is on a weight loss programme, but she wants to Cnot many 5 Listen again and complete the nurses suggestions, Then match each one to the correct patient L (Lena), F (Frank) or E (Edith). 1 How about the. 7 —— 2 Can suggest you. little and __at rst. —— 3 Why don't you try Instead of meat? —— 4 Itisimportant to__it you want to ae 5 Andit’s important to ots of. eat red went cre O Fpccnsnst Odwe breatefaass ats He fo © to AXt!s adusabe mouth , acoreds's adusabe te at a Wrort vmpertant wont ¢ te day (vig suggestions ond nares E woud Tecuarn + here Ties shoal eal ne Fil ond vegeta =m | ‘eu should ea ay food aa 7 How ebut doting mow wee? an wget out vegan oe arene Ts edible are 6 wring fou we ropa! It important to 03! mor fee, wating 7 Speaking 8 Rewrite these suggestions replacing should with another expression [ram the box. Example: 1s advisable to only eat red meat once a month, acconding to {government advice 1) You should only eat red meat once a month, according to government advice. You shouldn't skip breaklas; it's the most important meal ofthe day. You should play football with your kids inthe park. You shouldn't have more than one cup of coffee a night. You should go swimming if this is your favourite sport. You shouldn't include too many complex carbohydrates in your diet. Wirite two pieces of advice each for Lena, Frank and Edith ‘Work in pairs. Student A. look atthe information below, Student B, turn to page 68. 1 Youare Susie Marshall and Student B is your doctor. Talk about your diet land answer the doctor's questions, Listen to their advice on how you can Improve your diet 2 Youare Student B's doctor. Find out about their diet. Ask questions and make notes, Offer advice on how they can improve their diet. cs ‘Susie Marshal 30 yeas, single and works as a fnancial advisor She trans at er ‘ocal gym or €0 mutes a day Sho is na stossu job and sometimes suffers rom zziness, but has no othr symtoms. Her GP has asked you to gv Susie advice on 8 dt plan. Susi has been vegetarian since she was i univers. Food Jourmal: Susie Marshal BI Tuesday Time Typical Food intake — Breaast 7.00 nothing — Taivonieg | 1080 | wed ontaaart 7 Lunch 1230 cheece sandwich iadateocn | 1000 ler capes | Dinner 1900 sala. ¥ baked potata carbonated dink 2. Pea qe pag footteatt wath go, war? on He poke Qat's tones a yo delag more o | oes ? ton ae cup cofee e Bru a gong, Setnmning Ff HIS your fare cte Sport? 6. Coun TE wepgesied yo vedere Ave Kuntces f camper ceceo lysis W gar io

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