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Range from… to

The explosion was in a range from 5 to 10 m.

The illness was spread in a range from 1 to
50 countries
Work in / work on
I am working on a project
I work in a hospital
I work on an exposition
Attribute to
The disaster was attributed to the storm.
The virus was attributed to my cat.
Draw inspiration from
- Your painting is so good
- Thanks, I drew inspiration from you
I drew inspiration from the cat to paint this
Make contributions to
I made contributions to the English area
when I discovered 6 new types of verbs.
I made contributions to my job at the
moment that I got better the function’s
manual of there.
In the fields of
In the fields of mathematics 2 + 2 is 4
Idea for / of
I have an idea for stopping you.
I have an idea for the new ad.
The idea of coming to this ugly place was
I stole the idea of his mind
The development of
I made contributions to the development of
the new technology which was an idea of my
best friend.
(Be) famous for / (be) immersed in
I will be famous for playing the guitar in front
of 50.000 people.
I was immersed in problems at that time.
In a time of / on one occasion
In a time of my dark past, I was batman.
On one occasion I lost my keys, so I had to
sleep in a near park

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