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2011 Communications Plan

The Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce

Polly Welden Director of Communications and Marketing

Executive Summary: The Communications and Marketing department of The Chamber supports all staff, activities and programs across every Division. It supplies support of The Chambers reputation, divisional programs and membership sales through the following communication activities:
1. Corporate Communications 1.1. Media Relations 2. Event Promotion 2.1. Event Program Support 2.2. Event Sponsor Support 3. Membership Sales Support 3.1. Investment Relations 3.2. Member Marketing Programs 3.3. Chamber Rising Professionals 3.4. Ambassadors 4. Information Services

Military Affairs, Governmental Affairs and Public Policy (including International Development,) and Member Services (including Ambassadors and Chamber Rising Professionals) all receive support through corporate communications & media relations, and event promotion, program & sponsor support. Support of Membership sales, (including Investor Relations), and member benefit programs sustains all divisions, as well. Informational Services is directly tied to the strategic objective from the 2011 Strategic Plan of Promoting Community and is reputational for The Chamber as a whole, though it is not a successful revenue center at this time.

Audiences, Messaging and Strategies The Chamber has 18 primary audience segments to target, with 13 Member audiences. (Please see Appendix A) For each audience, The Chamber has identified a desired Primary and Secondary Result of communications. (Table 1)
Table 1: Desired Result of Communication on Target Audiences Descriptor of Result Desired Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Basic Engagement: Increased Participation & Attendance Definition for this document Increase knowledge of Chamber activities Increase knowledge, INTEREST & USE of Chamber services and outcomes/Increase active participation in Chamber activities & outcomes, Attend events & activities Join the Chamber/CRP Additional Funding over membership Become purchaser of member goods and services or affinity program Increased perception of a positive image of the Community to outside sources

Membership: Join or Renew Advanced Engagement: Sponsorship/Investment Other: Buy Goods and Services Other: Community Pride

In addition, each audience has an identified Call to Action (Table 2), Primary Product & Secondary Product Desired by the Audience (Table 3), Key Message (Table 4), and Strategic Message (Table 5) (Please see Appendix B for combined tables).
Table 2: Call for Action Listen to The Chamber Support The Chamber Engage with The Chamber Table 3: Primary Product Desired by Audience Leadership Exposure ROI Savings Table 5: Strategic Messages The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your INVESTMENT is good for your business Table 4: Key Messages Think Well of Us (Buy Later) Buy Now

The Chamber is a positive force for our community The Chamber welcomes you on behalf of the community Ours is a community to be envied The CRP is good for your career

Finally, key messaging has been related to appropriate media. (Table 6)

Table 6: Anticipated Messaging by Media Media Monday Report/Integrated Website Gazette Ads Blogs/Twitter/Facebook/Linked-in Digital (web) ads/Evites Alerts/Advisories Independent ads Community News ads Radio PSA's TV PSA's Videos Vlogs Billboards Printed newsletter Annual publications Unpaid media Key Message buy now buy now think well of us--buy later buy now buy now (i.e. take action now) buy now buy now buy now think well of us--buy later think well of us--buy later think well of us--buy later think well of us--buy later think well of us--buy later think well of us--buy later think well of us--buy later Secondary Key Message think well of us--buy later buy now think well of us--buy later think well of us--buy later think well of us--buy later buy now buy now

buy now

And Chamber programs and activities have been broken down by key message.
Table 7: Chamber Programs by Message buy now events investment affinity membership think well of us--buy later Divisional work programs institutional reputation

All of these factors drive the processes and production of the communications and marketing done on behalf of The Chamber.

Strategic Plan Imperatives The Chambers objectives from the 2010-2011 Strategic Plan also inform all aspects of marketing. Every marketing or communication effort is tied to one or more strategic objective, in order to keep those key goals front of mind in all we do. An outstanding example of this is the integration of the Frameworks model of Promoting Community (and by doing so, Creating a Positive Business Climate) which will be woven into our web-based and print corporate communications as the year progresses, and will become reflected in our membership sales materials as they begin to have a more cohesive look, feel and message. The overall goal of 2011 continues to be: To enhance and expand awareness and reputation of the Chambers outcomes, programs and leadership through marketing and communications, with unpaid media, affordable collateral and mass media through trade advertising agreements, collaborations and partnerships within budget parameters. Priorities Limited resources (such as staff and contractor time, focused attention, available media space, budget) require the communications department to develop priorities for marketing. The top priorities are equally important in terms of relevance and funding to The Chamber, so priority status is often weighted by urgency, rather than significance. However, the communications department strives to spread resources equally across the areas of activity which bring funding into The Chamber.
5. Promote money making activities which directly fund cash flow and sustains the foundation of The Chamber. 5.1. i.e. event attendance, sponsorships & membership.


Promote reputational programs which influence investment and membership and provide funding which allows The Chamber to advance.

6.1. i.e. military, governmental and public policy advocacy and international development.

Initiatives for 2011 Refinements and additions to current marketing and communications:
1. Interface website, Monday Report and social media into coordinated comprehensive design and messaging, progressing throughout the year in a step by step process. 2. Expand use of Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, Ning, Ping and other community based medium to feed into website and Monday Report by years end. 3. Expand media relations and unpaid media effectiveness in order to better promote Chamber outcomes, leadership and reputation in the community, region and beyond. 4. Refine Chamber communication designs for professionalism and branding cohesiveness 5. Institute repeatable systems and processes in promoting events and activities 6. Continue use of media matrix for calendar year planning 7. Expand role of promotions coordinator in tracking, writing and control of web-based media 8. Expand trade agreements with TV, radio and newspapers in 2011 to include more stations and more print opportunities, while maintaining valuable current relationships with Citadel, Clear Channel, Salem, Comcast and Gazette, in order to better promote events. a. Create and produce a new institutional (membership) campaign by mid year to take advantage of summer availabilities in broadcast and print space. i. Incorporate current and additional billboards into membership campaign with a call to action

9. Scope of Work 1. Corporate Communications Goal: To produce professionally documented and designed external communications to enhance the reputation and transparency of The Chamber. Meets objectives: Model Best Business Practices, Promote Community, Enhance Financial Strength

Audiences: Community Leaders/Elected Officials, Business Community At Large, General Community At Large, Leadership Council, Members, Board of Directors, Collaborative Partners Strategic Messaging: The Chamber speaks for Business, The Chamber is working for you and your involvement is good for your business, The Chamber is working for you and your INVESTMENT is good for your business, The Chamber is a positive force for our community

Tools: Annual Report, Business Plan, Strategic Plan, Voice of Business, Website, Newsletters (Monday Report, Investor Newsletter, Ambassador Newsletter, CRP Update, Proposed printed membership newsletter) & Media Relations Annual Report Current: Printed in Business Journal as an insert, came out in MAY last year Distribution: Events, packets, PDF online and Business Journal Initiatives:
1. Plan distribution by first week of January 2011 2. Sell second ad as banner across middle spread for additional income 3. Continue to post as pdf on website 4. Reformat to fewer pages, combine or coordinate with Business Plan 5. Print on white higher quality paper, i.e. Parade Magazine 6. Print higher number of over runs.

Business Plan Current: Printed by Current in small numbers Distribution: Events, packets, pdf online

1. Plan first draft for November Board Retreat. 2. Plan Distribution with Annual Report first week of 2011 3. Continue to post as pdf on website 4. Reformat: Across Division Lines for cohesive report to community 5. Combine or coordinate with Annual report, include in Business Journal insert distribution

Strategic Plan Current: Printed on copier as needed. Distribution: Board, investors, pdf online Initiatives:
1. Make into a section included in Business Plan: follow bubble format 2. Plan Distribution with Annual Report/Business Plant first week of 2011 3. Continue to post as pdf on website

Voice of Business Current: 1st and 3rd Sundays in Gazette. Distribution: Gazette circulation Initiatives:
1. Make into a section included in Business Plan: follow bubble format 2. Ask for entire page, but use banner across the bottom as ad for events on Sunday 3. Could sell bottom banner and get split payment with Gazette 4. Change colors to more primary design reformat look 5. Continue to feature one section People magazine style. 6. If possible to receive more over runs, keep available at events at membership table

Website Current: Static, brochure-like, badly in need of updated content Distribution: Good SEO. 80% of use still from outside of area looking for visitors and relocation information. Initiatives:
1. Implement redesign over the first three (four) months of 2011 to include integration with Monday Report in appearance and interactivity. 2. Integrate with web-based community media such as Facebook, photo galleries, etc. 3. Offer RSS feeds on relevant items such as calendars 4. Create vlogs on divisional topics similar to Member Service vlog currently on front page. 5. Institute new community page Face-To-Face 6. Launch with Ambassadors and expand to full membership 7. Create member only event and news self loading calendars 8. Advance member only advertising on page 9. Create blog discussions, community, create controversial Top Tips entries

Newsletters Current: Monday Report, Investor, Ambassador & CRP Update Distribution: Via email Initiatives: Monday Report: (Emailed once a week to broad member/community list)
1. Continue refining new format, incorporating RSS feeds, links and landing pages where applicable. 2. Freshen colors/design with seasons 3. Integrate with calendars from Face2Face

Ambassador Newslettercontinue as Dj is currently doing

CRP e-newsletter
1. Update format for end of 2010, refined in 2011with volunteers/staff production

Investor News
1. Collaborate with Investment Relations Director to create monthly email streamlined with easy to read blurbs, possible video from CEO, Board Chair alternately. 2. Create welcome/Thank you packet sent at LOI receipt or renewal. 3. Holiday greeting: small gift of appreciation, mailed or hand delivered at years end.

Printed Newsletter
1. Create a new printed newsletter for membership in order to spread our message to non-email, nonGazette reading membership on a regular basis. The creative logistics are in place with design and printing covered by trade agreements. 2. In order to keep the impact off of the budget, advertising will be sold to offset entire postage costs, printing will be done by 3 times a year by Current. Excess revenue will of advertising dollars will go to Chamber bottom line, though it will be a small revenue center. 3. Commissions of 10% to will be paid to staff/Ambassadors on paid ad sales. 4. Advertising will be affordable: business card size (1/8 page) $50, half page $275, full page $500 (color full page only, $600) 5. Create Template Current can print in a large shell, run (15,000 cover signature, 30,000 inside page signatures)) in color, which can be overprinted 2500 sets at a time for three-time a year newsletter. (1600 members, 200 press/other, 700 for handouts.) 6. Keep design very pictorial, but include real articles: Use guest columnists, (SBAC Speakers) wire service copy from ACCE to fill editorial 7. Distribute at Events, sales packets, bulk mail postage if ad revenues cover it.

1. Establish Chamber Word of the Weekbased on Daves vocabulary

Media Relations Current: With addition of expert to the staff, we are well under way in meeting the goal of increasing recognition of Chamber outcomes, leadership and activities through unpaid and web-based media.

Distribution: Personal contact is invaluable and a personality behind social media is imperative. Initiatives: Press Relations:
1. Develop one-on-one relationships of top 10-15 media personalities 2. Continue to create and distribute quality, relevant media alerts, announcements, advisories 2.1. Increase and maintain updated media distribution lists 3. Increase Story Pitching to appropriate media on a pro-active basis so that media advisories are used as a follow up rather than the original contact. 3.1. Leadership as experts/interviewees 3.2. Outcomes and potential outcomes of activities 3.3. Coordinate Chamber members available for quotes and sound bites 4. Host appropriate media meals at important events

Web-based communities as Press Relations tools:

1. Chamber staff media relations expert will operate a vigorous Linked-in site to create media associations and become the Go-to expert to find links to media 2. Increase dramatically the outcome related postings on Chamber Facebook, as well as eventually take over postings for Legislative Watch and create new outcome-driven group pages, taking some of the logistical burden off Legislative Aide position. 3. Develop and post creative Top Tips lists for divisional postings as Face2Face, Facebook stickies and distribute to media via email as appropriate, becoming the source of relevant information.

1. Produce and create Chamber Orientation, Chamber Update and community PowerPoint presentations 2. Develop entries for recognition awards 3. Board/VIP relations: 4. Board notebooks and presentations, annual dinner recognitions 5. Past chair presentations 6. Employee surveys

2. Event Promotions Goal: : To broaden event reach, frequency and impact of event promotion by using integrated promotional materials across all available media, including print, radio, TV, cable, web-based sites and communities and direct mail in order to increase event attendance and Chamber reputation for action. Meets objectives Enhance Financial Strength, Equip Members for Business Success, Promote Community

Audiences: Business Community At Large, Members, Leadership Council, Board of Directors, other as appropriate to event i.e. Women in Business, Community Leaders/Elected Officials Strategic Messaging: The Chamber speaks for Business, The Chamber is working for you and your involvement is good for your business, Attend this event!

Tools: Advertising (E-mail invitations (E-vites), Direct Mail, Radio/TV PSAs, Print Advertising, Web-based Promotion, Printed Collateral), Event Sponsor Support, Event Program Support, E-vites Current: Email invitations are produced with graphic enhancement and links to registration and are blasted to full distribution list several times before each event, starting approximately six weeks before event, with increasing frequency. Save the date e-vite frequently starts as early as eight weeks prior. Distribution: Monday Report list or specialized list such as CRP members, occasionally list of previous attendees, via email blast service. Initiatives:
1. Working with divisional input and contract graphic designer, develop a coordinated look across areas of interest: perhaps color coded, to be of interest to targeted audiences. 2. Develop consistent targeted subject line. 2.1. i.e. Military Luncheon subject line: Event of special interest to Military & Defense Community 2.2. i.e. Athena: Event of special interest to Women in Business 3. Continue working towards targeted distribution lists and distribute emails according to level of interest

3.1. Send save the date to targeted lists of previous attendees and those who sign up for the special interest areas 3.2. Send to full list at six weeks, four weeks and two weeks 3.3. Send to special interest list weekly

Direct Mail Current: Postcards are mostly printed in-house on the copier. If less than 300, they must be mailed first class at the postcard rate, if they are formatted as 4x5 size. They are mailed to previous attendees of the event for the past three years.. Jumbo sized cards garner better attention in the mail, but require full first class postage. When sending to the entire list of membership, or any large mailing over 300 pieces, they can be sent by bulk mail or as a bulk flat. Cards and initiations are usually printed by Current (Annual Dinner) or other trade (Golf postcard by Allegra.) Distribution: Previous attendees or membership lists. Initiatives:
1. Continue to send postcards and invitations to previous attendees, adding targeted special interest lists as developed. 2. Develop with event staff level of event which receives postcard mailing in order to standardize and anticipate mailings. 3. Consider extra sponsorship of mailings added to event sponsorship levels, where mailing sponsor can be highlighted on jumbo cards, and which can cover (or exceed) costs of larger cards and postage.

PSAs: Radio, TV, Cable Current: Events PSAs are sent to the radio station sponsoring the event and are run as they have space available. The radio stations produce the PSA for their own use. Initiatives:
1. Continue to provide PSAs to radio stations, adding until all events have a radio sponsor and PSA coverage. Expand agreements to stations not already sponsoring events. 1.1. Targeted: KRDO, Spanish stations, KKRL News Talk and expanded relationship with KILO 1.2. Investigate relationships with HD radio stations

2. Develop trade relationships with all four local TV stations, PBS in Pueblo and Telemondo (through KRDO) and Comcast based on sponsorship of major events 2.1. (See Membership Sales Support for expanded use of TV and radio for institutional or membership advertising efforts.) 3. Partner stations with Comcast for production purposes, as co-sponsors in order to run PSAs on all stations without production costs

Print Advertising: Newspaper & Magazine Current: Events are advertised using three weekly 2-column by 10 inch ads in the Gazette. Ads in Independent and CSBJ are on a case by case basis of events sponsored, though not always used as efficiently as they could have. Print event calendars in newspapers have been updated when an intern has been available to follow up. Distribution: Newspaper circulation. Initiatives
1. Continue to use Gazette banner ads to promote events 1.1. New format to include Save the date for next event as bottom 3 inches 1.2. Ask Gazette for Sunday banner ad twice a month at bottom of VOB on a space available basis with no additions to trade agreement. 1.2.1.Use for our events, with additional sponsorship of event available for sponsors in the banner ad 2. Expand use of the Colorado Springs Business Journal, the Independent and Military Newspapers as trade sponsors to gain display ads at no cash cost. 2.1. Regularize advertising in Independent to four times a year in trade for Expo booth, small activity credit. 2.2. Offer exchange for set events to Military newspapers for appropriate events, calendared for entire year: 2.2.1.i.e. If the Chamber agrees to purchase a small ad (even display classified) for $200, the Military newspaper then agrees to purchase seats at the event for a price that covers meals plus $200.
3. Develop relationship of Hispano News to facilitate trade when appropriate for Hispanic Chamber


Web-based Promotion, Current: Events are posted periodically on Facebook and are featured in our Monday Report. Our website has up-coming events listed on the home page as links to registration to make them easier to find. Events also scroll on the home page and can be clicked on to connect to registration and the Event Calendar button also links to the event calendar page, which links to event registrations. On-line calendars of events have been updated when personnel are available to follow-up. Distribution: Website views & click through rates meet national non-profit promotional averages. However, our website is viewed more by those looking for relocation and visitors information than by locals looking for events. Initiatives:
1. Develop Chamber website landing pages for events to be formatted to look more like the e-vite, which will be more graphic and contain sponsor logos while still containing appropriate logistic info in an expanded format from the e-vite. 1.1. It will link to the registration site the same as the current landing page. 1.2. Conversion to this format will take place one event at a time throughout the year as the event is approached. 2. Create and maintain links to on-line photo galleries at the Gazette and its subsidiary, Fresh Ink, to be utilized more regularly, 3. Increase event invitations and post-event write ups and photos on Facebook & Linked-in. 4. Develop on-line medallion ads 4.1. Investigate new Gazette on-line daily business report for possible medallion ad. 4.2. Regularize advertising in CSBJ Biz Daily with a medallion for set events. Offer exchange for pre-determined selection of events (except those in which Gazette has exclusive print sponsorship,) calendared for entire year 4.2.1.i.e. If the Chamber agrees to purchase a small ad (even display classified) for $200, the Military newspaper CSBJ then agrees to purchase seats at the event for a price that covers meals plus $200.

Printed Collateral Current: Calendar of events, Event Flyers Distribution: Hand-outs at Chamber functions and trade shows Initiatives:
1. Instigate a matching 11x17 posters printed on in-house copier and posted on appropriate bulletin boards by committee members, staff and Ambassador volunteers. 1.1. Make the posters available in PDF format for members to download, print and post

Event Sponsor Support Current: Maintenance of sponsorship book, media agreements, collateral recognition. Distribution: n/a Initiatives:
1. Continue to develop and manage media agreements annually 2. Pro-actively manage and track activity credits and table credits for media sponsors 3. Continue to manage collateral recognition 3.1. Coordinate banners for sponsors as needed 3.2. Maintain accurate, up-to-date graphics file of sponsor logos 4. Coordinate with photographer to ensure photos are taken of sponsors at events 4.1. Send sponsors photos of events for their use

4.2. Post photos of sponsors with thanks on website

5. Continue to maintain and revise sponsorship book 5.1. Update web copy available on line 5.2. Update printable copy available to staff on S drive

Event Program Support Current: Production of event programs, PowerPoint presentations, event signage, coordination of photography Distribution: n/a

1. Continue design, coordination and production of printed programs with and without advertising 2. Supervise production of event-related newspaper insertions such as Expo and Athena 3. Continue design and production of PowerPoint presentations 4. Production of appropriate videos/flip documentation as needed 5. Enlist more volunteer photographers 5.1. Create a checklist for photographers to ensure consistent capture of speakers, awards and sponsors 5.2. Follow up use of check list

3. Membership Sales Support Goal: To create and produce quality, professional, affordable up dated tools/collateral for membership sales staff to facilitate their success in meeting membership budget goals.
Audiences: Prospective/Renewing Members Strategic Messaging: The Chamber is working for you and your involvement is good for your business, The Chamber is working for you and your INVESTMENT is good for your business, The Chamber is a positive force for our community

Meets objectives: Enhance Financial Strength, Model Best Business Practices, and Equip Members for Business Success

Tools: Print Collateral, Member Recognition, Exhibits, Promotional Specialties, Member Marketing Program Fulfillment, Advertising Print Collateral Current: Event and program flyers, rate sheets and applications are available as PDFs and printable on office copier. Distribution: Events, packets, one-on-one presentations Initiatives:
1. Brochures: Design and produce new over-all membership brochure to be printed in quantity by Current. 2. Membership packets/folders/collateral: 2.1. Redesign flyers for events and programs: 2.2. Design program flyers with sales based content to coordinate with folder for purposes of presentations. 2.3. Have shell printed in quantity by Current which can be updated on office copier 2.4. Coordinate rate sheets and membership applications with membership presentation pieces 2.4.1.Make application available on-line

Member Recognition: Current: Maintenance of Ambassador web pages, Ribbon Cutting web page, promotion of member news, member events and member-associated

community events highlighted through Monday Report, member surveys and promotion of award recognition of nominees and winners through Monday Report, E-vites and Voice of Business. Distribution: varied Initiatives:
1. Increase recognition of members through Facebook for participation in chamber programs 2. Continue and expand promotional support of Chamber member-attracting programs such as SBAC, Chamber to Chamber, Chamber Connect, etc. 3. Upgrade and expand promotion of affinity programs 4. Continue to design, produce and analyze membership surveys

Exhibits: Current: Maintenance of tabletop display, pull up banners, graphics for tabletop and rental floor displays, development of annual Expo booth, coordination of collateral for displays. Distribution: Chamber events, regional trade shows and specialty events Initiatives:
1. Continue to maintain displays and collateral

Promotional Specialties Current: Select and order advertising specialties for use with Expo booth and design and produce specialty certificates Distribution: Chamber events, regional trade shows and specialty events Initiatives
1. Support membership in selection of additional advertising specialty items 2. Consider options on Chamber decals or Chamber to Chamber promotional materials

Member Marketing Program Fulfillment Current: Management of Monday Report Ads, free website coupons, grandfathered web banner ads. Endorsement of maps, relocation and lifestyle magazines. Distribution: Web-based Initiatives:
1. Expand the website directory as an effective marketing tool for members with an easy to purchase web banner program. 2. Create advertising opportunities for members in collaboration with the membership team through increased advertising in Chamber produced and Chamber endorsed print materials 2.1. printed newsletter ads 2.2. sponsored postcards 2.3. annual report 2.4. Regional relocation magazine in partnership with SCBP 3. Increased promotion of advertising opportunities in newspaper inserts on behalf of the Chamber 3.1. i.e. Expo and Athena Gazette inserts 3.2. Military Family Career Fair ads in Military Newspapers 4. Relocation business advertising opportunities available, distributed by Information Services through direct mail and web. (See Information Services for more.) 5. Continue and expand on opportunities with Monday Report Ads, website coupons, Chamber Face2Face ads, member news and events. 6. Develop self-posting opportunities for member news and events through Face2Face calendars and RSS feeds 7. Promotion of possible member to member program through SBAC

Advertising Current: One TV ad running on KOAA, KKTV and Comcast cable intermittently Distribution: Broadcast Initiatives:
1. Develop and institute a cross-media promotion for the explicit promotion of Chamber membership.

4. Information Services Goal: To provide a warm welcome and radical hospitality on behalf of our region to prospective community members, while providing Chamber members affordable and effective marketing opportunities. Meets objectives: Promote Community, Enhance Financial Strength

Audiences: Member-Relocation Business, New Resident, Local and National Media, Collaborative Partners Strategic Messaging: The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business, The Chamber welcomes you on behalf of the community, The Chamber is a positive force for our community, Ours is a community to be envied

Tools: Information services mailings, website Current: Mailing for relocation services is limited. Inquiries for business information are sent to the EDC. Inquiries for visitors services are sent to the CVB. However, no entity in Colorado Springs is dealing with relocation of the general citizen. Fort Carson has a welcome packet in which they sell advertising. Some realtors have individual welcome packets. Distribution: via mail and email Initiatives:
1. Create a new relocation packet available for prospective community members at an affordable price covering postage and materials, containing member advertising as a revenue center 2. To collaborate regionally with SCBP for relocation materials 3. To continue participation in Colorado Springs A-source, MacVan Maps and other similar promotional products which lend a positive image of the community without cost to the Chamber.

Appendix B: Audiences
Prim ary Prod uct #2 Pro duc t


Primary Result Desired Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence

Secondary Result Desired

Call to Action Listen to The Chamb er Support The Chamb er Support The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Support The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er

Community Leaders/Ele cted Officials

Other: Community Pride

Lead ershi p

Business Community At Large

Membership: Join or Renew

Lead ershi p

Exp osur e

General Community At Large

CRP Members

Membership: Join or Renew Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Basic Engagement : Increased Participation & Attendance Basic Engagement : Increased Participation & Attendance Advanced Engagement

Other: Buy Goods and Services Basic Engagement: Increased Participation & Attendance Advanced Engagement: Sponsorship/In vestment

Lead ershi p Even t/Sp onso rship

key messa ge Think Well of Us (Buy Later) Think Well of Us (Buy Later) Think Well of Us (Buy Later)

Strategic message

The Chamber speaks for Business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business

CRP support/boss

Lead ershi p

Lea ders hip

Buy Now Think Well of Us (Buy Later)

The CRP is good for your career The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business

CRP prospective members

Membership: Join or Renew Advanced Engagement: Sponsorship/In vestment Basic Engagement: Increased Participation & Attendance


Exp osur e

Buy Now

Leadership Council

Lead ershi p

Exp osur e

Buy Now Think Well of Us (Buy Later) Think Well of Us (Buy Later) Think Well of

The CRP is good for your career The Chamber is Working for you and your INVESTMENT is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and

MembersMilitary Interest

Support The Chamb er

Lead ershi p

Exp osur e

MembersLegislative Interest MembersAdvocacy

Advanced Engagement: Sponsorship/In vestment Other: Community

Support The Chamb er Support The

Lead ershi p Lead ershi

Exp osur

MembersInternational Non Member BusinessInternational

: Sponsorship/ Investment Basic Engagement : Increased Participation & Attendance Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Basic Engagement : Increased Participation & Attendance Basic Engagement : Increased Participation & Attendance Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Basic Engagement : Increased Participation & Attendance Basic Engagement : Increased Participation & Attendance Basic Engagement : Increased Participation & Attendance Other: Buy


Chamb er

Us (Buy Later)

your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber

Advanced Engagement: Sponsorship/In vestment

Membership: Join or Renew

Engage with The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Support The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Engage

Savi ngs

Lea ders hip

Buy Now

Lead ershi p

Lea ders hip

Buy Now

MemberNetworkingBusiness Building

Other: Buy Goods and Services

Expo sure

Buy Now

MemberSmall Business

MemberMedium Business

Other: Buy Goods and Services Basic Engagement: Increased Participation & Attendance Advanced Engagement: Sponsorship/In vestment

Expo sure

Lea ders hip

Buy Now

Expo sure

MemberLarge Employer

Lead ershi p

Lea ders hip

Buy Now Think Well of Us (Buy Later)


Other: Buy Goods and Services

Expo sure

Savi ngs

Buy Now


Other: Buy Goods and Services

Expo sure

Savi ngs

Buy Now

MemberRelocation Business New

Other: Buy Goods and Services Other:

Savi ngs Savi

Exp osur e

Buy Now Buy


Goods and Services

Community Pride

with The Chamb er Support The Chamb er Support Colorad o Springs Support The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Support The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Buy from Chamb er membe rs Support The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er Engage with The Chamb er



welcomes you on behalf of the community

Local Media

Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence Awareness: Increased Reputation & Influence

Other: Community Pride

Lead ershi p

Lea ders hip

National Media

Other: Community Pride Advanced Engagement: Sponsorship/In vestment Advanced Engagement: Sponsorship/In vestment

Lead ershi p

Internal Staff

Lead ershi p

Board of Directors

Lead ershi p

Lea ders hip

National Associations

Other: Community Pride Advanced Engagement: Sponsorship/In vestment

Lead ershi p

Collaborativ e Partners

Lead ershi p

Lea ders hip

Think Well of Us (Buy Later) Think Well of Us (Buy Later) Think Well of Us (Buy Later) Think Well of Us (Buy Later) Think Well of Us (Buy Later) Think Well of Us (Buy Later)

The Chamber is a positive force for our community

Ours is a community to be envied The Chamber is Working for you and your INVESTMENT is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business

Ours is a community to be envied The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your organization The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your organization The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business The Chamber is Working for you and your involvement is good for your business

Consumers on behalf of Members Affinity Program Target markets

Other: Buy Goods and Services

Other: Community Pride

Savi ngs

Buy Now


Other: Community Pride

Savi ngs

Buy Now

Prospective Members

Membership: Join or Renew

Membership: Join or Renew


Lea ders hip

Buy Now

Renewing Members

Membership: Join or Renew

Membership: Join or Renew

Lead ershi p

Lea ders hip

Buy Now

Att: Communications folks from ACCE: Please note that a lot of this was for my own thinking and was certainly overkill for any presentation purposes. That said, take what helps and leave the rest! Polly

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