Experiatial Learning Theory

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The experiential learning cycle must refer to the process or phases of group work.

should include discussion of the phases of the experiential learning cycle which
includes the following:

Experiential learning cycle

• Concrete experience

• Observations and reflections

• Abstract conceptualization and generalizations

• Testing implications of concepts in new situations

The cycle is unpacked as follows:

Concrete experience

This includes answering the following questions:

 What have you experienced in running a group?

 How have you experienced it?
 What were the challenges or not achieved?
 What have you done to overcome the challenges?
 What was achieved?

Observations and reflections

This includes answering the following questions:

 What have you observed when running your groups? Focus both on the group
members & worker/leader.
 What have you learned from conducting the group?
 What wondered you most? Critique?
 What were your feelings towards that?
 What were you thinking when conducting the groups? Give your thoughts.

Conceptualizations and generalizations

This includes answering the following questions:

 What are your views regarding the group you have conducted?
 How best can you define group work process as well as its stages?
 Make reference to theory/practice when conceptualizing.
 What are your concluding remarks regarding the experience you have
Testing implications of concepts in new situations

This includes answering the following questions:

 How does the theory of group work assist you to run your groups practically?
 What were the environmental implications towards the running of your
 What were your new experiences in the spaces of conducting groups?

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