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My Theme Song Neuroplasticity Assignment & Presentation


Student Learning Outcomes: by the end of the presentation, students will be able to explain how music and
neuroplasticity are related, and how their personal choice in music has impacted their identity (personality, perspectives,
views, and mindset).

Assignment Instructions:
1. Understant the CRAAP test and how it relates to analyzing articles.
2. Find an article which connects music to neuroplasticity in humans at any age. This article must come from a
reliable source (journal article, newspaper, university publication etc.)
a. Save the URL link for final project
3. Complete an article review which includes the following information:
a. Read the article and identify the main idea. In 3-5 sentences explain the 5Ws & H of the article: who,
what, when, where, why and how.
i. This description will summarize the article and identify the important points/arguments/findings
b. Propose 2 questions you have related to the article.

4. Choose 1 of your questions to investigate further:
a. Find a second article which works to answer this question.
i. Save the URL link for final project
b. Identify the main idea of article #2 in 3-5 sentences (this should explain the 5Ws & H of the article: who,
what, when, where, why and how)
i. This description will summarize the article and identify the important points/arguments/findings
ii. Your writing should be in the MEAL format

5. Analysis: Review your 2 articles and what you have written/learned. Write a minimum of 5 sentences as a
personal response to both articles, and respond to the overarching theme of music and neuroplasticity. Questions
to prompt your sentences:
i. What conclusions can you draw from this research?
ii. What unanswered questions do you have?
iii. How can you personally relate to this research?
iv. How can you connect this research to your previous knowledge and understanding of music and

6. Re-read and edit your work for spelling, grammar and punctuation. Check submission checklist below. Submit
PART A as a PDF to your teacher via Schoology.
PART A Submission Checklist:
● Title
● Name
● 2 articles with links
● Article 1 review & questions (minimum 2)
● Article 2 review
● Analysis
● Submitted as a PDF on schoology

Criteria Checklist
Written Communication ● Content: paragraphs are thoughtfully written and
(HUM) clearly reflect the topic of music and
neuroplasticity. It was clear that the student
responded to the topic using a combination of
personal reflection and interesting evidence from
the articles.
● Organization: paragraphs are skillfully
constructed and formatted, and the order of the
information presented makes sense.
● Sentence structure: sentences are diverse and
include a variety of basic and complex
● Vocabulary: subject-specific vocabulary was
● Conventions: capital letters, spelling and
punctuation are accurate.


● Mastery - The student has achieved all criteria. A few areas of growth are identified. The work is essentially
● Proficient - The student has met the criteria. Some areas of growth identified to extend and enhance
● Understanding - The student has met the criteria. Many areas of growth are identified to demonstrate a
deeper understanding of the learning outcomes.
● Developing - The student is beginning to meet the criteria. Areas of growth are identified within all criteria
to demonstrate an understanding.

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