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You're rolling.

I'm honored to be interviewed by Alex 1
Jones, the truth seeker fighting for justice. 1
In a way, Alex, Charlie hit me all smiling. 1
Aaron, when did you start to think 1
something along in the world or start to find out about the whole banking
cartel 1
and the Federal Reserve system, the new world order? 1
Well, that was a progression of events. 1
I've always been a very independent person. 1
I always believed in individuality and that we put on this earth to be unique
individuals, to fulfill our God given potential. 1
And that the only way to fulfill your potential is to be free, to find out
who 1
you are and to make your errors, to make mistakes. 1
And as I grew up, I began to realize more and more the government was
inhibiting me 1
and things that I wanted to do and what happened. 1
I was very successful in the ladies lingerie business. 1
I worked for my dad. He had a small undergarment business. 1
And I created the first Ladies Bikini Pantheon back in 1963, actually. 1
And then I opened up a nightclub in Chicago called the Electric 1
Theater that opened up the day Mont Luther King was assassinated. 1
And so the city of Chicago was in flames the day my club opened. 1
And nobody came out to the club. 1
Well, what happened was that that was the Democratic Convention in Chicago,
68. 1
And so my club became a hangout for the 1
hippies because they wanted to go to Chicago and protest what was going on.
And I was having a concert at my club one night to raise money, and the
police 1
raided the nightclub, my club, for no reason at all. 1
And I was standing outside in my office looking at the street, and I saw all
these 1
paddy wagons pulling up in front of my club. 1
And I was a 24 year old kid. 1
I had no experience at all, really. 1
I said, what are these patty wagons doing here? 1
And then I saw these cops getting out of the paddy wagons coming into my
club. 1
Oh, my God, they're rating me. 1
And so I ran down to the stage and I got 1
on the stage and I stopped the man from playing. 1
And I said to the people in the audience, we're being rated, 1
so sit down on the floor, cooperate and party identification and cooperate.
The police, and as I said that to the cops from behind, threw me onto the
floor and grabbed me and started dragging me out of the club. 1
And I'm going, Victory, victory. 1
I'm playing for it was worth at the time I was a kid. 1
And then I saw the fire department there, and the fire department was dumping
garbage, cans of garbage all over the floor. 1
And I thought to myself, why are they doing that? 1
Very quickly, as they were dragging me 1
out, and I didn't quite understand it, so they threw me into the paddy wagon.
As I got to the paddy wagon one of the 1
cops grabbed my testicles from behind and squeezed, and I went to the paddy
wagon. 1
Gigantic pain. 1
And the next person that came into the 1
paddy wagon, as he was stepping in the cops stick, the Billy club, smashed
them 1
on the head with it and just split a skull for no reason. 1
I mean, there was nothing wrong. 1
That was kind of your awakening. That's my awakening. 1
Like, what is going on? 1
I thought, this is America. 1
So I initially waved it on Chicago and made a daily thing. 1
It was just Chicago. 1
And anyway, it was the headlines in the newspapers the next day. 1
There was my picture in the newspapers, headlines. 1
Electric Theater Short Circuited. 1
It was rated. 1
And in the article, they went ahead and they said that the 1
reason they rated the club was because the fire department came there. 1
And so it was messy, full of garbage, and 1
the hippies started attacking them, which was totally not true. 1
It was totally false. 1
It was a complete fabrication. 1
They ran a false flag on you? They sent you? 1
Yeah, of course. 1
And I was in shock. 1
I said, People lie like that. 1
People actually do these things. 1
I couldn't believe it. 1
It was an awakening to me. 1
And I went on television. 1
I told people on television that they lied. 1
Nobody cared. 1
Nobody cared what the truth was. 1
It was shocking to me. 1
And then 1
a week or two weeks later, I forget exactly what it was, 1
two cops come to see me, lieutenant and a sergeant, captain and a sergeant.
And they said, Mr, sorry if you got hurt that night at the club in the raid,
but 1
we're here to tell you that if you want to keep the club open, it's going to
take 1
$2,000 a month, and we can come see you once a month. 1
And whenever we have to raise you, we're going to call you and we'll let you
know. 1
We're going to come in tonight and raid you. 1
This is Mafia. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:15:10 A1 cyan Well, the police Mafia. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:18:76 A1 cyan It was actually more interesting. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:20:36 A1 cyan They said, Listen, there's the A plan, 1
Speaker 1 00:05:22:56 A1 cyan there's the B plan, and there's a super deluxe
plan. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:25:12 A1 cyan And this one, each one will cost you that much
money a month. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:27:77 A1 cyan Which one do you want? 1
Speaker 2 00:05:29:40 A1 cyan The A super deluxe. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:30:90 A1 cyan That's what I took. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:31:13 A1 cyan That was a 2000 a month plan. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:33:13 A1 cyan And I took that plan and I paid them $2,000 a
month, and they left me alone. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:38:60 A1 cyan And whenever they were going to raid the club,
they would come. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:40:48 A1 cyan They were going to raid we'd have a phony 1
Speaker 1 00:05:41:83 A1 cyan rate tonight just to look good for the people
in the neighborhood. 1
Speaker 2 00:05:45:76 A1 cyan So that was your first big education? 1
Speaker 1 00:05:47:53 A1 cyan That was my education into corruption in
government. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:51:97 A1 cyan But I really thought that was basically
Chicago. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:55:53 A1 cyan I didn't realize the whole country was like
that. 1
Speaker 1 00:05:58:77 A1 cyan And so that was my wake up call, that people
lie and cheat and steal. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:03:25 A1 cyan And I thought everybody was always honest and
nice and decent. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:08:88 A1 cyan I had no idea about any of these things. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:10:77 A1 cyan But one day they came to me and they said,
look, we can't take your money anymore. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:15:80 A1 cyan I said, Why? What's up? 1
Speaker 1 00:06:16:80 A1 cyan What's going on? I said, we have to close your
club. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:18:44 A1 cyan This election is coming. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:19:64 A1 cyan And the older men, the neighbors, don't 1
Speaker 1 00:06:21:30 A1 cyan want you open anymore, so we can't take your
money. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:24:40 A1 cyan So I had to go to court and fight them, and
they were trying to close the club. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:27:30 A1 cyan And then one night there was a fire, and the
club never reopened again. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:30:89 A1 cyan The club is closed, and that was the end 1
Speaker 1 00:06:33:63 A1 cyan of the club, and they burned me down, and that
was the end of my experience. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:38:29 A1 cyan And then I moved back to New York, where I met
Beth Midler, and I ran into her at a 1
Speaker 1 00:06:44:73 A1 cyan little nightclub she was playing called The
Improv. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:47:97 A1 cyan And I thought she was fabulous. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:49:73 A1 cyan And through a series of events, I began
managing her. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:53:53 A1 cyan And as soon as I started managing her, her
career took off like a rocket. 1
Speaker 1 00:06:57:77 A1 cyan Just fortuitous, I guess. 1
Speaker 1 00:07:00:17 A1 cyan And we became very successful. 1
Speaker 1 00:07:04:80 A1 cyan And through managing that, I started producing
shows on Broadway, where I won 1
Speaker 1 00:07:08:95 A1 cyan The Tony and I produced the television show.
Speaker 1 00:07:12:36 A1 cyan I won the Emmy with Dustin Hoffman and 1
Speaker 1 00:07:14:67 A1 cyan Bet, and then I produced The Rose for her,
where she got Academy Award nominations. 1
Speaker 1 00:07:21:13 A1 cyan And then that led me to producing Trading
Places, which everybody knows. 1
Speaker 2 00:07:25:52 A1 cyan I think it's the best Eddie merger movie. Well,
that's a good one. 1
Speaker 1 00:07:27:96 A1 cyan I don't know if it's the best, but it's a
really good one. 1
Speaker 1 00:07:29:73 A1 cyan And I'm very proud I made that movie. 1
Speaker 1 00:07:31:85 A1 cyan And so in my mind, 1
Speaker 1 00:07:34:97 A1 cyan I feel as if I've made a classic comedy in
Trading Places, a classic musical in The 1
Speaker 1 00:07:39:86 A1 cyan Rose, and a classic documentary in Freedom to
Fascism. 1
Speaker 1 00:07:43:80 A1 cyan So I'm very proud of my work that I've done as
a filmmaker. 1
Speaker 1 00:07:47:33 A1 cyan Back in the late eighty s, I was a pretty big
silver trader 1
Speaker 1 00:07:54:65 A1 cyan and gold trader, and I don't think I've ever
told a story on tape before. 1
Speaker 1 00:08:02:33 A1 cyan I was a pretty big silver and gold trader, and
I always paid my taxes, and I took 1
Speaker 1 00:08:11:90 A1 cyan what was illegal tax deduction on my silver
trades. 1
Speaker 1 00:08:14:60 A1 cyan And a few years later, I think it was 88 or 89
or something, the 1
Speaker 1 00:08:21:29 A1 cyan IRS claimed that what I did and other people
did as well, was now illegal. 1
Speaker 1 00:08:28:19 A1 cyan We couldn't do it anymore, but they made it
retroactive. 1
Speaker 1 00:08:32:48 A1 cyan What do you mean retroactive? 1
Speaker 1 00:08:33:77 A1 cyan It was legal then. 1
Speaker 1 00:08:34:85 A1 cyan I did what was legal. 1
Speaker 1 00:08:36:41 A1 cyan Yeah, but now we're making it illegal
retroactively. 1
Speaker 1 00:08:40:37 A1 cyan That's not good. So you owe us 600 or $800,000
for what? 1
Speaker 1 00:08:45:29 A1 cyan It was legal. How could you make something
retroactive? 1
Speaker 1 00:08:48:80 A1 cyan Change the law backwards in time. 1
Speaker 1 00:08:50:50 A1 cyan It makes no sense while we're doing it. 1
Speaker 1 00:08:53:10 A1 cyan And so everybody said they can't do that. 1
Speaker 1 00:08:55:65 A1 cyan So he went to court, a class action 1
Speaker 1 00:08:57:51 A1 cyan lawsuit, and the judge agreed with the IRS and
said they could do it retroactively. 1
Speaker 1 00:09:02:77 A1 cyan And that's when I knew that there was 1
Speaker 1 00:09:04:73 A1 cyan something wrong in America with the IRS and the
system here. 1
Speaker 2 00:09:08:20 A1 cyan Aaron, you were telling me the story last 1
Speaker 2 00:09:10:50 A1 cyan night and before he even finished saying in the
Speaker 2 00:09:15:79 A1 cyan late eighty s, the tax laws said retroactive.
Speaker 2 00:09:18:61 A1 cyan And I knew that because they literally ruined
my dad. 1
Speaker 2 00:09:21:77 A1 cyan But he paid, he didn't know. 1
Speaker 2 00:09:24:25 A1 cyan He still thought this was America. 1
Speaker 2 00:09:26:50 A1 cyan And it was legal tax law. What you're supposed
to do. 1
Speaker 2 00:09:29:76 A1 cyan They said retroactively. 1
Speaker 2 00:09:30:93 A1 cyan You owe and with not just retroactive, but they
said you also penalties and interest. 1
Speaker 1 00:09:35:16 A1 cyan That's right. So how do you have penalties and
interest 1
Speaker 2 00:09:36:69 A1 cyan on something when they retroactively change the
law? 1
Speaker 1 00:09:40:20 A1 cyan Well, first of all, how can you do anything
retroactively? 1
Speaker 1 00:09:44:28 A1 cyan Penalties and interests are a force open
because they do whatever they want to do. 1
Speaker 1 00:09:48:16 A1 cyan And that's when I realized America is not
America. 1
Speaker 1 00:09:50:56 A1 cyan It's not the land that I was taught it was
because they can do whatever they wish to 1
Speaker 1 00:09:54:41 A1 cyan do and there's nothing a citizen can do about
it. 1
Speaker 2 00:09:56:92 A1 cyan Now you've made America freedom of fascist.
Speaker 2 00:09:58:44 A1 cyan And I want to walk through that film and I want
to cry. 1

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