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Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 183–193

C 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Column Editor: Jennifer Wilbeck, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, ACNP-BC, ENP-C, FAANP

Maximizing Success With Rapid

Sequence Intubations
Jessica Van Meter, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, CCRN, AEMT

Within emergency care settings, rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is frequently used to secure a
definitive airway (i.e., endotracheal tube) to provide optimal oxygenation and ventilation in critically
ill patients of all ages. For providers in these settings, a deeper understanding of the indications,
associated medications, and adjunctive techniques may maximize success with this common pro-
cedure. Identification of difficult airways, using mnemonics and standardized criteria prior to the
procedure allows, the clinician additional time for assimilation of additional resources and tools to
increase the likelihood of first-pass success with intubation. This article describes tools for the
procedure of RSI, including the “7 Ps” checklist of intubation. Key words: airway, intubation, rapid
sequence intubation, RSI, video laryngoscopy

G IVEN the unpredictable nature of quenced medication administration to facili-

trauma and medical emergencies, tate ET tube intubation, ultimately producing
providers in emergency care settings immediate unresponsiveness (via an induc-
must be prepared to perform lifesaving proce- tion agent) and muscular relaxation (using a
dures. One such procedure is rapid sequence neuromuscular blocking agent). For providers
intubation (RSI), in which a definitive air- in these settings, a deeper understanding of
way is established using an endotracheal (ET) the indications, associated medications, and
tube to provide optimal oxygenation and ven- adjunctive techniques may maximize success
tilation in critically ill patients of all ages. with this common procedure. Identification
Airway management during RSI utilizes se- of difficult airways using mnemonics and stan-
dardized criteria prior to the procedure allows
Author Affiliation: Vanderbilt LifeFlight, Vanderbilt
School of Nursing, Vanderbilt University Medical Cen- the clinician additional time for assimilation
ter, Nashville, Tennessee. of additional resources and tools to increase
Disclosure: The authors report no conflicts of interest. the likelihood of first-pass success with intu-
Corresponding Author: Tony L. Smith, DNP, RN, bation. For intubations in the emergency de-
ACNP-BC, FNP-BC, CCRN, CFRN, EMT-P, Vander- partment, there are increased adverse events
bilt LifeFlight, 1211 Medical Center Dr, Skyport
Helipad-VUH 13200, Nashville, TN 37232 (tony.smith@ when the intubation is unsuccessful on the first attempt (Sakles, Chiu, Mosier, Walker,
DOI: 10.1097/TME.0000000000000204 & Stolz, 2013). Tools and a checklist for the


Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
184 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

procedure of RSI, including the “7 Ps” check- IDENTIFICATION OF DIFFICULT AIRWAY

list outlined in Appendix A, offer a systematic
Before the airway can be managed, it must
approach to each step of RSI and increase the
be properly assessed to ensure that what-
likelihood of provider success of first attempt
ever level of intervention is applied, it can
(Hatch et al., 2016).
be most successful. All providers need to
To most appropriately prepare for the pro-
be able to predict the possibility of a dif-
cedure of RSI, the clinician must:
ficult airway because their management ap-
proach may require modifications from stan-
1. Identify which patients are appropriate dard procedures (Brocato, 2010). In addition
for RSI; to an “across-the-room” assessment, which
2. Identify potentially difficult airways may allow clinicians to quickly categorize the
based on physical assessment; patient’s condition as life-threatening versus
3. Understand the mechanisms of action non-life-threatening, it also serves to motivate
and expected outcomes of pharmacolog- the clinician toward the most direct treatment
ical agents used during RSI; and rapid initiation of interventions without
4. Be familiar with RSI equipment; and delay (Dieckmann, Brownstein, & Gausche-
5. Develop and be able to implement an Hill, 2010). Simply performing a visual inspec-
alternate/contingency plan (the “7 Ps” tion of the patient allows the provider to as-
of RSI). sess for the following possibilities: obesity, a
short or widened neck, and/or obvious signs
of distorted anatomy. If any of these condi-
In an emergency, RSI offers the fastest and
tions are identified, then providers should an-
most effective means of controlling an unse-
ticipate a difficult airway intubation.
cure, nonpatent airway. However, the cessa-
tion of spontaneous ventilation involves con-
siderable risk if the provider does not intubate
THE 3-3-2 RULE
or ventilate the patient in a timely manner
(Sakles et al., 2013). Rapid sequence intuba- The 3-3-2 rule is a rapid assessment tool to
tion is particularly useful in the patient with assist the provider in identifying a difficult air-
an intact gag reflex, a “full” stomach, and a way and intubation. Examining the patient’s
life-threatening injury or illness requiring im- airway using the 3-3-2 rule is accomplished us-
mediate airway control. ing three measurements: three vertical fingers
Typically, RSI is utilized in patients demon- to measure the distance between the upper
strating signs/symptoms of impending respi- and lower incisors for the maximal opening of
ratory failure or arrest who will require me- the mouth; thyromental distance three-finger
chanical ventilation (e.g., hypoxia, dyspnea, breaths between the tip of the chin (mentum)
hypercapnia, and/or decreased level of con- to the tip of the thyroid cartilage (less than
sciousness or unresponsiveness) (National 6 cm or three-finger breath suggests RSI may
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2018). The be difficult); and finally, two-finger breaths be-
presence of severe acidosis, depletion of in- tween the hyoid bone and the thyroid notch,
travascular volume, heart failure, and severe suggesting the difficulty of intubation is low
pulmonary disease may complicate the prein- (Hung & Murphy, 2017; Mahmoodpoor et al.,
duction period. In these cases, induction can 2013). In a patient with any single measure-
lead to a severely detrimental onset of va- ment less than the 3-3-2 rule, the clinician
sodilatation, resulting in profound, and often should anticipate a difficult airway, as there
deadly, hypotension. In addition, hypoxemia may not be enough space with which to intro-
is another severe complication that can arise duce the appropriate tools, increased inability
during execution of RSI (Burns, Habig, Eason, to control the tongue, or the potential for an
& Ware, 2016). anterior larynx.

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July–September 2018 r Vol. 40, No. 3 Rapid Sequence Intubations 185

THE MALLAMPATI SCORE In cases of suspected cervical spine injuries,

the patient will not be able to perform this
The Mallampati score estimates the size of
maneuver and therefore this can be a predica-
the tongue in relation to the oral cavity to
tive of less than optimal RSI attempt (Hung &
identify the ease or difficulty of displace-
Murphy, 2017).
ment of the tongue by the laryngoscope blade
and ease of the patient opening the mouth
(Mallampati et al., 1985). With the patient PHARMACOLOGY OF RSI
sitting upright, the clinician asks the patient Once the need for RSI is identified and the
to open his or her mouth as wide as possi- patient has been evaluated, medications most
ble with the tongue protruding. The clinician safely and effectively used for the patient must
assigns a score based on structures visualized be identified. Understanding and having an
(Mallampati et al., 1985). appreciation for each medication’s mecha-
There are four classifications, numbered nism of action during RSI is essential, as it
Mallampati 1–4, with 1 describing the most can often make the difference between being
amount of space and 4 being the least. With successful and having a failed airway attempt.
Class 1, the clinician will have complete visu- Although there are several medications and
alization of the soft palate. With Class 2, the regimens that can be used in RSI, the classes
clinician will have complete visualization of of medications commonly used include
the uvula. Class 3 scoring indicates the clini- the following: antiparasympathetic blocker,
cian will have visualization of only the base of
the uvula. With Class 4, the soft palate is not
visible at all (Mallampati et al., 1985). Figure 1
demonstrates the oropharyngeal structures vi-
sualized for each Mallampati classification that
the provider may see when looking into the
patient’s mouth.


To help in rapid assessment during RSI, the
mnemonic LEMON can assist the clinician
in predicting a difficult airway during direct

L: “Look externally,” where the clinician ob-

serves for external signs, that is, active
bleeding from the mouth, facial disruption,
small mouth, or trismus.
E: “Evaluate 3-3-2 rule” as described earlier.
M: “Mallampati,” a determination of the Mal-
lampati score as described earlier.
O: “Obstruction,” where the provider will as-
sess for foreign objects in the mouth (i.e.,
vomitus, blood, tongue), tumors/abscess,
or expanding hematomas. Figure 1. Mallampati scoring. Photo credit: Jmar-
N: “Neck mobility,” here, if possible, the chn—Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0. Retrieved from
provider will have the patient place his or
her chin to chest. curid=12842847

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186 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

sedation and analgesia, depolarizing paralytic, cular blockade (Di Filippo & Gonnelli, 2009;
and nonpolarizing paralytic (Campo & Laf- Driver et al., 2017). Medications frequently
ferty, 2015). used in conjunction with RSI are summarized
Because laryngoscopy during RSI can lead in Appendix B.
to episodic bradycardia, it was once stan-
dard to administer an anti-parasympathetic
blocker, such as atropine, at the onset of RSI.
This adjunctive medication, however, is used Prior to the procedure, a TIME OUT should
less frequently now within the adult popula- be performed to make sure all team members
tion, as the bradycardia is typically transient who will be present during the RSI are aware
and not likely to be hemodynamically signifi- and acknowledge the plan. Specific equip-
cant (Fox, 2014). Atropine is still indicated in ment is required for the procedure, and the
the RSI of pediatric patients, specifically those clinician must be familiar with all equipment
younger than 12 months, in an attempt to before attempting RSI. The two larger pieces
avoid reflex bradycardia during laryngoscopy of equipment required include a functional
(de Caen et al., 2015). suction unit with a Yankauer suction tip and
Sedation and analgesia prior to intuba- a laryngoscope, either traditional or video.
tion are typically achieved with etomidate The traditional laryngoscope consists of an
(Amidate), ketamine (Ketalar), midazolam operational handle, operational blades (Miller
(Versed), or fentanyl (Sublimaze). Propofol straight blade and Macintosh curve blade),
(Diprivan) is the most commonly used in- and bulbs. Both styles of blades come in five
travenous hypnotic, but because of poten- sizes (0–2 primarily for pediatrics and 3–4
tial for significant hypotension, it requires a primarily for adults). The video laryngoscope
normotensive patient (Jager, Aldag, & Desh- consists of a handle with a small camera
pande, 2015). In hypotensive patients, ke- to provide an image of the vocal cords and
tamine represents a viable alternative. De- laryngeal tissue on a display. Steps to the
polarizing paralytics, such as succinylcholine procedure can be recalled using the “7 Ps”,
(Anectine), provide muscle relaxation that as- a checklist addressing each step for the RSI.
sists in insertion of the ET tube. Succinyl- The 7 Ps are preparation, preoxygenation,
choline must be used cautiously in patients pretreatment, paralysis for induction, pro-
for whom hyperkalemia is either present or tection (for the clinician and the patient),
possible as this drug can elevate potassium to proof of placement, and postintubation
lethal levels (Thomson Micromedex, 2018). management and medications.
Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking
agents, the most common of which is rocuro- Preparation
nium (Zemuron), are an alternative to suc-
As preparation sets the tone for the rest of
cinylcholine. Rocuronium is characterized by
the procedure, this is a critical first step. Vo-
a rapid onset (1–2 min) and an intermedi-
calizing a plan, confirming each team mem-
ate half-life (45–70 min). The onset depends
ber’s duties, and preparing equipment help
on the dosage used. A relatively safe drug,
ensure that providers are mitigating opportu-
rocuronium’s most limiting factor in use dur-
nities for failure. The clinician should ensure
ing RSI is that its duration of action is much
that the following have been completed and
longer than that of succinylcholine, especially
are present:
when used at higher doses. Should procedural
complications result in the need for a rever- r Assessment for possible difficult airway
sal agent, sugammadex (Bridion) is available r Hemodynamic monitoring to include pulse
and acts as a muscle relaxant, thereby antago- oximeter, blood pressure, cardiac rhythm,
nizing the effects induced by rocuronium on and end-tidal CO2
muscle tissue quickly resolving the neuromus- r Functional intravenous access

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July–September 2018 r Vol. 40, No. 3 Rapid Sequence Intubations 187

r Appropriate sized bag–valve–mask (BVM) to the patient as soon as the decision to in-
r Suctioning equipment: Yankauer, tubing, tubate has been made (Levitan, 2015). The
and regulator NO DESAT procedure has become common
r Functioning laryngoscope with a blade of in many areas to protect patients from inad-
choice vertent episodes of hypoxia during intubation
r Endotracheal tube (man: 8-mm, woman: attempts. The procedure is simple and can be
7-mm internal diameter [ID]; pediatric: use initiated once the decision is made to intu-
length-based [Broselow tape] system or bate. During preoxygenation, the patient is
rough guide (4 plus age [in years] divided placed on high-flow nasal cannula while uti-
by 4), check cuff, load and shape stylet, lizing a nonrebreather or BVM. Oxygen can
10-ml syringe) then be passively absorbed through the nasal
r Gum elastic “Bougie” or stylet cannula during the procedure, thereby miti-
r All RSI medications with appropriately cal- gating a potential drop in oxygen saturation
culated dosages should be drawn up and during the induction phase of RSI.
ready to be administered, followed by a nor-
mal saline flush Pretreatment
r Alternate plan if unable to correctly place
the ET tube: The clinician should develop Rapid sequence intubation begins with a small
and have a secondary plan and a tertiary dose of sedation and analgesia to relax the
plan if he or she is unable to place the patient, thereby avoiding exacerbation or ex-
ET tube. This plan can include utilizing the citation from the patient. In pediatric pa-
BVM with 100% oxygen to achieve oxygen tients (younger than 1 year), atropine (0.02
saturations of greater than 96%. In addition, mg/kg/dose) is used to minimize episodes of
another intubation attempt should include bradycardia that can occur secondary to the
a change in the clinician, equipment, posi- introduction of the laryngoscope (de Caen
tion of the patient or the clinician, or uti- et al., 2015).
lization of a rescue airway device.
Paralysis With induction
With respect to equipment, evidence rec-
ommends the use of bougie on first attempt An induction agent should be given by rapid
(Driver et al., 2017). The use of the bougie is intravenous push (RIVP) prior to the para-
twofold: Primarily, it is more pliable and can lytic. The clinician must allow enough time
be formed to a specific patient, and, second, after administration for the induction agent
it can be used as a confirmation tool. If the to exhibit the appropriate response specific
bougie is inserted and continues to thread for the induction agent of choice. Induction
into the oral cavity without hitting a definitive agents utilized often are described as follows
stop, is likely to be in the esophagus. This (Epocrates Plus, 2018):
simple confirmation tool then allows the r Etomidate (Amidate) 0.3 mg/kg RIVP. Mon-
clinician to pull the bougie before injecting itor closely for hemodynamic affects and
air into the stomach via a BVM, thereby adrenal insufficiency 24–48 hr postinduc-
decreasing the likelihood of an aspiration tion.
event. If the bougie is inserted and stops two r Ketamine (Ketalar) 1.5 mg/kg RIVP. The pa-
thirds of the way, it provides confirmation to tient may exhibit dissociative “trance-like
the provider that it is against the carina and state” nystagmus with rightward eye stare
the ET tube can be advanced. and intermittent increase in blood pressure
and heart rate (HR).
Preoxygenation r Versed 0.3 mg/kg RIVP. The patient may
Recent evidence support utilizing the NO exhibit some hemodynamic effects such as
DESAT (nasal oxygen [high flow] during ef- decreased blood pressure, HR, and respira-
forts securing a tube) procedure be applied tory depression.

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188 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

After the desired effects from the induc-

tion agent, a paralytic agent should be given
RIVP. The choice of a depolarizing versus
nondepolarizing paralytic agent is dependent
on patient presentation and history. The
depolarizing agent used most commonly is
succinylcholine dosed at 1.5–2 mg/kg. Pa-
tients will exhibit fasciculations of the major
skeletal muscles following administration,
and the provider should allow time for all
fasciculations to stop including paralysis of
the jaw before introducing the laryngoscope Figure 2. Larynx. From Larynx, by Wikimedia
blade. The clinician should avoid use of suc- Commons, the free media repository, January
cinylcholine in patients with any of the fol- 1, 2018. Retrieved May 15, 2018, from https://
lowing history: renal insufficiency or disease;
burns greater than 10 hours old; crush injury; Larynx&oldid=275837311
eye disease or injury; hyperkalemia; and/or
history or family history of malignant hyper- Placement
thermia (Epocrates Plus, 2018). Placement refers to the insertion of the ET
Nonpolarizing agents lead to total paralysis tube with direct visualization of the anatom-
within 60–90 s of administration. The clini- ical landmarks for the larynx (see Figure 2).
cian should allow appropriate amount of time Once the ET tube is in place, air should be in-
to allow for desired effects. The jaw should jected into the balloon port for stabilization.
relax, and skeletal muscle relaxation should The evidence suggests injecting enough air
occur. Commonly used nonpolarizing agents into the ET tube cuff to maintain 20–30 cm
include the following: of H2 O, as this avoids potential necrosis of
r Vecuronium (Norcuron) (0.1 mg/kg); dura- the chords or larynx (Sole et al., 2011). After
tion: 35–40 min the balloon is inflated, appropriate placement
r Rocuronium (1 mg/kg); duration: 25–35 is confirmed using the following techniques:
min end-tidal carbon dioxide per colorimetric car-
bon dioxide detector or quantitative capnog-
Protection raphy wave form and auscultation of the epi-
gastrium for air or gurgle. If air/gurgle is
Protection for both the clinician and the heard, the ET tube must be removed and an
patient should be observed at all times pre- alternate plan initiated. If no air is heard, then
procedure, during the procedure, and post- the clinician will proceed to listen for bilateral
procedure. The clinician should have on the breath sounds, listening anterior and laterally
appropriate body substance isolation. With on all patients. Once placement has been con-
respect to patient safety, current evidence no firmed, the ET tube should be secured using
longer recommends the Selleck maneuver, or a commercial device or tape noting the depth
cricoid pressure, as the procedure does not in terms of centimeters where the tube meets
prevent regurgitation and aspiration (Algie the gum line or teeth.
et al., 2015). A literature review does suggest
the use of the BURP (Backward, Upward,
Postintubation management
Rightward Pressure to the thyroid cartilage)
technique. BURP is an external manipulation Once secured, a chest radiograph should
of the larynx that assists the proceduralist be ordered for placement and anatomical
in identifying the appropriate anatomical location. The tip of the ET tube should be at
structures (Sharma, 2017). the level of the clavicles or 5–7 cm above the

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
July–September 2018 r Vol. 40, No. 3 Rapid Sequence Intubations 189

carina corresponding with the fifth and sev- diopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardio-
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& Enterline, 2015). After confirmation and
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and analgesia (e.g., midazolam and fentanyl) on Recent Clinical Trials, 4(3), 175–178.
should be administered with a long-term Dieckmann, R. A., Brownstein, D., & Gausche-Hill, M.
paralytic if the patient condition warrants. (2010). The pediatric assessment triangle: A novel
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Long-term paralytics should be avoided if
atric Emergency Care, 26(4), 312–315.
the patient has any acute neurological insults Driver, B., Dodd, K., Klein, L. R., Buckley, R., Robin-
such as cerebrovascular accident or seizures. son, A., McGill, J. W., . . . Prekker, M. E. (2017). The
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for mechanical ventilation support. partment. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 70(4),
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clinician can impact those outcomes. Making Markham, M. H., Maynord, P. O., . . . Ely, E. W. (2016).
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be a stressful and daunting experience. By bation in the neonatal intensive care unit. Pediatrics,
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ing a “time out,” the emergency provider is presedation fluid bolus does not decrease the inci-
dence of propofol-induced hypotension in pediatric
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Appendix A. Airway Checklist

r State Decision for Procedure to all crew and all members involved.
r NO DESAT Initiation (High Flow Nasal Cannula and High Flow NRB Mask)
r Proper Position (Ear/Sternal Notch, HOB 30 Degrees, C-Spine Precaution)
r Ensure Working PIV/IO
r Ensure Adequate SpO2 >94%
r Sedative Selection
◦ Why this Drug
◦ Who is Administering Sedative
r Paralytic Selection
◦ Why this Drug
◦ Who is Administering Paralytic
r Back-Up Plan with SGA Available
r Bougie Out/Open
r Suction ON/Proper location
r BVM with PEEP and EtCO2 attached
r Endotracheal tube with stylet
◦ Multiple sizes available
r Who is Intubating
r Utilize Progressive Video Laryngoscopy (Verbalize airway structures)
r Unsuccessful first attempt, Team Reset with new strategy
 Placement Confirmation
r Video Laryngoscopy with Visualization of tube through cords
r End-Tidal CO2 Wave Form
r Bilateral Breath Sounds
r Mist in tube
r Symmetric chest rise/fall
 Post Management
r Secure Tube
r Give Sedation/Analgesia/Long-Term Paralytics
r Insert OG Tube
r Proceed with RSI

Note. Checklist developed by Jason N. Reed, MSN, CEN, AEMT. BVM = bag–valve–mask; HOB = head of bed;
NRB = nonrebreather mask; OG = orogastric; PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure; PIV/IO = peripheral intra-
venous/intraosseous; SGA = supraglottic airway.

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July–September 2018 r Vol. 40, No. 3 Rapid Sequence Intubations 191

Appendix B. Pharmacology for RSI Summary Table

Mechanism Special
Drug Indication of action Dosage Contraindications considerations Side effects Interactions
Atropine Symptomatic To Classified as an Pediatric RSI: Contraindicated With intravenous Decreases the Additive effects
prevent the anticholinergic 0.02 mg/kg in patients administration, drug action of the when used
reflex drug intravenous, hypersensitive to may cause parasympa- with other
bradycardia that (parasympa- mini dose drug or sodium paradoxical initial thetic anticholiner-
comes with tholytic) 0.1 mg; metabisulfite or bradycardia nervous gic
laryngoscopy intramuscular narrow-angle system, medications;
and intubation dose 0.2–0.4 glaucoma resulting in monitor
mg/kg decreased patient
In cardiac uses, it secretions carefully
works as a
gic antagonist,
increasing firing
of the sinoatrial
node and
through the
node of the
heart, opposes
the actions of
the vagus nerve,
receptor sites,
and decreases
Etomidate RSI and short Etomidate is a Adult RSI: 0.3–0.5 Risk–benefit should be Etomidate is a Etomidate can May increase
procedures short-acting mg/kg IVP, max considered with sedative-hypnotic block the the risk of
hypnotic that dose 40 mg patients with without analgesic adrenal hypotension
appears to Pediatric RSI: immunosuppression, action gland’s and/or
have GABA- 0.3–0.5 mg/kg sepsis, or transplant. production of respiratory
like effects intravenously; cortisol, depression
recommended resulting in
dose 0.5 mg/kg; temporary
intramuscular adrenal gland
administration failure; this
not may cause
recommended lowered
or shock
Fentanyl Management Binds to the Adult/Pediatric: Contraindicated in Fentanyl may cause CV: CNS
of pain opiate receptors 1–5 mcg/kg patients intolerant to bradycardia Hypotension, depressants
as an agonist to drug; use High doses can hypertension, cause
alter the cautiously in elderly produce muscle arrhythmias, potential
patient’s or debilitated rigidity chest pain respiratory
perception of patients and in those Respiratory: and CNS
painful stimuli, with head injuries, Respiratory depression,
thus providing increased CSF depression, sedation, and
analgesia for pressure, COPD, hypoventila- hypotensive
moderate to decreased tion, dyspnea, effects of
severe pain respiratory reserve, apnea drug
arrhythmias, or
hepatic, renal, or
cardiac disease

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
192 Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal

Appendix B. Pharmacology for RSI Summary Table (Continued)

Mechanism Special
Drug Indication of action Dosage Contraindications considerations Side effects Interactions
Ketamine Induction for RSI, Induces a Adult RSI: Ischemia (MI and CVA) The effect of ketamine Hypertension Barbiturates,
short diagnostic profound sense 1–2 mg/kg or conditions where on blood pressure Emergence narcotics:
or surgical of dissociation intravenously significant elevations makes it particularly from May cause
procedures from the Pediatric RSI: in blood pressure useful in anesthesia prolonged
environment by 1–2 mg/kg would be a serious hypovolemic recovery time
direct action on hazard patients as an
the cortex and induction agent that
limbic system supports blood
Propofol General anesthesia Short-acting Adult RSI: 2– Allergies to eggs, Must be titrated to Injection site Potentiation
or sedation for hypnotic. MOA 2.5 mg/kg with soybeans, or peanuts effect and pain— occurs when
mechanically has not been maintenance of administered slowly respiratory combined
ventilated well defined 6–12 mg/kg/hr to prevent the depression, with narcotic
patients occurrence of apnea, analgesics
adverse reactions; hiccup, bron- and CNS
reduce dose in chospasm, depressants
elderly, laryn-
hypovolemic, and gospasm,
high-risk patients hypotension,
Rocuronium Indicated to Nondepolarizing Adult RSI: 1– Injection is Patients who are Arrhythmia, Resistance to
facilitate neuromuscular 1.2 mg/kg contraindicated in chronically receiving abnormal neuromuscu-
rapid-sequence blocking agent intravenously patients known to anticonvulsant electrocardio- lar blockade
or routine with a rapid to Pediatric RSI: 0.6– have hypersensitivity agents such as gram, may occur
tracheal intermediate 1.2 mg/kg to rocuronium carbamazepine or tachycardia with chronic
intubation and onset bromide phenytoin, shorter Asthma, bron- phenytoin
to induce depending on durations of chospasm, therapy,
skeletal muscle dose and neuromuscular wheezing, severe
relaxation intermediate block may occur due rhonchi anaphylactic
during duration to the development reactions to
mechanical It acts by of resistance to neuromuscu-
ventilation competing for nondepolarizing lar blocking
cholinergic muscle relaxants agents
receptors at the Rocuronium
motor endplate may cause
Succinyl- Succinylcholine is Succinylcholine is Adult RSI: 1.5–2 Contraindicated in No effect on Neuromuscular Drugs that may
choline indicated as an a depolarizing mg/kg IVP, max persons with a consciousness, pain blockade may enhance the
adjunct, to skeletal muscle dose 200 mg; personal or familial threshold, or be prolonged neuromuscu-
facilitate relaxant, as does intramuscular history of malignant cerebration. It in patients lar blocking
tracheal acetylcholine; it dose is double hyperthermia, should be used only with action of suc-
intubation and combines with intravenous skeletal muscle with adequate hypokalemia, cinylcholine
to provide the cholinergic dose myopathies, analgesia and hypocal- include
skeletal muscle receptors of the Pediatric RSI: 1.5– hyperkalemia, sedation cemia, and oxytocin,
relaxation motor endplate 2 mg/kg rhabdomyolysis, Succinylcholine causes organophos- β-adrenergic
during to produce renal failure, an increase in phate blockers, pro-
mechanical depolarization increased intraocular intraocular pressure exposure cainamide,
ventilation pressure, and Succinylcholine may lidocaine,
known cause slight magnesium
hypersensitivity to increases in salts, meto-
the drug intracranial pressure clopramide,
immediately after its and
injection and during terbutaline
the fasciculation

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
July–September 2018 r Vol. 40, No. 3 Rapid Sequence Intubations 193

Appendix B. Pharmacology for RSI Summary Table (Continued)

Mechanism Special
Drug Indication of action Dosage Contraindications considerations Side effects Interactions
Vecuronium Adjunct to Prevents Adult RSI: 0.1– Neuromuscular Recovery time Respiratory: Narcotic
facilitate acetylcholine 0.2 mg/kg diseases, myasthenia may double in Prolonged, (opioid)
intubation and from binding to intravenously gravis, hepatic patients with dose-related analgesics:
to provide receptors on Pediatric RSI: impairment, and cirrhosis or respiratory Increases
skeletal muscle the motor end 0.1–0.3 mg/kg renal disease cholestasis insufficiency central
relaxation plate, thus or apnea respiratory
during blocking depression;
mechanical depolarization monitor
ventilation respiratory
status closely
Versed Sedation, Interacts with Adult paralytic: Contraindicated in Laryngospasm and CNS: headache, Droperidol,
anxiolysis, GABA 0.1 mg/kg slow patients bronchospasm may oversedation, fentanyl, and
seizure control, receptors, intravenously or hypersensitive to occur rarely; drowsiness, narcotics can
and amnesia which then intramuscularly drug, in those with countermeasures amnesia, pain potentiate
exhibit sedative, Adult RSI: 0.1– acute-angle closure should be available CV: hypnotic
anxiolytic, 0.3 mg/kg glaucoma, and in Hypotension, effect of
amnesic, and slow IVP those experiencing irregular midazolam
hypnotic Adult sedation: shock, coma, or pulse, cardiac and increase
activities; 0.5–4 mg IVP or acute alcohol arrest risk of
provides a intramuscularly, intoxication; use hypotension
short-acting repeat prn cautiously in patients
CNS depressant Adult seizure: with uncompensated
action 2–4 mg acute illnesses, in
intravenously or geriatric or
intramuscularly debilitated patients,
prn; first choice in patients with
if no myasthenia gravis or
intravenous neuromuscular
access disorders and
pulmonary disease
Adult burn: 2–5
mg initial dose
slow IVP
Pediatric RSI:
0.1–0.3 mg/kg
dose 0.15–
0.2 mg/kg
Pediatric seizure:
0.1–0.3 mg/kg
dose for
route is 0.15–
0.2 mg/kg;
pediatric pain/
0.1–0.2 mg/kg,
max 5 mg

Note. From Epocrated Plus (2018). Thomson Micromedex (2018). CNS = central nervous system; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; CV =
cardiovascular; CVA = cerebrovascular accident; GABA = g-aminobutyric acid; IVP = intravenous push; MI = myocardial infarction; MOA = mechanism of action; prn = as needed; RSI =
rapid sequence intubation.

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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