Program Flow For Debut

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Emcee: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we are about to start the program in a few minutes.


Emcee: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are in a very good mood tonight for I, Joshua Lai Ordeniza, will be
hosting tonight’s party. Nonetheless, I greet you a very good evening and welcome you to this much awaited party in celebration
of Erika’s 18th Birthday and debut. Some of us have been fortunate enough to see Erika grow and blossom into a beautiful lady,
(OPTIONAL IF VIDEO IS PROVIDED: for others who don’t, let us watch a sneak peak to Erika’s journey to her 18th birthday. If
none, proceed to next line).

Emcee: To spiritually open the program, may I ask everybody to please stand for the Lord’s Moment for our guidance and blessings
to be led by _________________________________.. * name of representative for the opening prayer or the emcee will give the
opening prayer*


"GOD of all creation, worthy of our praise, we are grateful for your presence in this evening’s celebration of
life. We thank you for this opportunity in bringing us together and share a glorious event that marks the 18 th
birthday of Erika.

Oh Heavenly Father, You are the source of all our strength. May you bestow upon us Your Divine Grace, May
You bring forth success in this night’s activities and guide us as we partake in this festive occasion.

All of us here tonight share the same prayer for Erika, that she may achieve her dreams and aspirations in life.
That God will grant her the realization of her heart’s desires and blessed her with abundance... may it be
financial or spiritual.

May our Loving and Generous God, offer her the virtue of kindness, patience, honesty, understanding,
perseverance and all the goodness that may be pleasing to others and most especially, to Your holiness.

We thank you for giving her 18 years of blissful yet challenging years. As she enters another fruitful phase in
life, guide her way leading to the righteous path and protect her against imperfections that may hinder success
and true happiness.

We praise You, Lord for surrounding her with love from family, relatives and friends. Their presence in her life
makes the person she is now. They are the wind beneath her wings. They will always be there to support and
direct her journey through life.

Tonight, we ask for your ever gracious hand to bless every gift to be offered and sanctify every wish to be

Almighty God, fill our hearts with your love, faithfulness and mercy as we gather in Your Name and bless the
meal that we will share in this joyful evening.

We entrust all our prayers unto you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, AMEN."
Emcee: And now, to start with may we have the entourage. To begin with, let us welcome the *18 th candles.
*18th treasures. *18th roses.

Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, may we all welcome, the entrance of the debutant’s family.

Emcee: This is quite a very important event in her life and she is very much honor for your presence. Like
Wendy in the movie Peter Pan, no more fairy tale stories every night. She is now a real lady as she stepped onto
the much higher level of what we call LIFE. Ladies and gentlemen, let us all stand as we welcome the debutant
as a woman of grandeur, now gorgeous and legal. Let’s give a big round of applause for Ms. Erika Bonifacio.
(Entrance Music will be played 1st, after 5-10 second, debutant will walk)


Emcee: You may now be sitted. At this moment, we will be interviewing some of our guests and ask some few
questions relating to our debutant. (Ask questions. Sample questions: What can you say about the debutant?
How well do you know the debutant? What can you say about the debutant? Short message for the debutant.)

Emcee: At this juncture, let us hear some welcoming words from the proud parents of Miss Erika Mae
Bonifacio. Please give them a round of applause please.
*Parent’s speech*

Emcee: Thank you very much for the wonderful speech of our dear debutant’s parents. Now to start with our
proper program, The 18 TREASURES represent Erika’s Circle of Important People of her Life, let us welcome
the following persons who will hold on and will never let her go as they share their wishes and gifts. Gifts
symbolize ever flowing love, caring and admiration. To offer the 18 Treasures, may we call the *name of the 1 st
treasure, to be followed by the rest*
(By order names of 18th treasures)
*Picture taking*

Emcee: Thank you everyone, continuing to our next program flow, 18 candles will be lit up by 18 of the
debutante’s closest friends and relatives. Every candle symbolizes a year of her existence. Each one will be a
visible reminder of Erika’s triumph over challenges in life… serves as eternal lamp that brings her optimistic
view of the world she’s about to enter and a guiding light that gives her a sense of direction. To begin with, may
we call the mother of the debutant, Mrs. Ma. Daisy Bonifacio to light the Mother candle.
*Mother candle will be lighted* And to start with, May we call:
(By order names of the debutant’s 18th candles)

Emcee: Thank you everyone. At this moment, May we ask our dear debutant to blow each of her 18th candles.
*After blowing the candles, picture taking* So now, may request the parents or our dear debutant to join her as
we sing her a birthday song together with the blowing of the candle/s on the birthday cake. Together everyone,
let us sing her a birthday song.

*After singing and blowing of candle*

Emcee: And now, to give the prayer for the blessing of the foods, may we call *name of representative* for the

Emcee: Foods are now ready, so let’s dig in and the program will continue after. Thank you.

While eating. Debutant will be serenaded.


Emcee: And now we’re back. To continue, 18 roses will be handed to her by 18 dearest men in Erika’s life.
They will dance with her, one after the other with the tune of her most favorite romantic songs. To start with,
may we call (name of the debutant’s 1st dance)

*to be followed by the 18th roses sequence

*Picture taking

Emcee: At this moment, to give us the speech of appreciation, may we call *any member of the family or one of
the parents* for the closing speech.

Emcee: Thank you so much. To officially confirm the heat and legality of this party, it’s her time to shine and to
give us her birthday speech… let us now call our gorgeous debutante… no other than… Miss Erika Bonifacio.

*Debutant will give the speech*

Emcee: And with that our program has officially concluded. We would like to thank you all for making it to this
wonderful celebration of Erika’s 18th birthday. For those who are going home, may God bless you! Be safe
everyone. And for those who are staying, the night is young and the floor is now open for dancing. This is your
host, Joshua Lai Ordeniza signing off. Thank you and have a blessed night!

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